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I wanted to stop at 1000 downvotes but did not. Well, now I'll stop at 1050 downvotes!
not over 9000?
It's quiet during the weekends. Not many voters around.
@KitFox Happens to all of us.
I almost feel bad
is bounty hunting
my Slashdot post on the HTTPS snooping got selected. :-D
over 700 comments, very interesting discussion. the issue hadn't really been addressed much before
I remember this one
Anyone who does banking on a work system is insufficiently paranoid
it's about 50/50 in terms of people who agree with me that it's unreasonable, and those who say "keep private and personal stuff separate"
actually I wouldn't do anything but work on a system i didn't control >_>
Its unreasonable, to an extent, but depends on your wider work environment
but it's not just online banking (though i would argue that stuff is part of what humans should be allowed to do on work networks... expecting 100% work all the time is asking us to be robots)
it's also about securely logging in with passwords.
if HTTPS is snooped, you can't do that either.
@Jez: is it on your AUP?
it's in the policy, yes, which is why i just quit the company.
Oh, i mean, i don't trust anyone but myself with my security ;p
I assume everyone is a blithering idiot
yes. and in allowing this HTTPS proxying, you're being asked to trust the IT dept. not to store your personal info
(myself included. I'm just a blithering idiot who knows enough to be a danger to myself, or alternately useful)
i don't trust them (they don't trust me, so why should i?)
... trust?
they may well say "we don't store passwords"
I explicitly don't trust anyone ;p
but i'm going to err on the side of caution, and not believe them
i just can't get over what lengths people go to to make HTTPS so ultra-secure
analyzing the encryption algorithms for potential flaws
and then, some idiot breaks the whole thing ;p
making the browser display a big notice if there's a problem with the cert
and then, here, you're just saying "let's sweep all that aside and explicitly allow a MITM attack"
so casually jettisoning all that security
in short, you're dealing with idiots who trusted a salesperson's spiel ;p
i'm off to bed anyway. but, for once, yay Slashdot (first submission i've had published!)
My best friend during the first degree i dropped out of sells computer hardware. I'm a little horrified at his view of life and tech ;p
@Jez I'm sure you've explained this elsewhere, but how can you 'snoop' HTTPS?
@JourneymanGeek what is his 'view of life and tech' that so disturbs you? Paranoid or trusting?
@Mitch: he knows nothing about it ;p
and well, While i appreciate a certain amount of materialism, money is a means to an end ;p
I love my chosen field. While i'm still stuck in school at my age, I have genuine passion for my craft
My friend is an EE grad sales exec who probably dosen't know very much outside.. politicing
50 more to 20k...
@Gigili Were you trying to copy what I said?
@Mitch: add a server with its own certs, trusted explicitly by the browsers that are installed, proxy everything through that
If you wanted to play with something like that mitmproxy.org
Hello, vegetables.
@Mahnax Boo!
@JasperLoy Hello, Mr. Loy.
I have my final mark for Physics now.
@Mahnax I am going to sleep soon. I think I should reach 20k in a few more hours!
@Mahnax Heh.
@JasperLoy hands wad of bills to @Jasper
Now go, before they see us.
@Mahnax You have not been answering many questions lately.
@JasperLoy Yeah, you're right…
I'll blame being too busy.
Really, I haven't seen any I that want to answer very much.
@Mahnax But anyway, I just checked and I have distributed all the presents.
@JasperLoy Yeah, hehe.
@Mahnax The penthouse room is still alive. It has lots of beautiful pics now.
@JasperLoy Cool!
I'm going to go wash my hands.
I haven't done that yet, and I just got home from work.
@Mahnax Oh, the Apple stores here are called Epicentre. At least a couple of them I saw were called that.
@JasperLoy Huh, that's odd…
@Mahnax Well, even the KFC is different. No spicy there!
@JasperLoy Yeah. Some lady asked us if we had grilled chicken today.
Hehe, grilled is for pansies.
We straight-up deep-fry here, nothing else.
@Mahnax I'm not sure if KFC has grilled anywhere in the world.
@JasperLoy Nah, they don't.
Q: What is the meaning of "to be to blame"?

PratikI have read this sentence but I cannot understand it. If this sentence can be represented other way then give other alternative sentence also. And if it is possible then give other example of "to be to" type of sentence. A lack of time to exercise increased consumption of take away meals an...

I'm pretty sure, at least.
Oh, the USA has grilled KFC.
Never mind.
Once many years ago, they sold Creole Chicken here for a couple of weeks. It was very good.
Already voted on that one.
@JasperLoy Oh, that does sound good.
@Mahnax Have you eaten something called that before?
@JasperLoy I don't think so.
@JasperLoy: >_>
they call apple stores epicenter here too
Uh, @JourneymanGeek…
though IIRC they're run by one of those companies that runs 'brand' stores by other people
You and Jasper live in the same place.
@JourneymanGeek That's because I am from the same country as you!
That would explain it, yes ;p
Though, i'm a SLS guy more than an apple guy
I like Apple.
I like bananas.
he types into his MacBook Pro
I like to build my own desktops
as far as laptop goes, i LOVE my thinkpad x220 ;p
I want to build a computer too.
I would put some form of Linux on it, I think.
currently saving for a core i7 desktop
@Mahnax Yes, use Debian, the best OS in the world.
Badly though. I think i spent most of my allowance this month ;p
@JasperLoy Eh, I don't know.
actually, i think he's right ;'p
was rather impressed at his last debian install
@JourneymanGeek Have you used CentOS before?
not yet, no
I love Mac OS, but I've not tried any Linux-based OSes.
I was mandriva -> Suse -> Ubuntu/Debian
@Mahnax I am not particularly impressed by Macs. I never used one but I usually look at them in shops.
though i currently mostly run windows cause of school
@JasperLoy What don't you like about them?
@JourneymanGeek A pity Mandriva declined, but now there is Mageia.
I have to admit that I hate Apple as a company.
But their products are nice.
@JasperLoy: LOVE their industrial design, and the fact that they 'encourage' other vendors to improve their products
@Mahnax I just meant that there is nothing that made me go Wow! If I had to pay I would get Windows. If free, I go for Debian.
hopes the retina screens will end the stagnation in screen resolutions and pixel density >_>
@JasperLoy; my school insists we run VMs in vmware player on windows so...
But I really think the six month cycle of some distros is crazy.
Whereas the new Mac OS will be $19.99.
Two years is good.
when I install ubuntu, its usually the LTS
amusingly i went with ubuntu cause at that point, it had been 3-4 years between debian releases
Annual makes sense to me, though i wish they'd follow browser release cycles
@mahnax Would you like to be mod on any site?
@JourneymanGeek I think they are trying to stick to 2 year freeze now.
Oh I wonder if Kris and Lewis Carroll are the same, since Kris was suspended.
2 years seems sensible i suppose
ponders rolling distros
@JourneymanGeek Too unstable.
Well, the main reason i didn't switch to gentoo is the install was a pain
might run arch on my raspberry pi
@JasperLoy I would love to.
Especially EL&U.
I don't think it'll happen, but one can dream.
@Mahnax: Well, if you're active enough, it can happen >_>
@JourneymanGeek I'm certainly still active on the site, I just spend most of my time voting and editing.
People would notice the latter
and you should make sure people know this during elections
Wants to stand for SU elections, eventually, but there would have to be one and I want my marshal badge first ;p
4 hours later…
Elu world!
Guten morning.
@JasperLoy Why would I?
Sorry, I was engrossed, trying to read something somewhere.
Are you well, Matt?
I'm fine thanks. How are you, David?
Uhuh, your limerick is interesting. And I'm very well, thanks.
Good, good.
Sorry about that. What possessed you to write it?
Oh, I just wanted to write a limerick with alliteration on each line
trying to make something that made sense was difficult
Yeah. Sounds like you have too much spare time.
It was the weekend! :Þ
What's that saying about only an idiot can't write a sonnet, and only a lunatic can write more than one?
hi folks
@DavidWallace Don't know that one :D
Hullo @speedyGonzales
@MattЭллен I could google it I suppose.
i see british verson of hello
what is wrong with writing sonnets though
I think David's gone to find out
Which reminds me is there a word for 4 verses in English
Not that I know. Is there a word for one, two and three?
My on the line answer turns out to be factually wrong though it is not a linguistic issue so I have deleted my answer.
And what kind of rhymes are there in english
How am I to know what Obama does with Hu when I have lost touch with worldly affairs?
@speedyGonzales I don't understand the question. Rhyme
well in Bulgarian there is man rhyme, woman rhyme and other types
oh! How interesting. Well I guess there are a bazillion types of poetry in English, and I don't know of any that aren't allowed to rhyme.
but then I'm not a poet
I just write limericks
Quatrain is 4 line verse
are you counting syllables when writing verses
When I write a limerick, I try to make sure that it fits the metre of a limerick. That involves counting syllables
although not necessarily of the words themselves, more of the particular line itself
Usually when I write something it is in quatrains 10 or 12 syllables a line with abab rhyme and I am trying some sort of anaphora
A kind of nonsense poem? What the heck is that?
The saying is "he is a fool that cannot make one sonnet and he is mad which makes two". But it's unclear whether it was a guy called Donne who said it first, or whether it's an old Spanish proverb.
I hope Spain wont take The Euro Cup this year
I don't give a monkey's nut for soccer. I am notably unexcited.
20 more points to 20k trusted user!
I am for Germany
uber alles.
I am for speedy gonzales.
Poems that are made up of nonsense
Are particularly fun to write hence
The proclivity
Of people like me
To write them in volumes quite immense
I hope you didn't spend too much time on that one.
two minutes, apparently
The limerick's an art form complex
Its contents run chiefly to sex.
It burgeons with virgins
and masculine urgin's
and swarms with erotic effects.
(not by me).
@DavidWallace No flirting in chat.
With whom did I flirt?
With you wife? With Danger?! With the idea of becoming a rock star and spending all your money on hookers and blow?
I don't need to become a rock star to spend all my money on prostitutes and narcotics.
Well, I see the word sex. You must be flirting with someone there which is not clear to us.
@DavidWallace true
@Gigili I see the word in your sentence as well.
@JasperLoy Yours has one too (three).
This is like that scene from Life of Brian.
@Gigili This line is deep.
Q: A common phrase that describes something that looks good but is actually not good

austinbvI am looking for common phrases that describe something that appears good but are actually bad. Edit Because people say "bad" is vague I will try to sum up the phrase meaning a little better Something that looks like it will be helpful or advantageous but after use it is hindering. A tool tha...

I think this will hit the charts soon.
fools gold?
Depending on what is meant by "good", this could be "a wolf in sheep's clothing".
@JasperLoy I've up voted your answer and my answer :D
@MattЭллен He edited his question but I guess my answer is still OK.
it is strange that you have used prostitutes I have always seen it hooker
maybe I am spending too much time with Americans
@speedyGonzales I have used neither; I am still a virgin.
It is strange that I have used prostitutes? Nobody has EVER said that to me before.
as a word David as a word
@DavidWallace I thought I saw that as an answer, but now I can't find it to give it +1
@MattЭллен It is buried sonewhere.
oh! it's in the first answer
found it!
@JasperLoy somewhere
Unless you meant sonstwo.
Oh, I didn't bother reading it.
I now have exactly 20k, but better play safe and get a few more points.
@JasperLoy You're supposed to quit now.
@JasperLoy congrats
now the system trusts
Who's a 10k user here?
me am
If we get X points and associated privileges do they go away if rep drops?
@MattЭллен I'm going to flag a message and you have to remove it. Deal?
@JasperLoy I can't remember
@Gigili No, it will invite mods.
@Gigili I can't remove it, the best I can do is agree
@JasperLoy Not here, MSE chat room.
@MattЭллен OK, agree then.
@Gigili Same.
@Gigili ok, but just this once
I cannot flag an offensive remark because it invites mod? What kind of reasoning is that?
@Gigili That will happen very soon...
Quite an achievement, Jasper, well done.
@Gigili It is called a QED.
I didn't get chosen to deal with it, or I haven't yet
So is Lewis Carroll Kris?
I didn't flag it.
Matt I have posted an answer, it is your opportunity to -1 me again :D
It seems likely as LC was deleted and Kris was suspended.
I look forward to it, @speedyGonzales :D
By the way why Lewis Carol But not Louise Carol
Lewis and Louise are written the same way in Bulgarian
is it a gender difference in names ?
They're quite different in English. Lewis Carroll was a man. Louise Carol I've never heard of, but I would expect to be a woman.
A: Moderation In Moderation

RTAThe difference can be understood by following example. 1 Under: The boy was sitting under the tree. means boy is sitting just under the tree like he was sitting on the ground for the shadow of tree. 2 in: The boy was sitting in the tree. now sense goes that boy was sitting in mid part of tree l...

Umm, I think I'll post a meta thread instead of flagging.
@Gigili haven't you sit In a tree, poor you
@speedyGonzales Lewis and Louise don't sound the same in English
what is the difference ?
give me a mo to look up the IPA
Whether the S is voiced, and which syllable the stress is on.
Lewis is trochaic, with an unvoiced S. Louise is iambic, with a voiced S.
gives Matt a mo
Also, for me, the i is a bit different, but that might be my accent.
@speedyGonzales Lewis = /ˈluɪs/ Louise = /luˈiz/
Aha! Not just my accent then.
@Gigili thanks!
@MattЭллен Now shave it off!
Heh. Back in my uni days I had a double mo, I would have shaved those off :D
Ah, but you can't blame Gigili for that!
lets not talk about shaving
@DavidWallace true, true.
I just read the answer on that "in the tree" question. WTF??
closed twice. she's going for a hattrick
@DavidWallace haven't you sit in a tree hole when you were a kid. What a wasted youth .
I have sat in trees. But that answer makes no sense!
@Speedy - does Bulgarian have iambs? I'm aware that other southern Slavic languages don't.
(An iamb is a two-syllable word in which the second syllable is stressed)
Do you know the history of Slavic languages ?
If you do you shouldn't have asked me .
I know a little of it.
Why shouldn't I have asked you?
In something like 830 Byzantine emperor has given orders to be made Slavic alphabet for some Slavic kingdom close to Slovakia nowadays
Yeah. Continue.
When its king, although the title is something like graph was dead the People that teach people to write in Slavic were set in exile and they were chased.
They find place to translate books and teach more people of the new alphabet in Bulgaria, because we became Christians at that time and our kind was nervous about reading the church books in Greek.
So, why shouldn't I have asked you about how you stress syllables?
The thread to be taken over by cultural impact, you see.
threat *
Aha, I see.
Because Bulgarian is the Oldest written Slavic language apparently
The only reason that I asked is that it could have explained your uncertainty over Lewis and Louise.
there is a rhyme called lambs , but i have never heard for iambs so I am almost sure we haven't got.
@speedyGonzales I guess so. You clearly know more about it than I do.
btw Bulgarian pronunciation is very harsh , it sounds like German.
British English is like talking with stuffy nose if you ask me.
@speedyGonzales no one asked you
I like Scottish accent I can listen for hours.
Yeah, me too. Scottish and Southern Irish
Well, some Scottish accents are better than others
Well I like Celtic, Irish folk songs too
@speedyGonzales Can I rephrase the question? In Serbian, whenever a word has two syllables, the stress is on the first one. There are no Serbian two-syllable words where the stress is on the second syllable. Since Bulgarian is related to Serbian, I was wondering whether it has the same characteristic.
@MattЭллен There's no place called Southern Ireland, so "southern Irish" is better
@Hugo As opposed to Northern Ireland, I was just being specific
@MattЭллен I understand, but just being pedantic about caps
I don't know @DavidWallace- I am not stress expert. Besides there a lot of dialects too.
OK, never mind, just curious.
@Hugo is there an adjective for Eire? That would be easier.
I have found interesting article about the stress in Bulgarian words , but it is in Bulgarian.
That's OK, I may be able to understand it.
@MattЭллен I think just Irish, but that can include Ulster
Exactly, and southern Irish could just mean southern Eire. So Southern Irish makes sense.
That's how I interpreted it.
@MattЭллен Yeah, but the capital S suggests "South Ireland" is a country, and I'm quite sure that's not a good thing to do
@Hugo It is, it's just called something else.
can you see this link, I am not sure you if the server is visible from your country
@MattЭллен "southern Irish" is specific
@Hugo I just pointed out that it's not.
@speedyGonzales Thanks, I looked at it. You DO have iambs, according to this article.
I didn't understand the entire thing, but I understood enough.
In general it is written that almost 70% of Bulgarian words have stress on the second syllable and after that on the first or third one.
well I have never heard that term iamb.
It's interesting; I wonder at which point in their shared history, Serbian and Bulgarian became so different. I must do some research into Old Slavonic (also known as Old Bulgarian).
I wonder whether one or the other had a "great stress shift", similar to the "great vowel shift" of English. That would be an excellent question for Linguistics.SE, I think.
hmmmm Well Serbian is different at some part. Right now the company I am working for are developing System about Serbian Parliament and all my menu is in Serbian
They use both Latin and Slavic alphabet, I have developed small subsystem for publishing news.
Oh, I know that they are very different languages. But there are also some similarities.
@MattЭллен I mean: "Southern Irish" suggests "South Ireland" is the name of a country. It's not. It's "Ireland" (or "Eire"), which is the southern bit of the geographical island called Ireland.
Hey, English folks, wanna comb this blog post for linguistic errors?
@Hugo Ireland is also use to refer to the whole island.
@MattЭллен Yes: "... which is the southern bit of the geographical island called Ireland."
@Hugo so therefore southern Irish is not specific enough for what I was trying to get across.
Well I can read Serbian and understand what it is about. I can talk in Bulgarian and they will understand me.
I only wanted to refer to the Southern Irish
Since I don't know the adjective for Eire, I wanted to make it clear I meant the whole country, not the south of the country
@MattЭллен to make it clear it's the whole of Eire, and not just the south of Eire/the island?
@Hugo yes
looking in Google books, it seems to be a matter of style whether one writes Southern or southern.
one more vote to be rid of this dupe!
Q: Moderation In Moderation

Doris Miles1 The forum comments are under moderation. 2 The forum comments are in moderation. How are "under" and "in" different?

@MattЭллен Wow, same question three times! Voted.
How to separate "to be" type sentence into two separate sentence ?
For example,it seems to be a matter of style whether one writes Southern or southern.
anyone here?
@Pratik "It seems to be a matter of style. One could write Southern or southern."
combine this sentence
@Pratik "It seems to be a matter of style whether one writes Southern or southern."
He had not even a ten-rupee bit with him.He could not buy a loaf of bread .
using infinitives
@Pratik "He had not even a ten-rupee bit with him [and/so/therefore/which is why] he could not buy a loaf of bread."
@Hugo :Using infinitives means "to be"
@Hugo :U know it??
using infinitives
Anyone here
I am not here
@Pratik to be doesn't fit into your sentence
any infinitives passive or active
> He had not even a ten-rupee bit with him to buy a loaf of bread.
1 hour later…
@Cerberus: Dutch polar bear creates a panic. I blame it on the laissez-faire Dutch political system.
Buenas Dias
How come I never feel like having sexual relations until I get to work?
because you're all stressed about getting to work on time, then when you get to work you remember what you want to be doing
that might be it.
no kid responsibilities at work.

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