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I have two questions.
1. Why on Earth would you do this?
2. What the fuck?
@CowperKettle Maybe we're talking about baby elephants
@RegDwigнt I know nothing about these funny magic symbols and it looks bad
Cat on the . . . whatever instrument it is bad.
. . . There's a cat singing a ballad outside really loudly
@CowperKettle The infants might be excluded with that substitution, though. And the infants really need the medicine—this is phenylketonuria, right?
@M.A.R. it's not about the magic symbols. @Robusto will know what I'm on about.
The music is fine. It's the Super Mario 64 file select music.
@Xanne It's a loosely related but different disease: BH4 deficiency
Hm. I'll think of how not to exclude infants
@Cerberus Yes, it's not clear to me either
@CowperKettle "infants and toddlers up to 40 kg"?
@CowperKettle "it's not about what I want, it's about what's CHEEESE"
A woman decided to take a selfie in Tomsk on a river ice floe, and got a bit carried away
The WHO should make a new line item in its annual death statistics, "selfie-related deaths"
@CowperKettle method acting
Even a slow-flowing river can really carry you away a lot. I remember swimming in river Chusovaya, trying to get right across to the other shore, to a nice stone cavern, and it carried me a dozen meters to the side.
"Cognition milestones" or "cognition disorders"? I will send the authors a long email with a lot of questions. Although by my experience, replies are rare.
Ideally such a document should have clear-cut language with the minimum of ambiguities. They should have spent their money to hire a schoolteacher of English to comb through the text.
I don't get it.
"if you will these cookies"? O_O
1 hour later…
@CowperKettle cognition disorders
@CowperKettle dig, if you will, these cookies
1 hour later…
@Mitch raut is just weird
I'm back. Is Cerberus still here?
1 hour later…
Crazy fishers on the Shartash lake
It's +6°C
5 hours later…
Wow. A woman was treated for "anorexia" in a psych hospital, only to discover later that she had stomach hypomobility due to hEDS bbc.com/news/stories-56688582
I read about this syndrome a long time ago. It is associated with keratoconus, a disease I have. Because the eye tissue is related to skin tissue.
@CowperKettle It parses very clearly to me
Improvement in endpoints including:
1) acquisition of developmental milestones
2) cognition
3) tone disorders
4) movement disorders
5) seizures
6) swallowing difficulties
7) speech development
8) ...
Ah. I'll try to understand it, thank you!
I wonder why dopamine agonists lead to fibrotic changes.
It's curious how the organism is very interdependent and complex.
@CowperKettle It'd be surprising if one chemical could affect only one thing.
@Mitch Cool map!
The last color in the legend is yellow, but it seems to blend out, I don't see it. Maybe due to my monitor settings.
@Mitch Are you in the green area on the map?
From an 11th century illuminated manuscript
> A 71 yo man went fisning on the lake and went missing. Every spring the same news. Several people die, and the next spring several people will drown. e1.ru/news/spool/news_id-69872360.html
How on earth can you go ice-fishing on the lake after it has been above zero for the last 20 days.
In the comments section under the news, every other comment says "he'll be found once his body is bloated enough"
@CowperKettle Is that science fiction?
@Cerberus Yes, it's a fake
Near a painting wares' shop on the road to lake Shartash
And some antique cars there
@CowperKettle The moral to take from the map is to squint and realize that there is a mix of responses all over the map -and- there's no strong preference for any particular choice (except maybe the northeast).
It helps to know that the colors on these maps are derived from (questionable) interpolation of point data which is mixed for at least a couple reasons: 1) the phenomenon (whatever the question) may be naturally variant (even in a closed environment some might say one way and some might say the other without there being subpopulation characteristics that are 'These kind of people say it one way, these other kind of people say the other way.
2) Geography is not destiny and people move around (that's one way of mixing where there -is- a defining characteristic.
I grew up in Virginia but don't have a 'Southern' accent (or at least very few markers of it that I've mostly grown out of) and have moved around a lot in my adult life, currently in the Boston area.
That said, to be blunt, 'root' always sounds really, well not uneducated but kind of country or hillbilly or maybe Midwest. It does not sound 'standard' to me at all (in US English). The only place where it sounds natural is in 'Route 66' pronounced 'root 66' only because of the song. Other highways are sometimes 'rawt' sometimes 'root', but the noun and the verb are both 'rawt' for me and what I hear almost all the time.
Oh I forgot...
First lyric of Prince's 'When Doves Cry: "Dig if you will the picture..."
Those are cookies decorated in purple to look like Prince.
@Mitch Ah!
Irreligion is prevalent in Germany. As of 2009, more Germans are non-believers in Eastern Germany than Western Germany. When taken overall, Germany is a remarkably secular nation, though in spite of this, many areas in Western Germany don't have demographics of irreligion comparable to that of several nearby European countries.Eastern Germany is perhaps the least religious region in the world. Atheism is embraced by young and old, though even more so by younger Germans. One study in September 2012 was unable to find a single person under 28 who believes in God. An explanation for this, popular...
> If you want to quit paying the church tax in Germany, you have to do an “Kirchenaustritt“. It translates to “Church exit”.
Wow, they have a church tax
@Mitch There's so much contrast in that map colorblind people would be proud
I love Garry Kasparov.
The West is preparing another Munich Agreement over Ukraine, instead of moving tank forces in Ukraine and signing a full-fledged agreement promising to go to war if Russia makes the slightest further move.

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