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02:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

Or at least don't try to use it in ways it wasn't meant to be used in, like for politics.
Orwell was right.
@RegDwigнt I just pinged you with info.
On the down-low.
@Robusto I seem to be entering that wonderful age where I just stay out of fights because who cares. A drop in a bucket. And I'm always right anyway, so what's the point in telling you that I am. I already know it.
@Robusto okiedok, thanks.
I thought someone had just broken a leg or something. Or had to fly out to a funeral for a week.
Well that's fun.
What else I've missed. What year is it. Why are all the shops closed?
20 hours ago, by Robusto
user image
This just in: The richest man in the world declines to meet with Bernie Sanders on income inequality.
I'm shocked. Shocked.
You know, true story. I never even realized his name was Alexander. I only knew about the day.
@RegDwigнt I told you about that book way back when.
Like, that's the kind of things I'm not even noticing.
@Robusto oh I read the whole wiki and everything. But who cares for names.
Apr 23 '12 at 14:08, by Robusto
Names are like dates, only with even more useless characters in them.
@RegDwigнt Except when they're your own.
Is me point.
Doesn't even matter if it's me own.
@Robusto They were supposed to meet?
And who is the richest man?
Bezos? Musk?
No, that guy with 30k bitcoins that he forgot the password for.
@Robusto You're licking to Bezos?
@RegDwigнt I seem to have lately acquired something like maturity in my old age. Often now I forebear to comment even when I have something puerile to say.
@Cerberus That's an unfortunate way to put that.
@RegDwigнt That's only, what 2 billion?
@Robusto Oops.
I'm still somewhat tipsy.
@Robusto I'm not quite there yet, but what I do is write it down in Notepad and, content with having said what I wanted to say, go to bed. Then the next day I throw it in the bin, unread.
@Robusto No comment.
@Cerberus Sassy!
@Cerberus no idea what the actual number is. There's more than one of those guys, too. I don't care for numbers, if you are following the conversation. And for Bitcoins I care only less.
There's only so much spaghetti you can eat in a day. So once you pass a certain number of monies in the bank, any number beyond that is "more than enough".
I reached the spaghetti threshold quite a while back.
Yeah. And it isn't even that high.
Feel free to send the rest of your spaghetti my way.
takes down order
Like, look at all the shit the real rich people are doing with their money simply because they're out of ideas.
Watch this some time. Very entertaining. 3 full hours.
Musk and Gates and Murdoch are nowhere there yet.
@RegDwigнt The gulf states lost my attention when they couldn't shit unless it was into a golden solid 24k gold toilet.
"Not the ceramic toilet, Ahmed, my poop is a temple."
Who wouldn't want their shit to land on deserving ground.
@Robusto I don't want to spoil too much, but there's a lot about that in the video. They built all those shiny mega cities in the middle of the desert, but they forgot canalisation. They are transporting their shit away in trucks.
It is fucking amazing.
"Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair."
Like, not even railways. They could just build a line and use a train. Instead it's a line of hundreds of hundreds of trucks loaded with shit, disappearing behind the horizon every day, and reappearing the day after.
That sounds like making a shit show of money and power.
I guess it's a joke?
Money and power always makes a shit show.
Well, to various degrees of literality.
@Mitch bows
It's also available as a podcast. They only change the image on the screen every ten minutes or so, and you don't always need to see it to understand what they're talking about.
> What, you only have a 20-meter yacht? I can't even remember when I was in a boat that small.
@RegDwigнt Yes. If only everyone saw it that way.
@RegDwigнt You sound like you've listened to the whole three hours.
@Færd I've watched the whole three hours. As well as the whole three hours of every other episode, of which there's 60 in total by now.
As I said, once you have enough spaghetti in the bank, might as well just watch YouTube all day.
@RegDwigнt That's a lot of time to spend on toilets.
I wonder what caught your interest about a shit show, if it's really that.
@Robusto it's not always toilets. It's a podcast about engineering disasters. So really everything from the Hyatt Regency walkway collapse to the Texas City explosion to the Kursk to 9/11.
Lots of bridge collapses.
This one was incredible.
The US couldn't fix a tiny bridge in some county somewhere, so they fucking wrote a letter to Brezhnev and had Soviets come over and help.
@RegDwigнt How could that go wrong?
I was like, the fuck. Why is there no movie about it. Give it to Spielberg and call it Bridge of Spies.
@Robusto inorite. You imagine all the ways in which it could, but then the reality turns out to have a much greater imagination still.
It's literally like undercover Russian journalists and FBI agents and all kinds of repercussions all the way up to the POTUS.
And it's just a fucking bridge in Podunk for three cows to cross on a busy day.
@Færd it was actually the Hyatt Regency collapse I think. That was probably the first episode that I watched.
I had to turn it off when they began talking about pronouns and silliness.
I think I'm having a bout of pronominal aphasia.
@Cerberus Oh, that's just the opening bit. Except few people realize it's not a bit, Alice is actually transgender.
If you're interested in the toilets, just skip to the toilets.
Why do we need to know about that, though?
And why do they say "he, him"?
What else would it be? He, her?
@Cerberus they actually address just that in a previous episode. You want a third link?
Certainly five hours should be enough for starters.
@Cerberus we don't need to know it. Which is why most of the audience actually don't know it. I'm only telling you because I know.
OK but the pronoun stuff.
> so if i (a clarinet player) were to, theoretically, start playing the tenor sax for, say, jazz band, what size reed should i use if i play with a 4 on my clarinet?
holy fuck an actual question on MuseScore
Quick, move it to Yahoo Questions.
Open all the champagne.
@Cerberus yeah. Remember how Yahoo had a streaming service?
Before anyone else did, mind?
What a success.
I remember nothing about Yahoo, because I have never used it.
I have no idea how Marissa Mayer can still afford more spaghetti than me.
What the fuck is Sunshine Contacts anyway.
> Play the Elvis version driving in and this version on the way out.
And remember: the pschent comprises both the hedjet and the deshret.
I think I just had a stroke. I don't understand words anymore.
> Can’t find this damn song on Spotify.. grrrr!
Yeah I saw that I'm actually checking right now.
I already tried. That's why I wound up on YT.
There are some serious lacunae in Spotify's catalog.
Yeah and with no rhyme or reason that I can see.
Curiously, Spotify has that one, but not the Shawn Colvin VLV.
Oh, speak of the podcast. They've just uploaded a new episode. On the Eschede derailment, of all things. Ima go watch.
02:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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