@RegDwigнt The first Transformer movie I had to close my eyes to watch about halfway through because it hurt my eyes with all the CGI metal shards flying everywhere.
Brothers Karamazov? No one identifies with the idiot dad. It's all about which of the four barely out of their teens you identify with. If you're a girl, pfft, what a bunch of idiot boys.
I have to thank Iron Man 1, Thor 1, and Captain America 1 for saving me quite a lot of money. Because after watching these I never watched a Marvel movie again.
@M.A.R. that's like saying "Final Fantasy X is horrible, but gets much better after you've played for 20 hours". You do realize that's not a point in its favor?
I really liked Winter Soldier's themes about surveillance and freedom. It sounded like it took The Dark Knight's concepts and expanded on them. At least then.
@M.A.R. I can connect to the characters. Which is why I watched those movies in the first place. I watched the 1980s Captain America in a cinema as a kid. In the Soviet Union. It was awesome.
@M.A.R. There are themes? What kind of child cried for Iron Man at his funeral? Good riddance and he got what he deserved. One last act of charity for helping to save the universe doesn't fix what a dick he was all the time.
@M.A.R. well yes. I make a point by specifically watching movies that I know for a fact I won't like. Because I don't want to be a dickwad who just says "meh that shit sucks". I want to have an informed opinion that I can argue.
I used to work right across the street from where a couple scenes in The Departed was filmed. All I can think of during those scenes is "Hey, that's the ugly building I used not care about when I used to work across the street from it"
@M.A.R. I don't know if that bldg even exists any more. It's in the 'Seaport' district or what they call the 'Innovation Hub' which means they tear down ancient warehouses that nobody was using because they figure it would make them a lot of money and build skyscrapers that no one uses and everybody is losing money because the rent is so high.
I can't help but think they're all like "Oh yeah, he keeps being awesome, one of these films he's gonna get an Oscar. Let's give it to someone else instead"
But he wasn't even competing with DiCaprio, to be fair.
@Xanne MMS is OK. I think as a youth I thought CO was great and then watched parts of it recently and it was kinda disturbing. Even though it's almost 2020 and a rom-com isn't complete nowadays without somebody drowning a cat.
If you think I rate based on Machismo, and then my ratings disagree with that, then certainly that's not an indication of inconsistency on my part, but rather an indication that your theory is wrong to begin with?
@M.A.R. Well, Stark is practically an Elon Musk right there in the comics, so I'd expect at least being able to jerry rig his own pacemaker and implant it himself.
@M.A.R. I watched the original one in the theatre. Didn't hate it at all but didn't like it either. Didn't know that they would make a second one. But then they made 20 second ones.
Logan was alright. Not as alright as everyone says. But alright.
I mean, same goes for The Nice Guys. There's lots of nuances that need your familiarizing with the director's style and would go amiss unless you watch the thing lots of times
@M.A.R. Simon Pegg is awesome when he's at the helm. Look what he did to Star Trek. It's a miracle. But in MI he has no control at all. Not even over his own character.
@M.A.R. In 2049, nothing will have changed from today except for the terrible constant flooding in Miami and we'll watch Blade Runner 2049 like we're in the Matrix.