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Will someone please ping me if he explains anything tomorrow (or today for most of you)?
I think he'll ping you himself.
@Mitch Indeed.
@RegDwightАΑA I actually think he won't. Other people have notified me the past few days
We'll see!
@RegDwightАΑA Sorry, you've lost me.
So exciting.
I hope I'll be able to sleep.
"The Funniest Joke in the World" is the title most frequently used for written references to a Monty Python's Flying Circus comedy sketch, which is also known by two other phrases that appear within it, "Joke Warfare" and "Killer Joke", the latter being the most commonly spoken title used to refer to it. The premise of the sketch is that the joke is so funny that anyone who reads or hears it promptly dies from laughter. Broadcast The sketch appeared in the first episode of the television show Monty Python's Flying Circus ("Whither Canada"), first shown on October 5, 1969. The sketch was ...
Joke killer.
@RegDwightАΑA I'm still confused. I have seen that many times, but I fail to see the connection.
@SpareOom my line was a verbatim quote of that joke.
Why are you still alive?
Obviously, I don't understand German well enough.
Why are you still alive?
It's not German, that's why.
@RegDwightАΑA It's not a very effective killer joke, if it's not any language. :P
I see we are having a killer joke and a joke killer in this chat at the same time.
How is it that there is a question on the front page claiming it was updated by Norton S lo these three minutes past?
Because it's the porn spammer.
@tchrist Porn.
Got merged within a minute. A new record.
Oh, I see.
Why are you still up?
High on Nutella.
I'm trying to outstay you, but somehow it isn't working.
A very good question. Is there Sleep.SE yet?
Ah, yes, the sugar.
@Cerberus nonsense. Sugar makes me sleepy.
So you say.
You just can't outstay an owl, dummy.
shakes paw
Can't the heads sleep in turn?
I can stay up indefinitely. It's waking up that's problematic.
Also, you've probably been drinking again.
You go a little mad after a few days. Well, a lot mad if it's from drugs. And a little mad otherwise.
Hops are not the solution.
Skipped four nights when I was 19. Hops was indeed the solution, because I couldn't get to sleep when I finally turned in the program. So I drank a pint. Didn't finish. Friends mostly carried me home.
@tchrist that sounded like it was building up to a but which never happened.
But I didn't finish the pint. I was dreaming while I was awake too, or so I was told.
Wow, they could see your dreams?
@simchona I'm trying to do that now. But it doesn't work.
@RegDwightАΑA I agree on the waking up. Terrible. And I am sober: I have been here the whole time!
@Cerberus try anti-clockwise.
I don't drink alone.
I apparently talk in my sleep. With my eyes open. I thought they were people they weren't, they said. I remember nothing.
I told you, a little mad.
@RegDwightАΑA I will tie into a knot, no.
@tchrist That explains everything.
So I'm a lot more careful with my indefinite suspensions of sleep. Try never to skip more than two nights.
Try never to sleep less than 8 hours—there's a maxim for you.
Six is enough for everyone.
Actually, two is just fine.
And I say that as a frigging owl.
Four times a day.
Bad idea.
@tchrist now that is sick. And will make you just that.
Yeah, I know. Did it on the last book. Pretty ragged.
On a book?
Next time try a pillow, and you may not wake up every two hours.
@RegDwightАΑA This needs to go
@Cerberus ’Twas just me mate and me, separated by a thousand miles as we would go passin the frawlpin back and forth, him battle-hardened from the Afghan Wars to sleep in combat mode.
@simchona Just a friendly heads-up: expect more of this if you're elected.
Rats. Forgot all about my laundry.
On a completely unrelated note, it's possible that not all of my questions in the THC were entirely hypothetical.
On an extremely related note: stock up on the gin!
@tchrist The whatpin?
@Cerberus The frawlpin.
Oh, thatpin.
“Pass the frawlpin, please.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“The frawlpin! The frawlpin!”

“I don’t have it.”

“I’ve got it”

“Oh. Why didn’t you say so?”

“Why didn’t you ask me?”

“Sorry. Just gimme. -Thanks.”

“Why do you keep refribbing that job, anyhow? It's ready.”

“Just to pass away the time.”
@Shog9 Which is why I want to understand it--if there's something I can do better, I would like to.
Are you quoting some Hollywood film again?
Most incredibly, this sequence is quickly followed by: CERBERUS YAWNS
I am a man of letters, not of celluloid.
Q: what the use of" at"or"in"?

user24362It is not always easy to come up with a rule to determine the choice between at and in. Some cases are clear cut, as in my first round of examples below. Others are not always so, as in my second batch of examples, for speakers tend to leave a lot of things implied in speech and in writing. Hopef...

What is the question?
If it's at/in university/college, that would be a dupe...
@tchrist Haha, see?
Q: "In college" versus "at college" versus "at university"

tcrosley Possible Duplicate: Which one is more correct: “works at a university” or “works in a university”? It seems that only in the U.S. one says that they are or were "in college", even though the person attended a university, such as the University of Iowa. You are e...

I have commented on your stuff from the future and inserted myself into it.
Q: Which one is more correct: "works at a university" or "works in a university"?

Anderson Silva My relative is a fairly big academic and works at a university. Is this correct? or should I have used in instead?

I am everywhere.
@Cerberus De veras.
What language is that?
@simchona In this particular case, I strongly suspect the only thing you could do better would involve doing a lot of other things worse.
Spanish. It's a vestige of an older form.
It's colloquial, too.
It pretty much means really.
Or right. Or indeed.
BTW, I’ve lost my kerberos keys at $job; could you fetch them for me?
nice doggies
Why are your keys mine?
@shog could you elaborate?
I know I hold not the key to thine heart.
You are not a κυβερνήτης.
No, but down here it is more like the weakest link.
He can stop you, or I.
No, that is Charon.
kerberos keys are authentication tokens in the cybernetic world of the electrical steersmen.
Because he is a very good watchdog.
Oh, that must be in my dreams.
There is stuff there.
It is time to find sleep and your keys.
For 'tis nearly 6 am again.
Alas, I Babylon.
Buona notte!
You Babylon?
@simchona Ever play croquet? With a kid who, when he was losing would pound the hoops and balls into the ground, throw the mallet, and then suggest starting over? You could: 1) refuse to play with him, 2) let him win, 3) spend a lot of time straightening hoops.
You babble on, you mean.
Buenas madrugadas.
@shog ohhh. Ok, gotcha.
It is hardly buena.
Rainy and dark.
Boa noite!
That’s why the word madrugada seldom appears in either Spanish or Portuguese without an obligatory puta in front of it.
Buenas madrugadas is oxymoronic. Good nighty.
I am glad we understand one another.
Actually I am thinking about forcing myself to at least log off.
Will probably still stay up till 11am.
In a couple hours it's okay to start playing piano.
Why must you wait?
Cuz them normal peoples is sleeping.
You’re in a cohabitation thing, aren't you?
Why would that be?
I'm not 14 anymore.
I have a grand piano, which I can play whenever I please. Managed to drive everyone else off that way.
I guess it is summer, so windows might be open.
I was thinking about getting one I could mute, but went with a regular one instead.
You have to pay nearly as much for a tolerable mutable one as you pay for an entry level grand.
The Kurzweils are nice and expensive.
I know. I have tried many an instrument in my life.
And my ambitions are not too high right now.
In a couple years I might exchange it for a better one.
I had a housemate with one once upon a time. He paid like US$5k for it.
That's not expensive.
But he got to move it with him into an apartment. I have a Schimmel. Can't do that.
I'm too young and too noob to have a Schimmel.
It's the first time in like thirteen years that I have an instrument I can play regularly at all.
Yes the Kurzweil was cheap in comparison.
Plus I was thinking about diversifying.
An accordion would be nice. A flute.
Tricky to manage both at once.
Not sure if it makes sense to learn violin this late in life.
Funny that you were just too young, and now you're too late in life.
That's how language works.
I have a friend who is a bit hunched over from starting young.
And being good at it, which means practising incredibly many hours as his spine was growing.
It's not exactly good for your hands, either.
He can hear pitches much better than me. I just have "piano pitch" kind of thing.
Whatever happened to my plan to log off.
Actually! I could go play guitar.
Why didn't I think of that?
Yes, my violinist friend has branched off into guitar. I think it is a very good idea.
You will be more popular at gatherings with a guitar than an accordion.
Unless you get a monkey.
They always like monkeys.
Depends on the gatherings.
Mariachi bands need both.
Where I come from garmons are rather popular. To say the least.
I imagine.
I do think the guitar is a good idea. It is fretted, too, which always helps compared with the unfretted strings.
A bisonoric garmon, now that would be something.
Better than chess.
Housecats are bisonoric. The Panthera genus is not.
The former can purr in both directions, the latter cannot.
Oh, and I also have a hulusi now. That thing is fun.
Wild thing.
Well all this talking and no music makes Jack a dumb boy.
Eek I'm pumpkinning.
And @Cerberus is asleep so I win anyway.
So let's be offer.
Good night. Thanks for trying to elevate the townhall meeting.
Oh right.
That was like yesterday.
Night whoever's still alive.
Ouvert et haut !
So I just read the town-hall chat
And what do you think?
Ah, OK.
all we needed was nortonns in there for the troll quorum
between Carlo interpreting every single one of simchona's statements as a personal attack on him, and Evan interpreting the whole world as a giant conspiracy of Stackexchange trying to oppress him, I hardly knew which way to laugh harder.
I thought it was pretty entertaining.
I went out for ice cream and monetary deposits and missed most of it, though…
I was painting grout
it sounds more exciting than it is.
so are you starting gr 12 in august?
er, sept
Nope, grade 11.
In September.
I am quite excited for the school year to begin, though.
any idea what you're going to do after high-school?
Well, I was considering going to university overseas somewhere for a few years, but I'd need a bunch of scholarships/a full scholarship to afford that.
If I'm not able to come by the funds, I'll probably go to a university in the States, or maybe in Toronto or Quebec.
After I get my bachelor's degree, I might work for awhile and then try for a Ph.D.
studying in the US is expensive
So I've heard.
BTW, found @Reg.
looking a little wet.
Indeed. I guess Matt must've sent him some rain.
we could use some rain here. my grass is all brown
We had a torrential downpour the other day, followed by hail and a thunderstorm of grand proportions.
Well, I'm off to watch a movie.
Good night.
yeah I should go too. cya
2 hours later…
maybe im missing something, but Evan Carroll is cutting a really rather sad figure right now
all the lobbying to be a mod and he's, well, in bad shape
We should label this election as the olympic games of ELU 2012 :-D
is Evan the badminton player who isn't trying to win?
@Jez Maybe inviting him to this chat room and talking to him would make him feel better
3 hours later…
@Meysam Of course. Invite a troll into our chat. That could only make things better for everyone.
@tchrist This is not true. For about $2k you can get an astoundingly real-sounding digital piano with a genuine grand-piano action. And it is always in tune.
1 hour later…
OK, I've read through the transcript of the Town Hall and I have to say it was quite an unpleasant little clusterfuck. What should have been handled in an orderly way, with each candidate getting to answer each question to a satisfactory degree, was turned into a shambles of name-calling, trolling, troll-baiting, disruption, ill-will, and conspiracy-theory blathering. The Town Hall we had during the first election was a model of elegance and comity by comparison.
Frankly, I'm shocked that with five moderators present there could not have been a little more hands-on management. I know that nobody wanted to appear to be stifling voices, but when several people are standing on a box and shouting nonsense while the rest of the group is trying to conduct an orderly meeting, the process suffers.
Hello everyone
I hate to suggest that what we had 15 months ago was a Golden Age, but it is hard to draw any other conclusion. Whether we enter into the Dark Ages now depends on to what extent we are going to suffer fools and saboteurs.
And hello to you too, Noah.
@Robusto- So what is the discussion about?
Elections. Click the Town Hall Chat (first starred comment on the right) and see for yourself.
It didn't go exactly according to plan, did it?
it was almost lucky I was asleep when it happened
Well, I blame you and your need for sleep.
I didn't even get enough. That's the irony
You never do, kid. You never do.
I am kind of hungry guys... Need to get a bowl of cereal....
Robusto seems to be a bit off...
What the heck, the whole election chat thing looks like a jumbled up collection of text from google books.
wait, what? i thought that the town hall was tonight
1am thursday gmt
stooopid time zones
No, I think you are a bit late...
No, I think you were off taking a nap...
yeah. they make programming harder, and diary keeping
Matt, who is the winner?
no one yet!
We did find out who the losers are, though ...
the election ends in 5 days
@Noah Nah, I think I pretty much nailed it. As usual.
@Robusto you mean all the eligible people who haven't run or voted yet?
Dont you have anyone on the inside?, :0
@MattЭллен No, the people who disrupted the meeting.
oh yeah, them.
Shouldnt we publish the chat as a book?
it'll get consolidated into a post on meta
which is like a book
only cheaper
Who is going to be the main author of the town hall chat?
Here comes @simchona
Q: Experience First Love

accelerationIf love, as in that feeling (not the person), is being talked about, is it correct to write: he has just experienced a first love ,when love is uncountable, but first suggests countability?

@Noah tim stone
And @simchona brought us some love...:)
No, it's a troll
How come?
How come what?
the troll
he comes through the intertubes
Well they're quite persistent and since they're suspended for a year I would prefer they go away
Well, they should...
reminds me of Harry Potter 2
@Noah Nortonn S, a suspended user, has a typical behaviour: post a question on usingenglish.com and then post it here. He'd be fine if it weren't for the fact that he is suspended.
I thought he was zoning out...
Why HP 2?
Cant we just kick him out once and for all
he keeps coming back under new names and from different IP addresses
@simchona- Trolls are part of HP2.
He is probably running a cluster of his own...
@simchona I have a feeling that once you're elected you will become the troll bane.
In fact, that can be your superpower.
Yea, she is a therapist, i am sure she can deal with it...
So far we have three mutants with super powers. @Reg is The Twister, because he twists everything you say. I am Nuance, because I make fine distinctions between meanings of words (but I only use my power for good). @simchona can be Trollbane (or a nicer-sounding name). Oh, and @MattЭллен is on his way to becoming The Sloth, who sleeps his way through election meetings.
We probably need Newt Gingrich
Nobody needs Newt Gingrich.
I know, but he can take us to space...
You want space? You want unbreakable space?   QED
Sleeping through election meetings is a power?
It's worth a try
@MattЭллен Admittedly of a very low order, but yes. It is a power.
Specially when you can get a free pass
It's not just election meetings I sleep though, either.
I always sleep through one class;)
@robusto Are we incognito mutants? Or do we have capes
I think capes make a very nice fashion statement, especially in chat.
@Robusto why, thank you
Wait, @MattЭллен can be The Dormouse, and we can spend our sessions trying to stuff him into a teapot after he falls asleep.
teapot might a bit big for him
Looks like it might work.
Gotta go...
bye Noah. pop by anytime
I'm out too.
+1 5 hours ago removed (name of question) – I cannot find a description of this +1 reputation event, what is it?
it means a question was deleted and an answer you down voted went with it

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