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3 hours later…
@Mitch Quite!
i 'm looking for someone who can help me with old exams in morphology in english and arabic will pay him anyone interesting
1 hour later…
@Cerberus Full House... Fuller House... that show with that guy... OMG.
@Mitch I vaguely remember that title, but I don't recall ever having seen it.
@Mitch quite, but that only goes to show that I cannot possibly be that guy.
5 hours later…
A: 'I have a little pin that says..' Is this literal or metaphorical

GEdgarIt is called a "perfect attendance" pin. If this was spoken in English it could, indeed, be literally true. These were more common 50 years go than they are today. Google will show you many pictures of these pins.

Another example of a non-answer that gets a lot of votes because it has a graphic.
@Robusto it would have more votes if the graphic featured cheese. Or a kitty. Or a naked lady holding a kitty while eating cheese.
A rookie mistake. We've all been there.
@RegDwigнt Soft or hard?
In other news, just as I predicted, and exactly as I predicted, and precisely as I predicted in every particular, they did offer to reinstate Monica, and she did decline.
So what the fuck was all the ruckus all about now, people.
@RegDwigнt Where? I didn't see that.
On the main site. It says it's been there for five days, too.
I saw they offered to let her submit to the Secret Star Chamber.
That isn't the same as reinstatement.
If they meant to reinstate her, they would have done so.
They did not.
Just like if they had meant to remove her, they would have done so. And did.
I've chosen my words carefully. My words are fine as chosen.
Offer to reinstate really?
> In recognition of the mistakes that led us here, we invited Ms. Cellio to apply for possible reinstatement on all six sites following our new reinstatement process. Ms. Cellio expressed concerns about the new process and has not applied.
That is literally what it says.
What none other than Sara Chipps says.
So there.
The invitation is for her to apply for possible reinstatement.
It is not reinstatement.
Exactly right. Which is why that, too, was very much part of my prediction.
The real test would be give her back her six diamonds, then see whether she wanted to keep them.
Like, what else did any of you expect to happen.
I actually know the answer to that.
Can't any of you read the future just like myself?
I have a hotline to higher powers.
Determinative ones.
The opposite of "Would you like to be put on trial for possible diamond reinstatement?" is of course "Would you like to be put on trial for possible diamond removal?"
Because the latter never happened, the former seems to be the remedy to a different problem.
Of course. Which is why it boggles this writer's mind that anyone else wouldn't see just that coming.
The people who've been making these decisions have made an endless series of idiotic blunders that even their own coworkers warned them against.
And you didn't have to be a genius to predict those deleterious results.
There can be no winners in this. There have only been losers, and no matter what you do, the best thing you can do is add yourself to that pile of losers. That is your only option.
So don't.
Life is short. Eat a cookie, write a symphony.
I just played some Chopin and had a dark-chocolate-covered-salt-caramel to accompany my dark coffee. Does that count?
That counts a lot. Certainly much more than any discussion about SE ever will.
Anyone still participating in this affair after all this time is only doing it because of the sunk-cost fallacy. They feel like they have to, because that's all they've been doing for so long.
There's a lot of people on MSE who are just there to take umbrage at anything and everything.
That's changed.
It didn't use to be like that.
People are bored. They create their own entertainment. Vote Trump.
That's Putin's job.
Then impeach him or something. I'm sure you'll not run out of ideas that quickly.
It's the same side of the same coin.
If I had actual problems in my life, I wouldn't so much as know the words "Trump" or "Monica".
I simply wouldn't have the time or energy.
@RegDwigнt Or, rather, they are doing it because they require justice.
@Cerberus says you.
Says everyone.
> For children are innocent and love justice, while most of us are wicked and naturally prefer mercy.
@Cerberus says everyone who is bored.
I do not see Daniel Barenboim say anything to that extent. Because he's not bored. He's got things to do.
Angry, not bored.
The moment your cellar is flooded, you say fuck justice, my cellar is flooded. Where's my justice, you say.
But your cellar is not flooded so you're here talking.
It's not up to the universe to grant justice.
There is no such thing as justice. And Cerberus of all people should know. He literally studied that shit for decades.
Nike. Nemesis.
What's one person's justice, is another's death. And vice versa.
Sounds like humor.
Sara Chipps literally has 15 reps on Meta.
So someone did upvote her once.
Also she's wearing the same hat as me.
And how the fuck do you get that hat anyway. I never found out. Says secret for me.
> Your post sounds as though your lawyers drafted this for you.
What you mean, "sounds like". That is exactly what's happened.
> The Alaska blackfish is an evolutionary loner that fins through lakes and tundra ponds across much of the state.
Just how delusional can someone be to say "sounds like" at this point.
Never saw fins as a verb.
Well you have now. Congratulations. Maybe there's a secret hat in it for you.
Both SE and Monica misma published the exact same text on their respective platforms.
Me, I'm still waiting to see blackfishes as a verb.
That's racist.
The Alaska loner blackfishes in the tundra ponds.
If birds can wing through the canopy, I suppose fish can fin through the jellies.
Why are you reading up on fish. You live in a desert essentially.
Also, the homeland of the Flat Earthers.
Which sort of makes a lot of sense, put that way.
Do penguins wing or fin?
Penguins penguin.
One penguin penguins.
Yes it's very much a penguin-penguin situation.
Now give that to Benedict Cumberbatch to read.
@RegDwigнt glances at cellar door
Brynden Tully blackfishes lions.
@Mitch No need to glance, you're here talking so obviously your cellar's fine.
stares at cellar door
If you stare too long at the cellar door, the cellar door stares at you.
Got a dusting of new snow today, maybe five inches.
hears water flowing
It's cold as all fuck here, again, but still no snow.
Basically it got warm for a couple weeks, and rained for exactly as long, and then the moment the irrigation stopped, that's when the temperature immediately dropped again.
That's weather!
Mellon. Melian. Lorin. Linden. Gladden.
We could be having snow all this time. But you Americans drive too much plastic and eat too much car. Or something.
@tchrist and then of course there's the other four dwarves.
I wouldn't know. Never read the book. Only watched the movie. And the movie had never read the book, either.
But they were schwarzes so we speak not of them.
Earlier today on YouTube I witnessed Elton John, uh I mean myself, play the worstest ever piano imaginable.
I've witnessed a lot on youtube.
I wouldn't say that it's given me life experiences.
Wrought of sausages?
I now know how to do tendon surgery on your wrist though.
with the right equipment.
and anesthesia
for me
and more!
I can only say with confidence what the fuck it is not. A piano.
I don't think that's Barry Manilow.
Also, the video title is a lie. But that much is obvious. This is YouTube.
Also also, what the fuck is a "chord structure". Whoever wrote this garbage doesn't know the first thing about music.
There's chord progressions, and there's chord voicings, and neither of those are chord structures.
Atypical harmonic progressions. Call them transgressions if you're a good boy.
I said that.
I type too slow on a Fonz.
Well not really atypical. Literally everything Elton John has ever written, Händel had written before him.
All Handel needed was Bernie Taupin
Which to be fair is sort of the whole point of that video. Of what John keeps saying over and over again.
@Mitch yeah don't get me started on that. Händel's lyrics are garbage. Probably written by Hitler or something. I don't know much about German history.
I think Hitler was a painter. But that's the point. That's what Händel's lyrics read like.
Zadok the Priest.
Bernie Taupin's lyrics are pretty derivative.
And Nathan the Prophet.
Anointed Solomon King.
So simple his lyrics.
That'd be quite a project, actually. Take Bernie Taupin's lyrics, and set them for SATB. Four-voice counterpoint.
Maybe I'll get on that later.
At this point I'm basically waiting for him to die first. Can't quite keep up with his output.
All about stereotypical American things that never existed anywhere in American history ever.
Does your counterpoint require a countertenor?
Define tenor.
No really, please do. Because nöone else can.
There's fifty different definitions out there, and only three of them can be summed up as "gumboots". The rest are all very different.
The tenor is the voice that sings above the lead in a barbershop quartet.
One down, 49 to go.
It's when they move the alto clef down a bit.
And look, just as I said, very difficult to shoehorn into "gumboots".
@tchrist up.
Soprano is down.
London has fallen
It's one of those quirks of music. Like 8+8+8 = 22.
You're right.
I know. Only took me 40 years to learn. The hard way.
Except that unlike with 2+2=3 and 8+8=15, it actually makes sense.
@Mitch you know, I watched a movie about just that the other day. When my Internet was down.
Or re-watched it, rather.
@RegDwigнt It doesn't change with age
Edge of Tomorrow. (Aka "Live, die, repeat" if you're an idiot.)
Good movie. Also, Emily Blunt.
@RegDwigнt The idiot title would be more memorable
Which is why it is. To idiots.
The math checks out.
@RegDwigнt Like how Spanish fortnights have an extra day in them: quincenas.
Unlike with a third plus a third makes a fifth.
'Edge of Tomorrow' is not even worthy of absurdism
You're not worthy of absurdism.
Emily Blunt is so worthy of absurdism, I consider her worthy of myself. And that's a fuckovalot of absurdism.
If three thirds make a seventh then you don't believe in 0 AD.
12×5 = 7×8 + ,
That must be the single most brilliant thing I have ever written, and nobody will ever know or care.
A: Can user names have a filter on whacky chars?

Nick CraverI'm not really against stripping character sets that are used exclusively for escaping the normal bounding box of the text - that seems reasonable. Does anyone have an actual programmatic filter for these characters? You can easily eat a day finding all of the unicode that offends.

Don't you have something in the spam filters, e.g. the Chinese characters? — Shadow The Burning Wizard Feb 4 '16 at 11:53
Haha haha.
Good thing that Nick never found a day to eat. In the four years that have passed since his posting that answer.
@Færd So? It's marked blue, What does it have to do with French?
Otherwise they'd've filtered out all the Chinese and the Russians and the Germans and the Frenchies and the Spaniards.
And let me guess, nobody would have cared.
How did @MattE.Эллен even find that ancient question. In four years it's amassed all of 106 views.
And quite a few of those must be from people who came there via Matt. Like myself.
@Færd Actually one of my friends in high school had a device like that.
Yeah same here. And I'm actually older than Faerd I would say.

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