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@mah @mat Boo!
@JasperLoy Hi! I thought you said you do not do stars?
Haha, you are all nuts.
@Mahnax Indeed. That must be you or Gigili.
@JasperLoy Not me.
Not me
Then it is Gigili, QED.
oh, right, it's my message :D
@JasperLoy How so? There are lots of others here.
@Mahnax Well, just a random thought.
@JasperLoy Oh, alright then.
What do you think of the Mariah pic?
It's fine, I guess.
Marihariha! Clearly a Super Saiyan
@Mahnax Must be better than the Justin pic for you.
@JasperLoy Well, yes.
There are many things that would be better than Justin.
@Mahnax Or the Taylor one.
@JasperLoy I can't decide which is worse.
Did you star that @mah?
@JasperLoy Nope!
@Mahnax Then it must be Gigili spying.
@JasperLoy Nonsense!
There are plenty of other people lurking at the moment.
@Mahnax Yeah, but I can see them all.
@JasperLoy What?
They think they are hidden but they are not.
Alrighty then.
I have bionic eyes.
I can't see that being any advantage.
Are you normally up at this hour, @Mahnax?
@MattЭллен Yeah.
good, good :)
No sleep for me!
@MattЭллен Oh God, reduplication!
@Mahnax No rest for the wicked!
@JasperLoy Oh, god!, oh, god!
@MattЭллен Still wrong.
righter than eva
Can a comma follow an exclamation?
"sometimes!", she said
Now now, let's not overuse said.
Not counted, since the quote mark is there.
Here's a page full of awful alternatives that we should use instead.
Why? Is it overused?
You can use said once a page, that's it.
Sorry, just reliving middle school English.
Yahoo!, the search engine company, make it possible
Isn't Matt's comma misplaced?
@MattЭллен Good, good.
In the "sometimes!" remark
@HaveFunSlower Were you the starrer?
The yahoo thing is clever though.
Jasper - what?
@HaveFunSlower I've forgotten all about commas.
@HaveFunSlower The starrer is the person who stars the messages.
I don't know about commas, but I'm anal about colons.
And I'm anal about dashes.
Why "Have fun slower"? It should be "Have fun more slowly"! Haha.
The doctor walked in.
"Given that", he began, "Amy pond is in two places at once, Rory is in a lot of trouble."
@HaveFunSlower psssst: use an em-dash
You mean, do something to the messages to make them show up, over on the right? How does one do that?
What's anal?
@JasperLoy but the picture is of a Sun Flower
@HaveFunSlower Hover over one and click the black star.
the name wouldn't make sense if it was more slowly
@HaveFunSlower Then it's probably not you. Hmm, might be Vitaly.
Vitaly might be the starrer as well.
Why is my one yellow?
@HaveFunSlower Your what?
@HaveFunSlower because it's yours
Does the star turn the color of the person's icon or something?
so that you know who it is?
If you star something, your star becomes yellow to show that you've starred it.
you can tell which ones I've started because they're yellow
I don't do stars in chat.
@JasperLoy Do you have a list of 16 messages that you cycle through?
I'll have to start starring now that I know how.
Oh, cool, you can remove it by clicking it again!
es verdad
@HaveFunSlower Yep. But after a certain amount of time, you can no longer unstar.
but only for a short while
@Mahnax Maybe, I love saying QED.
I say QED when I want to conclude something or end the discussion.
Quickly! End Discussion.
@MattЭллен Haha.
Jasper - how do you get people to listen when you say that?
@HaveFunSlower Well, they have gotten used to my nonsense.
I talk nonsense all the time.
So, people who are used to you automatically stop talking when you say QED? The power!
Oh dear.
My knee is twitching.
But hey my nonsense also contains the truth of the cosmos.
It's up to you to interpret my lines in over 9000 ways.
@Mahnax a sure sign of madness. Or tiredness
@MattЭллен I vote madness.
or old age perhaps?
I did, after all, walk to work while giggling and counting to five in Russian the other day.
yi er san si wu
satu dua tiga empat lima
@HaveFunSlower Yeah, a decade and a half is a long time.
Isa dalawa tatlo apat lima.
one two three four five
Un deux trois quatre cinq.
Yksi käksi kolme neljä viisi.
@Mahnax searches for the straight jacket
Ich nee san shi go.
@MattЭллен Reminds me of straight-laced vs strait-laced.
@Mahnax Amazing how Japanese sounds like Chinese.
@JasperLoy interesting. was that a question on the main site?
@MattЭллен It was my question.
Isn't it strait jacket and straight-laced?
Hey, here's a joke for y'all:
strait-laced and probably strait jacket
An Irishman walks out of a bar.
@HaveFunSlower Straight-laced = strait-laced. QED.
@Mahnax Hey I never understood that joke.
I'm Irish. It's not funny.
@JasperLoy It relies on a knowledge of stereotypes.
@HaveFunSlower Oh, I'm sorry.
Hey, don't sweat it, I'm just messing with you dude/dudette.
Anyway how do you spell whisky?
Well, it's hard to tell on the Internet.
CALD says the British spelling is whisky and the American and Irish ones are whiskey.
Don't know about Americans. But yeah, with an e in Ireland.
Yeah I just go by the dictionary. What is in there is based on corpus data. Some people think they are a native speaker and it does not matter what the dictionary says, but the dictionary is info compiled from multiple native speakers and more.
How did the hipster burn his hand?
He touched the stove before it was cool.
You guys are all nuts.
Two goldfish are in a tank. One says to the other, "I'll man the gun, you drive."
lol, you're full of them this morning!
@Mahnax Do you have a stupid joke book in front of you now?
@JasperLoy Not really.
The chief of police gave a talk on drugs. He wasn't coherent
@Mahnax It must be behind you then. Or maybe under your ass.
@JasperLoy Such awful language from you today!
@Mahnax Yeah someone was shocked when I used shit in another room.
What did you use it for?
He must have been in the Gardening room.
Well, he wasn't really shocked.
@Mahnax Haha. You are supposed to say fertilizer. Oh did I just kill the joke?
Sometimes I don't even know there is a joke. I am awesome like that.
If you think about it, manure is not really that bad a word. I mean, it's 'newer', which is good, and a 'ma' in front of it, which is also good.
Yeah, ma for mahnax and ma for matt and ma for dear mama.
Also manure becomes mature when you change a letter or manicure when you add two.
It also becomes mature if you leave it long enough.
Yeah, and if we eat manure we will probably get more manure or become manure ourselves.
manure really confusing me
@JasperLoy Why would you even think about that?
All of us are full of manure today!
Speak for yourself!
@Mahnax I was inspired by your fishes.
I'm full of jokes, energy, and— look at that, it's 3 AM.
How many reputation points do I need to earn before I can comment on somebody's answer? There's an incorrect answer somewhere that requires a response.
@HaveFunSlower 50, I think.
@JasperLoy What?
Crap, I'm on 47 right now.
@HaveFunSlower You can also consult the FAQ on rep.
Quicker to ask here.
@HaveFunSlower Sometimes we forget so we consult the FAQ. That then makes it slower.
So blah blah blah. Cut to the chase.
Someone else could post it for me, I guess. The agree with/to/on question. Shyam's answer is just begging for "I don't agree with this analysis".
Where teh answer iz?
A: "Agree on" vs. "agree with" vs. "agree to"

ShyamThe object is the difference. You have to agree with some person or group. I agree with you. You agree on some issue or point of debate. We agreed on this issue. You agree to demands/queries, or you agree to do something. He agreed to my demands. He agreed to join me for the...

ELL fodder
What is ELL?
Pretty much.
English Language Learners

Proposed Q&A site for people learning English, whose questions are too basic for the English Language and Usage site.

Currently in definition.

Wow, 52? Not bad.
speaking of which, would we want to redirect to ELL, or are they better here?
Send some people to FiL&U!
is it in commitment yet, @Mahnax?
Gosh, if that site is ever made, the moderators will waste too much time transferring questions back and forth between the two. Better just to have one site, and anyone with a brain can ignore the questions they don't like.
@MattЭллен Not even close…
@HaveFunSlower I'd rather not. I'd rather EL&U was a place where we weren't teaching English.
It needs 32 followers and 38 questions with a score of ten or more to move to the next phase.
Then don't teach English here.
it's not what the site was set up for
@MattЭллен I agree.
@HaveFunSlower right, but we need soemwhere for the people who want to learn English to go
@HaveFunSlower so we don't. But that doesn't make the questions go away. Legitimate questions at that.
So, let them stay here. And ignore them. Or if you like them, don't ignore them.
... or have a separate site for them.
@HaveFunSlower Ignoring them is not the solution.
Fine, I'm clearly in the minority here. I'll shut up.
EL&U is supposed to be a place for higher-level questions, in my opinion.
@HaveFunSlower well not really. Many people raise the same concern. But so far it isn't even in Commitment. So big deal. Let's wait and see how it pans out or whether at all.
Yes. If there were some hierarchical structure to the tags.
you didn't have to remove that!
@Vitaly Seconded.
You removed the line I was replying to.
@Vitaly who me? well, Have Fun Slower had said they'd stop talking abut it, so my continuation seemed petty
> Why do we need separate sites at all? we could just have all the English questions on SO. People can ignore the ones they don't want to see, right?
Just mentally push it a tad higher.
Or read the transcript backwards. Same difference, really.
Bah all those LUs are getting created like shrooms after a rain.
Tibetan Language and Usage

Proposed Q&A site for students, teachers, and linguists who wish to discuss the finer points of the Tibetan language.

Currently in definition.

@HaveFunSlower — you and @MrShinyAndNew will get along it seems :) he's of the same inclination
> How can I edit Tibetan in Word on Windows?
Now if that ain't a finer point of the Tibetan language for linguists to discuss!
The Slavic proposal is even funnier.
Slavic Languages and Usage

Proposed Q&A site for proposed Q&A site for students, teachers, and linguists who wish to discuss the finer points of the similarities and/or differences of all slavic languages.

Currently in definition.

@RegDwightΒВB it's a pressing point for the Dali Lama
The only question so far...
> Do all slavic languages use the same alphabet?
Those finer points are getting finer by the second.
I should go to sleep.
but isn't that just an example question? There isn't actually a person who wanted to know that.
Bye all!
good dreams @Mahnax :)
Bye Mahnax.
@MattЭллен Ew, dreams?
gasps Alright then. Bye!
@HaveFunSlower and where do you suppose example questions come from? :P
> added by saric 2 days ago
That's the proposal creator.
Well, whoever thought having such a site would be a good idea decided to think up things that might be asked, yeah? Or are they actually taken from somewhere real?
He thought it up, yes.
It's not a very imaginative question. So what?
They must be asking questions they want answered, or why bother?
The thing is, he created the proposal. He thinks it would be a good idea to have the site. He needs the site. Yet he himself can only think of one question, and what a question it is.
Yes I guess you're right.
I'm just sayin, perhaps it would be a cool site. But it will never get any traction like this.
Does he need the site though, or is he thinking of it as a useful resource for others? Presumably, if he's from Czech Republic, he already actually knows the answer to this question.
Well to be completely fair, he may even have posted that question for it to be downvoted, as an example of something that would be too basic for the site.
Except that that's probably the most favourable and least likely interpretation.
Actually it used to be that you had to post examples of off-topic questions. But they changed it.
Now you only need on-topic ones, but tons of them.
enough to fill a large lounge
Speaking of which, recast your votes folks, if they are on 11+ questions.
have done, aye
we still need at least 16 more questions
I could get you twice that many.
alas we're limited to asking 5
Yeah it's strange actually.
What does it matter who posted the 40 most bestest questions?
I suppose to make sure there are at least 8 people able to ask questions
Oh. That.
Well, if one person posted 40 questions, that could mean that only one person wants the site, but they want it really badly.
@HaveFunSlower but someone would have to vote each and every one of them up, all the way up to 10.
Oh. Can someone who doesn't want the site downvote the questions, to stop them getting to 10? Would that work?
Hey don't give him ideas.
so long as there weren't more people to up vote the questions
The answer is no. No. You cannot downvote. Anywhere ever.
How many downvotes am I allowed?
in fact, you have to pay $100 to just up vote
@HaveFunSlower five.
Do I get paid $100 for each downvote then?
no, down votes aren't possible!
Only if it's on Tibetan Language and Usage.
The Chinese Government themselves will pay you. They might do so in tögrögs, though.
So long as they have enough tögrögs to be worth $100, I don't mind.
You assume there's enough tögrögs in the world to be worth anything.
I don't care if they're in the world, so long as they give them to me.
How very villainy of you.
Apr 19 '11 at 19:11, by Kosmonaut
user image
I don't look like that, if that's what you're suggesting.
Nah I never suggest on Fridays.
It's Kosmo. He's the suggestive suggester round these parts.
obviously that's what this guy looks like
Yeah. There was an MSO post.
heh. I do vaguely remember that
A: Are rumors of a film true? I hope so by golly!

jjnguyMike Myers as mmyers. This one should be obvious.

@HaveFunSlower Meta Stack Overflow.
@RegDwightΒВB sorry a frog got it
Awwww... he's cute, I'll allow it.
@JasperLoy I really do take exception to that.
No Java in this chat.
That's jQuery in Halloween.
Q: About the future actions

A_nto2Is it correct to say: "I will do that thing when I will talk to him."?

Will one of you post my suggested comment on Shyam's answer? I don't have the points to comment myself. And the answer, despite being wrong, has earnt another upvote.
I've voted OT, because it's like proof reading too
@HaveFunSlower what about it do you disagree with?
The point of my proposed comment is that it speaks for itself.
consider it done
Oh, don't credit me.
Just send me a cheque.
No, not a Czech.
You sent me one of those already today!
But it isn't a czech. It's a Cech.
It's a Czech called Cech.
But does he use the same alphabet as other cheques?
Hey someone told me once that FIFA insists on having the Latin alphabets on football shirts. Anyone know if this is true?
I'm just trying to visualise the Russian team.
I don't know, but when was the last time you saw something else on someone's shirt?
@HaveFunSlower the Russian team was labeled in Latin.
The Greeks have the Latin alphabet, definitely.
So do the Ukrainians.
But is it a FIFA rule, or just a convention?
I suppose it is a rule, and a pointful one at that.
Noöne can read ершы тщтыутыую
But who needs to? The only thing the ref needs to do is write down the player's number if they get a yellow card.
yep. I can't, and I represent all the population
Commentators? Fans? Police?
Hey, nobody can SAY тщтыутыую
the player himself
@HaveFunSlower I just did.
I tried, and now I have to wipe my screen. It sounds like a train.
You should transkeyboard it back.
Or that.
I was just going to post a helpful image of a keyboard, but Google was faster.
I expect that many of the fans of the Russian football team can probably read the Russian alphabet.
So? I can read Hiragana, too.
Haha Barrie managed to answer a closed question.
Good for him.
I liked OP's clarifying comment, too.
@RegDwightBBB: I mean "..if I will talk to him...". But even "after I..." — A_nto2 11 mins ago
Nice comment, what does it mean?
I saw. I did not understand
I wonder if Nortonn has given up or is asleep.
fingers crossed for the former
Anybody has experience working with Canon 550D?
The Canon EOS 550D is an 18.0 megapixel digital single-lens reflex camera, announced by Canon on 8 February 2010. It was made available starting 24 February 2010 and to US dealers starting early March. It is known as the EOS Kiss X4 in Japan, and as the EOS Rebel T2i in the Americas. It continued the entry-level digital SLR camera series (known as the Rebel line in the Americas) of Canon, and was placed by Canon as the successor model to the EOS 500D. It was superseded by the EOS 600D (Kiss X5/Rebel T3i), but remained in Canon's lineup until being discontinued in June 2012 with the annou...
They also have a chat room
I have no experience with it, @Meysam
My wife only has Nikons and Zeniths.
@MattЭллен dead chat room
@MattЭллен Thanks
no trouble. hopefully someone can help you!
@Meysam it doesn't seem super dead. there are people in there, just not chatting. maybe they'll come to life if you ask a question?
Poke them with a stick. Alternately, stick them with a poke.
If that still doesn't work, use a tripod.
Kill them all with one bullet.
Чидфые ешьу!
have fun!
Is that mahlzeit in Russian?
Or gotta motor?
xblast time
Gotta run?
Oh, that. I should have guessed!
I googled :)
@Gigili Reminds me of the last scene of "wanted"
> A frustrated office worker learns that he is the son of a professional assassin, and that he shares his father's superhuman killing abilities.
Hugh! I wouldn't watch it.
I found it very silly
@RobinHood - did you mean to write "ultimate gaol--peace"? That's an interesting statement. Peace as the ultimate prison.
I am lazy :D, its already pointing by some others too/ finally corrected.
Ah! well, never mind then :)
@RegDwightB Tea time. \o/
user image
this should please you english people

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