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@MattE.Эллен Huh?
I mean I didn't understand what I said so how can i get what you said.
3 hours later…
@Mitch I cannot tell you. yesterday is a long time ago
2 hours later…
@MattE.Эллен How so? I said WTF, And then elaborated what it stands for, "Why Take a Turn For the worse".
I wouldn't call that inappropriate language.
It was irrelevant to what I asked you in the previous sentence, by the way.
We have multiple cases of full-fledged Covid crankiness on site these last few days. I am not immune. I suppose it comes from holding out valiantly for over a year and then running into this damned Delta (what comes next, Iota?).
@Gigili the line I deleted did not say that.
Ah, now I know better.
3 hours later…
The god Pan, in addition to his other powers, had the capacity to instill an irrational, blind fear that paralyzed the mind and suspended all sense of judgment – panic.
2 hours later…
16-hour workday with a 5-minute break? Is it some joke?
In the Kemerovo Region, a 33-year old man got severely drunk and rode a car to a caffee where his friend was having her birthday celebration. He struck a pedestrian at a speed of about 120 km/h. The 57-yo man's body flew through the windshield, landing halfway inside the passenger's side of the car. The 33-yo drunkard reached the caffee, went inside, and joined the birthday party.
The police arrested him inside the caffee where he was having fun. He did not tell others that his car contained a corpse.
How drunk should you be for that?
He now faces up to 12 years of penal colony.
3 hours later…
> Old English twelf "twelve," literally "two left" (over ten), from Proto-Germanic *twa-lif-, a compound of *twa- (from PIE root *dwo- "two") + *lif- (from PIE root *leikw- "to leave").
> Surgery for aortic dissection was first introduced and developed by Michael E. DeBakey, Denton Cooley, and Oscar Creech, cardiac surgeons associated with the Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, in 1954. DeBakey developed aortic dissection himself at age 97 in 2005,[3] and underwent surgery in 2006.
Basically, he saved himself from death by developing a surgical method for his future pathology.
@CowperKettle Everyone: "Doctor, heal thyself". One doctor: "OK"
@CowperKettle I'm not so sure about the color they gave for Italian. If English has 'thirteen' is the first compound (where both pieces have sound changes), then Italian 'undici' should be considered a compound - un for one and dici for ten.

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