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Did anybody hear about the leap second?
Yes, it was over before I realized.
hm..that sounded like the start of a joke for eight-year-olds.
@Cerb: I really don't know. The guy in that room kept teasing me and I replied to his lines in a controllable way! Then the other one jumped in and said "she doesn't matter" and I replied again.
If you're suggesting to keep my mouth shut, I am not that sort of person.
@Gigili All right, well, I think people have noticed that you have been calling someone "fat" for the past few days.
Maybe it is just teasing to you, but...
@Cerberus I was joking referring to his saying that he loves food and wine, and he said many other things which people might have noticed as well.
@Cerberus It's so unfair!
All right, well, I guess it didn't come across the way it was intended.
May I be completely honest?
@Cerberus Is it possible to be incompletely honest? Isn't that what we call dishonest?
The aphorism isn't "Honesty is one of the better policies."
@Robusto Usually, we only let bits and pieces of honesty shine through.
@Gigili I don't have "friends" who help me gang up on other users. As far as I know.
@Robusto It should be. I'm sure there are other very good policies that could work well with honesty.
yeah, like "Honesty and not murdering people are the better policies"
Honesty with rum is the best policy.
@KitFox How about with scones?
wishes for rum
Butter and jam, mmm...
@Cerberus Rum and scones? Ick.
No, no, the rum is for later.
It's odd how murder isn't dishonest
@simchona Did I say you have such friends?
It's about the only honest thing.
grins evilly
I can't wait for the cake.
yummy yummy cake
I bet GLaDOS makes scientifically the best cake
@Gigili Sometimes I feel like there's a distinct attitude when I talk to you
@simchona I'm not sure if it is a good thing or a bad thing.
Hello guy, please see my last picture question and the interesting answer it already had. There is a drift on the word "bastard". Great!
A drift?
And which guy do you mean?
I'm a dog.
Ohh guys
I'm a learner. Some error can occur
@Carlo_R We can see your new questions for ourselves--the RSS feed notifies everyone.
@Carlo_R We usually use guys in the plural in such greetings.
@simchona - How I active rss
@Carlo_R It's automatic. So no need to self-advertise
@Carlo_R We usually use errors in the plural in such constructions.
@Carlo_R You see it as a dropdown in chat on the top left corner.
@JasperLoy Good morning Jasper. I'm happy to hear from you. happy happy happy
May 11 at 12:54, by KitFox
No flirting in chat.
@simchona Jesus! I do not think to that.
@Carlo_R Huh?
on what I active the rss
@MattЭллен = von sachsen coburg
I use firefox
Or what is your royal house called again?
@Carlo_R Anyway, you need to do some basic research before posting your questions. Check your dictionaries and do some googling first. Well, I know sometimes it seems as if others are making fun of you, but just have a thicker skin and don't worry too much. I think you are improving rapidly so that is good.
Don't worry, ours is part German too.
@Carlo_R Your English is confusing me right now
@Cerberus Windsor?
@JasperLoy Thank you
I think we need to institute a new policy for ELU chat: "You must be this tall to go on this ride." By "this tall" I mean language proficient and by "this ride" I mean the never-ending roller-coaster that is The Incomprehensible Room.
@simchona Sure, my English is not so good to talk in chat. Please, patience.
Full name
Elizabeth Alexandra Mary
House of Windsor
@Robusto Shall we use the Basic Inventory of Natural Language (BINL)?
It's "The Incomprehensible Room". It obviously invites incomprehensibility. I fail to see the problem.
Or maybe the Idea Proficiency Test (IPT)?
afk eating
> The House of Windsor is the royal house of the Commonwealth realms. It was founded by King George V by royal proclamation on the 17 July 1917, when he changed the name of his family from the German Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (a branch of the House of Wettin) to the English Windsor
@MattЭллен I'm not using their silly modern name!
They are Germans!
@KitFox I think the standard shall be "Can make and understand jokes in English."
@Robusto That eliminates some of the native speakers...
@Cerberus As Marcus said, there is a shift in the meaning of "bastard". Bastard "tends to indicate someone who is unpleasant and antagonistic now". I think this is very interesting.
@Carlo_R Yes, well, a word with a specific negative connotation often turns into a general swear word.
Like "whore" or "fag".
@KitFox I don't see the problem.
I was considering that as well.
The internet is complete now
@Gigili - I have just now noticed your new avatar. I like it. Good choice.
@Robusto But the standard for this room should also be "can make jokes in incomprehensible language x", or no stamp.
@Cerberus We are incomprehensible enough without that.
@Robusto We, perhaps, but...
@MrShinyandNew安宇 It is so much more tolerable that way.
@KitFox I KNOW! That was my first thought too
More circus afro
HOly shit.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Haha, at first I thought that might be part of the original clip.
I don't even know what song that is.
In the old days people just made word jokes, because the internet was only good for words.
Then they started making image memes, like the David Caruso CSI sunglasses one.
Now it's frickin' video memes.
Up next: smell memes
Speaking of smell memes, I just created a new one.
@KitFox cool, let me remix it
nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngh there we go
Dude, you are hardcore.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Have they no consideration for people who are too lazy to click on videos?
@Cerberus And what about the poor souls who don't have audio no their computer?
Oh, I forgot, those don't exist
@Carlo_R I thought you saw it yesterday when you flagged my message. Thanks anyway.
Or who have black-and-white screens.
Monochrome green!
Rufus Wainwright!
@KitFox I used to have one of those. Had a hell of a time trying to get it to work with Windows 3.1
He is as wright as wain.
What the hell am I doing right now?
You people!
Yay monochrome green, that sounds fun.
I wrote a program on my C64 to display randomly-sized, randomly-colored bars. One of the first programs I ever wrote. We had a monochrome green monitor though, so the effect was. Well. A little lackluster.
Amber is the new green.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Wait, that looks like a Bieber.
@JasperLoy Half an hour later in Newfoundland....
@KitFox you lack lust / you're so lackluster
That's all the strength that I can muster.
@Jasper don't berate me / it exasperates me
sorry (._.)
@Robusto scoffs at article's picture the goog is scary though, f'reals
I have a question for parents.
@Cerberus is it 'why'? ;)
I'm a parent! I have opinions definitive answers!
I was parenting beta. The first kid always is.
What would you do if your mother-in-law went to look after your crying baby while she was staying with you, and she let it suckle her breast in order to soothe it?
That's why my sister is the one without the chicken pock scars.
Or him/her.
@MetaEd Haha high five!
@Cerberus my face just fell. exits discussion
Minus the scars.
@cornbreadninja That was easy.
I am unfraid of Google. I drink the Gool-aid.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Will that site stay in beta forever?
@Cerberus like I know
@MetaEd unfrayed!
@Cerberus I would show her where I kept the pacifiers and tell her that I didn't feel comfortable with her technique.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 You're supposed to say, yes.
@KitFox Okay, I think I might react the same way. What would you say to your husband?
OMG your mother is insane, or hmm look what she did, that was a bit odd.
Um, well, I am trying to imagine my sleep-deprived reaction.
@Cerberus I probably wouldn't know what to say. But it's a pretty far-out scenario. babies suck HARD on nipple-like things. It'd probably hurt her, unless she were actually lactating, in which case I would ask her to stop doing trying to feed the baby.
looks like a friend of @Vitaly ^^
@KitFox Yeah OK...your following-day reaction would also be interesting.
I think I would probably laugh at his mother's weird behavior.
I'm not sure what he would think.
@KitFox OK, same here.
@Cerberus Probably somewhere in the middle. It's not really harmful, but it'd be frickin' odd.
Except she just wouldn't do something like that.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 OK.
I mean, a pinky would work just as well, probably even better since she wouldn't be lactating.
So I was reading this advice column, where the mother totally freaked out and wanted to call the police.
@Cerberus wait, this is based on a true story?
Well, if the MiL had a history of abuse, maybe.
But it is still a stretch to me.
I suppose I can see some women reacting that way.
Sleep-deprived, hormonal, already anxious about parenting, etc.
And Dear Prudence said that she shouldn't call the police, but that she was right to ask MIL to leave the house in the morning and have serious talk with her, telling her that should couldn't see the baby any more until she dealt with her "boundary issues" etc.
That's not a very nice thing to do to the baby, psychologically. Baby expects milk.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Yes.
@cornbreadninja That too.
@KitFox Agreed. But she mentioned no history.
@KitFox totally... sleep-deprived, stressed, hormones all crazy, postpartum depressions, poor per-existing relationship with MiL...
@KitFox OK, but she wrote to Dear Prudence later, asking "should I have called the police?".
Also, maybe the MiL was at her wit's end trying to soothe a colicky baby.
So her DiL could have some rest.
Yes, probably.
MiL went up to soothe the baby while DiL stayed in bed.
At least she didn't shake it, or countless other terrible things.
@Cerberus I don't know about THAT.... making her leave the house? boundary issues? let's not blow this out of proportion.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Exactly. I am glad you guys agree with me.
@cornbreadninja Nah, babies get pacifiers too.
There are lots of ways that this could be some sinister act on the part of the MiL to sabotage the DiL, or else it could be just a woman reacting to her maternal instincts in a "creative" way.
@Cerberus point taken
@Cerberus Pacifiers are significantly different from nipples.
This would not even raise an eyebrow in many cultures, I suspect.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Agreed: context and history count. But surely DiL would have mentioned those in her letter?
@MetaEd I can't imagine it would be very effective.
@KitFox Okay, but it is still sucking?
@MetaEd Agreed.
If a baby latches on and doesn't get milk, well, my boys would get even more pissed off.
@Cerberus I can totally sympathize with the new parents saying "get out of the house" because let's face it, their decisions are not always ideal, rational decisions. But for a disinterested third-party to calmly suggest throwing the MiL out on her ass for trying to help? please.
@KitFox Not if the child was actually hungry, no.
I think MiL is a bit weird (it's still not her baby), but DiL is hysterical.
Come on now. I wouldn't go that far.
She's a new parent. That makes everybody crazy.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Sympathize?
I think it is a bit crazy.
@Cerberus Yes, having a baby is extremely trying esp for the mother. The first 3 months can be seriously described as "hellish"
You don't tell an older person to leave the house unless she has done something terrible.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I still don't think that is an excuse.
I don't think "hellish" is strong enough to describe the first three months.
In any case, then DiL should call MiL, apologize for over-reacting.
Fuck that noise.
Hey, what's wrong with Hell?
MiL should just leave it alone, and DiL should just forget about it.
@Cerberus I didn't say I would condone it or recommend it. I said I sympathized
The baby is alive and well. She has more important things to think about.
Okay, now I can go on and read letter no. 2, thanks for your input!
1:40 eating and chatting, 0:02 tidying. I'm not really doing too well...
Sounds like a good distribution?
Do fun stuff, skip unfun stuff.
Well, how untidy can your flat possibly be?
It's got what, 3 rooms?
I'd skip unfun stuff if I didn't have an unexpected flat inspection on Thursday :(
@KitFox 5 rooms and the hall, but the spare room is a mess
@MrShinyandNew安宇 yeah, like that
@MattЭллен What, an inspection? By whom?
the front room isn't much better
@MattЭллен Nobody expects the unexpected flat inspection
@Cerberus by the letting agent
@MrShinyandNew安宇 How did you get into my house??
@MattЭллен Is that legal?
It isn't here.
@Cerberus I know a guy who knows your landlord
@MrShinyandNew安宇 OMG I slept with that guy!
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Nooo I don't want to rent from you and your cronies!
It's like we're cousins!
Ahh that's where you got your pretty house.
@Cerberus He isn't my crony, per se.
But I bribed him with those photos you sent me
My house isn't pretty. And we own it.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Spare me the details of what you did or did not do together.
@KitFox Oh, details...
But it does look nice.
@Cerberus yeah, they did give me a week's notice, I just didn't check my email
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Oh God, that makes me feel incredibly anxious.
@Matt, found your bike
it's underneath the other bike
@MrShinyandNew安宇 This has happened to me in the past. Except that I had only 1 room then, so it is venial, right?
@Cerberus um.....
@MattЭллен Here, they would have to ask you and you would have to agree on a day and time.
Not in my house it isn't :)
@Cerberus what if you just never agree?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Regular boy's room.
Here they have to give something like 48 hours notice
@Cerberus Not my room
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Then landlord will have to go to court.
Oh God, Geezis, these pictures are awful.
I believe.
@Cerberus seriously!? wow
Unless there is some pressing reason.
Like an emergency, gas leak.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 oh shit! that's where it's been! I must have been riding someone else's all this time
Renters are extremely protected here, sometimes a bit too much, even.
I say this as a dog who rents his doghouse.
Do you guys want a live picture of the mess in my house?
I'm not tidying up for you.
@Cerberus yes please
go for it!
I will judge not.
Oh my lord, will this person please leash their child?
There is a young kid hollering in the hallway.
Just run out and start breastfeeding the child
as an experiment
do it for the science!
@cornbreadninja did you miss our earlier conversation? :)
@MrShinyandNew安宇 no! that was my way of laughing :D
@cornbreadninja ah :)
runs into hallway
@KitFox I will kiss the girl from Venus / for science
You are so brave.
Oh. AFK.
Arg, it says my SIM card is missing.
So the picture will be a few minutes.
@KitFox let's get those missiles ready to destroy the universe!
I had that as my windows startup sound for a while
> A new survey of 500 senior Wall Street executives found that 24% said that unethical or illegal behavior was not only acceptable, but even necessary in order to achieve success in their business.

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