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Newborn neurons travel a huge distance from the brain into the olfactory bulb throughout the adult life of a mice or rat
WOW @ Mexico
> New York City is almost at the same latitude as Rome
That's why the US is the New Roman Empire.
All of Great Britain is farther north than all of the continental US.
In other words, the southernmost part of GB is north of the northernmost part of the continental US.
BTW, in case you're interested, hundred had a special meaning in Old English: "Meaning "division of a county or shire with its own court" (still in some British place names and U.S. state of Delaware) was in Old English and probably represents 100 hides of land. "
A "hide" of land was:
> The notion was of "amount of land needed to feed one free family and dependents," usually 100 or 120 acres, but the amount could be as little as 60, depending on the quality of the land. Often also defined as "as much land as could be tilled by one plow in a year."
New York is even a bit south of Tashkent
Tashkent (, US also ), or Toshkent (; Uzbek: Toshkent/Тошкент/تاشکند‎, IPA: [tɒʃˈkent]), and also historically known as Chach (Persian: چاچ‎), is the capital and largest city of Uzbekistan, as well as the most populous city in Central Asia, with a population in 2018 of 2,485,900. It is in northeastern Uzbekistan, near the border with Kazakhstan. Before Islamic influence started in the mid 8th century AD, Tashkent was influenced by the Sogdian and Turkic cultures. After Genghis Khan destroyed it in 1219, it was rebuilt and profited from the Silk Road. From the 18th to the 19th century, the city...
I once was in Tashkent, it was so great.
During the last All-Union Amateur Tennish Championship. The last time all Soviet enthusiasts of tennis came together.
Tashkent has great tennis courts with ruddy red ground.
@CowperKettle "Tennish"? Is that some kind of drunken tennis?
2 hours later…
3 hours later…
Independent deputy in Moscow announced that she would run for a Duma seat this fall. Yesterday, the police raided her flat and conducted a search over a period of several hours. They pretended to leave at midnight, but soon returned and apprehended her. novayagazeta.ru/articles/2021/06/18/…
They then brought her to a police station and were interrogating her, refusing to let her lawyer in, in blatant violation of Russian law.
They searched her and "found" two 5000-ruble banknotes in one of her pockets. She said she never had such banknotes on her. She is at a loss why they "found" (planted them) on her.
She is famous for fighting corruption and corrupt construction barons in Moscow.
Hearings in political prisoner cases scheduled for today in Russia. Every day there are monkey courts to put people behind bars.
> I just found out I'm colorblind. The diagnosis came completely out of the purple.
Registration of the oppositional party PARNAS has just been halted due to "technical errors in documents" interfax.ru/russia/772762
Putin is really on a roll to ban every possible opponent. The f***r.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Repeating characters in answer (80): What do you call an awkwardly unfunny and cringeworthy person? by kevin on english.SE
2 hours later…
2 hours later…
This is only a rough estimate, because it's based on official Russian statistical data
And Russian officials are liars.
@CowperKettle Looks like your "go" question has hit the multicollider. Congrats.
Today is election day.
Thousands of Iranians will catch Covid because of course putting up a show is more important than people's safety.
A shriveled old maskless man was really intent on being in the 20-cm proximity of someone when I was voting.
@Robusto Probably due to the extensive title. The more expatiating the title, the more interesting it is to peek inside
@M.A.R. In Russia, the authorities announced today that the election day will last 3 days
To spread the voters and decrease the infectivity
And to forge the results a bit
Looks like Rezaee is a dummy candidate
@CowperKettle Nah, questions hit the multicollider when they express something lots of people know something about.
I think these things of that People's Republic of China woman are annoying. They make my room look messy. And I don't know what these things are used for because I don't like to make food. Maybe I will throw them out.
here people will leave a lot of things when they move to another country I think because moving things isn't easy.
some people sell their things while some just leave them to you freely.
I think I hate to dealing with a household and just like to stay outside most of time.
@M.A.R.: Is the CCA the government party, the one with the cleric pictured?
> Surkov is a founding father of Putinism, and one of its key enablers. He is the architect of Russia’s “sovereign democracy”, an ostensibly open system with a closed outcome: elections are called, candidates campaign, votes are cast, ballot boxes are opened, and the same man wins, every single time.
@CowperKettle Martian election day
Even longer
@Robusto California College of Arts?
AFAIK every party is the government here
Shit with different flavors
But Ra'isi (the uncharismatic cleric that is almost certainly the next president) is conservative.
I mean, say what you will about Rouhani, and I will say a lot personally, but at least he had a warm smile and knew how to put the turban on his head.
This president would resemble Reagan in some aspects.
Get some batshit policies passed in his time, and essentially not know a single thing about the economy he's supposed to be handling.
2 hours later…
Gosh the more I read about him, the more of an incompetent flathoof he seems.
We be damned. Like, really. Ugh.
@M.A.R. So basically the clerics filter out all candidates they do not like, and leave only a single candidate who will surely win? Or do they leave a couple of strong candidates to allow an actual competition to occur, though limited?
Judging by opinion polls on the Wiki page, the Raisi guy will surely win.
Looks like the clerics filtered out some strongly popular opponents, not allowing them to register for elections.
I can't understand this: before a final P/N is build. I guess build is a typo for built, but the term "P/N" is not used anywhere else in the document.
It's about the release testing of cartridges with reagents used in an RT-PCR test for norovirus (fecal; commercial).
Opinion poll in Novaya Gazeta. "I have undergone vaccination or am planning to" - 54%
"I will buy/have bought a fake certificate" - 15%
"I will not get the vaccine and I'm prepared to suffer punishment for this" - 30%
Word of the day: to chunder
1 hour later…
it's 24 degrees Celsius and the sun has set. do you lack people for your decent need?
I do, I need a person to study supersymmetry and others related together.
1 hour later…
@Bohemianrelativist 24C ? That sounds awesome!
What temperature is it here?
Also ~24C
Is it awesome?
It is very awesome.
More importantly though...
Marxist vs Marxian - why do people insist on making up new words that mean pretty much exactly the same thing?
Here's another older one - semantical
That's the worst. just say semantic.
dynamical - same thing
cylindric? OK you got me there. cylindrical is better
@Bohemianrelativist THere's gotta be a lot of people who study supersymmetry on-line and would like to talk about it. But also probably some of the people studying in your program, in the classes you're taking would like to have a study group specifically to discuss that too.
@Mitch only 6 people take the course teaching suoersymmetry, but it seldom occurs that all 6 people attend the class - most of time only 2 to 4 people attend the class, and because it's conducted online, nobody in class knows anybody besides the teacher.
because only teacher would turn on the camera during the class.
@Bohemianrelativist Online makes it difficult to meet people informally (that is, by chance). And people who are involved in STEM have a tendency to default to not interacting with other students in class. I think this means that you have to put some extra energy into making connections. It may feel unnatural at first but that's just what you'll need to do.
one of them is even not in this city attending the course - because the course is conducted online, you can be anywhere on earth where there is a computer with internet to attend the class.
What exactly to do though? Haha I have no idea. Send the group of students email saying you'd like to get together virtually? I know... that's hard to do. Maybe make a chat room just for these students? That way you don't have to force talking in real time.
@Bohemianrelativist THat's the benefit of chat...you can take time to figure out what the other person is saying and compose a response... so much harder face-to-face (especially if you're both speaking/writing in a foreign language)
@Mitch people in STEM also need socialization - I found the most apparently unsociable person in my MSc research group talk with people in the campus from time to time.
@Bohemianrelativist That's common with students especially in STEM (science, tech, engr, math). Hmm...maybe it's the same in humanities...I have no idea.
But there may already be a chat room somewhere on the web where people are discussing supersymmetry. Maybe even Physics.SE? or discord? I have no idea.
@Mitch no, I do like to talk in real time. I don't like always talking online. This doesn't feel like a real world.
@Mitch some people just don't like talking unnaturally. I don't like that, either, like when a person talking to you in an online course asking you out just to know each other. When they get a decent way of socialization, they will talk, like in an academic conference.
@Bohemianrelativist Sure, but online chat has its benefits too as mentioned.
@Bohemianrelativist But it's hard to get past the meaningless pleasantries in real life. In chat, because you're not looking directly at each others face, you can get past that quicker.
@Bohemianrelativist But that's true for in person situations too. It's awkward to ask anybody like that.
> My friend went bald years ago, but still carries his old comb with him. He just can’t part with it. @CowperKettle
@Mitch I found only those people who suffer from loneliness attack in online class would talk to you and ask you out to know each other, but these people are usually not people who would discuss science - they just want to have temporary socialization, like going to a pub.
Usually when you go out to a pub, the conversation is not expected to be scientific. But a chatroom with a stated purpose might be more likely to talk about a specific topic.
it's very absurd that all social activities are online. This doesn't feel like a reality.
and I found a lot of people don't bother to talk much online.
I don't know the actual reason, probably because they also feel talking online lacks sufficient social effect or they are lazy to type that much.
@Bohemianrelativist OK, then you probably need to make that extra effort to get people to do things in real life.
@Bohemianrelativist There are so many reasons in both directions.
@Mitch don't you find a lot of people in MS teams or Facebook or other social media seldom reply your message, particularly those who you have never met in reality?
@Robusto s/continental/contiguous/
@Bohemianrelativist It's possible to communicate with new people on FB/Twitter/other social media but it takes a long time to get comfortable.
so I feel to have people to talk online, you need to have a way to know them enough in reality. And further, if you don't have many chances to meet them in reality to talk, they wouldn't bother to talk with you further online. That's why the previous classmates who you no longer meet regularly lose contact easily.
ON MSTeams or zoom or google meet, there's a set group of people to communicate with but it's everybody in that group at once and it feels weird to single out an individual to try to make friends with (especially for class).
Yes, it's a problem either way. I don't really know how to make things better (my suggestions don't really seem realistic)
I wouldn't be surprised if you can search for 'advice on how to meet new people on line with your interests' and find -something- that is helpful (or at least better than what I have said)
I don't know if group activities have been allowed to held in reality. I found now the social isolation has been not that serious. I see people sit in restaurants to eat together and the institute doesn't measure your body temperature when you enter it.
the course in this month is still online besides the first aid training, but I fail to register for a place for it.
Are you fully vaccinated?
Even if lot of others in your area aren't yet, it gives you a lot of freedom. Also lack of worry.
for in person social things like restaurant dining or movie theaters.
@Mitch no, I don't have any.
but it's like it's easy to get a vaccination here.
@Bohemianrelativist Once you get vaccinated your life will be much easier and you'll have less anxiety about meeting people ace-to-face (if that is what you want).
@Mitch but if most of people are vaccinated, I don't need to worry.
@Bohemianrelativist Oh
Yeah, you should worry.
I guess only some people are more vulnerable to coronavarius.
I read a lot of adults have been immune to this kind of virus due to exposure to similar in virus childhood.
There's a new much more transmissible variant coming. Those who are vaccinated are pretty safe from it (lots of data has shown that). But It is much worse for those not vaccinated, and it's also easier to transmit. No where in the world is even -close- to herd immunity. In fact the UK is the closest to herd immunity (UK is at 60-70% vaccinated and herd immunity for covid is expected to be ~90%.
And the UK is where this new variant is really taking off quickly. And, because this is how vaccines and viruses work, it's only the unvaccinated ones who are getting sick.
So you're not safe even if 'a lot' of people around you have been vaccinated. Also even if you don't show symptoms or have some symptoms but don't have to go to the hospital, you'll be spreading it too to other people who may not be as lucky as you.
@Bohemianrelativist Maybe, but that's just a guess. All the actual data in the past year says, it's much much much better for you (and for others) to be vaccinated. You don't know if you'll be immune...unless you get the vaccine.
uh oh... meeting in 2 minutes... gotta run... good talking with you. Bye!
1 hour later…
@tchrist I suppose so. I just grew up calling the lower 48 the "continental" United States, so ... I think everyone knew what I meant. But thank you for the correction.

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