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12:37 AM
@RegDwigнt Yes, I just meant "last week".
12:53 AM
Hi, are questions about the history of rules in the English language on-topic?
1:14 AM
@Stormblessed Sounds on-topic to me.
@tchrist: There's a town near here called Placitas. I just rode my bike up through there today, nearly 2,000 feet of climbing. I wondered if it was Spanish, as so many names in the area turn out to be, but I couldn't find it in the Spanish dictionary. I thought it might be something like "little pleasures" perhaps, but that's just a shot in the dark. Do you have any ideas?
7 hours later…
8:21 AM
@Robusto the kind of people that frequent MuseScore don't even know what "divisi" is. I believe the author's intention is very much that you play chords on your flute. Don't tell me you can't do that. I thought you were a pro!
@Robusto Inorite. It's staff not stave, and yet it's octave not octaff. How does that make any sense. Consistency is nice.
4 hours later…
12:02 PM
Can you please tell me which one is correct?
- Two days' ago matches
- Two days ago's matches
why not just say the matches two days ago?
if I was forced to chose I'd prefer the first
12:52 PM
@Shafizadeh Neither. Both are wrong. Say "The matches from two days ago". There's no plural 'ago' and no possessive. 'Ago' is a common word but functionally not something they teach you about grammatically. It is a rare 'post-position'; that is, it serves the same function as a preposition, but syntactically comes -after- the object.
3 hours later…
3:34 PM
@Shafizadeh BTW, sorry to bother, but one question: Is i.stack.imgur blocked for you unless you use a VPN?
I'm starting to think it might not necessarily be Iran blocking it but something wrong with my device
4:27 PM
@Mitch I see, thank you
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Yes, sadly Iran is blocked
@Shafizadeh You mean you can't see them now? Because I seem to be able to
I can, since my proxy is turn on
@Shafizadeh Mitooni khamooshesh koni bebini aksa kar mikonan ya na? Masalan akse profile khodet
Oh, you know Persian as well, where are you from @M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ?
@Shafizadeh Well, Iran
4:36 PM
Good. Anyway, I will turn it off and let you know about the result when my download is done

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