@tchrist Looks pretty clear to me. Some rain moving in tonight, maybe. When the mountains in the distance are blue from the atmosphere, the air is pristine. It's when Sandía Peak 10 miles away is all hazy and I can taste the smoke in my mouth that I know something like the Tonto National Forest is burning somewhere.
@Robusto This is true, and I would make the statement even broader.
In order to be a good translator, a computer needs to be able to think like a human, and know things humans would.
In addition, in order to fool a human into thinking an artificial intelligence is human, the intelligence needs to be able to think like a human, too, and know things humans would.
Actually I just need a robot to help me do things requiring only basic intelligence, like going downtown to fetch a meal to me, doing the laundry for me, cleaning the ground for me.
@Færd Every minute Trump is in office stresses me out, so that's nothing new. But polls like these have been all over the map for so long I do not give them much credence anymore. It's worth noting that CNN is at the same time claiming in their "poll of polls" that Biden has a 9-point lead over Trump.
The host has an array of host defences provided by both the innate and adaptive arms of the immune system, the primary function of which is to protect tissues against microbial colonization and invasion.
@Robusto Right, the August poll may be an outlier. I just thought people were generally too confident that this couldn't be another 2016. But it could.
@Robusto There's a rising wave of young liberals/leftists that the Dem establishment is too afraid of to recognize and weaponize against Trump. What the Biden/Harris ticket suggests to me is that they'd rather lose to Trump than acknowledge this wave and make use of it. Not smart.
And also there are lots of poor people who have given up and are not going to vote either way, no matter how hard they are belittled.
'Cause they don't care for either party based on what they know from experience. A smarter VP pick could have interested them more.
@Færd I disagree. Trump is the existential crisis. When your house is on fire and your kids are upstairs, there are no strategies for losing that can be considered.
In any case, you may be surprised. I think I'm more in touch with what is going on in this country than you are, and I don't know about or hear from anybody who would stand by and let the country burn because they didn't get their ideal candidate.
News organizations try to play individual cases out of proportion to get viewership.
@Færd Obama saved us from a depression and left the economy on an upswing. Trump took a winning game and blew it. People know that.
In any case, I agree there are assholes who would rather see the country burn than take steps to save it. There are people who are that selfish. I just don't think there are as many as you do.
And we can argue it from here to November, but November we'll find out the answer, so that's all I'm going to opine on that.
@Færd No, if it's a problem at all it's a personal problem—I'm one person, remember? Nevertheless, the polls still show what they show, and if they're accurate at all they are including the spoilsports you think are so very mighty.
> It’s hard to know how big a group of voters #BernieOrBust truly is. It’s obvious that some on social media are merely bots and Trump trolls, hoping to disrupt the elections.
That you will not admit much of what you see online are bots or trolls says something about your opinion. Whatever. I just hope you're surprised (disappointed?) in November.
All I'm saying is that there's a substantial share of the potential votes that are being taken for granted. And that's not smart. I'm not talking about a personality cult.
They may join these nonvoters (who are unhappy with both parties) out of frustration. You go ahead and call them whatever you want. It won't change anything.
The smart plan would strive to win over non-voters, not to repel voters.
@Færd IIRC Warren has said and done some things that are too easy to weaponize against her, things dems care about.
It's not a coincidence that the only attack they can come up with against Harris is a birther conspiracy.
@Robusto haha this is exactly why I tread lightly on these matters. No matter how much I read you'd always have a more accurate insight about how things really are there.
Though I think there's a good chance Trump is ahead. As I said, everyone is bent on kicking him out, so any manipulated or non-manipulated charts seem to win him back some votes.
@Cerberus We're not talking about anything too radical here. Policies like universal healthcare, the minimum wage etc are often overwhelmingly popular among Republicans, let alone the 'center' of the Dem voters.
@Færd oh she's definitely the smartest candidate, that is the candidate that is the smartest and most competent. but the VP is not chosen for that. Warren is too much like Biden (older, northeastern) in character, and probably too far left politically -for electability-. Harris is the smarter choice (a strategic choice) for electability because it'll get more non-voters out (who are more likely to vote Dem) and she's not as far left.
She's just as competent as Warren (but maybe not as well planned out as Warren, though that's probably impossible).
Flameware alert: As much as Sander's ideas seem pretty good for this day and age, he doesn't strike me as competent (good at getting things done) as any of the other's just mentioned.
Warren would have been great from the white liberal intellectual point of view, but that's not the majority of voters.
@Mitch I think he ruined the mustache. It was probably stylish in its own way in the 1930s
There's some aura of . . . humility around it. Or maybe it's just ugly but neat. I dunno. It's ever tainted with being the Adolf mustache though
@Færd not trying to butt in anything but I think he's referring to devices like "you go ahead and call them whatever you want. It won't change anything." or "I wonder who was it that" which are snarky but not impolite. I mean, there are different ways of being right. What made the whole thing go south was "you're not very online", I guess.
People feel more strongly about these things the more they affect them, so I guess sometimes the conversation just has to stop.
I mean that's not to say we won't be affected by it much. If Trump is elected again one of his populist hat tricks to appease his nazis might indeed be firing something at Iran.
Which is why the conversation is important enough for everyone
And of course I'm in no position to advise about anything especially when I'm sometimes worse, but when the conversation reaches a point, a breather is inevitable
@Mitch Neither Harris nor Warren did very well in the run-up. But that's partly because Warren and Sanders split the left's vote. Except for Sanders, Warren would have attracted a heavy chunk of the cake.
And that segues into the next point: racial/regional divides are not the only ones that should be considered in picking the VP. Political divides matter too.
And I don't agree with the idea of left-leaning = non-electable.
> Warren is too much like Biden (older, northeastern) in character, and probably too far left politically -for electability-. Harris is the smarter choice (a strategic choice) for electability because it'll get more non-voters out (who are more likely to vote Dem) and she's not as far left.
I'm responding to this part.
@Mitch Sanders is more populist.
And much more responsible in foreign policy. No comparison here.
@Færd I don't know how to understand anybody's use of 'populist' anymore. There are so many directions it can be interpreted in, some of them not so good.
@Færd I couldn't say. At the moment I can't think of any statements or policies by either.
@Mitch is it just me or are you also frigging tired or the PC pandering? Everyone is either LGBTQ+ or a person of color (most preferably a woman) these days.
I mean, don't get me wrong. I'm reading, and enjoying Broken Earth, which features a black lady as the main character. And it's certainly not PC pandering.
@Færd I can't disagree because I don't know enough substantial about it, but however unattractive it is, it is in no way as unattractive as the current administration's record on law enforcement.
@Færd sure, seen some people reverse the race card: that she imprisoned lots of black people with disproportionate jail times
@Færd I think it'd be appealing to swing voters, especially older ones. Reps can no longer mischaracterize Biden/Harris as thieves would be roaming the street and taking your things.
So we ignored five percent of the population and they were even shunned by the 95. Now the 5 percent is the focus, and you have the 95 percent being trash talked. How the heck is this better?
@Mitch as far as feminists go, she's adamant but more reasonable.
Or might be that they used to be mostly reasonable, but that's not what this GenZ's impression has been of the more recent waves.
And the tit-for-tat mindset could have worked if the same people were being compensated in some way, but it's not
@Færd I don't know that Harris's toughoncrime stance was the driving or even minor criterion for choosing her. It's one feature I suppose. But in a (fair, in good faith) argument with someone leaning republican, would that be used as a convincing argument? A VP is not the Attorney General.
It's just a public service announcement. Before, the 5% weren't even mentioned. Now you know about it. Nothing has changed...the 5% are still being oppressed, the 95% are still doing just fine, but now we're aware of the problem.
You hear stories of some companies employing based on gender or sex, except they say 'we need to have five women in this dept. for a progressive PR image', so it's now discriminating against men.
@M.A.R. 'Affirmative Action' is the name of a very particular set of policies in job allotment (like article 15 in India). It has come to mean any kind of reverse discrimination. ('reverse discrimination' is the term I think you are looking for).
@M.A.R. Yeah. That's just a bunch of incompetent men complaining really loudly.
@Mitch I'm pretty sure "positive discrimination" is being used, dunno about the "reverse" version
@Mitch no, not like that. You hear it from self-identified females. Of course, everyone could be a dog on the internet, but it's odd to say no company would do it.
@M.A.R. I'm not sure about what American media you're exposed to but I've known the term 'reverse discrimination' since the 70's, and this is my first exposure to 'positive discrimination' (which sounds like an oxymoron)
@M.A.R. I wouldn't be surprised that somewhere sometime, some well qualified 95%-er did not get the job/project/promotion that a not as competent 5%-er got -because they were labeled as a 5%-er, but that is rare. the 95%-ers are still getting 95% of the stuff.
now if you're complaining about presence in fiction, sure, I'm an old dude, it always sounds weird when the entire starship leadership is female because...I'm just not used to it.
I mostly don't have any skin in the game, I just think these things shift progressivism from being a simple act of kindness to a political stance or a soon-to-fade zeitgeist, both of which can easily be argued against, unlike being nice. So it ultimately hurts those minorities
@M.A.R. There's a TV show (Murdoch Mysteries) which is set in 1890's Toronto, a detective solving murders with a female physician/pathologist, very much solving science with old tools, and it just always strikes a false note that 1) there is a dedicated forensic pathologist in the police department, and 2) it's a woman. Nowadays, no question. But back then it just stretches the bounds of credulity, or at least that it wasn't a huge issue -as part of the show-
@Mitch Starships are understandable, but one thing I can't get in, for example, The Fifth Season is how like 80 percent of the past emperors who did notable things were female. I'm imagining this mostly medieval yet post-apocalyptic setting and it just doesn't fit.
@RegDwigнt "orange" and "elephant" and "hour" were already taken
When it is well done, I'm fine with it. Positive attention for people in less favourable positions is nice in general. But, when it's hyped or too obvious, it gets annoying.
@Cerberus don't worry, in a hundred years they'll start erasing all references to LGBT from literature, like they are now erasing all references to blacks from Mark Twain.
@M.A.R. Yes, (if I understand yo) that was in issue in the US (and ever since) with Affirmative Action, that it would put into question the competence of the 5% who got the job instead of the 95%-er. That fear has not gone away. (again, mostly by the incompetent ones from the 95% who shouldn't have gotten the job in the first place).
People are mostly brown or black. There's some Antarctic people that are white and everyone laughs at their whiteness. The main character and her mentor are black, none of them are morally white or holy or anything.
@M.A.R. Jemisen is african -american so it's pretty understandable that she writes from the point of view of someone african american and that her protagonist is black.
The other day on MuseScore (of all places) someone posted the pamphlet of the American Communist Party from like 1938. And added "some of the things have come true already. Scary!"
It's in your genes to rebel against the establishment during a certain period of your life. No matter what the establishment is. Even if it's the fucking Utopia.
@M.A.R. The last scifi I read was... Stephenson... Quicksilver... about 1000 pages in ... maybe a 1/4 of the book... I learned a lot about Renaissance era German mining and metallurgy engineering... but that's when my brain overflowed and I've been bailing out since.