It's about six minutes, and it specifically mentions your country.
@MattE.Эллен: So what is it with Wales? I've been through there a couple of times, both of them driving, gone from Chester to Anglesey on the first day of a bank holiday (bad idea), through the interior, Cardiff, Swansea, Pembrokeshire National Park, etc., and I thought it was all pretty rural but very lovely. So now I'm watching this show Hidden, and they depict Wales as some kind of British version of redneck Appalachia. So ... what's up with that?
I mean, I get the similarities, they are both rural, and there's a lot of mining and all that. Still ...
Historically, the word "decimate" means to "reduce/ destroy by one tenth"... i.e., a decimated army of 100 soldiers would have lost 10 soldiers.
Is there a word that means the inverse, IOW "reduce/ destroy to one tenth", where a XXXXX army of 100 would only have 10 soldiers left?
Ummm... dunno wh...
Ashworth brought down the gold-badge hammer on this question and I voted to reopen and, mirabile dictu, my gold badge resurrected it completely. I didn't know that was a thing.
@Robusto It is, but you can only do it once per question.
It's just like any other open/close vote in that regard. If you haven't cast an open vote yet, you may, just as if you haven't cast a close vote yet, you may. It just happens to be binding for gold badge holders when they do that to questions with their badge tag.
So for example, he can't reclose it again, nor could you reopen it again were it to become somehow closed. But you could instantly close it, since you haven't done that yet with that question.
The other magical superpower that gold badge holders possess is to freely edit the duplicates list.
But not enough of them take advantage of this.
Notice how you have a very special edit button on those.
It has to be a vote for-opening one that was closed for a duplicate, or closing one as a duplicate.
You don't get a binding vote to reopen if it was closed for a non-dup reason.
@JohanLarsson Hmph. I don't think we disagree on anything much. The new law apparently helps the rich cut in line in order to get loans. Now how many of those loans are for paying wages and how many are for a new yacht, shrug
I don't know if he would have survived the year anyway? We had just put him into a long term care home. But here in Ontario the pandemic has been mild in the general population but a nightmare in long-term-care homes.
He'd really been declining for years now. He spent most of his time napping. So in some ways it's like he died years ago? But he was actually improving in the LTC home.
They had him doing physio and more exercise etc. So it seemed like he was getting better, or at least not declining as quickly.
So anyway that was hard, but that was one thing that would have happened at some point.
But aside from that, the closure of schools has been annoying - basically wrote off 1/3 of the school year for my kids. And for one of them that's a problem.
@Mitch Keyboard/Video/Mouse interface for use between multiple computers. Basically it lets you control a laptop and a desktop without switching mouse, monitor, or keyboard.
I know several people who got ill, and personally know only one person who died, but also, I've been out of touch from a bunch of people so who knows if there are others I just haven't heard from yet.
@Robusto So it would be interesting to hear an expert's speculation about the number of serious injuries preventable by wearing a helmet, comparing cyclists, pedestrians, and car drivers.
I believe one wears a full helmet when driving a racing car.
So I'm sure the video is right that it can prevent some injuries for ordinary cars.
Normally I have a lot more to say but this meeting involves three departments/vendors coordinating some data transfer and it doesn't really touch the front-end system I manage. so shrug
I hate meetings. The only thing worse than an in-person meeting is a teleconference like GoToMeeting. With fifteen people from India you've never met in person: "Hi this is Pradeesh", "Hi this is Srikanth", "Hi this is Manish" ... and they expect you'll know who it is when it's their turn and they talk their little talk.
@Mitch I want to see a SNL skit where Trump visits a first-grade class and some kid calls him fat and he rounds on the kid with "You're the one who's fat! And hey, guess what? I'm president, what are you? Just a sad little fat kid with no front teeth!"
@Robusto It's also known as jack fruit. Which if you don't know it, is no more helpful than knowing that jack fruit is known as durian.
> The first time I went to Thailand the hotel I stayed in had a sign by the elevator that said "No Mangosteens or Durians allowed in the rooms." I was upset to think that the hotel would not allow the ethnic minority Mangosteens and Durians the right to rent rooms in their hotel until I found out that they were fruits and not people