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@Mitch Congratulations!
You win.
Well...not exactly winning I mean what have I really won?
@Mitch Ten points!
@Cerberus Even better, they're fake internet points! That's a bingo!
@Cerberus If I'd meant the latter I'd have used communications.
@tchrist: I don't understand what you mean when you say "Besides indict and its compounds, the only other word I know of with 〈ict〉 pronounced /aɪt/ is deictic, which is pronounced /ˈdaɪktɪk/." Clearly those pronunciations are not the same. The latter has a /k/ in it instead of a silent c. Am I msising something?
@Robusto I suppose so.
@Cerberus YES!!!
@Robusto what? What do you mean 'fake'?
@Mitch You don't believe me?
Hey, I have more fake internet points on this site than anybody here. I think I know what I'm talking about.
I can't even cash them in for a bus ticket. That, my friends, is what I call fake.
To be honest I mean you're kinda asking so I'm just saying you're probably a liar
If you find comfort in your beliefs, I will not try to dissuade you. Just don't try to buy a bus ticket with them.
My points
They're more fake than yours
You wish.
Mine aren't even counted in an electronic machine thing
I don't wish because it is true
The bus I buy a ticket for will be even less real because we only barely just thought of it
I mean I'm not even thinking of it at this very moment
In fact
Nope. No 'in fact's. It's all fake all the time
Your bus has arrived.
Please display your ticket.
He doesn't have a ticket. Only fake internet points.
@Robusto I guess.
Why is "2 Deaths and Multiple Injuries as Snowstorm Slams the East Coast" bigger front page news than the record new cases of covid today, the record new deaths from covid today, and the record hospitalization levels from covid today?
Seriously, the East Coast is so full of themselves I want to puke.
Did Pearl Harbor hit the East Coast today? No.
Did 9/11 hit the East Coast today? No.
Did the entire country NOT THE EAST COAST lose more people than those disasters today? YES!
Fuck your snow storm you pussies.
Yes, I'm angry. Yes, part of that is just having lost someone to this. But my God the humanity!!
Look at California! They have more new cases today than almost any other country.
@Xanne Sure hope you're keeping your head down out there.
It's winter. Snow happens. Get over it. Bunch of babies.
People are dying. Thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of people are dying Every. Single. Day.
These summer children need to live in Alaska or the Rockies for a few winters. Then they can shut up about their snow.
I had 13 FEET of snow last winter. Did I complain? No.
But when thousands and thousands of people are dying every single day, I more than complain. So should you.
Europe isn't doing so well either. Germany hit the #4 spot on Thanatos's Leaderboard today.
But California slipped just barely under the second-place winner of new cases today, who was Turkey.
So California has #3 on the new cases leaderboard by country.
California racked up +61,569 new cases today. They're preparing for an imminent "mass casualty" scenario there.
@CowperKettle Girl's choir.
Why don't they institute a total lockdown, if there are so many cases?
Oh that's the whole song, not SSAA.
@CowperKettle Because the federal government won't pay disaster relief so everybody would go out of business AND not be able to pay rent.
Only the federal government can pay things that aren't in their budget.
Each state has to balance its budget. The fed can borrow. Or, well, print money.
Let them eat Oreos.
Word of the day: milk line
Milk and Oreos go well together.
@CowperKettle And I think they think that many areas are in "total" lockdown.
I wouldn't call it that myself, but I have no advice now.
Everywhere except the northernmost reaches of the state is under a mandatory stay-at-home order, for whatever that's worth.
1 hour later…
@tchrist if you had a daughter, would you name her Anne? Anne T. Christ sounds great
1 hour later…
@tchrist @CowperKettle We are, apparently, locked down, but the traffic on El Camino (through Menlo Park and Palo Alto in Silicon Valley) is as heavy as it's been since the original lockdown in March 2020. About 90% of full normal. I went to my gym today, got pizza, walked with a friend.
@FaheemMitha Somewhere in between.
Hair-raising, but worth reading.
@Færd Ok.
Note that everyone in India knows that migrants live in big cities and are dependent on day-to-day income.
> Many experts have criticized Mr. Modi’s government for overlooking the plight of migrant laborers, who suddenly had no work, no income and no support network in the cities.
This wording is specious, to put it mildly. The truth is that the Fascist Idiot-in-Chief doesn't care who he hurts.
He probably thinks, like Churchill, if a few million poor Indians die, there's lots more where they came from.
As I recall, Churchill described Indians as (among other things) "breeding like rabbits".
Well, to be precise the FIC does care about his rich friends, and I suppose about the organizations he represents, but otherwise, no.
> 1. I'm wearing the same coat that/as I wore yesterday.
2. He is the same man that/who/*as talked to you on the phone.
3. He is the same man that/who/?as you talked to on the phone.
As doesn't feel right in 2 and 3. I don't know why. Am I mistaken?
Well, in 2 maybe because man is the subject of the following clause.
Note also this article above was originally published in the New York Times.
Because the India media doesn't generally publish the truth about the state of affairs.
@Færd As does not seem correct to me either. But I don't know of a rule to invoke to show why.
2 hours later…
@Xanne Do you consider it safe to go to a gym? I'm trying to avoid all places where there are people.
> the word bed is shaped like a tiny bed
I have acquired 4 hats, but I don't recall doing anything. Hatbash is much easier this year!
now it's 8! some kind of inflation
> - What is your special power?
- Hindsight
- That's not going to help us!
- Yes, I can see that now
@CowperKettle This is a small gym and there's only one client and one trainer at a time. They do a lot of disinfecting of equipment and both client and trainer wear masks and gloves. So to me the risk is worth taking.
A friend asked me to come and spend New Year with him and his family, but I declined, because there are risks in going to Moscow and back. I'm afraid of infecting my Mom and Dad
In Moscow people can get vaccinated, but one must first register in a Moscow clinic, it's too complex, I think
And there is an insufficient number of vaccines available.
I would also not go anywhere except by car--I wouldn't want to go through an airport or be with people whose habits I didn't know.
That was a great counter-argument for me when thinking about whether to go to Moscow. Riding everywhere in a taxi would cost a fortune.
The distances are big, and people usually take the subway, which is huge.
I've been in the Moscow subway. It is indeed huge and far underground.
Anyway vaccines take some time to work; the antibodies aren't instantaneous.
Actually I liked the Moscow subway, although I wouldn't like it in time of Covid.
The subway is great.
2 hours later…
> The work, only reported in a preprint, suggests COVID-19 takes a page from HIV and other retroviruses and integrates its genetic code—but, importantly, just parts of it—into people’s chromosomes.
1 hour later…
> "We love Russia sincerely. There is a very big war going on against you personally. It can be seen - they are afraid of you. But the fact that everyone in the West hates Russia or treats Russia badly is all untrue.

Keep it up, Vladimir, and be healthy at all times"
A question from an Icelandic journalist during today's annual press-conference of Putin
@CowperKettle Where's this from?
RE:" people are incompetent": “I feel sometimes like there is someone in FB HQ whose job is trying to come up with new ways of completely destroying any semblance of intelligence in America,” tweeted WNYC editor-in-chief Audrey Cooper. Buzzfeed.com
People are the most competent theria out there. Seconded only by desultory moggies.
Facebook is working on an AI which will supposedly generate a TL;DR bullet list of news articles. The metatheria at least do not make such problematic inventions.
1 hour later…
A: Why can’t we using the present continuous for the future with “be” itself by saying “I’m being there tomorrow”’?

John LawlerOne doesn't ordinarily say *I'm being there tomorrow. to indicate one's future location. True. On the other hand, one doesn't ordinarily say *I'm being home today. to indicate one's present location, either. The problem is not with the future, nor with the rule about using progressive for fut...

> Fujifilm and IBM say research into a new material, strontium ferrite, led to the creation of a tape cartridge capable of storing 580 terabytes of data.
> That's enough to store roughly 580 million books, according to an IBM blog post published Wednesday.

Considering there are about only 130 million books in existence today, that'll leave plenty of room for extras.
That's 66 years of nonstop video on a single cartridge.
Some French art movie maker will surely produce a movie that will fit it.
@CowperKettle Mais bien sûr, monsieur!
@CowperKettle Why would per capita-ing it make any sense?
It's not like it's a measure of how much citizens in each country fart methane
@M.A.R. Because otherwise India and China will come to the fore, and that would be skewed
et la marmotte elle met le chocolat dans le papier d'allu
Oct 6 at 19:46, by Gigili
Glad to know you missed me.
What's happened to this room/wall? Fake users, DY
@CowperKettle Did they show this in Russia back in the 90's too?
@Mitch They did show some Milka ads, but I don't recall all of them
@CowperKettle Doesn't the chart look even more anomalous now?
From such a chart, I'd need to know which countries are the most industrious (at least the dirty kind), which ones are not that industrious but pollute a lot (like mine, this could be compared with GDP data or something like that for means of classification), and which countries are the least shameful (the ones that you'd expect would be able to join a climate treaty and reduce emissions but they don't)
This doesn't seem to help with any of that, but the absolute numbers would
Poland, suddenly
1 hour later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, bad keyword in link text in answer, blacklisted website in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer, potentially bad keyword in username (262): What is the English word for a lawyer's client? by Mel on english.SE
@CowperKettle It's governed ATM by far right mini-fascists, right?
@M.A.R. I'm not sure but it looks like it's governed by rightists, yes.
They have tried to prohibit abortions and LGBT.
So it smells fascistey, yes
2 hours later…
@Xanne The virus is spreading unabated in California despite strict stay-at-home orders. If folks are still barrelling down el Camino at 90%, it doesn't much sound like a real lockdown to me. :( Do you have to restrict people to their homes for real, shut down all businesses and highways and such, and check hall passes? I dunno. Just know this isn't working.
I guess they win the Lance Armstrong "Honesty in Sports" award.
@tchrist Is your hat called caps for sale?
Mi sombrero es muy grande.
So far I have two "secret" hats. What is this, the CIA? Why the secrecy? I demand to know where these hats come from!
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer (batch report: post 1 out of 3) (94): Confused about whether to use singular or plural in promotion announcement by PaigeDj21 on english.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer (batch report: post 2 out of 3) (94): Close-ended question or Closed-ended question? by PaigeDj21 on english.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer (batch report: post 3 out of 3) (94): Term for the state of a deciduous tree during winter? by PaigeDj21 on english.SE
Two more secret hats ... how is this helping?

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