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Public shower rooms are never too much.
The best is there are public houses in which you can just come to study and sleep and shower.
just several days you want to shower again.
It's a hassle to go to a distant place to shower every 2 or 3 days.
money isn't real thing.
so why does nobody support you when you are really working?
it is a trouble that you need to eat first to have energy to do brain work and food needs to hunt.
it's really not easy to have momentum to hunt alone every day you wake up.
3 hours later…
the difficulty of being proficient in English language is the tendency to forgetting vocabulary.
English language has no logic, so it's strange to dogmatically require to speak it in a certain way.
as long as we can each other, who cares how you speak English.
so only how to spelling a word should be strictly obeyed.
Agree on all counts.
I find no matter how I am careful, I may make mistakes in grammar or spelling when writing. Spelling can be automatically checked by some software but grammar can't.
so I have yielded to perfect English writing.
3 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in answer, email in answer (161): Single word for someone who is being impersonated ("impersonatee"?) by Crystallynnnicodemus bolckd in on english.SE
[A Modest Proposal](https://twitter.com/rygorous/status/1117863535684362241) to Simplify and Shorten English Text By Cancelling Opposite-Sign Prefixes:

inexplicable -> plicable

preposterous -> erous

extinguish -> guish

outing -> g
I just received an email from my high school that began: "Sunday evening, a [name withheld] Catholic student had taken a photo of she and a friend after they had received a spray tan."
I wanted to reply, "Wow, standards have fallen since I went there."
But of course nobody would receive that response to a mail server.
This from a Ph.D. in, no doubt. education.
"... a photo of she and a friend ..." sigh
Maybe it's their name! :)) Mr/Ms she. Then it'd be a lighter offense.
In that case, why isn't it capitalized?
That's the lighter offense.
I think not.
I was texting somebody today that I'd by "syched" to join them at an event, and at the same time was grimacing at how it looked like "synced". I woke up to the fault only after I'd sent the message.
I don't know about you, but these things happen a lot to people like me.
They only happen to me if my fingers slip and I don'ot nitoce them.
@Mitch What if all words that start with un- were just represented by the two letters un because what comes after is cancelled? That would be an un and un world of words, no?
@Robusto I think I saw a reply to a clip of a link to CGEL where they say that using the nominative case for pronouns in any conjunction in a preposition is just how (many) people do it these days. ie hypercorrection is slowly becoming correct. eg 'for me' but 'between you and I'.
@Mitch I hate that.
@Robusto I don't think I derstand that.
Eroding standards is no excuse for eroding intellectual rigor.
But yes it would make it easier to write antidisestablishmentarianism.
@Mitch You've got it sdrawkcab.
@Robusto What gets me up in the morning is my rage against the pronunciation of 'processes' as prah sess eeez
Perhaps prepositions and postpositions should be rendered the way we do fractions: anti/dis/establish/mentarian/ism.
@Robusto You've just ed my point
@Mitch That one is indeed annoying.
@Robusto Everything cancels.
Here's what I think of it all:
That's your whole point?
@Robusto Zany Face on Apple iOS 12.2
I only use iOS anything when I have to debug it or test on it.
I mean 'between you and I' is a very close second in the cringeworthy scale.
Which, thankfully, I no longer am in the business of doing.
@Robusto That's nice to not be in the business of doing
You can just complain.
And people can't really say 'Aw man, you're just complaining, why don't you do something about it'
@Mitch Way back when I corrected someone with "You mean 'Between you and me'?" she said "Oh, is that accepted now?"
Because you can say 'I did do something about it but you kids are still ruining it'
@Robusto Exactly. Kids.
@Mitch Which they are.
BTW, get the fuck off my lawn.
Also get away from my car, I just washed it
The car is on the lawn.
Just painting a picture
But not the car
I just washed it
not painted it
What's the word for when you hit a wrong note?
Hypercorrections are the one-ply understandings of one-celled thinking.
Like when you're expecting one note, but you miss the fret or are off by a half tone
'Good enough for jazz' is what you say for the situation, but what is the name for playing the bad note?
A ding?
A clam.
At least among musicians.
how does ...
because it tastes 'off'?
No idea.
@Robusto yeah that's why I'm asking you.
It just is. Or was. I haven't played professionally for quite a while.
Why is a shitty basketball shot called a brick?
That ISPLS page that @RegDwigнt linked to is amazing.
Which one?
@Robusto Sometimes they 'sound' right.
@Robusto I probably got the initials wrong
I was right in that I was wrong
19 hours ago, by RegDwigнt
Has been around for ten years now, like. That's where every musician I know gets their sheet music from.
@Robusto I've been having trouble getting links to work properly...it might be the link itself, or some newline in what you're doing.
But more importantly, the thread on clam makes sense, or rather, they explain that it just is mostly.
There we go.
what did you do?
(to get it right)
just too long?
anyway, I feel like 'clunker', one of the suggestions in the clam thread, feels like one I've heard before (I'd never heard clam before)
I chopped off more words, acting on your supposition that it might be a spurious line feed.
But that doesn't prove it was a linefeed, so ...
oh computers.
Here, @Mitch, go nuts:
Q: When and where did "clam" come to mean a missed note in a musical performance?

RobustoSomeone just asked me in chat what a missed note in music is called. Without hesitation, I replied, "A clam." It's what I've always heard in academic and professional settings since forever. Only now, having to explain its usage and origin, I went looking and found only informal origins and folk...

@Robusto Nice
@Cerberus I know who Fran Drescher is, from seeing her nasally wackiness in other settings, but I never watched that show.
@Mitch You gave a dyslexic interpretation of that expression.
@Robusto Yeah. I'm dumb. I could have googled and all that.
@Mitch At first I thought I'd screwed it up. That's a measure of how much I respect your adherence to standards, and also to what is good and right and just.
Is there some kind of law of imbalance with respect to cereal and milk such that one can never finish containers of both at the same time? In other words, if you finish the cereal there will still be milk left, and vice versa.
It's a conspiracy of the milk-cereal-industrial complex, similar to the hot dog-hotdog bun-industrial complex.
It's hard enough to fix things that everyone really really wants to have fixed.
1 hour later…
hello! i am writing to a university and am confused on whether using "dear sir or madam" or "to whom it may concern" would be right. what should I write instead?
"to whom it may concern" feels really heavy since i am asking about stuff not giving information
would "dear X university" be wrong? it also feels heavy
"To whom it may concern" is a standard figure of speech.
Not sure what you mean by "heavy" at all.
close to cringy
thank you, i did not know that
Well yes. I don't like using it myself for that reason.
But that's what people use.
Is this for a letter or an email?
Then it doesn't matter anyway.
You don't need a greeting at all frankly.
"to whom ..." is more adequate for letters?
And if you're writing to an email address it will be typically "staff@" or "support@" or whatever, and people often just use that to open their email with. Dear staff. Dear support.
alright, thank you again
Letters are a can of worms I'd rather not open. So many things to consider there.
Which is why I asked in the first place. Hoping it wouldn't be a letter.
i was curious about the answer
Well, whatever you do, don't write "dear university". That one's right out :-D
That's not heavy, that's funny.
@Mitch it's short for the "International Music Score Library Project".
Certainly @Robusto has taught you to always use mnemonics.
@Robusto well it's not called "clam" on the violin. On the violin, it's called "playing".
Example sentence: "I play the violin".
feel kind of upset
how to calm down?
I find now Facebook allows us to really ignore friends.
because the message of a friend Hypocrite is found in filterer.
I always find that friends allow us to really ignore Facebook.
in the past, I found clicking "ignore" to ignore people in friend list wasn't really valid. You still got notice when they messaged you. I guess you need to delete them from your friend list to make that "ignore" button really valid. But now that button works for friends.
@RegDwigнt I can't really ignore Facebook because I use it to make important note. As for friends in my Facebook, none of them is really important. Some even annoy me.
If the note is really important, you'd find ways to make it even if Facebook didn't exist, wouldn't you.
It's not like nobody has ever made an important note before 2004.
Indeed it's kind of the exact opposite.
I actually have ever wished Facebook to have a button which can be clicked to ignore the message from all friends in my Facebook, but after searching several times in Facebook setting panel I can't find such a button.
The red X in the corner will do that.
It does for me.
why have friends on facebook if all you want to do is ignore them?
@RegDwigнt I mainly use Facebook to record the important websites I have read. I find Facebook is a very convenient tool to make that kind of note---it can record when you visit those websites and you can comment your thought to those websites. Moreover, when you want to revisit those websites, you can easily search for them. Before registering in Facebook, I didn't make that kind of note, so I often couldn't find some websites I used to visit.
Dude. Seriously. WTF. Facebook is the single worst tool on the entire planet to do that.
What are you even on about.
Your browser will do that.
A pencil will do that.
@RegDwigнt I know history record can store the websites you have visited, but it can't record the websites you visited long time ago, and when your computer gets broken and you buy a new computer or new disk, those records disappear.
and you can't comment in the history records.
Precisely right. Whatever you're saving for yourself, you save for yourself alone. Whatever you're saving on Facebook, you are not saving it for yourself. You are saving it for them.
And then I can found a company that sells useless shit, and ask Facebook to give all the things that you have saved to me. And they will do that.
and I want to check the time when I last visited those websites, Facebook automatically records the time when I posted each website. I feel that's a very convenient facility for me.
I can do that in a text editor. I can do that with a pencil. I can do that in this chat right now.
But I may visit a lot websites every day and I kind of lazy to make the record of time of when I visit each website by pencil or on my private notes on computer.
Well whatever. Back on topic. Even if you do that on Facebook, tell us why you would need friends to do that on Facebook. That you would then need to ignore.
@RegDwigнt It took me a while but I figured it out.
5 hours ago, by Mitch
I have few real-world friends to interact via Facebook. I registered Facebook just out of curiosity---I saw it's like everyone had a Facebook account and they bragged how great Facebook is. After registering in it, I didn't have friends to add, but I didn't want to add people on web I didn't know arbitrarily because I didn't know how they are and how to start to befriend with them via Facebook.
Then I explored other stuffs in Facebook to see whether there are something interesting to play besides adding friends to play with. I did find Facebook groups to join to play. After joining some groups and posting there, I started to get Friend requests. I was curious about how friends from Facebook would be like and what can be played with them, so I accepted first several requests.
As I got more and more friend requests, I no longer accepted all friend requests and only accepted those whose profiles show they have common interests with me.
But I found those friends I accepted don't really serve friendship function to me. They either passed irrelevant or offensive or flippant message to me or have never interacted with me. Then I started to understand accepting those friend requests is meaningless.
@RegDwigнt above. sorry my connection just broke.
@RegDwigнt where is that red X?

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