It is interesting how most people would go crazy if they had to watch their man or wife do it with someone else, but some actually like the sight and encourage it.
@KitFox Haha she is probably both lazy and stupid.
@Gigili I think it will get cheaper eventually, but the price drops have flattened out. So it may be a long while. Or it might happen next idea. I just meant that we have been waiting and it hasn't happened yet.
@KitFox Right. Um. I don't think people usually make buttons different based on row/col colors... usually you want all your buttons to be the same if there's not a reason to emphasize them, yeah?
From the top of my head, Danish "de" (practically never used), German "Sie", French "vous", Spanish "usted" are a formal way of addressing someone, especially if one isn't familiar with the addressee. Did English ever have this? It sounds as though Proto-Indo-European might have had this (based o...
Outside of the dialectical form used in the Southern US, "y'all," has English ever had a plural "you"? If not, how does English get around using this form?
@KitFox Still got the redundant double arrows, I see. Also, having buttons on the names of different sizes is a faux pas. Make them all the same size and center the text in them, if that's what you plan to do. Otherwise just make them links.
But it's a good point, people are always all over a non-gendered singular third person pronoun, but no one cares about the difference among singular/plural/general differences in the use of 'you'.
I didn't know for sure what your styling meant, and I'm the kind of person who would fearlessly click, so that's fine, but your users probably aren't gonna click
@Cerberus It's not that much bigger than my previous HTC Evo, but thinner and a bit taller (longer). I've still had service on the Evo while waiting for my contract to expire and be able to port my number, so I've had both in hand and really able to compare... and the nexus makes evo look like a heavy heavy brick of a thing.