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@JasperLoy that I cannot tolerate.
@Mitch :D yeah, I did that too.
@Mitch You need to be more tolerant then.
@MattЭллен I still feel pretty good that they chose me with my high number to go before #1. Just because.
@MattЭллен I see that the previous week was much better. Sorry ’bout the slackin’.
@JasperLoy Well, there's misusing the word and then there's (possibly) justified meaning.
And the one before that was better still. Gosh, I am so downhilling it.
once I hit 10K I dropped like a stone
I was having fun with the tools too much
@MattЭллен Does a stone drop?
also, felt like I'd been putting a lot of effort in and wanted a rest
@JasperLoy so the expression goes
Yeah, I am supposed to retire from this site already, lol.
I think all 20k users should retire and let others earn more rep.
@JasperLoy Your pension has matured?
Dammit. I can't find anything to copyedit on this question.
@tchrist This is your fault.
@ΜετάEd You’re welcome.
@ΜετάEd You can retag those that I edit because I usually don't care about the tags.
JSB is the opposite: he only cares about the tags, lol.
A: How can I use “fête” as a verb in active voice?

tchristThe word is fête, not fete, and it is a transitive verb with many “active” citations in the OED: fête /feɪt/, v. Etymology: ad. Fr. fêter, f. fête: see prec. trans. To entertain (a person) at a fête; to feast; also, to give a fête in honour of, commemorate (some event, etc.) by a fête....

@ΜετάEd Still quite a way to the copy editor badge!
Don't you think this answer needs a few more examples?
I fêted his arrival with a hog roast. His arrival was fêted with a hog roast.
that ê is making the other e jealous with its hat
it shouldn't be allowed
@JasperLoy There should be a summary number somewhere ...
I don't find it.
@ΜετάEd People bitched about how examples from before they were born didn’t count.
@JasperLoy I was working on Electorate.
@tchrist Remind me not to bitch to you about anything.
@ΜετάEd Don’t bitch to me about anything.
@MattЭллен haven't seen that one in years. Turns out I'm in the top 50 without doing anything.
@RegDwightАΑA you are a magical owl indeed
I used to be in the top 1 spot for months in a row. Until Rob brought his rain to my parade.
the highest I've hit is #5
Where's him?
I think Barrie was ill that day
Ah, top 30. Not bad.
Basically I stopped checking that page when they changed the Users tab on the sites proper.
This bib character is answering a lot. I wonder if that's the way forward. the scatter shot effect.
@RegDwightАΑA yes, it is only good for tracking one's progress now.
Wow JR is on fire. He has more reps than he has reps.
I wonder what he does with the overflow. Sell it off eBay?
maybe he sells badges there too
goddamn whoreps
And these people...
@tchrist Gotcha.
@RegDwightАΑA WhoreþBay?
Generating reps out of thin air.
@tchrist why does your whore wear a hat? Are you Joe Cocker? (Huhuh, cocker.)
((Also it's actually Randy Newman's song.))
@RegDwightАΑA Coquette: a micropenis.
@JasperLoy oh and just so you know: OLD.
Cockatrix: a femtopenis.
Q: Is it common for place names to lose the possessive?

Doug T.On a road trip, my wife and I drove by "Kings Dominion". We debated whether this should in actuality be "King's Dominion". It seemed that it ought to be possessive (or the plural possessive). Upon doing a little more research we found the origin of the "Kings Dominion" name. To quote the wikipedi...

And look at nohat's answer. Drink it in.
@RegDwightАΑA Old news. Stephen Fry covered this long ago on QI.
@tchrist I tried cock in vain once.
Junkies always say once.
@tchrist Stephen Fry also shags his friends with parrots. I cannot approve of such behaviour.
Jul 29 at 14:06, by Matt Эллен
@RegDwightАΑA I believe he also shags his friends with pussycats.
And rhinos.
And aye-ayes.
@tchrist too little, too late.
12 hours ago, by RegDwight АΑA
> thanks for editing my post, if you work hard, one day, you will answer it too. — Ejder Yurdakul 44 secs ago
@RegDwightАΑA More coquettish behaviour out of you, I see.
Sigh. Too many stars.
a.k.a. The Haunting of the Snark.
Someone take Ejder down, willya?
The followup didn't get starred. Poor followup. It was hilarious, dick.
11 hours ago, by KitFox
"-i don't need your help -i don't need your friendship -i don't know you -i don't like you, so put my luck in your ass and fuck off you son of the bitch", this would be pushing the luck, not my comment. — Ejder Yurdakul 40 secs ago
Someone star that, dicks.
Don’t point that thing at me unless you plan to use it.
Plans are for losers. Gods of victory just do it. Goddesses, too.
@RegDwightАΑA That's pretty good. Pushing the luck.
I see what he did there.
Well you don't. It got deleted.
I just found it hilarious how that was his third comment ever on his site, on such a question, too.
It's always funny when people come here only to tell us that they don't need our help. But it's double through triple funny if in the process of doing so they swear like drunk Russian sailors with no grasp of English, or Russian for that matter.
Who knows? Perhaps “Put my luck in your ass” is THE up-and-coming thing.
I'll stand back while you find out.
It works better if you turn around.
I feel like somebody keeps tickling me eardrums.
If you want to call that works, or better, you might wish to google for dictionary first.
> Seriously its not actually a location, it's more of a place
Can’t quit the dick jokes, can ya?
On the subject, NSFW:
@ΜετάEd you have no toilets at work? Or no humour?
@RegDwightАΑA One can't bring the desktop into the toilet can he?
One can always strive.
@JasperLoy One of our local rakes sent some electronica through the washer.
So since January has there been a new restriction on the length of an answer? I find that an answer I posted consisting of a pure image can't be edited because any edits make it too short (less than 20 characters).
Yeah they changed things. So that links are no longer counted etc.
A: Exception to 30 character minimum for answers

RegDwight АΑASimply link the word to its dictionary definition. Observe: Ghoti. — 6 characters. Ghoti. — 56 characters. This pushes your answer over the 30-character limit and makes it considerably more helpful, as the OP might not know that word. In fact, that might be the very reason why he's ...

This answer of mine is now wrong, in point of fact.
Must update as time permits.
Hmm. Bogus.
Looking for the MSO post, can't find anything.
We just did 7 words a minute!
Transcribing Latin.
At what?
That's not much.
@Cerberus Have a cookie!
@ΜετάEd I’ll tell you the sneakaround so long as you don’t tell Reg.
It includes looking stuff up.
@RegDwightАΑA What do you normally get?
I am in the ridiculous position of wanting to add content (namely good alt and title attributes) and can't because they aren't counted as content. Alt should count as content.
@ΜετάEd post on MSO.
@RegDwightАΑA True.
Just post some ********************* to add characters.
@Cerberus normally? I do not transcribe Latin, normally or otherwise.
@JasperLoy Yeah … no.
And translating?
Translating is so not transcribing.
Translating is about 4 words per minute for the easy parts, 2 for the hard parts.
@JasperLoy or something like ===,,--,-,-===,-,==,
Not if it's poetry. Make that months.
@MattЭллен Looks familiar.
Our translation certainly ain't no poetry.
@JasperLoy it's a cheap rip off of our naughtiest users
It is supposed to be readable and faithful to the original, that's all.
I'll just get some ancient Latin ghost to come and help you @cerb.
So wait, you're translating or transcribing something illegible like Sütterlin or what or how?
@tchrist Yeah, yeah. The sneakaround.
Especially if it involves subverting Bill Gates.
Ah. Then seven ain't bad. Still, eight would be better.
@Cerberus Wow, this looks Latin to me.
And I was wondering where you were.
@JasperLoy Ding!
@Cerberus That was meant as a joke. :-)
2 hours ago, by RegDwight АΑA
Where's Cerberus? Tried to bait him with faux Dutch, he must of fell over at the horrible sight.
@RegDwightАΑA There!
@JasperLoy Ohh your irony is so sophisticated, way over my head.
@Cerberus Of course, only Reg thinks I am constantly being whooshed by him.
I don't have to think for that. I only need to observe.
@Cerberus @JasperLoy Ohh your iron is so sophisticated, way over my head. ftfy
@RegDwightАΑA I don't see any Dutch, faux or otherwise?
@Cerberus check the linguini room.
@ΜετάEd Fe ftfy
@ΜετάEd Thank you, I guess?
@ΜετάEd Done.
But what's with the long s's?
Asses are big, not long. Pineapple.
I have not eaten a pineapple for years I think.
And the International Pineapple Community is most thankful.
And I think I only touched my own ass before.
apparently most long asses are tongues, and someone holds their phone in their earlobe
@RegDwightАΑA I'm not going to post the picture, but I'm sure you can picture that without it.
@MattЭллен And you make even less sense than the others.
I searched for long ass
@MattЭллен HB!
@MattЭллен Please don't do this to your own ear.
I have no intention to
@tchrist that's not a sneakaround and it's hideous.
I can’t see a thing.
There are plenty of code points where that came from.
I can see everything. I know what you did last summer.
It’s a $Bill problem.
No it's ours. And I'm being generous there, it's actually yours.
INVISIBLE TIMES is just that.
@tchrist Beautiful.
RIGHT-TO-LEFT OVERRIDE will bugger your britches.
And since I know once can put RTL text on SE, I know you cannot display anything for it.
@RegDwightАΑA Eeew.
There. Noobs.
@Cerberus my mistake, most long ass is hair
Now stop touching Ed's stuff lest it gets CWed.
macbook# perl -CS -le 'print "hell<", chr(0x202e) x 40, ">no"'
Yup, looks like it works.
@RegDwightАΑA CWed?
But yes, stop touching my stuff. Sure.
Depending on who you are.
Christianly Wedded
@ΜετάEd six edits by six different people turn it into Community Wiki.
Now why does the edit summary tell me that I changed the image, too?
This shite is severely broke.
This is not true to the truth.
No Italian enemas on chat.
@MattЭллен I liked the part where it explained an obvious mildly inamusing joke in broken English.
yes, the internet is full of it, and I am bringing it to you for free!
So anyway. I hope the image in Ed's answer is the one he actually wanted to have in there.
I'll be off then.
Nighties allies.
I hate it when he puts the Ring on.
@Kit This you?
In Greek mythology, the Teumessian fox or Cadmean vixen, was a gigantic fox that was destined never to be caught. The fox was one of the children of Echidna. It was said that it had been sent by the gods (perhaps Dionysus) to prey upon the children of Thebes as a punishment for some national crime. Creon, the then Regent of Thebes, set Amphitryon the impossible task of destroying this beast. He discovered an apparently perfect solution to the problem by fetching the magical dog Laelaps, who was destined to catch everything it chased. Zeus, faced with an inevitable contradiction due to the p...
It is a good story.
man I wish could do that with my problems
ha! bed time
Hello, room!
So uh... who was removed?
@MattЭллен it was =~=~=~=~=~= if I recall correctly.
@Cerberus Those pesky Greeks. Always resorting to trickery to resolve logical paradoxes.
@Cerberus Yes, as well you know.
@cornbreadninja What is this about?
@Robusto It is like the Gordian knot.
@KitFox Nice.
@RegDwightАΑA named character references count as their reference lengths, not as characters?
@ΜετάEd You mean &shy; and shtuff?
Or &#x202F; etc?
named character references such as &shy; and stuff.
Plus remember that SE counts trans-BMP code points as two, because they are idiots.
That's codepoints on secondary planes?
I kinda don’t understand. You can’t enter named HTML entities into SE thingies, can you? That seems not to work.
&nbsp; works.
Well, on planes 01-16 right.
I assume they support a subset.
Plane 00 is 0x00_0000 – 0x00_FFFF.
The other planes have something else than 00 for the first two digits.
What do you mean, reference length? And if you could enter &nbsp; why did you not have to quote it in chat? Different strokes, I guess.
What is it that you are actually trying to do, or not do?
I like to call them astral planes, by the way.
@Cerberus I’ve got a fellow claiming he hears Frenchmen use a fully rolled/trilled [r] (like in Spanish perro not pero) all the time. That doesn’t sound right; the standard French r is [ʁ], a uvular approximant. I’ve heard [r] from them, but not often, and usually only down by the Med.
@MattЭллен ♂ ftfy
@tchrist - The jargon term is Alveolar trill (see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alveolar_trill). I'm sure there are cases where R is just R, but most French speakers I know roll their Rs more often than not. This may be a misperception based on my being sensitive to the sound as it isn't natural to my native English ears. — Joel Brown 2 hours ago
I bet he doesn't know what he's talking about. Probably.
@tchrist When SE counts the length of a message containing a named character reference, apparently the character reference counts as the number of characters in the reference, not the character itself.
@tchrist Right, that is nonsense: it isn't used in standard French.
He may live in Québec, or Africa.
Or Corsica.
I bet it’s a misperception based on his not being sensitive to the non-English sounds, and just calls one the other.
Or know a group of people from thence.
@tchrist Possible.
"from thence"

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