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08:00 - 21:0021:00 - 23:00

That is not something I will be equipped to do for maybe three-four more years.
Hello! Is there a stack-site for research? Cause I've got a question but the best place I can think of to put it is in English but it's really not about English at all.
And yeah the price range is pretty much that of a violin bow.
I don't have that kind of money to spend on something that doesn't even qualify as a hobby yet.
@LemmaPrism research?
Yeah. Though it's almost more like a random question. Fundamentally, it's about AI research I'm doing... but really it's about intelligence. At some point it's going to turn into math... but right now it doesn't look like any of those things.
I think there was an AI site in the making. Maybe it never took off. Maybe it is about to.
I think I saw it but... the question I'm looking to post is, "What are some examples of low hanging fruit that took a long time to find?" It doesn't really sound at all related to AI.
But it came up while I was looking into bounded rationality.
It actually exists eh. Sponsored by IBM, even.
@LemmaPrism that doesn't sound like at all fit for the StackExchange format.
@RegDwigнt Wait, I thought EL&U was the "artificial intelligence beta" ...
The engine is ill-suited for list questions.
It works best for questions with a single correct answer.
Mmmm that's true. I've seen list questions before but yeah.
@Robusto yes on beta and artificial.
That's two for three. Not a bad cut.
@RegDwigнt Well, that's a pipe dream as well. Look at all the multiple ways to code something you see all over just about every answer on Stack Overflow.
@LemmaPrism there used to be more back in the day. Most were marked as community wiki. I think that format has been silently dropped altogether.
@Robusto I am sorry, did you just say I should look at StackOverflow?
As in, visit?
I wouldn't know how to know how any such thing can be done.
It's nothing y ou haven't done before.
I did and then I forgot. In this order.
The order is very important!
It's non-commutative.
If StackExchange isn't a good site to ask, do you have any suggestions on where I might go instead?
Oh! Yeah okay.
Can't recommend a particular subreddit though. There are like millions.
_never chats_
_these obvious sites never come to mind on their own_
Thanks! I'll find somewhere to post it there.
You're welcome.
@Robusto There. I'm on SO right now. You happy?
Actually now I remember what my issue was the last ten times I visited.
All the questions I see have no answers whatsoever.
You are old beyond your years.
Physically yes. Mentally I'm a toddler.
Well, what are you waiting for. Get fluting!
I remember now. They started getting like a hundred new questions a second and those kept getting buried en masse.
So now they make sure to only show you questions nobody else has ever seen.
@Robusto I wish. It's 22:12 here, the thing's packed away. I'm on YouTube watching flute lessons.
Actually as an aside, I was very surprised by how soft the thing sounds.
FWIW, I tried the opening solo we talked about before and needed that breath before the end.
But apparently I was doing something wrong. It got much louder later.
@RegDwigнt Soft in the low register, much more penetrating the higher you go.
So, if you're in an apartment, not a good idea to practice at night.
But at least it's not a piccolo.
But at first I was like WTF this is supposed to be 100dB? I grabbed the violin and just randomly played a song mezzoforte (or really in the context of a concert hall pp), and that thing was damn fucking loud in comparison.
But yeah like 20 minutes later I was playing the flute much louder.
That's the trick with the flute: balance the projection between the registers.
I'm only talking first octave G till second octave F# so far.
As I said, I maybe managed the second-octave G like two times out of forty.
Still pretty soft.
Even the F# was like 20 out of 40.
@Robusto yeah is my point.
Take a few lessons. Learn some decent tone formation.
I think I'll take out those pegs tomorrow. Someone said something to that extent on that Muramatsu discussion.
Yeah. Pegs are like training wheels on your bike.
Well yes but I want to tackle things one at a time.
I've learned it the hard way with the violin. Where you have to focus on 70 things at once as a complete beginner. That is impossible.
I am trying to avoid that as best I can going forward.
So today I was focusing on getting out any tone at all. The embouchure.
Everything else I tried was just a quick run-down of all the different things I could think of that would need separate practice.
I actually did that with the violin as well, back in the day. My first week I tried absolutely every technique and every trick. Especially those I knew I could never pull off even by accident. Just to see where I stand. To map out the next 10 years in the most rough manner.
You have to keep in mind this is the first time in my life that I make any kind of sound by blowing into something other than a beer bottle.
Well, I blew into a harmonica a couple times as the age of five, I guess.
But I never played the recorder, say. Which is what everyone here seems to be obliged to do by law.
There's also a chromatic one I can't seem to find. Start at the 2-octave H and go down by half steps, slurring one to the next and holding that next.
@Robusto yeah that will be very slow. I have yet to wrap my head around the cromatics. Only played a few by accident tonight.
@RegDwigнt Querflöte FTW.
@Robusto well yes, which is why I never tried a recorder even in my spare time. They are literally ubiquitous and literally a dime a dozen. But I always thought maybe clarinette.
Actually a year ago when I was watching my first violin lessons on YouTube I also spent a couple days watching clarinette lessons.
Then I figured I don't have the kind of spare time to make the reeds.
Who does?
Certainly nobody with six instruments and counting.
At least clarinets are single reeds, though.
That's how they get you.
I'm not falling for such cheap tricks.
But yeah, fun fact, I bought the flute after YouTube suggested I watch a video on how a $70 sax off Amazon compares to a $4000 sax.
@LemmaPrism What is your actual question?
And the dude was like, WTF, this $70 thing is actually really really good.
Not true with flutes.
Which is why I've not bought a $70 flute.
They have those, too.
@LemmaPrism There are multiple stackexchanges that might work. There's Artificial Intelligence.SE
Mitch, you're way too late to that party.
@RegDwigнt To so many parties.
But it gives me something to do
Reading other people's replies gives you something to do also.
Happy #NationalNappingDay everyone. https://t.co/Cw0wcUgXyy
You woke me up.
tcoCw0wcUgXyy is the next covfefe
@RegDwigнt Once I've read them all, there's the next thing
How about you go and buy a $70 harmonica off Amazon.
That will give you a lot to do.
I think harmonicas are about $30 for a good one.
I've seen those in the thousands range.
Yeah. Well, thousands of Deutschmarks. That was the last time I visited that shop in the city, when looking for a guitar. 22 years ago now.
They had a blue guitar. A ton of harmonicas. Quite a few accordions, too.
That was one weird place.
@Mitch that is not a harmonica.
No. It is not.
Actually let me go check.
I'm trying to figure out how to get a twitter video to post here as an animated gif (or whtever) without having to transform the file.
Four fucking thousand fucking Euro.
Plus shipping luls.
And it's still only a harmonica.
Ceci n'est pas une pipe.
I saw a 30,000 dollar computer on youtube.
@Robusto though to be fair, that's what people said when I bought a Bianchi.
They said, no racing bike should cost 4000 bucks.
I said, that's like the cheapest Bianchi on the planet.
Also it was 50% off.
And shipping included.
Ermenegildo Zegna makes expensive clothes.
A suit costs 2000 dollars.
No, he makes clothes. Other people then make them expensive.
@RegDwigнt Well, yeah. And that ain't even an expensive one. The ones they have the Tour riders on are like $20k.
A thing costs only as much as someone is willing to pay for it.
@Robusto precisely.
Just now, I almost fainted for the first time in my life.
But they wouldn't listen.
They said they could buy a car for a 1000.
I said yeah go buy that car.
I had to lie down on the floor for 10 minutes.
I don't know what happened.
Basically I had a stomach upset, and it was so painful that I felt like fainting.
I thought you'd like to see that again
My hands and legs were all numb.
@Jasper funny stomach is not the same thing as fainting (syncope)
Mind you, those were rich folks to boot. I grew up surrounded by rich kids. They bought espresso machines for each other for their birthdays. At age 15.
They could have afforded to buy a Bianchi every single day for the rest of their life.
I neither have espresso nor machine. I only drink Nescafe.
I literally spent every last cent on my guitar back then.
And look ma, my guitar is still here. Their espresso machines, not so much.
But Nescafe is cheaper than Vodka.
@Jasper but maybe being light headed from the stomach thing feels like you're going to faint
It is interesting that we have an owl, a bull, and a dog in this room.
This room should be renamed Animal Farm.
1) hasn't the 'what is somebody how is neither an atheist nor an agnostic called?' been answered a hundred times before?
2) What is a word for someone who doesn't believe in magic?
Everything has been answered a hundred times before.
That doesn't prevent people from asking "what is spouse means" on ELU. Or indeed on YouTube.
People do not read. People only write. Except they can't write for shit because they never read.
I saw some channels on youtube using a script to make videos out of SE posts.
In particular, they made some answer from me in the past on ELU into a video.
Yes, you also saw a bunch of weird movies not even their own makers saw.
Those channels are really crap.
You did say they were on YouTube.
There are a handful that are OK
I also discovered some news channels on youtube where they make a robot read some text that is news, and then call it some news channel. Again crap.
Like that one where the... ha haa... it was hilarious... and that guy ha haa... and then he fell over.
ha ha
@Jasper The Chinese Xinhua news agency autonewscaster?
I think if people want to make a youtube channel they should have original content, instead of just copying from others.
@Mitch No, not that kind. Something really crap.
@Jasper it's the same as with Ermenegildo Zegna, though. It doesn't matter if it's crap if someone is willing to pay $2000 for it.
The worth is not decided by the maker. Nor by a non-paying observer.
It was a really special experience just now, almost fainting.
It was the first time in my life I almost fainted.
You faint every time you fall asleep.
That is the definition of faint in the Owl Dictionary.
I usually see the channel The Tech Chap for computer reviews. You should check out his channel.
The best computer reviews on youtube, for me.
I don't need to review my computer.
My computer does not have enough RAM to handle a review.
Your Windows Vista is more than a decade old. Time to change it!
@Jasper You might want to tell someone.
Your left leg is more than a decade old.
@RegDwigнt The 1990's is more than a decade old
You can't say something is old if it has been dead for 29 years.
It does seem that installing the Intel Driver Support Assistant might be causing my computer to crash. I just uninstalled it.
By the way have you found a new Maria @RegDwigнt? =)
BTW did you read my last 50 answers to that question.
Nobody is looking for a Maria except for you.
If Mozart were my age, he would have been... wow, maybe dead already for a couple decades.
So how's your 41st symphony progressing.
@Jasper Also it's almost 2020 and that kind of shit still happens. We'll never get our moonbase at this rate.
In fact I forgot about the moonbase.
@RegDwigнt Finished
Gimme the MIDI.
Hold on...
I shall play it on most every instrument in the house.
It seems that Oxford has stopped updating its full sized dictionaries for current English and other languages in paper form.
your part to sing a long with is right at the top.
That is not a MIDI. Y u liar.
@Jasper there really are no more new words to put it.
@Mitch I wanted to make a youtube video of me singing the Star Spangled Banner.
@RegDwigнt ??? How they that old-timey font?
What is it with Mitch and spelling all of a sudden.
@Jasper That's a weird song. But it is good for showing off range.
Has he been drinking acetone again.
a fancier song is Rolling in the Deep by Adele
@Mitch Yes, it is a very weird song. The notes are weird.
A fannier song, maybe.
or that thing from Barber of Seville where Figaro says his own name over and over.
Bravo bravissimo?
@Mitch I know that song. I might do it.
That is not his name.
@RegDwigнt do you mean I'm getting better at it?
@RegDwigнt The barber? It's not?
I don't mean you're not getting worse.
@RegDwigнt I think you can do some singing on your channel also. =)
@Jasper I think you are in no position to tell other channels to have singing if you can't even manage for your own channel to have singing.
@RegDwigнt again? assuming I've stopped?
It is so tension and much duo, they had to write it fucking twice.
hm caffeine and ibuprofen.
They put the "harm" in "pharma industry".
You didn't say 'ham'
08:00 - 21:0021:00 - 23:00

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