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XKCD one-boxes.
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@RegDwigнt ha. I can't remember.
still don't understand
6 hours later…
@DanielRigg Do you know what "mixed feelings" and "uncertainty" mean?
NOTE: The word was introduced by a group of virologists as a short article "Coronaviruses" in the "News and Views" section of Nature (vol. 220, no. 5168, November 16, 1968, p. 650): "…avian infectious bronchitis virus has a characteristic electron microscopic appearance resembling, but distinct from, that of myxoviruses. Particles are more or less rounded in profile…there is also a characteristic 'fringe' of projections 200 Å long, which are rounded or petal shaped, rather than sharp or pointed, as in the myxoviruses. This appearance, recalling the solar corona, is shared by mouse hepatitis virus….In the opinion of the eight virologists these viruses are members of a previously unrecognized group which they suggest should be called the coronaviruses, to recall the characteristic appearance by which these viruses are identified in the electron microscope."
1 hour later…
> fulfillment of obligations to regulatory authorities concerning the timely submission of adverse drug reaction reports
"Obligations to", "Obligations before", or maybe some other construction should be used..
1 hour later…
> Based on phylogeny, taxonomy and established practice, the CSG recognizes this virus as forming a sister clade to the prototype human and bat severe acute respiratory syndrome coronaviruses (SARS-CoVs) of the species Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus, and designates it as SARS-CoV-2.
Ref. Wikipedia
> A “Report of adverse event, adverse reaction or lack of expected therapeutic efficacy” completed with the minimum required data in accordance with p. 7.1.2 of this Procedure shall be sent in paper form or in electronic form by the employee who has received the report to the QPPV within 24 h from its receipt.
How do I phrase it better?
The meaning is that the person must fill out the bare minimum of necessary information in the report form before sending it.
Hm. On a second thought, I believe the Russian source implies "at least the bare minimum". The worker must fill in the the lines of the form that are of core importance, but can also fill in other lines too.
in Coronavirus Chat Zone, yesterday, by nitsua60
Don't know if it'll come to pass, but NYC did tack on 3K cases in just one day. (5K-->8K over the course of March 20.)
> Reports from other sources (e.g., non-core publications or other non-medical media) the QPPV / another authorized person shall identify and handle as spontaneous reports, applying to them all the requirements applicable to other spontaneous reports
Is non-core publications a phrase undersood by the native speaker?
The meaning is "publications that are not healthcare and drug-related".
QPPV is a pharmacovigilance person, he/she scans different media constantly to discover any mention of possible adverse reactions to a drug.
And if the QPPV comes across a mention of an adverse event in Playboy or Penthouse, he/she still has to format the event properly and immediately send a report to the authorities.
But Playboy or a Penthouse is a non-core publication (in Russian, non-profile publication, непрофильное издание)
I'm just not sure that a native speaker will get the meaning.
Can one use nosologies in the plural to stand for medical conditions?
In Russian, it's a common thing to say "A list of nosologies is provided in Appendix 4"
And this will mean "A list of medical conditions"
In Russia, a lot of jokes about COVID mention buckwheat, because that's what the Russian people love to stock up on
Ayn Rand, "Atlas stocked up on buckwheat"
Because raspravil plechi (shrugged) rhymes ideally with zataril grechi (bought a lot of buckwheat)
2 hours later…
@CowperKettle It's another term for "non-essential" but the way you are using it amounts to a term of art, so you might wish to explain it the first time you use it.
As for nosologies standing for medical conditions, I'd advise against that. Nosology is already quite abstruse, and it actually refers to the classification of diseases, not the diseases or conditions themselves.
@CowperKettle very cheerful. I am up lifted
@Robusto Thank you! So I thought
@MattE.Эллен The whole poem is very uplifting
wonderful XD
what is the poem?
The City of Dreadful Night is a long poem by the Scottish poet James "B.V." Thomson, written between 1870 and 1873, and published in the National Reformer in 1874, then in 1880 in a book entitled The City of Dreadful Night and Other Poems. Thomson, who sometimes used the pseudonym "Bysshe Vanolis" — in honour of Percy Bysshe Shelley and Novalis — was a thorough pessimist, suffering from lifelong melancholia and clinical depression, as well as a wanderlust that took him to Colorado and to Spain, among other places. The City of Dreadful Night that gave its title to this poem, however, was made in...
In 2012 I memorized several pages of it.
And I still recall bits and pieces now and then.
It's a masterpiece
@Robusto "non-essential" is great, thank you!
> exceedance of the expected rate of occurrence of serious adverse drug reactions which may affect the benefit-to-risk ratio of the drug product;
I wonder how do I get rid of exceedance, it's a bit too cranky
It's one of the conditions listed in an official document, so it must start with a noun though
So it must be something like exceedance but very official-sounding and be a noun.
I came across this singer a couple of weeks ago
@CowperKettle What don't you like about it? From what I can tell, it's actually the right word for the job.
@CowperKettle You'd probably like old-time bluegrass.
> It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.
@Robusto I thought it was too rare and quaint. Thank you!
This pretty much says it all. ^
@Gigili Yeah ... sadly, yeah.
Weird weird weird...
Multiple youtube ads for 'Epoch Times'
All saying things like "china is harvesting organs" or "china is burning down our offices"
@CowperKettle but here's a problem: The two ladies at the left are getting close to each other! How can they move along in their respective directions and keep the safe distance?
> The diagnosis of mixed episode in DSM-IV-TR requires the simultaneous presence of criteria for a major depressive episode
Can we say presence of criteria?
I think this is not logical and we should use the phrase fulfillment of criteria
@CowperKettle "presence" sounds like a transliteration
@CowperKettle No, wait
"presence" is common in medical contexts
I changed it to "fulfillment of criteria", because "presence of criteria" merely means that some yardsticks are present and does not mean that the patient actually meets these yardsticks
But I'm not sure!
@anongoodnurse Can I imagine 195k dying in a month today? No, I can't: we've only seen around 9 doublings so far this month. But next month? Possibly. Certainly by midsummer. It will take a miracle if we have "only" 195,000 deaths this October.
@anongoodnurse Stay safe. Pray for your children.
Merkel is in quarantine lol.
One of the doctors who vaccinated her just yesterday got tested positively for corona.
@tchrist You think it will last until October?
@CowperKettle they couldn't think of a third thing and used the dinos twice?
@CowperKettle well the entire world is working together right now specifically on not keeping it brief but extending it for as long as humanly possible.
The only way to not see 200k deaths by October is to see 2 million deaths by May.
@RegDwigнt vaccinated her? Against corona?
I have a question about how to order a sentence.
"Nutrients You Can’t Get from Plants"
"Nutrients Missing from a Vegan Diet"

**Facile statements, hardly mentioning or blatantly ignoring [how these are non-essential nutrients] or how there are other suitable vitamers.**
I want to be concise.
Facile statements, hardly mentioning or blatantly ignoring nutrient non-essentiality or how there are other suitable vitamers.
I don't think "non-essentiality" is good--but it's the closest to what I can think of.
@adamaero What exactly are you asking? Are you asking what is a good word for 'non-essentiality'? Or do you want a total rewrite of anyone of these titles just under 8 words?
@Gigili Regular vaccinations I would guess.
...ignoring nutrient non-essentiality or how there are other suitable vitamers.

...ignoring nutrient synthesis or how there are other suitable vitamers.
^ just that
I like the second version, but some information is lost. Kinda :)
There are essential nutrients and non-essential nutrients. I don't think it'd be correct to say unnecessary nutrients. But yes, I'm mostly asking for phrasing/re-wording of that specific part.
@adamaero I don't understand a word of what you're saying there.
I totally would rewrite all of it from scratch.
Explain it to me like I'm a five-year-old. And then write that down and you're fine.
@Gigili no idea, probably just the flu. There's no certified vaccination against corona yet. A few contenders, but they are being tested in clinical settings right not and not by using the chancellor as a guinea pig. :-D
"Nutrients You Can’t Get from Plants"
"Nutrients Missing from a Vegan Diet"

Facile--they hardly mention that these are non-essential nutrients or how it's irrelevant as there are other suitable vitamers.
Aggh, it's just two ideas about the irrelevant "non-essential nutrients" and synthesis of other vitamers (e.g., vitamin B2 instead of B3 in animal products; even though B3 is actually made in large quantities in the skin when exposed to sunlight).
Actually, it's not even facile, merely superficial...or misdirective...
@CowperKettle Too soon.
@CowperKettle Yes, we can.
I think that is the only thing that makes sense there.
@adamaero 'non-essentiality' is unnecessarily complicated (and a questionable neologism), just say 'non-essential nutrients' (instead of making everything a vague abstraction.
Ya, but the whole sentence is still very wordy
Which whole sentence? Give the whole sentence and -then- ask what you want to do with it.
@Robusto Bach was so derivative.
Inutile--they hardly mention that these are non-essential nutrients or how it's irrelevant as there are other suitable vitamers.
[hardly mention ... non-essential nutrients or how it's irrelevant ... other suitable vitamers.]
@Mitch Bach was a synthesist. He absorbed everything and gave it back improved. He also stole borrowed from the best, but again, gave back something marvelous and new.
@adamaero It's hard to understand what your motivation is. Does this come in a larger paragraph? Who are 'they'? Why would you start a sentence with a stand alone and very rare adjective like inutile? That's what makes this all so confusing.
@Robusto Now I remember why I came here. It was to say...
Pretty much every news item about the prez, my reaction is 'Of course he did'.
"Partially burned parts of a donkey carcass were found in a dumpster near the White House today. Forensic analysis, including a rape kit, are being performed. The Prez held a press conference to deny that he was anywhere near the corner of k St and Connecticut, the location of the dumpster which had not been disclosed by the investigators."
It's commonly brought up in voice chat, especially in debate groups. The typical objections or refutations are related to headlines like "Nutrients You Can’t Get from Plants" or "Nutrients Missing from a Vegan Diet". Usually every time I have a formal debate with someone, they steer the conversation into nutrition. I'm trying to create a concise go-to rebuttal.
I don't want to tell them it's a tangent or red herring.
By rebuttal I mean, essentially a warning: "We can talk about this, but it's going to come down to either non-essential nutrients (moot) or other vitamers as suitable (also moot).
By "they" I mean the authors of those news stories.
Sorry it was confusing. It's kind of like a fragment for conversation speech.
After all that, really, don't bother with big words.
@adamaero That sounds pretty good
room topic changed to English Language & Usage: Multi-Layered Discourse Room: Where social distancing is already a way of life. [phrase-requests] [pronunciation] [single-word-requests] [synonyms]

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