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@Thing-um-a-jig Google has articles on servants’ quarters and also bunkhouse, the latter of which is US Western (cowboys).
@Cerberus It is with me. It's a colloquial Americanism of the 1800s, I believe, which I have adopted. Either that or I made it up. I forget which. But it has an undeniable tang of antique Americanism to it, which I'm sure is appropriate for a woman who is a century old.
@Robusto She missed the First World War by less than two months!
The only thing I could think of was indeed a wandering mind, but I had never heard it before and it could have been a typo.
@Cerberus Better check either your math or your history. According to my calculations WWI ended November 11, 1918.
Interestingly enough, I happen to have a letter my own father's mother (my paternal grandmother) wrote to her sister on Nov 12, 1918, in which she talks about the war and the influenza epidemic, among other topics.
@Robusto I meant Versailles.
I think the Spanish Flu killed even more people than the war itself (although I believe the two cannot be considered independently).
5 hours later…
Hello, everybody. Is anybody here now?
3 hours later…
@marcellothearcane all of them, in their entirety, in four languages, including Russian.
How much of that can you actually verify?
@Robusto yes it actually does. Thank you. I was wondering about all the discrepancies in other people's translations. This actually explains them.
Silly Technics Why would they let a gaijin butcher their language like that. How is that helping with the sales.
2 hours later…
> An open-label comparative randomized prospective study of efficacy and safety of DRUG NAME
Do I need commas after "open label", "comparative" etc?
These adjectives point at different characteristics, so logically I don't need commas there.
But I found numerous instances with commas in such cases.
5 hours later…
@CowperKettle And I'd bet I'd find even more instances without commas
And my instances are cooler.
@lllomh Hi! If you have a question, just ask. Anyone that comes by might answer if they choose to.
@Mitch Hey, liver onions is a very popular delicacy
2 hours later…
@M.A.R. I don't doubt that there are people so desperate that they would eat absolutely anything. Steel-belted radial tires, liver and onions, a paste made of live ebola spread on a whole-wheat cracker.
That was morbid.
Did you watch Titanic again.
@Mitch BTW, did you watch Endgame?
@M.A.R. What? Did they serve whole wheat crackers? Among other things, the British have no tastebuds.
@M.A.R. Yes?
How could I not?
@Mitch No was just checking
@Mitch Good point
1) by 2025 all movies will be Avenger/Marvel comics movies.
(until the world implodes when they have an Avengers/X-Men crossover.)
I'd watched Hotaru no haka and Schindler's List a few days before Endgame, so my tear ducts were empty.
@Mitch That's happening sooner than you think
2) by 2028, everyone will be forced to watch movies in their VR headsets. They'll be touted as full-length adertainment.
Even after just Hotaru, my tear ducts were empty. In the latter two movies I was like "Oh OK this part is sad and I might have shed a tear, but sorry, already crying for the 4-year-old girl. Get in line"
@M.A.R. The matrix that I am jacked into has slowed down perceived time for me so in subjective years it's like 100.
Just listening to the news, last week was a year ago.
@Mitch by 2030, we're all dead since we forgot about global oven
@Mitch See that's what you're doing wrong.
all week long it's been news about Fredo, and I think there was a nuclear explosion in Russia somewhere that no one has mentioned.
Learn from Reg; all it takes to be informed is ranting sporadically about some dumb shit some politician said and did, and acknowledge that we're still idiots.
@M.A.R. The last time something burned in their the fire alarm went off and wouldn't stop so I took out the batteries and now we're dead.
I'm sorry.
@Mitch sorry doesn't give us back the batteries
@M.A.R. uh... Endgame was not cryable. (for that matter Titanic wasn't either... similarly you know how both are gonna end).
You're a weird person.
Or maybe everyone else is.
Hi @Rick
I thought every one else was a robot?
@Mitch I liked the epicness of the ending
Even if I maybe overhyped myself and ended up a little underwhelmed
@M.A.R. Schindler's list was depressing, yes, but cryifying?
I mean, the reviews made it sounds like one of the all-time classics, but it wasn't trying too much to get there
@M.A.R. Titanic or Endgame? I frankly can't remember the end of Endgame.
Oh... that uh...
no spoilers
anyway I couldn't give a rats ass what people feel about Ironman. He was kind of a jerk.
@Mitch Only a couple of scenes IIRC. Now if you tell me you didn't cry watching Hotaru, then you truly are from The World's End that you might be consciously referencing
@Mitch You gotta admit he was a bit different in Endgame.
Maybe admirable, but not enough to care about some fake ... thing that happened that would spoil everything.
I've personally seen Cap USA's decisions to be wiser, more level-headed and selfless, but this was Stark's movie.
@Mitch That is very engineer of you.
@M.A.R. I don't recognize Hotaru as a thing. It's probably some goofy anime thing with giant babies floating higher as they burp.
@M.A.R. I don't have to admit anything, especially things that I don't understand. Who cares about Ironman? He's a jerk.
It was satisfying, but it seemed to have been shackled in the same chains as people say sci-fi movies are, despite MCU claiming its achievement to have broken them.
@Mitch . . . Sort of. Have you really not watched Grave of the Fireflies?
The floating things aren't floating. And they're bombs.
And babies aren't burping. They're, um, no spoiler.
@M.A.R. ?? Which restrictions? (super hero movies are science fiction. Well down on the quality scale of subgenres of sci-fi)
And sci-fi is not very high to begin with.
@M.A.R. You keep throwing out these words like I'll understand them.
@Mitch Unprecedented, unmatched beauty you find in the best of the best of movies.
@M.A.R. Oh...they have huge baby smiles on their faces? I know what that means.
@Mitch Alright, you should definitely watch it. But you're gonna cry. I promise.
@Mitch Kinda. Before dying by Allied bombings I guess.
@M.A.R. ?? You mean sci-fo (and super hero movies) are 'shackled' in not being able to have beauty?
@M.A.R. Wait... is it anime?
I admit, when I see a movie is sincerely trying to make me cry, I flow with it. Not get into 'tough guy can't cry' mood.
@Mitch It's Studio Ghibli. 'Nuff said.
@Mitch In not being able to become permanent classics, by their moments of fan service.
Actually, some of the fan service in Endgame was cool. The nostalgic bits.
Oh it's the Japanese end of WWII. Yeah I'm sure that's not comedy.
But you know, I wanted to go and watch something that I'd remember later for what its characters did, not what their names are.
@M.A.R. I think you've said too much
@Mitch You asked for it. Don't judge me.
@M.A.R. Oh. Sure. That's a real struggle for an artist, to decide between pleasing fans or being true to the art.
hah ha a hah a hahh ah a
It's a comic book
As I was saying, when you remember great characters in great movies, great meaning unique, you run around enthusiastically saying their names, but what you really remember them for is what they did.
@M.A.R. Plot wise I was impressed they were able to make a 22 movie-long plot from way different story lines all come together in the end, without distorying things terribly.
In superhero movies, you remember the name first, which makes the actions an after-the-fact thing. Something you won't immediately remember or admire.
for example, Captain Underpants.
See what I mean? I probably can't put it in a better way unless I go and sit under an apple tree.
@Mitch Logan was a comic book movie, and it was unique.
He wears underpants.
That's his superpower
I'm not sure if you're referencing the old Superman or just made someone up.
google for it
totally SFW
It's books written for th 5-8 year old boy crowd
That guy from the online webcomics, right?
@Mitch . . . F*** me.
Well, back in the old days they used to have these things... I don't know how to describe it... you held them in your hands but it had hundreds of... layers? and on each page where these gifs of lots of words all in rows... I think these were called ... books?
> For a slim segment of the populace—say, grade schoolers who consider a wet palm under a flapping arm to be high art—this pic will likely be a winner.
Good critic is good.
@M.A.R. haha... my work is done here today.
@Mitch Only found in museums today.
God, what torture the ancients must have felt.
paper cuts?
Trying to absorb knowledge from that mess.
@Mitch That too.
And they had this stoic attitude while doing it. Some form of higher meditation when you clear your mind of the Facebook pages you should check in the next 5 days.
They called it "concentration".
I have to get my life together in the next 20 minutes. So I have to run. Carry on without me.
An almost blank mind. Can you imagine.
@Mitch \o
@M.A.R. what's up
@Rick Not much, you?
could be better.
@Rick Everything alright?
let me see if I can find the right words. This is an English language usage forum after all.
Look under the couch. That's where I find most of my words.
They are kinda iffy and with an occasional raisin or coin in them, but they make do.
On that note, why is my third-strongest YouTube demographic Argentina, of all places.
I don't know anyone in Argentina. I know half of South America but no one in that one spot.
@Mitch I think you mean seven-layer dip.
Though if yours had gifs in it, you need to give your cook some stern talking behind the boiler.
@M.A.R. that is not a slim segment of the populace. That is the populace.
Have you seen whom they elected to the White House?
Is there a word that describes one instability to express an idea.
Also, I never rant sporadically. All my rants are carefully scripted and orchestrated by a team of highly-paid professionals. Which is why I never have much money left for myself.
Well, that and all the LEGO and all the violins that I keep buying.
@Rick I suppose you mean "inability" there. The word would depend on what the cause for the inability is. It could be a general inability for lack of education, or a momentary inability when the word is on the tip of your tongue. Or it could be because you're mad or wasted or both. And so on. All these situations would have different words for them.
The most neutral and generally applicable one would be just "I'm at a loss for words".
Then I am at a loss of words
@RegDwigнt How many violins at this point?
When my older son was 5 years gold he would ask me 10,000 questions a day. In one exchange he asked me something so abstruse that I said I didn't know. "I don't know if we even have a word for that," I concluded. He thought that over for a few seconds and then said, "If we don't have a word for something does that mean we can't think about it?"
2 hours later…
@Robusto wow. It does amaze me sometimes how profound and complicated kids can get
@RegDwigнt What? Are you too lazy to mix up all your ingredients?
@Robusto Here we've been struggling to articulate that concept for our entire lives and he just blurted it out.
@Mitch Yeah, and I wasn't exactly prepared for an epistemological dilemma, seeing as how I was driving at the time. Also because I don't know shit about epistemology.

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