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Well, even our club rides are cancelled for 4 weeks. This place sucks!
@RegDwigнt will enjoy this one.
@Færd Just be happy if you get someone besides Trump.
I know I will be.
6 hours later…
> Compliance with this recommendation allows to meet the requirements for notification of PI subjects upon obtainment of their personal data from third parties.
Is this formulation always wrong?
Should it be permits meeting the requirements instead?
I recall snailboat somewhy being negative about using allows to
In Russian this construction is used very widely, "allows to do this or that"
@Robusto I'm planning to shut up about the Dem nominee, whoever it may be, once the primaries are over until after the general election.
4 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Username similar to website in answer (61): Financial / Banking Words by Credit karo on english.SE
2 hours later…
@CowperKettle Yes. Also, "allows the requirements to be met for ..." will work as well.
Now, obtainment is a word that just sounds weird. I would prefer receipt in that case or even acquiring.
Note that it could be acquisition of (probably better than acquiring) but acquiring of would sound clumsy.
@CowperKettle This is very common practice in academic English: "The FFT algorithm also allows to compute the monodromic cohomology complex of a C-* algebra".
I say 'academic English' because it sounds wrong to usually ears, like something very important is missing... which is to say that 'allow' is transitive in English. You allow someone to do something.
@Mitch So does "wrong to usually ears" but perhaps you were relying on that to make a joke.
As you have been known to do.
2 hours later…
How do I express it when one company is liable towards the customers of its subsitiary? Can I use the word towards?
> The Company is liable towards the customers of its subsidiary for all actions that the subsidiary may do.
I mean the company holds legal responsibility towards these persons if they are harmed in any way.
Here's what Multitran offers. Maybe "The company is answerable to customers? Will that imply legal liability?
@Robusto OMG. Yeah that would have been clever. But sadly, no.
It sounded right in my head.
@CowperKettle 'towards' sounds fine. I think 'to' is probably the usual, but 'towards' sounds OK to me. But as we have seen, maybe my judgement, or at least how I word my judgements, is in question.
@CowperKettle That's a legal question.
'answerable' sounds more like ... "Bob is answerable to Alice for all the mistakes he's made", implies that Alice has good reason to be mad at Bob.
@Mitch I think "liable to the customer" ... "towards" sounds more oblique.
but it doesn't sound wrong. just not the one most likely to be used?
@Mitch I dunno. I would never use it, personally.
But doe it sound wrong wrong to you like "The big dog red" or just stylistically inopportune?
better example
I don't think it sounds horrible, just something I wouldn't think to use.
Does it sound wrong wrong like "The company is liable with the customer"?
No, not as bad as with.
To change the subject entirely, are you able to bike by yourself and at least wave to others as you pass them?
I rode yesterday, after being sick for over a week. Wasn't a problem.
My club has cancelled all rides until April 6, though.
so solo is OK but groups not?
Solo and small groups.
Just no club-sanctioned rides.
More because of legal stuff, I think.
I don't know if I could handle riding in a group.
like going up hills
not particularly ... linear
Well, hills are a challenge. The tiny people have a huge advantage there.
like watching the tour de france I don't see how anybody can survive riding in the middle of the pack
er peleton?
Middle is easiest there. Much less effort.
@Robusto haha I'm not on the larger side of average.
I have no excuses
the best part about biking is going downhill
On a flat or a small grade (1 to 3%) it's not much effort to be in the peloton.
i mean like that's the point right?
@Mitch Tru dat.
All though that can have its own perils.
no breaks
cars cutting corners around curves
At 45 mph going downhill you can't see some hazards fast enough to react.
Sudden pothole? Blam!!!
Fastest I've ever gone downhill is 51 mph, and it was pretty scary.
I went about 5 feet downhill on a skateboard once.
I have nightmares from just that
but then I changed to sitting on it like a luge and that was very doable.
went through shoe soles pretty quickly though
And if you fall off ... road rash!
still just as dangerous, but in luge position you have much more control, no wobbling.
@Robusto better than falling off while standing up which gets you road pancake.
I've hit the road and various obstacles at speeds of about 18 mph. Not fun.
Went into a steel railing at 17 mph, having dodged a homeless cart and slid on sand trying to recover.
ow ow ow
Not good.
maybe those VR bike animation things for a standing bike aren't so bad afterall
Indoor biking is a bore. Even VR.
It does seem kind of pointless
Unless you could bike up Mt Everest.
That's a VR I would watch somebody else do
Even then.
like for 30 seconds
I usually bike up the Everest altitude cumulatively each month.
Averaging 1,000 ft. per day. Including off days.
OK, to unlock the next level, Mons Olympus on Mars
Even though that altitude is something like 5 times Mt Everest, the rise is like .5 percent
Of course, I'd weigh about 50 pounds on Mars.
> The average slope on the volcano's flanks is only 5°.
That's kind of a lot to bike up for basically ... reads wiki some more
5% starts to get hard.
Average 5% is what I call a serious climb. Not hard, but serious.
no easy answers about how far it is from the 'edge' to the center.
Eyeballing it... 200-300 miles?
Looks like a calculus problem.
@Mitch that only comes with the premium version, sucks
@M.A.R. They could totally do it though.
They can (but probably haven't) offer a VR trip via Google Streetview, wherever they have pictures.
@skillpatrol Whoa that's a thing now
@Mitch Premium dude.
It also comes with a free mug
And an N95 mask in case of coronavirus on Mars
@M.A.R. That's the least of your worries on Mars. The soil is full of perchlorates. So .. aplastic anemia, anyone?
@M.A.R. cough
@Robusto What?
@Mitch GAAA Kicks Mitch from chat
is there plastic anemia?
@Mitch THe plastic anemia comes in the "Operation" game.
haha. that game is hard
@skillpatrol People are being more amusing than ever
@Mitch Nah, been there
It's as easy as taking a nap
Q: Is SARS-CoV-2 a biological weapon released by the US military?

John SlegersSARS-CoV-2 is a novel coronavirus that is the cause of the disease COVID-19. Some people have questioned the origins of the virus. RadioFreeEurope reported on March 5, 2020 on a claim by an Iranian Commander: Hossein Salami, the commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC)...

Everyone is already either blaming China or the US
That extraterrestrial origins are not mentioned is suspect.
@Robusto I feel like the low air pressure and temp would be a problem first.
@Mitch But good tan
Everything would be a problem. Try cosmic rays.
So suppose those are taken care of by suits and living quarters... do you think that the perchlorate dust would get into the (indoors) air system?
@Robusto I think there's a plan for that.
A giant pair of sunglasses for the whole body
a geostationary two mile across .... thingy always between the sun and the surface, maybe a couple hundred miles out?
some sort of way of creating a magnetic field?
Jokes aside, I don't see the point
I mean, I get the part about setting a big impossiblish milestone ahead, and discover new sciency things while trying to achieve it
taps the YouTube video
Other than that, what does it have?
@Robusto ugh. the first thing I get out of youtube is an ad about Trump.
for or against.... I don't want to see that stuff.
That oughta be outlawed.
"Do you approve of President Trump?"
I don't think they want me to answer that.
I don't think I want to answer that.
Do you approve of herpes?
I don't want stormtroopers/acolytes coming to smash down my door/have tea with me.
@Robusto Oh, on that I fully approve.
In comparison.
back to the video
15 minutes? What do you think I'm some sort of boomer?
Wait... have I seen this before? I dont recognize the images but I recognize what he's saying.
Is that the first sign of dementia?
The last, you say?
OK Radiation is for any long term space flight. Yeah, that's a big problem. Get to the part where you're on Mars already.
OK on to pt #2. Yeah that's what I was thinking of something something L1 Lagrange pt something magnetic shield somethiety.
Oops, not #2, but more like #1 part b.
1 hour later…
@Robusto that is entirely correct. I did enjoy that one, especially the beginning. Which is quite reminiscent of what we had in the Soviet Union in the 70s. (Or rather the other way round, I suppose.) Though after a couple bars the harmonies get a bit too adventurous (for their own good or for my own taste, whichever comes first). At times I'm not even sure where the tonal center is.
It's like Bonnie Tyler all over again.
1 hour later…
> Hello everyone! Please check out my chorale! This piece is meant to be a plea to God to protect me from COVID-19. I am not religious, however, I just thought it would be fun to write a Baroque style chorale.
Well that's nice.
Of course it remains unclear what good a protection against the virus can possibly be if you're already clinically insane.
3 hours later…
@RegDwigнt Not sure about the Bonnie Tyler association. Never paid any attention to her.
Looks like it's just me in here. Last man standing. What, did COVID-19 just show up?

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