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@Robusto you know, one half of my brain was thinking something like that as I typed that.
But then the other half said, nah, noöne reads your shit anyway.
@RegDwigнt text is tone deaf
And then the third half said nah, you've heard it used before non-condescendingly. Like, on all those British TV shows that you keep watching.
Had you heard someone actually say "You do that" you would have heard the pitch variation of deep sarcasm.
And then the fourth half said, wevs, since when am I supposed to not sound condescending to begin with.
You have four hands today, Vishnu?
@tchrist well that's what the third half said. Those shows I didn't read, I watched them.
@tchrist well that's what the fifth half said. Just how many halves are we having today.
If you cut your brain in half on each axis, you'll still have three hemidemisemibrains to go.
Anyway. I only popped in to check what condition my condition was in. Yeah, yeah, yeah, oh yeah.
night night night
Should be in bed by now. Busy day tomorrow. Violin lesson at noon already. And I have to print out stuff for that first.
night night night
10 hours later…
@Robusto BTW more than a calque from BrE, I would say that was a calque from German. "Ja mach das" is something I hear every day. And my violin teacher uses it like every single lesson, whenever I tell her about my plans for the next week.
If I had the time, I'd photoshop the Nike swoosh with the slogan "Yeah do that" underneath. Alas, I don't have the time.
Anyways. I have a theory that any language that can't combine yeah, do, and that, easily the three most common and most innocuous words, any language that can't combine them without sounding condescending is clearly in total disrepair, doomed to fail, and will die a horrible, terrible, no good, very bad death very, very soon.
4 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with a link in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (81): What is the "sports" in "sports car"? by sapilo on english.SE
Is Corbyn really anti Semitic? I have no idea. For the half second I've seen him he doesn't seem like the overthetop charlatan that Johnson is. But all I'm seeing on Twitter is 'I'm leaving the country if corbyn wins because I'm jewish'
Like where would they go, the US?
I must apologize, some idiot kid got hold of my ELU and is posting politics.
But even so, I'm... I mean he's interested in an answer.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in body (94): Is this sentence grammatically okay? ✏️ by Biology Lover on english.SE
@Mitch Quite understandable.
Qualität ist kein Zufall
@Mitch I think a chief rabbi denounced Labour for anti-Semitism, which is probably ultimately due to Labour's/Corbyn's friendly stance in support of Palestinians and criticism of Israel.
They're calling Johnson an Islamophobe, which sticks better I think.
They'd do the same to Sanders if he was not Jewish himself. He might be conferred the title of "self-hating Jew" tho, sooner or later.
@RegDwigнt Well, looks like I'll have to put all my eggs in the Japanese basket. Or the Spanish one.
Not the German one.
On a different note, fear, fright, and afraid are apparently from separate origins. Weird.
Oh, it's that time of the year again! I hate winter bash.
@RegDwigнt BTW, don't get defensive (and don't defensively say you're not getting defensive). I just told you about that because it is a commonplace in English to use that phrase in the way described, which is something you just don't get from text. As I've stated many times, you have an excellent command of idiomatic English (written English, which is the only way I've experienced your use of the language), so my nota bene was just an effort to help you be even better.
You, however, it must be noted, have been not nearly so nice (at times) about my German solecisms. Of which there are many.
So ... "smoke in your pipe and put that in," as Stephen Sondheim said.
> “Can I ask you a personal question? Where are you from? No, I know you’re American. I mean, your background. Like, where is your mom from? New York. And your dad? New York, too, huh? But you know what I mean. What is their background. What is your background. I just want to know. I’m just making polite conversation. I mean, everyone from the United States is an immigrant, you know, except the actual Native Americans.”
On that note, @Robusto, can I ask you a personal question?
@Gigili Actually, they're immigrants too. They just immigrated thousands of years before the rest of us.
@Gigili Shoot.
Which means "go ahead."
Do you look like Michael McKean?
Ha. Not at all. What made you think that?
I'm neither blond nor fat, nor do I have a certain British pastiness.
There is something in your character that made me think that.
What specifically?
@Robusto Hmm, I like him.
@Robusto Having the ability to impress, arousing respect.
Well, thank you. Nice of you to say.
One can rarely address you disrespectfully.
@Robusto No, really.
@Gigili And yet people do. Go figure.
@Gigili You are very kind.
Is there an actor you have in mind who is most characteristically similar to you?
Hmm. I can't think of one off the top of my head.
How about you? What is your background?
My background was in engineering.
And I kept hearing a sound of applause in the background.
Haha. Always a good sign.
What nationality?
@Robusto Not always, but thanks!
@Robusto I assume you already know the answer to that one?
@Gigili Is it in your profile somewhere?
No, I don't see it there.
Are you a room owner?
I am the "this user prefers to keep an air of mystery about them" type of user.
Well, we all like to keep some mystery about us, don't we?
Can you delete the line instantly? Haha, sounds like rocket science
Just click on the arrow on the left side of your post and you will see a "delete" link at the bottom.
See, that wasn't so hard.
sigh of relief
You say your background was in engineering. Are you retired, or are you in some other occupation now?
As my LinkedIn status says, I am actively looking for a job.
In engineering?
But I take freelancing projects in my field fro time to time.
@Robusto I finished my Masters in computer science about four years ago
What area of Comp Sci?
Computational complexity
Theoretical computer science
P time and so on?
That's way beyond me. I don't concern myself with how things work, just with what I can do with them. ^_^
More or less
@Robusto That's what a wise man would do.
If something doesn't run fast enough, I refactor. If that doesn't help, I blame the hardware.
At the time, I was interested in behind the scenes.
I prefer to work as a data scientist.
Or data analyst
I like writing SQL queries and python codes.
@Gigili I can relate to that. My son just got his MS from Harvard in computational biology.
He uses chiefly Python and R, plus SQL. He hates R but considers it a necessary evil.
Definitely true.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body (96): Shouldn't this game be called chicken fight? by Sergei Medvedev on english.SE
4 hours later…
@Robusto I won't defensively say I'm not getting defensive. Instead, I will say that very, very indefensively.
That should do the trick, right.
@Robusto it was never a part of my plan to be unnice about that. However, I am always curt, and that's because time is a factor here.
Anyway, I believe all your sins shall now be forgiven forevermore, because I just got someone to comment this on one of my scores:
> Спасибо! Я люблю эту песню! Я хочу выучить песню! Я тоже русский, я никогда не знал, что ты! В любом случае, песня хорошая, она мне понравится!
And that is most definitely not Russian. Not even a good try.
I will need all my energy for maybe the next couple years to ridicule those solecisms. So you're off the hook.
Here's my accurate translation into English:
> Thank! I love this song! I want learn song! I also Russian, I never knew that you! In any case, song good, one day I will like it!
I am twelve and what is this grammar.
That's really quite bold a move. Not sure what motivated it.
On a side note, it only just occurred to me just how much wronger calling a waltz a song sounds in Russian.
In English it's basically the norm by now, and I've heard it begin creeping into German as well. But in Russian it is literally unheard of. This is the very first time I hear it.
@RegDwigнt хочу is what I say when I sneeze.
I am sitting with Google Translate open, trying to compose a reply that it can't crack.
That shouldn't be too hard.
It's not.
I just made my Windows cursor bigger to accommodate my 32" monitor and now I hate it.
It's just that it always translates it as something, and that something often makes way too much sense. Not the original sense by any means. But not 100% cryptic.
It needs to be a completely garbled up collection of words.
I'm not fighting Google's Russian, I'm fighting its English.
Google Translate doesn't speak English. It doesn't even speak Russian.
Well what I mean is, imagine you have some shibboleth that should translate to "damp sock, above longing sober", but then Google goes and translates it as "Gentleman, just fun". So it's still gobbledygook, but it's not gobbledygook enough. In the context he could take it to mean that I'm wishing him fun with my waltz, and that I'm being very polite about it.
Here's what it does with Chomsky: Бесцветные зеленые идеи спят яростно.
Not enough disconnect, I agree.
Well that's an accurate translation actually.
Except there are nuances lost between furiously and violently.
But it's really not awful enough for your purposes.
Oh I don't want to reply something random. I want to leave a proper reply alright, saying "nice try mate, but that's not Russian, what made you think this was a good idea, don't you realize that I actually speak the language".
But put it in a way that leaves him with "damp grandfather's clock in nonely fluid changer".
I just earned six new Announcer badges and I still don't understand what the badge is all about. Share a link to a post later visited by 25 different IP addresses? I never never never fucking ever share posts. This is some kinda bullshit.
Sep 20 at 23:20, by RegDwigнt
How the fuck do I have 29 Announcer badges.
Sep 20 at 23:21, by RegDwigнt
I've not announced that many things in total over the course of my entire life. Much less specifically on the Internet specifically from this site specifically in the last ten years.
Jan 27 at 16:36, by RegDwigнt
Why the fuck am I still getting Announcer badges. I know I keep asking that, but that's because I keep getting them. Who shares shit on my behalf.
Join the club. Have a cigar.
> You're gonna fly high, you're never gonna die, you're gonna make it if you try, they're gonna love you.
I shared like five or six things back in the beta days. On Reddit. Got like two badges for those. Then nothing for like five years. Which is how it should work, because nobody reads old Reddit posts anymore. If you don't get 25 hits right away, you don't get 25 hits ever. You can't hope for random people to just occasionally keep trickling in over the years.
But even if over a full decade it somehow did miraculously happen for each and every single one of those posts, that's still a total of five or six. Not twenty nine.
How would they even know? I don't use Alexa or Siri or OK Google at all, like, ever.
Last night a random thought crossed my mind, how we went from laughing at people who still had no phone in their home to laughing at people who still do.
I am reminded of that again by looking at that cover. How many people these days will even recognize it.
It used to be fucking iconic.
Just like Dark Side of the Moon's.
Actually a few years back I remember watching a video about the designer. Now I don't even recall his name.
@Robusto not quite sure if this is what you're asking about, but when you share a link, it appends to it your user ID on that SE site.
@RegDwigнt But how would I even go about sharing a link? I have no idea what that even means.
I forgot. I'd have to go to the main site to remind myself. And who does that.
I think there's like a link under the individual answers or some such.
Yeah there is. Name's "share".
A: What is the meaning of 'being drawn to someone'

WhatRoughBeastIn this context, "to be drawn to a person" means "to be attracted to a person". This does not necessarily mean sexually or romantically, but it is often used that way. You may be thinking of "drawn" in the artistic sense, as in making a sketch, but that would be phrased as "you are drawn by her"...

So there, you click on that, they give me a +1 for that question.
Well not here in the chat they won't. But anywhere else I post that link, they'll keep track of it.
Wait, could they possibly consider a "duplicate" close reason to another post as a link to a post?
I don't think that one has your user ID at the end. And it's on SE, which does not count.
At least if it's implemented properly. Which we've sort of determined it kind of can't be.
Then I'm out of guesses.
Right so the best garbledygook I've got so far is "Somehow very thick, comrade foreman." Tell me if that makes sense to you, and if so, what that sense is.
I'm not liking that "thick" can mean "stupid".
My best guess would be "some unnamed something is very thick" and it's addressed to "comrad foreman" ...
Yeah that'd be fine by me. Except because of "thick" also meaning "stupid" he might take that to mean I'm calling him stupid. While also addressing him as comrade.
Alternatively alternatively, he might take it to mean "that's a bold move, comrade". Or something along those lines.
You could substitute voluminous for thick.
Or viscous.
Ah no I'm not substituting anything. I am writing in Russian. Something that makes perfect sense in Russian.
Right now my draft says "Как-то очень толсто, товарищ старшина".
Which is perfectly parseable to an actual native speaker of Russian.
But if you plug it into Google Translate, it returns "Somehow very thick, comrade foreman."
You know, you could spend this precious time working on, I don't know, music, perhaps?
Oh I've just finished the Blueberries SATB.
Also just came back from a choir rehearsal.
Also also had violin lesson.
Also also practiced violin.
Also also also also, after the choir rehearsal I played piano for fifteen minutes right then and there. Bach, Chopin, and my own stuff.
Bach would have done all of those things and right now be cranking out a crab canon or a five-part fugue.
Well. I can't speak for my brain. It might be doing just that while I'm typing this.
Perhaps a motet.
And if you can't speak for your brain, who can?
I don't have a witty response to that. So apparently my brain is busy doing something else alright.
Maybe a motet it is.
Fuck, I thought SciFi stackexchange would have kept a question I asked a few years ago, but apparently it got deleted. Now I can't find it.
That's not your question.
That's my motet.
How dare they?
Very, very easily. That's how.
I did suggest you run for a mod to then resign in protest.
But you're too busy slacking.
@RegDwigнt I like it very much. Really.
Now write something longer.
You realize verses can repeat, right?
Also, it is very clear you count, um, J. S. Bach among your influences.
So write something longer. You just got me going and then it was over.
Well we've established I'm cranking this shit out in-between violin lessons and trying to remember the name of that guy who designed the Dark Side of the Moon cover.
Oh, and also slacking.
I don't want to hear excuses, just music. /nod
Well here's a thing. Recently I've been listening to Ave verum corpus a lot. Because that's one of the pieces we'll be singing in a retirement home this Sunday.
And that's like two minutes long.
But then there's that Bernstein rendition which is like six.
Perhaps I didn't make myself clear:
1 min ago, by Robusto
I don't want to hear excuses, just music. /nod
Meaning to say, how about I write just two notes, and then you do the Bernstein and push the lever from 45 to 33.
@Robusto Slacking is not an excuse. It's just slacking.
@RegDwigнt How about you get your ass in gear and start believing in your gift?
Anyway, I'll have to take my answer offline, as I need to go the store and get tonight's dinner.
Yeah good thinking. I must be off to bed myself.
Faerd can take over.
How 'bout I open with some depressing news?
You be you. I've been hearing things from your neck of the woods over the grapevine. Even though I don't watch TV or read any news.
Ah not from my neck of the woods not this time!
Oh. Well, then the news can't possibly be depressing.
On a side note, Jesus fuck, I never realized how often I say "thank you" in this chat. That has to stop. Took me a full ten minutes now to find that one message to counter @Robusto's argument.
Sep 6 '18 at 20:27, by RegDwigнt
BTW @Rob I've been meaning to thank you apropos of nothing. Remember we were having that discussion one day, about the ending of No Country For Old Men. I think I was on the fence about it or something. Maybe still am. And then you said a thing. It ends here because he's said everything he had to say.
Read on from there. If it's too short, that's because I've learned it all from you.
I'd rather leave the listener longing for more than have them check their watch.
Quitting while you're ahead, ending on a high note, and all that jazz.

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