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what if even making network needs to grope out a way?
@M.A.R. Eggs, beer, a mint.
2 hours later…
3 hours later…
3 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link at beginning of body, pattern-matching product name in title, pattern-matching website in body, +3 more (434): The most effective method to Use Erecerxyn Male Enhancement Pills by RosariJoy on english.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in body, no whitespace in body, potentially bad keyword in body, repeating characters in body (262): regarding the use of "them" ✏️ by Safwaan on english.SE
2 hours later…
Why on earth does ELU get so many spam questions as compared to other SE sites? (at least from what I can see on SmokeDetector)
@NiharKarve It's a relatively popular site.
in the top twenty questions per day, and top five visits per day
so I guess that makes it a target for spam.
it has good Google SEO, too
Odd, I never seem to find such content on Physics SE, although I suppose it would stick out like a sore thumb. Perhaps they think that it has a greater chance of slipping through the cracks here.
1 hour later…
> "One more time traveler trying to kill me, and I swear I'll start a second world war" (Adolf Hitler, 1919).
> With the vaccine close to being sent out, “the numbers should skyrocket downward,” [Trump] said.
This after he cheered the "terrific" rise in Covid cases.
Skyrocket downward
It's like earthdrill upward, only it's downward.
Q: What is the opposite of "skyrocket"?

UrbycozI recently came across a situation where something was decreasing rapidly. My friend was led to say: The price of fuel has really skyrocketed downwards lately. Something about this statement sounded wrong. Surely a skyrocket must always go up, by definition. What would be a more suitable w...

"take a meteoric fall"?
the space shuttle was designed to land, so that would be a skyrocket that goes down :D
@NiharKarve Fortunately SE has effective spam suppression measures in place. Commonly known as users.
@CowperKettle Exactly.
@Robusto Wouldn't you have been surprised if for once he showed any sympathy or sadness?
@M.A.R. Or any recognizably human emotion besides hatred and rage. Or self-pity.
Being in power has a corrosive effect on any man
The next three days will be sunny. I want to run a half-marathon.
It's sunny but days are very short. At 15:30 the sun is low, and it sets at 16:20.
> Happy International Anti-Corruption Day!
lip service n Verbal expression of agreement or allegiance, unsupported by real conviction or action; hypocritical respect
@CowperKettle I'm assuming that was Putin celebrating anti-corruption efforts, not merely someone mocking him.
It's really weird how videos of Putin speeches keep getting recommended on YouTube (filled with seemingly genuine comments about how "strong" and "smart" he is).
Actually the comments are a 50/50 split between adulation and "In Mother Russia, obj vb you" jokes
Top six countries in terms of new cases/capita
@NiharKarve Russia has state-funded troll factories, so it's hard to tell whether pro-Putin comments are genuine. I'm afraid that with improvements in AI it will be harder to tell whether anybody on the Internet is a biological person.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Username similar to website in answer (64): infidelity. used only in regard to cheating/affair by Victoria Milan on english.SE
@CowperKettle I'm not a biological person.
@Mitch Are you mechanical or electronic?
> The COVID-19 virus was found in a four-year-old boy who was initially thought to have measles in November 2019, according to a study by Milan state university published Wednesday in the Journal of Emerging Infectious Diseases, showing that the virus was circulating in Italy much earlier than hitherto believed.
It must have been in Russia too, because many Russians travel to Italy.
Word of the day: portcullis
Hey there
I have a question to ask... is there anyone who can help
@NiharKarve well, from what I gather, it's funny for westerners, esp. Americans, to be like "OMG Russians so badass and stronk". It's supposed to be half-hearted but for some the joke is repeated so often it acquires shades of reality
> Stronk is an eastern European/Russian pronunciation of the word strong. Most commonly used in the context of mocking or showing reverence towards something brutish or powerful that is of eastern European/Russian origin.
Injecting a gene therapy vector into one eye of someone suffering from LHON, the most common cause of mitochondrial blindness, significantly improves vision in both eyes, scientists have found.
@CowperKettle I am made out of pure light.
So ... sort of electronic? electro-magnetic spectrum?
@CowperKettle Mitochondrial blindness? That's exactly some half-assed golgi body conspiracy theory.
@Mitch Photonic, in the parlance of Star Trek Voyager.
The doctor, other holograms.
@Cerberus So holographic my TVC-15
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
@Robusto I'm sure it does; but then I'm sure all animal-made structures far outweigh mankind's materials?
It depends on what you count, though.

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