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it's slide-guitar-and-lone-hawk-overhead hot here.
MailS alert.
Q: Question For Modify

MailS "From a room, Mark pulled a cat." "From a room Mark pulled a cat." Does these mean a) Mark, situated inside the room, pulled a cat, whose location is NOT specified, or b) Mark, whose location is NOT specified, pulled a cat, who was sitting in the room, out of the room?

Mkay now this one doesn't even make sense.
He's letting his guard down.
This guy is obsessed with cats and rooms. We should get @Schroedinger's Cat to be his sole answerer.
@Robusto you should have seen his questions on theoretical grounds.
Are you saying I didn't? You can only know one way or the other if you open the box.
I don't have to. I am scient.
Then he has a question for modify.
Which is why he uses ELU for increase.
I guess I should keep working on my Slap-A-Chap software product, which will allow one to reach through the Internet to slap the shit out of some idjit who sorely needs it.
I know mod nohat, mod waiwai, and mod reg, but who is mod ify?
I just need a jQuery plugin which makes a hand come out of the screen and slap someone.
One more party you are too late to.
Mar 9 at 20:28, by RegDwight Ѭſ道
WHOA. Hold the presses. At last, I have invented a tool to punch people in the face over the Internet.
WHOA, punching is too low-class. Slapping is where it's at.
Still, do note how much late you are.
I've got two turntables and a microphone.
That's a start.
I have never seen a working copy of your software.
When you'll see it, it will hurt.
Better turn off all internet now.
I defy you, sir.
That's what they all say.
@KitFox Hey!
I remain, yours sincerely, unpunched.
I am not serving beggars.
My punches are not to be expected.
Or believed.
@MetaEd What?
Noöne believes the Spanish Inquisition.
Expects. No one expects the Spanish Inquisition. Getcher Python quotes right.
Except with Python, it's all about whitespace, innit?
@KitFox I resemble that remark about Texas.
I think Rob is whooshing himself just fine, no need for a device.
@MetaEd Yes, I know.
Just giving you the full Monty.
No need to, I have just downloaded sex.rar.
True story.
Inside was the theme from SATS. I was disappoint.
Not sex.exe inside?
Only a pdf.
With a security hole?
I guess you could call Charlotte a security hole, but everyone else is everything but.
Haha, who's this Charlotte?
Jun 27 at 14:09, by RegDwight ΒВB
user image
One of those.
So that is Charlotte's web?
Good Charlotte!
in the dark
The question is, will bur or will he not?
Q: "Sign in to" vs "Sign into"

Alex ArgoIs there a RIGHT choice when talking about the activity of authenticating with something? Which of the following is more correct? "Please sign into thing"/"Please wait. Signing into thing..." "Please sign in to thing"/"Please wait. Signing in to thing..."

Dupe of a dupe of a dupe.
f-cking hell. y u no werkin? stoopid codez i waste many ours on u.
Q: "log in to" or "log into" or "login to"

John SiracusaWhen writing an instruction about connecting to a computer using ssh, telnet, etc., I'm not sure what spacing to use in this familiar spoken phrase: "Log in to host.com" "Log into host.com" "Login to host.com" Maybe this is entirely subjective or the realm of industry jargon, but I couldn't t...

Q: When should "into" be used rather than "in to," and vice versa?

Lord Torgamus"Into" (one word) and "in to" (two words) are frequently confused. In what situations should the former be used? The latter?

Just terminate it with extreme prejudice. No need for a judicial review here.
Do your job.
You're the one with a job here, dude.
@MattЭллен A room, a guy, and a cat. Is that enough context? — MailS 12 mins ago
It's not for the lack of funniness that he will be merged.
@KitFox I had Boston's Amanda in my head, and now this crap?
@RegDwightΒВB a man, a plan, a canal; Panama.
This sounds too much like a euphemism. — JeffSahol 7 mins ago
I have no idea how that fits anywhere in there. So I'll file it under funneh as well.
Hi @Mahnax.
@cpx Hello.
ohai @Mahnax!
A man, a cat, a room: cataroom!
How are you, today?
If cpx were German I could make a super witty joke right now.
Prove it.
Does it involve sharks?
@cpx Grand, yourself?
I want to hear the joke, anyway.
@Robusto "Du willst mir wohl ein X für ein U vormachen!"
See, I'm laughing already.
I'm alright.
Die Redewendung Jemandem ein X für ein U vormachen bedeutet, dass man jemanden täuscht oder betrügt. Ihren Ursprung hat diese Redewendung in den römischen Zahlen, bei denen Buchstaben für Zahlen stehen. So kann der Buchstabe V, welcher für die Zahl 5 steht, durch Verlängerung der Striche nach unten zum Buchstaben X umgeschrieben werden. Dieser steht wiederum für die Zahl 10, so dass eine (vermeintliche) Verdoppelung der Zahl entsteht. Der heutige Buchstabe U stammt vom V des lateinischen Alphabets ab, was die heutige Form der Redewendung erklärt. Die Redewendung wird auf solche Manipulati...
@RegDwightΒВB OK, I'll give you that one.
@cornbreadninja Good day!
It's true that jokes are funnier the more you have to explain them, and now we see that they are funniest when you have to explain them in another language.
@Mahnax sonnez les matines!
@Mahnax how was Toony Toosday?
> What should we do with the [comparison] tag?
You should eat it.
what shall we do with a drunken sailor?
@cornbreadninja Unpleasant.
@cornbreadninja Well, I can't say that I didn't expect it.
@Cerb: I shouldn't have bought an iPhone, it's the most useless electronic device of all time.
@Gigili I started composing an answer but got bored and left a comment instead.
@cornbreadninja Put him in the scuppers with a hosepipe on him.
Shave his legs with a rusty razor.
Basically, is for questions about comparisons, while is for questions about differences. I know, I know, crazy.
@Gigili Oh, come now. Are you just saying that because it's still locked?
@RegDwightΒВB I expected you to merge him with Thursagen.
@Mahnax Uhum, "it's still locked" means I still can't use it. I think that's a reason.
@cornbreadninja Early in the morning.
longs to hear Tales of Thursagen
@MetaEd Put him in the bed with the captain's daughter.
@Gigili Exactly. Now you know why I use a Motorola.
@cornbreadninja There is nothing much actually.
@JasperLoy He seemed to provide solid answers most of the time. Was he just a jerk otherwise?
@cornbreadninja He provided many solidly incorrect answers, yes.
@cornbreadninja No, his answers are liquid most of the time.
@RegDwightΒВB It really should be the other way around, now I see why Carlo asked that question. It's confusing.
@KitFox hmm.
Hey you guys wanna see sth funny from another room?
Not if you announce it like that.
in Mathematics, 2 hours ago, by BenjaLim
Q: How hot is this cutie?

PeterHey there is a girl I'd like to hook up. Do you like her? http://www.sv-hutthurm.de/Fuchs_Lisa_1384a.JPG

So. Where's ?
@JSB is such a slacker.
@JasperLoy izzat picture SFW?
@cornbreadninja The last I checked it is safe.
But not safe for eyes.
@RegDwightΒВB i thought we had agreed on
Well am I seeing that one?
You're a slacker either way.
i love the fact that this shows up for deleted posts on the Math site
It's Japanese for "sun", drawn by a three-year old.
tries really hard not to freak out
don't freak out!
have some nice calming tea
offers @Kit some sweet tea
drinks tea
Le freak, c'est chic.
@RegDwightΒВB hi hi hi
@Robusto hello hello hello
@JSBձոգչ Hey, I thought you had indoor plumbing.
@Robusto I was thinking the same thing.
@RegDwightΒВB Use the Japanese pronunciation.
@Robusto i do, but i always serve my tea on a bed of organic moss
I'm poor, but I do actually have a pot to piss in.
@Robusto fee fee fee? You're charging me again? Thrice?
minas tirith from matchsticks
@JSBձոգչ I thought you had indoor bedrooms too.
@RegDwightΒВB Chigau.
@MattЭллен groovy.
@Gigili Why is it useless: you can't get the lock off?
@Robusto gezondhijd.
@MattЭллен Wow!
@RegDwightΒВB !
@RegDwightΒВB Sonna koto wa nai.
@Robusto Tonari no totoro, totoro.
@MattЭллен Beautiful.
@MattЭллен It's neither out of LEGO nor out of cheese. Verdict: sucks.
@RegDwightΒВB I watched that movie yesterday.
@RegDwightΒВB my verdict is that LEGO is inferior to match sticks
Well I hope you liked it.
@Mahnax Is that really a movie?
@MattЭллен your verdict is rubbish.
@JasperLoy Yeah.
@RegDwightΒВB I quite enjoyed it.
, is a 1988 Japanese animated fantasy film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki and produced by Studio Ghibli. The film follows the two young daughters of a professor and their interactions with friendly wood spirits in postwar rural Japan. The film won the Animage Anime Grand Prix prize and the Mainichi Film Award for Best Film in 1988. The film was released on VHS and laserdisc in the United States by Tokuma Japan Communications' US subsidiary in 1993 with the title My Friend Totoro. In 1988, Streamline Pictures produced an exclusive dub for use on transpacific flights by Japan Airli...
@RegDwightΒВB Better than Freeze.
@RegDwightΒВB your verdict is inferior
We are not neighbors. You are in my back yard.
Feb 22 at 13:53, by RegDwight Ѭſ道
@MattЭллен Totoro is the best. It works without having a negative hero of any kind. Astounding.
@RegDwightΒВB Rubbish can be recycled.
@Robusto you're a troll nontheless.
I think you mean I'm droll. I'll accept that.
Drollig bist du, oh ja.
@RegDwightΒВB Are you calling me?
@JasperLoy If you are the third step of the diatonic scale expressed as solfeggio, then sure.
@JasperLoy If you can't tell, then no.
@KitFox You haven't seen the Captain's daughter.
I watched it in the original Japanese with English subtitles, I heard that the English version isn't as good.
@MetaEd Haven't I?
@Mahnax I watched it in Japanese with Russian overdubdub.
Does reprehensible mean someone is being prehensible all over again?
Even that couldn't ruin it.
@RegDwightΒВB Haha, very nice.
@Robusto no. It's someone who is hensible all over again about rep.
@KitFox It's just the next verse.
@RegDwightΒВB Thanks for clearing thatup.
And I assume the hen in hensible is taken from the Japanese word for strange or perverted.
Actually it's a bastardization, as if we needed yet another one, of hanzi.
Ble, on the other hand, is French for farine, as you will know.
Your folk etymologies are hawt.
So reprehensible is someone who posts a hieroglyph for wheat all over again in order to gain reputation.
Gotta go. Me computer is getting invaded by IT for software installations of an unknown origin. Laterz.
@Cerberus! Back off!
OK, breakfast time. Bye!
@Cerberus Umm, just because I was supposed to buy a GN.
That's the main reason, but there are reasons I can't mention in public.
@Mahnax Enjoy!
@RegDwightΒВB ?
@Gigili So why didn't you buy a GN?
@Gigili In what area do these reasons lie?
Certain kinds of other restrictions?
@Cerberus I said you no touchy @Rob's machine, is all.
@Cerberus I am unpredictable like that.
@Cerberus I can't say, I just can't say.
But reprehensile is just someone who grows their thumbs back.
Or their tail.
@RegDwightΒВB Which machine?
All of them.
Oh, I see, I am his IT?
No, and that's the whole point.
@Gigili Does it have to do with certain things related to a certain country?
I'm sure you can circumvent those.
If you jailbreak your Iphone.
But I have to go.
@RegDwightΒВB But it seemed fun.
Later all!
@Cerberus No but I liked your indirect way of asking the question.
Bye ...
@Gigili P.S. Can't you think of an indirect way to say it?
Taco salad time.
And time to think about...hmm...David Tennant.
Well MetaEd can't be any more succinct than by using one single letter, can he?
Silence will follow
It already had, but then you had to say it would.
I'm like that.
Besides, I'm thinking about David Tennant.
But he's not doing it for me.
@KitFox Think about David Bowie instead.
That could work. Let me try it.
thinks about David Bowie
@RegDwightΒВB "Image not found"
What is that from?
The Prestige is a 2006 British-American mystery thriller film written, directed and co-produced by Christopher Nolan, with a screenplay adapted from Christopher Priest's 1995 novel of the same name. The story follows Robert Angier and Alfred Borden, rival stage magicians in London at the end of the 19th century. Obsessed with creating the best stage illusion, they engage in competitive one-upmanship with tragic results. The film features Hugh Jackman as Robert Angier, Christian Bale as Alfred Borden, and David Bowie as Nikola Tesla. It also stars Michael Caine, Scarlett Johansson, Piper...
I love that movie.
And you didn't recognize Tesla?
I didn't. I am surprised.
That was such a beautiful movie.
Q: What should we do with the [comparison] tag?

Carlo_R.Recently I have noticed that the moderator has deleted the tag [comparison] from numerous questions. I agree with him. I wanted to do the same thing while I was editing a question tagged with this tag, but I was unsure. Considering this moderator's action, I have thought that, probably, this tag...

Reg, look what you did.
@RegDwight BBB - probably I didn't understand something. Sorry! — Carlo_R. 4 mins ago
Well...at least he didn't tag it as a bug
He seems to be spending too much of his valuable time on SE.
Wait what, I did something?
@Gigili That depends on how you value time.
I'm also not quite sure why everything he posts gets downvoted so quickly.
Some of those look like legitimate questions to me.
I think I even answered one recently.
Oh yeah, the Electorate thingy. Everyone's confused with those.
> Voted on 600 questions and 25% or more of total votes are on questions
I don't see how it's unclear.
@Mahnax Same here. I had no problem.
It wasn't clear to me.
But I figured it out.
@KitFox Please explain.
Well, OK.
@Mahnax If I vote on 600 questions, then 100% of my votes are on questions.
With the Electorate one, he didn't do any research and seemed surprised he was supposed to
@KitFox same
@KitFox As long as you vote on 0 answers, that's the case.
It does say total votes, though.
@Mahnax But it doesn't say anything about voting on answers. Just questions.
It is worded in a way that my brain didn't like
It might be clearer to say 75% or less of total votes are on answers.
Or, technically, less than 75% of total votes are on answers.
@MetaEd I agree, or 25% or more of combined q/a votes are on questions or something.
Lest I commit a fencepost error.
@KitFox Does it need to?
@Mahnax If you expect me to parse it correctly the first time, then yes.
I think I would prefer it if it says "Vote on 600 questions. 25% of your total votes must be on questions to get this badge". just really hammerit home
Otherwise, I read "at least 25% of 600 votes on questions need to be votes on questions."
@KitFox exactly
But like I said, I figured it out.
It was just initially confusing.
A: What's a sophisticated synonym for "cooking"?

Adam MoshehBaking and boiling are both decent synonyms. (depending on the context, of course)

That is not sophisticated.
And inaccurate.
Sure, it's awkwardly worded.
@Mahnax This is what I'm saying.
I think it is unclear, and I can see why someone would ask for clarification.
You all seem to underestimate the ambiguity of the "vote on 600 questions" part. MSO is chock-full of people wondering if that means on questions proper or on answers to 600 distinct questions.
And that too.
Oryl? Interesting. I hadn't thought of that
The Electorate badge is the one they had to reword most often, and it's confusing still.
Maybe someday they'll just destroy it altogether.
Hey, they should get us to write up a new description.
@MattЭллен it's the reason why I still don't have one on SO. After voting like 10000 times.
@JSB have you played Magic the Gathering, Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013?
@MattЭллен yep. i have it installed on this computer
@RegDwightΒВB Yes, 1043 is quite like 10000.
@JSBձոգչ do you enjoy it?
it's okay
it's really, really great if you're looking for an intro to the game
and it's only 10 bucks, so hey
@JSBձոգչ I am. excellent. Thanks!
i'm glad you understood me despite my (now fixed) typo
@Mahnax oh well I'm one digit off. Same difference. The point is I was expecting to get the badge at my 600th vote. Instead I still didn't receive it after 1000+, and in fact I still have to vote on almost 200 questions. Easier to walk away.
yeah, I've got about 150 question votes until I get it
I got mine awhile ago, just because I vote on way more questions than answers.
I don't get why this fucking ddl is not binding properly.
i have it, but i upvote a lot of questions
punches ddl in face
@KitFox clearly it has commitment issues
punches ddl's entire family then pisses on ddl's dog
(I have it on EL&U, but I'm here way more often than SO)
@Mahnax oh and remember, this was all when I couldn't just go downvote some crap, because each downvote would cost me rep. So I had to find hundreds of questions worthy of an upvote. On SO. Let that sink in.
These days it's easier I guess. Just go downvote some crap for free. Even so, would take me weeks.
@RegDwightΒВB I haven't actually looked at any questions on SO in awhile.
Make sure it stays that way.
Too late.
Q: How can i insert php echo?

Nae AlexandruI have the following code: <?php $SimpleRatings->create('ID'); ?> and i don't wanna use ID, i need that to be the result of: <?php echo "$link"; ?> How do i do that?

is always good for a laugh
Q: Why is a zero score in tennis or squash called love?

Julius AWhat is the origin of 'love' score in tennis/squash? To be honest, I didn't not quite understand why commentators kept mentioning stuff like 15 love, 30 love, until the other player scored a point and they said 30 15. So what is the origin of 'love'?

This has to be a dupe.
Q: Why do they say "love fifteen," in tennis?

kiamlalunoWhy do they say "love fifteen," in tennis?

Come on!
Damn it. Mtg. Laterz!
Au revoir
Actually I'll be off as well.
Puff, the magic dragon.
Bye Reg.
save travels @Reg
@MattЭллен …with a nice photo album?
so long as he shares it

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