Why sure you can, and indeed you have just your done so!
I really cannot imagine what it is that makes you think you cannot do what you have just yourself done. Do you mistrust your own eyes? What’s the source of your afraidness here regarding fast-pacedness?
Perhaps it’s just its nonceness or a...
Weren't we talking the other day about how people turning language into a dead and lifeless thing?
I’m just waiting for somebody to tell me I need a hyphen in anal retentiveness.
Translation nightmare!
Is this an acceptable translation of the sentence "I never said she stole my money."?
If it is acceptable, is there any, even slight, trace of ambiguity in the Chinese sentence “我从来没说过她把我的钱偷走了。”?
She stole your money?
I never said she stole my money.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link at beginning of body, pattern-matching product name in body, pattern-matching website in body, +2 more (431): What the RealTone Keto Canada is? by nicebhjes on english.SE
Official context I enjoy making videos with Premiere Pro, After Effects and Photoshop, as it is a way to express my creativity. It is like art for me, it is my way of communicating with people
There is this title page of a "disputation" (a kind of academic thesis?), which begins with the abbreviation J.S.J.P. Because it is the first line, I would expect it to be some kind of benediction, like Quod Deus Bene Vertat. On the other hand, it is a legal subject, so perhaps it could be some k...