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01:00 - 11:0011:00 - 22:00

@Cerberus Brown shoes don't make it.
Happy Father's Day to all you fathers.
And especially to you, @Matt.
We have it in September. Don't know why.
I can't find my SQL scripts. Anybody remember where I put them?
Last time I lost SQL scripts, they were in C:\temp, which was kind of dumb of me.
No, I'm sure I wouldn't have done that.
Because you are smarter than I.
Damn it. Not so smart that I don't rely on "Recent Files" to tell me where I put stuff.
@KitFox Thank you.
My husband is watching The Avengers cartoons with the boys right now.
@KitFox You should load them into a database. Then you would be able to search for them.
Also, you haven't been to tea and scones for a while.
Hmm, yes. Perhaps something with a sort of hierarchy.
@DavidWallace Late bloomers?
right. I need to go eat!
@Robusto New Zealand fathers?
@DavidWallace I'm just guessing. Except I guess September is early spring for you (or late winter).
I'd search for them, but I guess the kind of descriptive names I used are the kind that you remember what they do when I read them rather than the kind that I actually remember when I need to search for them.
Early spring. We start spring early.
That is the best time to start spring.
Gah! And this laptop doesn't have a... searches for non-offensive name
Thingy. Type of mouse in the middle of the keyboard.
So I keep adding gs and hs to everything.
It's called a G spot. Mine is broken.
It's like when I go back to driving an automatic and keep stomping on the brakes.
@DavidWallace Don't get Kit started on G spots.
I'm actually getting b's, rather than g's and h's.
At the moment its the only thing that keeps me on thinkpads
I've got one on my Dell Latitude.
They stopped doing that a while back i think
but i totally know that feeling ;p
Putting the trackpoint on? My work computer is only a year or so old.
Oh, or are you saying you want a keyboard without?
naw, switching over to a system without one
well, laptop anyway
I have a trackball mouse, but it is not so easy to use when I'm sitting in bed working.
OK, I have to think for a minute. I can't believe I can't find these files.
@JourneymanGeek Are you saying that if I buy myself a new laptop, I'll have trouble finding one with a G spot?
I absolutely would
That's too bad. As annoying as I found them at first, I've really gotten used to it.
Damn! I have real trouble using anything else. Apart from a real mouse, of course.
Thinkpads (the proper ones anyway) do, I think toshiba had them and some dells
Ha! Found them!
Now tie a piece of string round them, so that you don't lose them again.
My Dell has one. I don't use it, though.
I think I'll be cocky.
Now...where'd I put my notes...
falls over
Are you OK?
Apparently tommorrow's job went from 'install AV' to 'Raise the Dead'
Oh, there there.
and the person who tips/pays well isn't going to be there
Sit here for a minute and put your head down.
Sip some lemonade.
You'll be OK.
Here's a paper bag to breathe into.
wait, i thought paper was a nausea thing
well newspaper anyway
Newspaper thing?
Paper bag is for hyperventilation.
I've not heard a newspaper thing for nausea.
this is just general self-tipping
apparently it helps if you feel like throwing up
you're supposed to sniff it or something
Lick it maybe?
Newspaper is good for cleaning windows.
Also lining shoes.
naw, sniff
I suspect its low level solvent abuse
@KitFox Really?
I would have thought windows work better if they don't have ink all over them.
Would I make something like that up?
Windows? Yeah, its streak free, wierdly enough
We used to do it in the army ;p
@KitFox Just possibly, yes.
Also that toothpaste is the best thing for removing boot polish stains from floor
I do occasionally assert with great authority things about which I know nothing.
Anyway, want to hear about my latest gripe?
@KitFox Not if it's about me.
Oh, if its about him, absolutely
Nah, just work stuff.
I thought it might help you feel better.
What a busy Sunday in this chat!
@KitFox GS=ghostscript, HS=high school.
@DavidWallace F-spot is a photo management software.
I was thinking gangstas and hos.
@JourneymanGeek Toothpaste will stain the floor as well.
@JasperLoy: Well, no one ever got in trouble for excessively white floors ;p
@JourneymanGeek The problem is it makes only those parts of the floor white.
@JasperLoy: Well, these were tiled floors
we also sometimes used insect repellent. The military stuff with a WHO warning of some sort
Oh, the stuff that says "Don't put this on your skin"?
Weirdly, i never read the warning for some reason
@JourneymanGeek You misspelled "weird".
"But be careful about using the insect repellents to clean stuff - my friend was using it to clean the lens of the periscope for his Bionix to get rid of some dirt, but after rubbing it hard it smears his lens permanently - wow, the insect repellent actually corrodes the lens material."
(The bionix is a APC..)
Yeah, well generally you shouldn't use industrial solvents on plastic.
Of course, you probably ought not to put them on your body to keep insects off either.
Oh slightly toxic
Slight risk of lethal death, and all that
And don't put it on your skin.
now i get told this
granted, we used it more as a floor cleaner than as insect repellent
Well, you probably ought to read the warning labels on stuff.
most people use the less lethal commercial stuff after basic anyhow
Especially if you plan to ignore the warnings.
Hi @Gigili!
But its easier to ignore the warnings i don't read
gives @Journey a look
"Do not open unless trained service technician" Was fun
Hurt like hell tho
I'm not sure why it seemed a good idea to open up a PSU, while plugged in, to decide if it was worth swapping the fan. Then checking the temperature of what turned out to be a heatsink at high voltage (whyyyy?) with a finger ;p
It happens to the best of us.
Or so I think.
@KitFox smooch?
I remember sticking my finger in a pot of water to see how close it was to boiling.
That was stupid.
No warning sign!
I was extremely sleep-deprived at the time though.
@Gigili: oh hello to you too >_>
I meant @KitFox.
I'm sorry.
My littlest is downstairs yelling "'prise!" to his daddy over and over again.
And giggling. It's a nice morning.
@Gigili smooch
@KitFox Don't you have daughter?
No, two boys.
MrShiny has the girl.
Well, a girl and a boy, the same ages as my two.
And JSB has two boys, also the same ages.
A girl and a boy is better, I guess. Boys are not easy to train.
Boys are fun and less sulky than girls.
Haha, now he's saying "Bruder no do! Bruder no do!"
Your son is German?
For some words, yes.
Interesting. My son used to be like that, before he knew he was bilingual.
Damn it.
Fewer than 300 extra rows.
But how did they get in there?
I don't have time to look.
It will have to wait until Thursday.
OK, then. Later, peeps!
3 hours later…
I was on a trip makes sense to you?
None of the above?
Yes it makes sense
Thank you, Matt. What about Hope to work in the future?
Doesn't it lack something? Work with you, or what?
Umm, I guess it must be hope for more works in the future.
Depends what you're trying to say
(I) hope to work in the future makes sense
2 hours later…
@Matt: Have a minute?
oh hi!
yeah, I have minute @Gigili
15 of them, in fact, then I have to go
@MattЭллен Oh good. I think it's 7 minutes now!
Could you take a look at this document and see if you find grammatical errors?
> I was on a trip, Hope to work in the future
Hope to work in the future is a bit confusing there.
should the be a full stop, rather than a comma?
I know, the original version is confusing as well.
the two parts of the sentence dont' seem related
@MattЭллен Uhum, done.
> Hope for more works in the future
do you mean works as in works of art, or works of literature?
Or do you mean like a job?
if you mean like a job then work is a mass noun
Job, I think.
> 21th
should be 21st
Uh-oh, right!
> in your website
I'd say on your website
Otherwise it looks fine :)
Thanks a lot.
no trouble!
@MattЭллен are they "grammatical errors"? The ones you pointed out.
I suppose. on vs in certainly is
work being a mass noun is
I'm not sure if punctuation is grammar
@MattЭллен OK, thanks again.
you're welcome
Have fun.
I think punctuation is grammar insofar as prosody is.
Not all changes in intonation, stress, or rhythm affect the grammar of a sentence, but many do.
120 more to reach 20k.
A: Difference between "peddler," "beggar" and "hawker"

jessicau guys don't know anything. i came here for answers and got nothing. there should be a lot of improvement on this page maybe even the whole website

@gigili I see you have transformed again.
I'm awesome like that.
I'm surprised the penthouse is still alive.
Did you try to kill it?
Nope, I thought it would die itself. Chrome really has problems with chat.
01:00 - 11:0011:00 - 22:00

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