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@kiamlaluno take it up with Kit. Careful though, she'll only love you back.
Argh… That would be a problem.
I know, so don't worry, I won't.
Actually, hun was already a problem. ;)
Someone should teach her the Boomdeyada song :p
I love you @kiam.
boomalacka boomalacka whack whack whack
Oh, and for those who only understand hindi, we have pictures of love.
Mar 13 at 13:57, by RegDwight Ѭſ道
user image
So are we getting shut down? What's the deal with this odd discussion?
Feb 15 at 20:24, by RegDwight Ѭſ道
No chat in this chat.
@kit of course not :)
Thinking better, it doesn't seem I have a fiancé anymore. I would say it cannot cause problems anymore.
@KitFox there's a discussion?
I just got a -10 rep for user removed.
Who shot who in the what now?
Everyone check your rep quick.
@JasperLoy Which kind of love is that?
@KitFox I could tell you, but I have to charge.
Well, never mind then.
What am I doing today?
Oh yes, planning to take over the world.
Something microsofty.
@JasperLoy Mine is fine. Well, somebody could say it is not fine. ;)
With charm and English muffins.
Muffin is such a rude word.
I want waffles.
I'll do it with English charm and muffins. We'll see who gets there first!
@kiamlaluno No flirting, I said!
It is awesome for its innocent rudeness!
Well, and I want pancakes too.
Q: What is up with the waffle fetish?

John RaschSetting aside the fact that waffles were created in the seventh circle of hell, cause suffering and apocalyptic horror wherever they are witnessed, and are instruments of pure evil, where did the obsession with talking about them in every thread arise? Can we stop this and have more waffles? A...

@RegDwightΒВB Flirting? Can you flirt with waffles? I am 1970-ish style, I am so sorry. :-)
We have lots of rules in this chat. Our owl keeps us in line.
I have divined the user who deleted his account.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 see how useful all these guidelines are? They just prevented us from getting shut down. Phew! Now, no not thanking me in this chat!
@MattЭллен Aren't all your muffins English?
No doing inappropriate things with him in your office in this chat. That must have been me.
@KitFox yeah I think so
2 mins ago, by kiamlaluno
I want waffles.
Wait… What did it say about armpits?
Jan 4 at 14:14, by RegDwight Ѭſ道
No sorting out armpits in this chat.
No, that's what I said about armpits.
Oh, good. I don't sort out my armpits; I scratch them.
Rudra deleted his account. QED.
Hm. After getting to 3k? He almost beat ElendilTheTall.
@JasperLoy Could that possibly have been because he got caught for voting irregularities?
Who is Rudra?
Jul 2 at 14:41, by RegDwight ΒВB
No invading this chat in this chat.
@RegDwightΒВB That is not "I want @waffles."
@simchona Hmm, I don't know. I don't think that of him though.
@kiamlaluno you do realize there is no letter @ in English?
And no, Twitter is not English.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Yeah, and that got starred.
@JasperLoy Well, having wondered why he would self answer a question about igloos, I kind of wonder what he was doing
@MrShinyandNew安宇 why yes, muffin
@RegDwightΒВB Yes, but English does use @.
@MattЭллен I'm more of a cupcake, really
Cup D?
I'm not following.
So much people.
It's more a cup C.
You are thinking D-cup?
@RegDwightΒВB I was beginning to think you're a stalker, but if you say so
@KitFox I don't usually think D-cup
It's good there isn't a K-cup.
There is a K-word, anyway. Does that count?
@kiamlaluno don't make me prove you wrong because I will.
There is a K-cup.
@manis I think your question has raised a storm. I think most rooms will be deleted soon.
@KitFox Oh right… I forgot about Wimbledon.
I am so confused.
Brassiere measurement (also called brassiere sizes, colloquially bra sizes or bust sizes) refers to determining what size of bra a woman wears and mass producing bras that will fit most women. Bra sizes usually consist of a number, indicating a band size around the woman's torso, and one or more alphabetical letters indicating the breast cup size. Bra cup sizes were invented in 1932 and band sizes became popular in the 1940s. Bra sizing systems are typically used to label off-the-shelf bras and are not used for custom-made bras or bras built into other garments. Bra size labeling syste...
So anyway. Back on topic. Can we have the Kit Den resurrected for as long as there are flirting rooms in languages noöne understands?
I have no idea what the K-word would be either.
@RegDwightΒВB Only if you can show a natural K-cup.
@KitFox Kit.
@RegDwightΒВB What about Kitty Corner?
@KitFox Kosmonaut?
@kiamlaluno I have just posted one in the hindi flirting room.
@RegDwightΒВB Which room is that by the way? Never came across.
Hey @RegDwightB. Have you unpinned anything in Penthousing?
I guess you have never visited the chat for EL&U. — kiamlaluno 24 mins ago
@KitFox Looks weird.
No comment.
They don't seem K-sized to me.
So that's where all the random people come from to look at our K-cups. Why welcome, random people!
@RegDwightΒВB Now you should tell me which one. Not that I mean to flirt, anyway..
@Meysam I never touched anything in your Penthouse.
Pinned stuff is automatically unpinned after 2 weeks.
@kiam Your comment on the question will now send everyone here wondering what goes on in this room.
@RegDwightΒВB Alright
So apparently, this is an actual K-cup.
@KitFox Looks fake.
So there. Indeed. There is such a thing.
BTW, in case any of those incognoscent passersby keep wondering, this discussion is on topic and no flirting. It is all related to a very important question.
Q: Differences between slang words for breasts

SergeyWhat is the difference between “tits” and “boobs”? P.S. I'm not sure if this question is appropriate but as English is not my native language I really would love to know the difference.

@JasperLoy They probably are.
Most women with K sized boobs are morbidly obese.
@KitFox you should check out Leonard Nimoy's works. Morbidly obese women with A sized boobs. I'm not making this up.
@RegDwightΒВB Oh I have an answer there too!
@RegDwightΒВB I think if they are A-cups, then they are tits.
@KitFox I dunno. The K-cups that come with our coffee machine are pretty small. I wonder if we're getting cheated.
@KitFox The Full Body Project by Leonard Nimoy, possibly NSFW depending on how nazi your country slash boss is.
I do not understand why a woman would want K-cup-sized boobs
Spock has come a long way.
@RegDwightΒВB rimshot
@Robusto you misspelled moneyshot.
@Robusto no double-entendres in this chat
@MrShinyandNew安宇 maybe K is her favourite letter?
I would be happy with a D-cup.
Does the Wimbledon Cup count as a W-cup?
@kiamlaluno Only if they keep it in a bra
And is Lord Stanley's Cup all about cross-dressing?
or if they put boobs in it.
Also, if they say a man is "in his cups" does that mean he is cross-dressing?
@Robusto that is not my cup of T.
Seeing all those folks floating in, I have to say I am somewhat happy Kiam decided to promote this room when it happened not to be full of starred penises.
that's not kadabra!
that's kadabra!
I am too old for this shit.
I only know Pikachu and Ash.
you are older than 12, and what is this?
@RegDwightΒВB I figured you for a Mr. Coffee man anyway.
hey while there are all these SO people popping in, anyone want to answer this question?
Q: Enable real fixed positioning on Samsung Android browsers

Mr. Shiny and New 安宇The Android browser, since 2.2, supports fixed positioning, at least under certain circumstances such as when scaling is turned off. I have a simple HTML file with no JS, but the fixed positioning on three Samsung phones I've tried is simply wrong. Instead of true fixed positioning, the header sc...

@Robusto if you close your eyes, they taste the same anyway. Especially with milk.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 hahahahahaha.
All these SO people popping in from a post about "People advertising their own posts (not counted as technical discussion, IMO)", no less!
@RegDwightΒВB It took us days to figure out that our little one wasn't saying "picture ass."
@KitFox wait he was not?
Your figuring out needs adjustment.
He was saying "Pikachu, Ash."
ass judgement*
@RegDwightΒВB Yeah I know. I am aware of the irony
I thought he'd been scarred by accidental pornography viewing.
I was very relieved.
yesterday my son, who never watches any tv or movies or anything, said to me "circus afro"
Contrary to popular belief, not all pornography is worse than Pokémon.
Well, my son has decided that Bakugan and Beyblades are the most awesome toys ever.
He uses his Zoobles to bowl over the Pokemon.
@KitFox Those sound like nasty diseases.
The Bakugan are meh, but I quite like the Beyblades.
i.e. Tops.
@KitFox zoobles are animal noodles. Oh wait. that's zoodles.
zoobles are Russian money, no wait that Roubles
How come my building has no interoffice envelopes? How is that even possible?
Zoobles are pretentiously-groomed dogs. Oh wait, that's poodles.
What kind of crappy secretaries do we have here?
do you even have secretaries?
Well, an information desk receptionist.
None of my aries are secret.
Me: Om non nom!
my son: Don't eat me!
Me: Why not?
my son: I need me.
@RegDwightΒВB that you know of
@MrShinyandNew安宇 D'awww.
@RegDwightΒВB What about your ariats?
brb - thinking of clever things to say
@KitFox that sounds like you tried to spell out an awful Disney title, forgot a half and gave up.
@RegDwightΒВB .... are you talking about aristocats?
off topic
Q: Is "referral for general manager position" correct?

DaveIs "referral for general manager position" correct? I plan to use this phrase as the subject of my referral's email to a friend.

@MrShinyandNew安宇 for once I do.
Now what was I doing again?
judging breast measurements
humming a Tim Minchin song
An F#-cup?
@RegDwightΒВB but her boobs are in F-major
I miss smoking. I quit five years ago today.
Oh, that's not Tim Minchin. That's Rufus Wainwright.
You know the date? I can't be arsed remembering mine.
@RegDwightΒВB probably around the time she found out she was pregnant
And it's been less(!) than five years.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 It was the same day I found out I was pregnant.
Well okay I guess I might remember such a date.
I think a lot of people would remember the date you got pregnant, @Reg
@MattЭллен except @Cerb
@MattЭллен Are you saying Reg participates in orgies?
@MattЭллен Not those who wouldn't know it.
@KitFox are you saying I am not?
Or that he's an exhibitionist?
How is that an or?
@KitFox I'm saying a man being pregnant would be world news
@RegDwightΒВB Are you? Just now?
@MattЭллен Well, that's a bit different than getting pregnant.
@KitFox if you don't know what Present Continuous means, that's a question for ELL.
@KitFox nah, there's just more than one interpretation
Yes, we got it.
It's all kind of hazy.
Jenna Hazy?
gotta run, folks. Have fun being hazy and zoobly oodly boodly
off topic:
Q: Meaning of judge the book by the cover

Julius AWhat does this lyric from 'The Look of Love' song by ABC really mean? if you judge the book by the cover, then you should judge the look by the lover

or gen ref, depending on if you don't read the body of the question
@MattЭллен Or an Area51 proposal for songlyricsmeaning.SE
I was thinking of songly rics me aning.
@Matt dammit
When you think about it that song's not bad. But don't think about it.
> We anticipate that approximately 18 schools located in 5 different states will participate. Approximately 54 new users (1 coach and 2 interventionists per school) will be added, along with approximately 126 randomly selected students (7 per school) and 360 students (20 per school) receiving intervention services. And I can have this all done in one week, and then skip and blow bubbles.
I suppose I shouldn't put that in the scope.
indeed. first you need to suck breath in through your teeth
then you need to say "it's gonna cost you"
then shake your head a bit
See, I'll say it will take a week, so they will wait until the day before launch to send me the info.
If I say a month, then they'll send it to me the week after launch.
It's complicated.
Q: Lulled Into, To Sleep

EveryDay "to be lulled to sleep" "to be lulled into sleep" Do we say "to be lulled to sleep" or "to be lulled into sleep"?

"EveryDay". Quite fitting.
Buy gold bricks or suffer my wrath!
I can't afford gold bricks. What's your wrath like?
@KitFox cute
@KitFox You know the rule about deadlines? If you say it'll take X (a number) Ys (units of time)...
Double it and move to the next unit up.
So 1 day = 2 weeks.
You should double X and go to the next unit. For example, "It'll take two weeks to implement" should really be...
'It'll take 4 months to implement'
Four months.
Yes. I know.
But thanks.
and then theres' the Murphy's law variant which says that even if you take the rule into effect...
so something that will take 4 months should be estimated at 8 years. Because rules must be followed
ou'll still need to take the rule into effect.
And anyway, the problem isn't with me. The problem is getting what I need when I need it.
and if you say it'll take 2 years..
the next unit is 'never'
Speaking of which, I think will sext my husband.
Oh. Now that came out in an odd place.
Because you promised him it would be ready by last week?
No, because you had just said "the next unit is 'never'"
@Mitch OMG, Murphy's Law is recursive? That's so not fair.
When really it's just that he's got something I need.
Hofstadter's law is a self-referencing time-related adage, coined by Douglas Hofstadter and named after him. Hofstadter's Law was a part of Douglas Hofstadter's 1979 book Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid. The law is a statement regarding the difficulty of accurately estimating the time it will take to complete tasks of any substantial complexity. It is often cited amongst programmers, especially in discussions of techniques to improve productivity, such as The Mythical Man-Month or extreme programming. The recursive nature of the law is a reflection of the universal experienc...
@Robusto I blame Murphy.
@Kit: Vote for RSS feed, biliz.
one boxing is quite annoying for feed items
the ticker is so much nicer
Indeed. Not everyone is as understanding as you.
Thank you.
@Mitch I blame laws.
I blame possessives.
Also, society.
@KitFox congratulations! I'm at six months next Tuesday and don't miss it.
I didn't miss it at first. I was too pregnant/tired/pregnant again/even more tired.
This is the third time for me :\
Once a smoker, always a smoker.
I went some 22 months last time.
@RegDwightΒВB pssh.
Now I've been writing stories in which the characters smoke and watching movies in which the characters smoke, and I would really like to do that too.
Except that the first one always tastes like ass. And it took me forever to quit.
Hm. To me it's the first one that tastes best. It's around the tenth one when the fun's all over.
@KitFox just like oysters. who was the first person to think of doing that? And then everybody else is doing it.
@Mitch or olives.
@KitFox it's a wonder anyone has a second one, really.
People keep telling me that I have to eat 100 olives before I acquire the taste. I keep telling them that by now I'm well past my 1101st and they still taste like tire.
@RegDwightΒВB You're doing it wrong.
@RegDwightΒВB have you tried klamata? Or if green olives, gin-soaked?
Green olives are only palatable if gin-soaked.
@MetaEd yeah right. Stop that nonsense already. It's not me who's wrong, it's the olives.
@cornbreadninja I have tried everything people around me were eating by the pound.
But it's not like I'm missing anything. I'm just curious.
@MetaEd actually that reminds me of Fisherman's Friend commercials. "If our product tastes like shit, that's your fault, not ours."
I felt that way about olives for a long time. The texture is rather like tyres.
Now I like kalamata, and sometimes pimento-stuffed green ones.
Happened like magic. One day I woke up and liked olives.
Same thing with vinegar.
I will probably like wine before I like olives.
You don't like wine?
You must be a sweet person. I think I am a sour/salty person.
Awful waste of perfectly fine grape juice.
I have to like kalamata; I'm Greek.
For me depends on the wine. A lot of wines are just no good.
And I plan to try all of them before I die. :-)
@cornbreadninja Being part of a sorority does not make you Greek.
@MetaEd who wants to live forever?
@KitFox spits on ground
@RegDwightΒВB I do.
According to the show it makes you Grssk.
It's my dad who makes me Greek.
Or something.
And your mom who makes you cook?
@KitFox self-loathing.
@KitFox actually I am all into salt. Like, I could eat nothing but salt for days and be the happiest person on earth.
ugh, thank you
I also like bitter chocolate, but not the sweet stuff.
@cornbreadninja Really? Mine too! Well, she used to. I had a lot of therapy.
I crave salt after every darned state sanctioned workout ;p
@KitFox I just let my Greek half kick my self-loathing half's ass around.
They Greco-Roman wrestle.
Well, I hope you win.
Just never fight Putin.
Putin on the ...
@RegDwightΒВB You should try the salt cured olives.
Mmm, salty, brine-soaked olives.
@MetaEd I tried the salt part and liked it. What's olives good for?
Black salty wrinkled things. Taste like salty tires.
@RegDwightΒВB Eatin'!
@MetaEd Well I guess you must be extremely thankful that I exist. I leave so many olives to you.
The think to keep in mind about Italian cuisine is that it's basically: we're starving. Nothing is inedible. In fact, we'll make it into a delicacy!
suspects Ed might be Italian
suspects Kit hasn't been noticing the parrot
Clearly he's a pirate.
The grape juice spoiled? No problem. Nothing to eat but bitter oily seed pods? No problem, we'll soak them in the spoiled grape juice. Nothing to eat at all? No problem, we'll eat thistles. Let's call them artichokes!

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