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lol whut?
The July 31, 2012, India blackout began at 1:05 pm local time in India, affecting 22 states . This was the second consecutive failure in as many days. The previous one occurred on 30 July 2012, beginning at 2:35 am local time with power being restored by 4pm. The blackout was the biggest ever power failure in human history affecting over 600 million people. The power has been restored to parts at around 5:30 PM Local time. Cause At 1.05PM IST 31st July 2012 the Northern Power Grid failed, allegedly, due to a fault at Agra near Delhi. In the weeks leading up to the failur...
oh, it's been edited back into shape
@RegDwightАΑA They probably just added up all people in regions that were out of power.
I don't see a huge problem there getting semi-reliable numbers?
@Cerberus yeah like they did with Olympics, ending up with 4bn people watching the Opening Ceremony (official numbers).
That is much harder to measure.
We have fairly reliable census numbers.
And the reach of a power outage is usually easy enough to establish.
Their reliable census has only just begun, some two years ago.
Make it +/- 50 million, then.
They don't know how many people are in a particular street right now. If you multiply that by the number of streets, you might as well just go with 4bn and hope nobody notices.
You mean live or happen to be in?
@Cerberus yeah I think 10% is a fair assessment of the deviation, even in countries such as Italy.
@Cerberus both.
I believe such statistics are about where people live and nothing else.
@RegDwightАΑA I find that a bit hard to believe. But anyway, 10 % is reliable enough.
The thing is, it's been only a couple hours since the outage, and it covers half a country, and they already have an estimate? Without computers, just using abacus? Why is the census taking years, then?
That's all I'm saying.
How many states in India?
If you look at Wikipedia, you will see that most cities and regions have population numbers that have been estimated earlier.
Take the percentage of states and multiply it times the population. There's your estimate.
You just add up the regions affected.
I think the Indian power companies need to do the necessary. ;-)
@Cerberus exactly. Thin air.
How is that step thin air?
is it because thick air requires deuterium?
Because adding up estimates gets you less precision, not more.
In any case, what does it matter whether it's 600 or 700 million people?
It's a different number.
In the case of Italy, I don't believe the margin would be nearly as large.
But if the number doesn't matter, then why feed it to news agencies in the first place?
@RegDwightАΑA It's still loads more people than in other outages.
@Cerberus which is exactly what I'm saying.
It's still the majority of the subcontinent.
Please, do read what I say.
"lots of people without power"
@RegDwightАΑA Because an estimate is interesting. I want to know whether it's closer to 200 million or 600 million. And you can see that they took a safety margin of +/- 5 million people, probably.
@KitFox In my country, that would be like 4000.
@Cerberus what does it matter whether it's 200 or 600 million people?
(Your own question.)
It matters a great deal.
Because it's thrice as many.
It's just a number. It means nothing.
It does to me and many readers.
Most readers can't tell 600 billion from 600 thousand.
too many zeroes to contend with
There. Many, then.
Cerberus keeps giving people too much credit today.
I really have no idea what you are arguing about.
I am not arguing at all.
You are.
This is déjà vu all over again.
So you have no opinion at all about the numbers as presented. Good.
I make a simple statement, you keep asking questions until you don't understand anything anymore.
Your position seems to be that mentioning any number in a newspaper or Wikipedia article is meaningless and useless.
I found that odd.
@RegDwightАΑA Nice marks.
That is not my position.
Then you should have explained yourself better!
There is no mentioning any number in this chat.
I have. With my very first statement, which I intended to be my last.
I thought we were agreed on 10 % being a reasonable margin of error for India.
But then you went on.
Well, never mind.
We probably have nothing to disagree on now.
@Cerberus I didn't go on. I explained the same thing again in more simple words, because that's what you kept insisting on, and still are, ending with "That is all I am saying".
All right, then.
Dang it, I can't decide who to vote for!
All those people...
It's only the primaries. You have a couple more days to decide.
If you're looking for someone crazy to vote for, you are in luck.
@reg Thats the problem.
There is a clear candidate.
I'm not participating.
Why didn't you?
@SonicTheHedgehog in the primaries you vote for everyone!
@SonicTheHedgehog in that case, just come back in 6½ days. Then you'll only have a couple minutes to make your mind up. That'll save you 6½ days of decision making.
it's only in the election you need to worry
@Matt ...wait.
I thought this was official voting phase?
it's an official voting phase
Just not the last one.
I'm no good at politics.
this narrows down the candidates from 11 to 10
@SonicTheHedgehog it's okay. I can pay you to get better at it.
vote up the ones you want kept and down the ones you want gone, and not at all the ones you don't care either way about
@Reg for sometime now, I couldn't get minecraft premium account because of my parents.
@Reg you could bribe me with minecraft account.
@Matt Ah, I see.
See. Vote for change, and you will have two minecraft accounts delivered right to your doorstep, overnight express.
@Reg so who do I vote for in that case?
Jul 12 at 12:23, by RegDwight ΒВB
user image
You vote for change.
@Reg Ah, you sly you...
you get a sock of pennies to the head
change != change.
@Matt be careful.
No, АΑA != AAA, but change == change.
Stupid fire drill.
@Matt I could decide not to vote you.
stupid fire
@KitFox I thought you drill wells, not fires? confused
@SonicTheHedgehog that would be a vote for change
Vernon Dursley has a company for drills.
Blame him.
@Reg From eyeballing that picture, I detect 5 dollars at least.
@SonicTheHedgehog see, vote for 5 dollars, get two Minecraft premium accounts.
It's a win-win.
@Reg but two minecraft accounts equals about 54 dollars.
@Reg I meant minecraft the GAME.
Stop being so real.
Stop! I hate pictures of lemon cars!
Them's melons, not lemons.
lemons, as in useless cars.
Those cars are in no doubt useless.
Melons, as in Russ Meyer.
@SonicTheHedgehog those cars star in movies. You do not. That makes you even more useless than them.
@Reg Idc if they star in movies.
They are useless.
They work. Unlike you, again.
Or myself.
"The Town Hall Chat will take place on Thu, August 2nd, at 1:00Z UTC" ... uh, what is that in Fahrenheit?
it's about 3 hours into my sleep
Take an Ambien. You'll sleepwalk through the whole thing.
@Robusto read on for EDT or click the link for other timezones.
@RegDwightАΑA But I want it in Fahrenheit.
@Robusto I could add that nugget of wisdom but it would get cut off.
"1:00Z UTC" is redundant and redundant.
I already had trouble fitting Cerberus in.
@RegDwightАΑA Next time, cut off a few heads first.
@tchrist I can only add that it is also redundant.
Noob. I could add way more than that.
is that a cat dressed as a banana?
look! it's a cat! and it's eating a banana!
or a tooth?
A clearer picture of pure evil I haven't seen.
Don't make me bring out the sparkles.
That's because there are no pictures of me.
Seriously. Sparkles. I've got 'em. You don't want 'em.
Exactly. Wir kommen nicht ins Geschäft.
Keine Wirtschaftsgelegenheit?
Take your bees nest elsewhere.
There weren't any b's in that sentence. Also, no nests.
So you already started doing what I asked you to. Suits me fine.
What is a for doing in there? Hmpf.
Watch it, or I may start camel-casing compound nouns. Then you'll be sorry.
Watch it, or I will start camel-casing yOu!
You can't camel-case mE!
mmmm camel casing
@Robusto how do you make that backwards ∃?
Ш? Nope.
@RegDwightАΑA By holding it up to a mirror, silly. Duh.
Щ? W? Ц?
You seem to have spilled a bowl of Cyrillic Oats. Perhaps you need help to sweep them up?
@MattЭллен That is a notty response.
The cow says μ.
Get a hunch and β bunch.
O, Me, Ga!
The Greeks were masters at δ blues.
I η peanut-butter sandwich. And some π.
mmmm blue screen of death flavoured
ρ, ρ, ρ your boat!
See? I have successfully out-sillied @RegDwightАΑA. And all it took was a handful of letters. Who knew such a thing was possible?
@Robusto Who ν?
@tchrist I , right?
fucking hell.
The meeting is tomorrow.
what's up @Kit?
Now I look like a crazy person.
@KitFox That's not my impression of hell.
Oh, now...
Because the only one around to ask was the dean.
@Robusto what about fucking hell?
@MattЭллен See, I don't think they allow fucking in hell. Except if you're religious, and then you're catching, not pitching.
if there is a way to make fucking hellish...
oh there is.
I dunno ... the worst I ever had was better than the best church service I ever attended.
@Robusto Bottom of the 9th
@KitFox I'm sure he's already forgotten about it
@tchrist +1. I love it when people make witticisms involving baseball and Dante.
pouts And now what am I gonna wear?
Fucking was 7th circle though.
Well, 2nd.
But sodomy on the 7th.
Both top and bottom then?
@Robusto Thanks, that makes me feel better.
@tchrist Depends how you feel about tempests and burning plains.
Why are laptop speakers always on the bottom?
punches laptop designers
@KitFox The burning pains would be from bottoming.
Only if you are doing it wrong.
laptop designers reel back in agony, cursing their lack of forethought
Q: Meaning of "native" as it is used on U.S. Census Bureau's website

Mike Szp.I am trying to gather some data for use at work and I am a little confused on the meaning of the word native as is used on this page of the U.S. Census Bureau's website: http://factfinder2.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?pid=ACS_06_EST_S0601&prodType=table does it...

"How do I use website X?"
indede. the answer points to the glassary
BTW, someone tell @GraceNote that the phrase is "by the bye," not "by the by."
fkc spleing
A: What is the origin of the phrase ‘By the by...’?

AlenannoI found the first entries during history, not the exact origin of the expression, unfortunately. They are around the 17th Century. by the by (earlier by a by, on or upon the by): by a side way, on a side issue; as a matter of secondary or subsidiary importance, incidentally, casually, in pass...

A: "By the Bye": Etymology and Usage

IreneAccording to Etymonline, by with the sense of secondary course as opposed to main course comes from Old English. This is also the meaning of the second by (also spelled bye) in the phrase by the by, which dates from the 1610s. This link shows that by the way is a lot more common than by the by.

Dupes, btw.
rooo rorarized?
Q: What does the waitress tell to Don in this "Mad Men" video?

MichaelI would like to know what the waitress tells to Don Draper in this video. It looks like she is flirting with him but I don't understand what she tells him. First she tells him something (I cannot understand). He is surprised. Then she tells him he is sitting here alone for a long time and asks i...

Actually, neither phrase exists, as this NGram clearly shows.
I believe that google ngrams is having troubles today
I got a similar result with something else I was searching
@MattЭллен Off topic.
@MattЭллен It always has troubles. Why should today be any different?
@Robusto It’s full of sound and fury, ...
You hear the call of the Faulkner. Or MacBeth.
More like a tale told by an idiot, signifying nothing.
@Robusto learn to read graphs. Clearly both lines GO TO 2000!
But nothing is an important concept! Computers would be impossible without zeroes. And neither would Comic-Con!
becaUSE comic-con uses lots of computers
@tchrist Is this a dagger I see before me, its handle toward my hand?
@MattЭллен Immediate disqualification for faulty use of camel-casing.
Spent camel-casings. Just imagine the damage those camels did to their targets.
cAmElCaSiNg Is WhErE CApitALisE some of the letTERS
See? Innocent people are getting hurt!
I think would-be moderators should have to explain their views on camel-casing. makes note to ask in election chat
I think all answers should be transliterated in Hiragana and Greek.
What, no русский?
non potest legi
I can't type fast enough to do that.
Oh. Oh, I see.
sad panda
@tchrist Well, this is The Incomprehensible Room, so unintelligible sequences of letters (mojibake) are allowed.
@Robusto Seems like a pretty comprehensive statement to me, and thus ipso facto offtopic.
Damn. Epic fail.
Also, at the risk of making a cogent statement in here, I think you mean comprehensible, not comprehensive.
@Robusto んΩ, そρι.
ん never begins a word.
Wow, all my posts are getting phantom-jinxed for a few seconds. Or else I'm seeing double.
English words are also transcribed using Katakana, not Hiragana.
@RegDwightАΑA The comprehensibility ship has sailed. Why aren't you on board?
I am. You just use the wrong point of reference. You often do. Must be a curse. I am very sorry for you.
You mean you are ebbing toward me?
That's ebbing stupid.
/me towardses Robusto
@RegDwightАΑA s/b/f/g
Put a little more power into your ebbing:
Richard Freiherr von Krafft-Ebing (full name Richard Fridolin Joseph Freiherr Krafft von Festenberg auf Frohnberg, genannt von Ebing) (14 August 1840 – 22 December 1902) was an Austro–German psychiatrist who was born in Mannheim in Baden, Germany. He was the author of the seminal work Psychopathia Sexualis. Krafft-Ebing studied medicine at the University of Heidelberg, where he specialized in psychiatry, and later practiced in psychiatric asylums. After leaving his work in the asylums, he pursued a career in psychiatry, forensics, and hypnosis. Principal work Krafft-Ebing's principal ...
@tchrist wow thank you! So many joke decomposers in this chat today!
First Rob, now you!
I am thrilled!
Said the original joke deconstructor.
@Robusto Guy was on a Power Trip.
@Robusto Exactly. Thank you for explaining that.
What is this, the International Explanation Day?
@RegDwightАΑA You are the joke deconstructor, Mr. Torrance. You have always been the joke deconstructor.
@RegDwightАΑA no, that was on October the 1st last year
Right. Last year we still had October. Now it's eternal September.
oh ye gods, dunnae remind meh
@RegDwightАΑA And yet, ironically, Oktoberfest could conceivably go on forever.
@MattЭллен BTW, have the Olympics inconvenienced you yet?
@Robusto only during the torch relay, not since yet
so, only before they started
ignoring any tax burden I may have accrued
Haha, ignore away. It will avail you naught.
@RegDwightАΑA this is why you should help with my flat tyre. Why else am I paying you $54/year?
I even spelled it Britishly.
then you misspelled £54
@MattЭллен truth.
More like £108.
What kind of terrifying orc head would I be if I lied?
@MattЭллен all the more terrifying.
Oh; I linocut a lowercase 'k' in the meantime, but I shall cut your head soon enough.
it's funny, but if you lose £100 in England nobody compliments you on how much thinner you look.
@cornbreadninja you should have spolen it tyre♭, then I might (might!) have offered help.
@RegDwightАΑA noted.
@Robusto but why is it funny? Please explain.
You have four minutes. Commie mutant won't wait.
@RegDwightАΑA Joke deconstructions can't be forced. They are like a delicate, exotic fruit. Touch it, and the bloom is gone.
@Robusto orchidectomized
@Robusto in which variety of English is a "please explain" aptly described as forcing?
@tchrist phalaenopsisized.
@RegDwightАΑA You're so strict.
I am a literal.
Hello, literal. I am a variable. I could contain you, but I probably won't.
Little do you know.
@RegDwightАΑA You should be well-quoted then.
@tchrist I am the wellest quoted here.
Search the transcript.
@RegDwightАΑA How profound.
You have to be pro found in order to be quoted.
Self-references don't count.
@cornbreadninja I look forward to it
Twenty seconds.
@MattЭллен I'll have to get some green ink.
No fair using super-powers in chat.
@Robusto you should have ranned for mod.
waits for it
Commie mutant! Ouvert et haut !
I am Nuance. I don't do anything so overt.
No, not overt. Ouvert.
Hmm ... something about oeuvre ...
When you hit a French chicken in the stomach, does it say oeuf ?
eggs? you want your eggs sunnyside up?
Is there any other kind?
@Robusto That’s un œuf out of you there, or we’ll bring back the orchidectomizations.
Sacre merde!
@Robusto I didn't want to poach the subject, but yes
@Robusto Try less gruyère.
Umm, none of the starred messages make sense to me.
But even if you have les oeufs, you still can't make an hommelette with them.
Gotta go stretch. AFK.
@Gigili then we're safe!
I \N{HIRAGANA LETTER NO}, right? - 1h ago by Robusto
Who \N{GREEK SMALL LETTER NU}? - 1h ago by tchrist
@Robusto That particular Homini bus left a long time ago.
So I said "screw it" today. I'm having peanut butter pie and bbq chips and soda for lunch.
Because I can.
Are you going to make it to chat today?
I am not. I am trying to find someone to take over this free lance work I'm doing, so I'll be elsewhere, I'm afraid
@MattЭллен Jousting at the tourney, no doubt.
@MattЭллен Oh, oh, I'll do it!
@tchrist Yes, well, These lances won't mend themselves
@KitFox OK!
@MattЭллен His sword was long, his lance was keen. His shining helm afar was seen.
they need a bunch of Arduino stuffs done by the end of the week
I said, given the speed I'm working at, it will take me 8 weeks. I also said there's probably someone better qualified to do it
A bunch of what stuffs now?
so we're going to visit ox hack this evening
@KitFox oh, just some firmware for Arduinos
parsing UDP packet, writing data to pins and such
I was being silly.
I know :D
I was being dead pan
Is that where you put your cadavers? Like a chamberpot is where you put your etymologic tome? And a pie pan is where you put your pie?
This peanut butter pie is so good.
I'm not sure I get it...
oh. Well, I guess homestar runner isn't so popular anymore
Oh, I'm just old.
Time to jet. SEEE YA
@MattЭллен BAI!
15 minutes to weekly Writers chat

 The Overlook Hotel

General discussion for writing.stackexchange.com. Writing exer...
For anyone who is interested.
You don't have to be a writer to chat.
@KitFox I had another look, and I had a cup of tea and a butter pie
@KitFox I understand there is a weekly exercise. I'm interested in that.
@cornbreadninja Well, come on over then.

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