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@RegDwigнt You're never too young to work on your conducting technique:
@RegDwigнt Yes, the CIA agent also mispronounced his girlfriend's name Kreutz. He read it the English way instead of the German way.
@Robusto It seems that all the browsers in the world are based on Chromium now, except for Firefox which is the browser of my choice.
2 hours later…
@RegDwigнt OK, I viewed this and in the main I agree with it, but it's a small point he's making and I don't buy everything he says. For one thing, there are ways to for characters in a novel to talk over each other. For another, characters talking over one another is certainly not the only aspect of dialogue that makes it "realistic."
And sometimes realism isn't what you want at all, from a novel or a film.
Did you ever see Miller's Crossing? If not, see it at once. It's not realistic at all, but it sure is entertaining, and the dialogue is some of the best the Coen Bros., or anyone, ever produced. (Only don't see it in German, please. You have to hear Gabriel Byrne giving voice to his lines himself.)
4 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer (60): Double Gerund Agreement by Jacob Graves on english.SE
3 hours later…
@Robusto you know, that might be a good summary of that channel right there. "It's a small point he's making and I don't buy everything he says".
Then again, maybe it's a good summary of really an awful lot of channels.
The summary for all the rest being "they're not even making a point".
I read somewhere just recently that there were 6 million YouTube channels now. I don't think there's 6 million points to be made in the entire world. Let alone 6 million all-new fresh points to be made week after week, every week.
As to Miller's Crossing, we discussed maybe five years ago how I'd watched every single Coen Bros movie save for it. And I am sad to report that nothing has changed.
To my defense, I am a slacker. At least that's what I would say if I weren't a slacker. But I'm a slacker so I won't even defend myself.
I even saw that rubbish one with Tom Hanks and the black lady.
There's movies that really make you think. And there's movies that make you think, who the fuck needs movies.
Apparently that one time the Coens decided that they needed to master the art of both.
2 hours later…
So I've been sitting here and wondering WTF my coffee wouldn't cook.
Then I went and checked and apparently I never turned on the stove.
Well, that explains it.
Someone put me in a home already.
@Robusto that was way weirder than expected, and only got weirder still with every second that passed.
@Robusto fine by me, I very much prefer speaking dead of the ill anyway.
1 hour later…
@RegDwigнt Well, a pleasure delayed is a pleasure denied. Please arrange to see it at your earliest convenience. Even if you have to shift your dead butt off the couch to do so. I would very much enjoy discussing the film with you. So it's not only your pleasure you're denying, but mine.
Stick Men is a piece of music written and performed using the Bohlen-Pierce scale system, discussed by 12Tone in his latest video.
Interesting, but I don't really want to learn it. Too old, too tired, too cranky, too busy enjoying life. But I think that piece is interesting nevertheless.
A novelty? Sure. But after the 20th century, I suppose anything is fair game.
9 hours later…
@Robusto I liked the piece a lot.
One thought kept crossing my mind, though.
Could you possibly write in a markedly different style in that system. Could you write like Mozart, and like Rachmaninov, and like Britney Spears, and like Koji Kondo. Or would it all (have to) sound the same in the end.
@Robusto I might actually have it on a hard drive somewhere. Problem is, to get my butt off the couch and go look for it, I'd need to put my butt on the couch first. And for that I'd need to buy a couch. And I just can't be bothered.
I used to watch like five movies a week, every week. For years. Nay, decades.
I've watched maybe five movies in this whole entire year.
On the plus side, they were all hand-picked and I liked most of them quite a bit.
But even so, the backlog is huge.
I have here a list of about sixty movies that are all hand-picked and that I will probably like quite a bit.
That's what, twelve years?
I can't math.
@RegDwigнt Well, that's rather like asking could you do watercolors with oil paints or macrame with marble, or would it all look the same in the end, isn't it?
Or Gregorian chant with jazz chords.
I'm satisfied that certain talented people, bless their hearts, keep coming up with new, interesting music.
And no, you don't need a couch to watch Miller's Crossing. I think you're just being petulant now. Remember how I kept after you to watch Breaking Bad? And I even tolerated (more or less) your pathetic attempt to start the series at Season IV?
You owe me, buster. YouTube has the full movie, so just do it. No excuses. No whining. Just fucking watch the fucking film, OK?

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