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> On July 15, Carmat had announced the first implantation of an Aeson heart into a patient in the US, in a clinical study at Duke University Hospital in Durham, North Carolina.
Word of the day: artificial heart
@CowperKettle amazing
3 hours later…
A heartening development.
@Cerberus are you a dad? That seems like a dad joke :D
@MattE.Эллен You beat me to it
THere's a lot of pressure here to make a good comeback.
something something aorta something.
systolic pressure?
@Mitch maybe bypass this one.
I'm getting a little hypertension over this
A better blocker would help
I can only think of puns that come out somewhat rude and disrespectful with 'ace inhibitor'. I'll let you all work them out for yourselves.
3 mins ago, by Matt E. Эллен
@Mitch maybe bypass this one.
@MattE.Эллен Oh, I do apologise.
I don't know what kind of jokes fathers make.
@tchrist It seems hospitalizations are taking a turn as well now, just as in England a few weeks ago after lifting restrictions.
But I think that peak will not come high, because it's mostly unvaccinated youngsters.
And it will peak soon, because restrictions were reinstated.
(Can a peak peak?)
New module of the ISS, to be lifted to the orbit the day after tomorrow
On the Proton-M rocket
Wow, cool.
@Cerberus according to the internet fathers universally make terrible puns
@Cerberus Here is where math shines in giving precision to terminology. A peak can't peak. because a peak is an extremum which by definition can't be made moreso. However, you can have a peak of a -medial- point where a medial point is not an extremum, and a 'peak' of such refers to the rate of change. (an extremum has zero rate of change).
And a medial point can have -minimal rate of change (the opposite concept of a peak of medials) and that then is called.... an inflection point.
haha I did all that by using no technical terminology at all up until the end, so maybe math isn't so great.
unless of course I made a hash of things and then it would prove math much better if I had just used mathy words to begin with. thus proving math great.
so, if I understand correctly, a peak can't peak because mathy mathy math maths
but what if the peak of a peak is the rate of change of a peak, like acceleration is to velocity
or like jerk is to acceleration
@MattE.Эллен and snap is to jerk
and shake is to jiffy is to moment
> The adjective for metal is metallic. But not so for iron... which is ironic.
The adjective for the truth is true, But not so for lies, which is false.
@Mitch NÖ.
I mean, you really should go see a doctor about that.
or not.
WTF? Why Take a turn For the worse?
How does it feel @MattE.Эллен to have Johnson as president?
@Gigili this is inappropriate language
I do not like having the Conservatives in power. Johnson is even worse as people go, sort of a pinnacle of Tory-ism
stripping away the state safety net for various classes of people, a bit at a time. Preferring opening up highstreets during a pandemic, "for the economy" or whatever, over some other measure to keep everyone safe (my preference would be to heavily tax the richest people)
I can say I'm impressed with how well vaccine roll-out has gone
I'm surprised, too. Successfully giving medicine away isn't very tory
3 hours later…
@MattE.Эллен The adjective for heterologous is heterologous, or rather, it is not heterologous.
@Mitch your first heterologous is in a different place to the second and third heterologous, so is heterologous

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