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@Cerberus Interesting. Thanks!
What prompted your question?
@Cerberus I just wondered if Dutch was a language that was on its way to simplifying that sort of thing. To my uneducated eye it seems like a bridge between German & English. Frisian is supposedly the closest language to English, but Dutch is probably not too far away.
@Robusto True.
2 hours later…
Word of the day: neck gaiter
4 hours later…
> "Go the **** out!"
2 hours later…
@RegDwigнt I admire your cut-and-paste prowess. But just curious: how much of this Uncle Remus tale do you find more or less translatable?
@Xanne It was translated into Russian long time ago, because I had the book in Russian when I was about 6 years old
Are you happy?
For Belarus
In Russia, meanwhile. A man went out on the street with this sign that protests forest cutting near Lake Baikal. For this dark deed, he now faces 30 days of inprisonment or a fine of 300 000 rubles, about 10 monthly salaries.
The sign says: Vladimir [Putin], cut yourself, not our forest!
Such news appear now at about several a day.
A constant trickle of news about Jehova's witnesses being raided at morning or in the night, or being tortured. Several days ago a report on one of them having their bones broken by the police.
Russia designated Jehova's Witnesses a totalitarian sect, and started imprisoning and raiding them.
It's operetta-style laughable to read about some old lady's flat being bugged, in order to record the criminal activity of "reading the Bible" so that the police can raid her flat.
After that, the lady usually receives the status of an extremist. In Russia, as an extremist you may not have any bank account, you cannot receive money through bank or postal transfers.
Volunteers organize financial help to such "extremists" who are really not extremists but some poor people with weird beliefs.
Do you really believe _one apple a day keeps you away from doctor_?
Sadly, I don't believe this.
But I love apples, especially green ones
@CaptainBohemian I wear an apple around my neck to ward them off, but it seems to last for a few days. Maybe fresh is better, but I haven't seen anything about that in a peer reviewed journal
@MattE.Эллен do you mean you don't see a doctor for a few days because you eat an apple for a few days?
@CaptainBohemian Eat it? Wouldn't that remove its protective qualities?
(I'm just joking around. I don't believe an apple a day will keep me from going to the doctor)
I have an Apple iPhone
Produced in 2013
and when was the last time you went to the doctor?
This spring.
Apples can't cure sleeping problem.
@CowperKettle seems like that Apple has worn out!
@MattE.Эллен February 10.
@CaptainBohemian thrown hard enough at the head...
Perhaps the bigger the apple the better the protection
@MattE.Эллен I have had enough headache.
@Xanne as CowperKettle says. I read that book as a kid. Now, I haven't checked if they dropped 3% or 5% or 12% from this or that individual sentence. But it seemed quite complete to me overall.
Everything is equally translatable. If you think that sentence is not translatable into Russian or German or French, try translating just the one single word "mother". Good luck.
@CaptainBohemian as Matt says, you got it backwards. The apple is not to keep yourself away from the doctors. It is to keep the doctors away from you.
It is about your own protection, not theirs.
@CowperKettle worst nonsense I have read in a while.
Also, no pyramid schemes in this chat.
@RegDwigнt This is your point of view, you are entitled to it.
Also, Bill Gates wants to install 5G in our blood to remote control us. Belarus is the only country who successfully fought him off by completely ignoring corona.
And now this joker wants to undo that.
@CowperKettle it is not a point of view.
@RegDwigнt You are entitled to not calling it a point of view.
I'm not interested.
I am reading their post and looking at their picture.
Yeah, yeah.
Please. I'm not interested. I must translate some stuff.
Then why you come in here.
Stop posting garbage.
I only ever reply to what you post.
Garbage in, garbage out.
I am going to eat,
@RegDwigнt well the smell makes me gag, so I don't go near much.
@CaptainBohemian Huzzah
Funny thing is, now I don't have anything to eat.
And see if I should buy an apple.
@RegDwigнt I realize however I opine on this topic I'd mostly be pretending to care.
Maybe that's the whole point of discussing politics. Pretending to care.
But I haven't been affected much by who governs Russia or Belarus, maybe very little by who governs France.
@CaptainBohemian Fruit often keeps you hanging in the air, hungrier than before.
Last thing in the day to replace a fatty dinner? Sure. But lunch? Nah
I won't eat a fatty dinner.
My stomach is growling.
@CowperKettle Is the Russian easy to read? What accent does it attempt to portray if any? The original accented English is pretty hard to read.
@M.A.R. Carrots are the worst. You're starving for dinner and you come into the kitchen to have a snack and your mom says "Don't ruin your dinner" and then suggests a carrot or celery to tide you over, but one bite from a carrot and things are worse it's like they make you even hungrier creating more empty space in your stomach than if you didn't eat it.
@M.A.R. hmm... maybe popcorn would work.
@MattE.Эллен Peer-review? What, are you some kind of scientologist?
@CaptainBohemian I don't believe that because the song is "An apple a day keeps the doctor away"
It only works if it whymes
Look man that is a typo I did not mean to say that my fingers have a mind of their own and they're doing the "I'm looking at you" gesture and it's really creepy because most fingers don't have eyes.
@Mitch All the fishing lakes in Wisconsin have been pier reviewed.
Take that!
@Mitch scientology is the study of scient. If we don't study it, who will?!
@MattE.Эллен Only a scientist can do that.
scientist hate all scient, so it makes sense they would be watching all the time
@MattE.Эллен You have a good point and it's on top of your head.
¿Qué hay de nuevx por aquí?
Me es muy difícil traducir ese términx inglés «Latinx» (ya con equis, fíjate), ¿tú sabes?
Quierx decir que tengx unxs problemxs verdaderxs con este nuevx vocabularix malsonate que xx mundx anglxsajx́n presentx x nuestrx propix idiomx.
@RegDwigнt I actually mean this, but I just didn't see the difference between keep the doctor away and keep you away from doctor.
@Mitch thanks!
A doctor won't approach you if you don't go to visit them.
Si existe ux deletrex más deletérex que estx, no lx conozcx yx. ¿Y vxsotrxs?
@CaptainBohemian They're just messing around, ELU chat style
I just saw apples look not better than blueberries in supermarket.
Blue apples, hmm
Maybe blueberry keeps the doctor farther than apple.
@CaptainBohemian obviously you've never been to a crowd.
Every single time there's a doctor or five pushing everyone around and shouting "let me through, I'm a doctor".
It's really quite appalling.
Bin men or software developers never do that!
You won't get approached by a software developer even if you're an attractive young woman. (Especially not then.)
But doctors be like, lemme through, lemme through right now I said.
That's why they call themselves Doctors Without Borders.
1 hour later…
> ...a lot of ink gets spilled about his hard-nosed business style, his sexual picadillos...
Picadillo (Spanish pronunciation: [pikaˈðijo], "mince") is a traditional dish in many Latin American countries and the Philippines (where it is known as giniling, and also arroz a la Cubana) that is similar to hash. It is made with ground beef, tomatoes (tomato sauce may be used as a substitute), raisins, olives, and other ingredients that vary by region. It is often served with rice or used as a filling in dishes such as tacos, savoury pastries or croquettes. The name comes from the Spanish word picar, that means "to mince". == History == A 19th century recipe from California for pasteles a la...
@RegDwigнt I support Doctors without International Borders But With Personal Boundaries
Peccatulum should be with an e.
@Cerberus In English the 'minor scandalous lapse/sin/offense/vice' is 'peccadillo'.
@Mitch Whoa dude. Looks very suggestive. At least put a NSFW warning or something
> Someone told me that I don't know how to shave properly... Bloody cheek!
@M.A.R. When we talk about sex, what we really are talking about is food.
But thank you for spelling 'whoa' correctly.
I've always spelled it that way but then I figured out a while ago "woah" is way more common and then said "whatever, it's part of my style now"
@M.A.R. All tPeople who spell it 'woah' are stupid.
@Mitch I know. It's Spanish, you know.
People who can't spell tPeople right are idiots.
@Cerberus it's not Italian?
Uhh I don't think so?
I mean... the idea is.
The d sounds very Spanish.
The etymology also sounds very Spanish.
One wonders about the double d.
Annnd....we're back to sex
So you are.
I'm talking about sex to cover up for my obsession with food.
'double d' = Dunkin Donuts.
Or Dunkin Diabetes
@Cerberus if by 'd' you mean 'l' then I totally get it now.
what does Italian do there?
SP peccadillo > IT peccatuccio
@Mitch Well, in Spanish, I would expect a single d.
In Spanish there is only one 'd'
Err sorry, c.
Argh, stupid Cerberus.
I would expect pecadillo.
And I see the older word is pecado.
Google says 'pecadillo' in Spanish is 'pecadillo'
so your intuition is way better than mine.
My intuition says that peccadillo is really 'taco' (forgive me for being so profane)
@M.A.R. I'm so old I see the excrescent spelling 'alright' as a simpleton's analogy to 'already' when -the- way to write it is 'all right'.
I don't know what is all right anymore.
Then one wonders about the double c in English.
@Cerberus qui tollis peccata mundi
@tchrist In Latin, of course.
== English == === Etymology === From Pickadilly Hall, a house belonging to a tailor who specialized in a type of lace collar called a piccadill, possibly from conjectured Spanish *picadillo, from picado (“punctured, pierced”); compare 17th century Spanish picadura (“a similar lace collar”). Piccadilly attested from 1743; previously the area was called Portugal, and the street Portugal Street (1692), after Catherine of Braganza. === Pronunciation === (UK) IPA(key): /pɪkədɪli/ === Proper noun === Piccadilly Piccadilly, a street running from Hyde Park Corner to Piccadilly Circus 1881, ...
So the double c is an English invention?
But piccalilli has an entirely different source.
It's hard to tell just which orthographic conventions in Spanish were operative whenever the word was putatively borrowed, in part because we don't know when that happened. But I don't find a double-c in Medieval Spanish.
> Dauanle vozes ſus amos, que no le dieſſe tanto, y que le dexaſſe: pero eſtaua ya el moço picado, y no quiſo dexar el juego, haſta embiadar todo el reſto de ſu colera: y acudiendo por los demas troços de la lança, los acabò de deshazer ſobre el miſerable caydo, que con toda aquella tempeſtad de palos que ſobre el via, no cerraua la boca, amenazando al cielo, y a la tierra, y a los Malandrines, que tal le parecian.
But the English may simply have thought that they should represent that sound sequence with a doubled consonant in English.
> Canſoſe el moço, y los mercaderes ſiguieron ſu camino, lleuando que contar en todo el del pobre apaleado: el qual deſpues que ſe vio ſolo, tornò a prouar ſi podia leuantarſe: pero ſino lo pudo hazer quando ſano? y bueno, como lo haria molido, y caſi deshecho, y aun ſe tenia por dichoſo, pareciẽdole q̃ aquella era propia deſgracia de caualleros andantes, y toda la atribuîa à la falta de ſu cauallo, y no era poſsible leuãtarſe, ſegũ tenia brumado todo el cuerpo.
This is all from the first printing of the Quijote.
leuãtarſe > levantarse
@Mitch Hwoa hwoa hwoa! Now that's just racist.
Scottish lives matter!
Also, their hwisky.
You can have your e in uisge, thanks much.
But there's no h in there, so quid pro quo, Clarice.
@RegDwigнt We've had enough
@RegDwigнt Circe is that you?
@Mitch Certainly not of the wonderful Duff no we haven't.
@RegDwigнt As racists and tautologists tend to say, it is what it is.
@Mitch so all you're saying is, for once the racists are actually correct.
@RegDwigнt I'm saying they say it. Maybe you're just a closet tautologist.
I am not a closet anything.
You're a little schrank.
Turtles all the way down.
I am just trying to picture your reaction to them saying "it is what it's not".
@RegDwigнt Not a good look on my face.
Sort of a squinchy nose
You're a buffalo so you're excused.
You are what you aren't.
I'm feeling a show tune coming on.
Sure, I can write one.
ads for Grammarly
I know. I scored those, too.
You monster
I am what I am.
And my work is done
You had work?
Now that's a first.
I mean that literally. I'm done with work for today.
so I can screw around here
Not that it stopped me before.
We have some loose nails, but nothing in need of screwing. Sorry.
Unless you've brought some work from home.
Just use the fat end of your screwdriver. It's not the best but it'll do in a pinch
No no no, you're thinking of tweezers.
You flatter me, I wasn't thinking at all.
No no no, you're thinking of a steamroller.
Though flatter is also a hammer. Hm.
What are you thinking of.
My mind is a drafty lonely barn. The door was shut after all the horses had bolted.
@Mitch WTH, your t is besides your shift?
What magic layout is this
@M.A.R. My left hand doesn't know what the right is doing.
That t looks like it's from Darjeeling.
Never liked it.
Too bitter?
@Mitch Which one is kermit
@Mitch that's perfect, you're the first person actually capable of multitasking.
@M.A.R. the frog.
@M.A.R. It takes one hand to operate Kermit's two hands.
@RegDwigнt does he have frog hands?
@Mitch Dontchu give me that exponential crap
All of them have to hands. Or mana, mana in Spanish.
Or the capital of Bahrain
@M.A.R. It doesn't really blow up. The expressiveness in Kermit's two hands is less than that of one human hand.
The fuck did twenty thousand people downvote Sesame Street for.
Fucking fuckers.
The first time I heard "Sesame street" I thought it was a crime show
One mana washes the other.
@M.A.R. It's not?
Well it has no Kojak, for one.
@Mitch It doesn't contain marijuana much
On the surface
@Mitch That's no Telly Savalas, mate. Your glasses need fixed.
I created a Twitter account earlier today just to follow @M.A.R. but I don't seem to be able to find the button for doing so.
I think I'll go ask on UX.SE.
Uh, Vielen Gluck. With the umlauts, even.
And without the "en", presumably?
Glück is neuter.
Gluck is masculine, but he was a Baroque composer.
Are you wishing me to listen to Orfeo ed Euridice more?
I somehow mixed dank and gluck
I noticed.
Well there's no mixing Jaroussky with anyone.
So all is good.
What would he do without her?
Your musician references fly right over my head.
Probably have more time to sing
I don't even know my own country's musicians.
@Mitch Sing countertenor arias, apparently.
@M.A.R. Not even Barobax?
@M.A.R. not to worry, a couple more months of corona and musician as a profession will plain die out everywhere.
Anyway. We need to all create Twitter accounts and then start posting actually interesting things.
Fight the system from within.
@RegDwigнt I feel tiny
And I'm only talkative when I'm not supposed to be
Masks are a breach of civil rights!
Rights are a breach of civil masks!
Fuck the rights!
And, apparently recently, "I've decided Kamala Harris is not American-born"
Well with a name like that I'd say she was born to Timon and Pumbaa.
@RegDwigнt I am offends
First you offends then you represents.
Worked for Trump.
@RegDwigнt I wouldn't have said that if we weren't friends already
Well most things fall into that category.
Probably all the things really.
What about the unknown knowns?
What about the unclowned clowns?
Like, I didn't know that I knew how to do the trapeze.
Neither did the clowns.
But I was up there, and the peer pressure, well actually my peers, pushed me over the edge.
> Which of my piano compositions is the best?

Now that I have finished Piano Composition No. 4 I figured I would post all of my piano pieces and ask which one you like the most. I would love to hear your feedback.
Rookie mistake.
@RegDwigнt In the clowning world there is a hierarchy:
Rodeo clowns, clowns, birthday clowns, and mimes.
I've finished Opus 52 recently and I never asked that.
@RegDwigнt Get crackin
You can ask what other people like once you're dead.
But you can't write your Piano Composition No. 5 then.
Also, most of the people you've asked will be dead by then as well. So what's the bloody point.
@RegDwigнt YOu should try asking younger people. Not as likely dead.
it's science
Have you seen younger people? With their roller skates and skateboards like?
They'll be dead by the end of this week, I'm tellinya.
@Mitch Anyway. MuseScore actually has you covered. Lots of nine-year-olds there. Some twelve-year-olds. A couple people in their fifteens.
with there hippin and a hoppin and a bippin and a boppin
But that raises a different question entirely.
The fuck do you need the opinion of a nine-year-old for.
Also, the fuck you want to get in jail for asking nine-year-olds for their opinions.
@Mitch I'm calling it now. The moment there's a sizeable amount of self-driving cars in the streets, it will become a fun new sport for kids and morons and moron kids to jump in front of them.
@RegDwigнt Look man you're complaining about the musical talents of 9 year olds who aren't Mozart, and you should be happy that they can even put one note after another.
OK I get it, many can't do even that.
I am not complaining at all.
I am wondering.
Maybe you should move on to MuseScoreAdultSwim
@RegDwigнt and that's when all the drivers will switch the 'Prefer lives or pedestrians' to 'Prefer lives of occupants'
Yes, but that's what will make the sport only more popular.
Also, drivers won't be allowed to do shit.
you mean when none of the cars swerve at all.
They just convicted a guy in Germany just yesterday for trying to use window wipers in his Tesla.
@RegDwigнt I don't know which movies you've seen, but that switch is the first one on the control screen
@Mitch there are no switches in Tesla. Is the point. Is why people getting convicted now.
Some genius did away with all the switches and put them all in a giant app on a giant screen the size of a fridge. And of course the app is approximately as usable as, well, an app. So turning on the window wipers is buried down five levels in some submenu.
So that guy wanted to use wipers because it was like raining, right. And it took him so long to figure it out that he drove into a tree. And the judge said fuck you the law says you must not look at a screen while driving. And you looked at a screen while driving.
Nice. Resembles our laws.
We're slightly moving forward and the world is moving back. We'll meet halfway.
Well they are aware of the absurdity of the situation, so now they're trying to figure out who the fuck even said Teslas were street-ready by European standards to begin with.
(Turned out it was the Dutch, of course.)
But yeah. I think he bumped into a couple cars and whatnot in addition to the tree. But no one get hurt. Now imagine he'd drove over a kid.
Also, Elon's mum is literally Cruella de Vil.
Don't take my word for it, go check her out on Google Images.
1 hour later…
@RegDwigнt Eh, I mean, she wears dark lipstick, is white with very white hair
So yeah but I guess the features themselves don't resemble it much
You were saying?
It's not like I invented it. That's how I ever heard of her in the first place.
Otherwise she seems pretty unremarkable. Even her Wikipedia article is just a couple paragraphs long. And half of them are not about her but other people she's related to.
And the rest basically says that she's been a model for the past 50 years. But those are a dime a dozen. And I've never once seen a picture of her anywhere. Except in 101 Dalmatians.
@RegDwigнt OK, the angry yin yang hairstyle didn't show up in the search results, and she looked more plump in the recent images
@RegDwigнt I think what you are saying is ambulance, not doctor, who always sits in their office to wait patients to visit instead of going out to solicit people for potential patients.
2 hours later…
@CaptainBohemian for one, in every civilized country every ambulance carries or is accompanied by a doctor.
@RegDwigнt I was really asking whether the eye dialect is easy for you to understand in English; but if you already know the story, it would be, I suppose.
For two, no, I don't mean "ambulance" when I say "doctor".
Ambulances don't speak.
@RegDwigнt Not here.
Ambulances have nurses here.
@Xanne oh I didn't bother with reading any of that if that's what you're asking. My life is too short for that nonsense.
Maybe unless there is a specific reason not to.
I'd understand it if it were spoken. But there's limits to how much of it you should be representing in writing. We get it alright. Don't make it unnecessarily incomprehensible. Because the speech is not.
@Cerberus I did say "civilized countries".
I also did add "accompanied by" just for you.
But you ignored that all. Be like that.
@RegDwigнt I guess the U.S. is not civilized then. But no one ever thought we were.
@RegDwigнt So you did.
@Xanne I thought that much was established when we discussed that in the US you can't even call an ambulance.
But ambulances aren't accompanied by anyone here, at least not the ones that come when you call 112.
You have to fucking order one. For three grand like.
@Cerberus if I say I have a stroke or a heart attack, they will dispatch in addition to the ambulance a second car with an actual doctor in it. That's what I mean by "accompanied".
Come on now. Get with the programme.
I've watched literally tens of hours of that ambulance channel from your country.
Anyway. Why is any of this even being discussed. Cars don't walk through crowds telling people "excuse me, I'm a doctor".
It was pretty obvious what I was referring to.
I never mentioned an ambulance of any description. There is none.
Ambulance channel???
Yeah they went on hiatus a while ago. I'm a very sad panda. I used to binge-watch them for weeks on end.
Apr 26 '19 at 16:52, by RegDwigнt
I'm now following that channel on YouTube where a Dutch ambulance just posts their dashcam videos of responding to emergency calls.
Starts here.
Apr 26 '19 at 16:57, by RegDwigнt
It's very well put together actually. There's subtitles in English that explain certain situations and point out things and teach you things.
Apr 26 '19 at 17:01, by RegDwigнt
You get the whole thing start to finish. Them getting the call, them arriving at the place, them going to the hospital.
Apr 26 '19 at 17:11, by RegDwigнt
In a few videos he actually writes that in his free time he drives around exploring all the nooks and crannies to know by heart how to get the fastest to every square inch on the map.
Apr 26 '19 at 17:31, by RegDwigнt
So same here. Again, I don't even have a driver's license. I have never saved a human life. At least not that I remember. So it's quite new and incredible to watch someone over the shoulder who knows exactly how to do it, who has been doing it for the longest time, who knows how to do it best and does give it their best every single time. It's mesmerising.
It was quite mesmerising.
But then they went on hiatus. I'm not even sure if the channel is still up. I know a bit later they took a bunch of videos down for various reasons, but that was completely unrelated to the hiatus. But maybe it's all gone now.
I still follow them on Instagram, but hey who checks Instagram.
There’s an iPhone app that lets you listen to police radio transmissions anywhere on the U.S.
What you need an app for. You can listen to any radio transmission on the radio.
Kids these days.
Though listening in on emergency frequencies is quite typically illegal. As well it should be.
If the guy kills a dog in the movie or refers to it, that is the worst thing I have ever heard. — Lambie 6 hours ago
Is this for real now.
@Lambie wait till you hear about Unit 731. — RegDwigнt ♦ 3 mins ago
Talking about killing a fictional animal in a movie is the worst thing ever.
#911 #neverforget

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