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That's all I've been doing is pushing myself too hard. PT three times a day to the point of agony for four weeks now. It gets tiring.
So you've only your machismo to blame.
No. I have my physical therapist to blame.
And your manly, virile determination.
She's the one who sets the goals.
Everything I do is manly and virile. Not just the determination.
So it is surely not because your PT is demanding and you are used to being henpecked.
Well, when women set challenges ...
That's funny.
Back when I used to play basketball, a couple of women who played ball for UMass Amherst got into one of our pickup games. It fell to my lot to guard the shorter one. I was 40 and she was, like, 21, but I totally couldn't let her beat me. And she didn't. But I was almost puking from the exertion.
The new story I started begins "She wasn't the type of woman who backed down from a challenge..."
Full disclosure: hand-checking a female basketball player is sort of erotic, in an exhausted, desperate kind of way.
You poor man.
I have never had to resort to such tomfoolery. coughs, averts eyes
What tomfoolery? Basketball?
The first time I put my shoulder out of joint, I was wrestling a woman I was interested in, just so I could cop a cheap feel.
I don't play basketball. I am miserable at sports, except for baseball. I am a decent baseball player.
Aww, hell, I've been copping cheap feels since I was about 11. You can get away with them when you're 11. Not so much after puberty.
'Accidental' groping is more believable when a woman does it anyway.
You men have a tough lot in life.
Well, we get by.
I suppose it's not all bad.
Thank God for porn, though. Porn never says, "Not tonight, dear, I have a headache."
Thank God for porn.
Porn never wonders if maybe it should report that to someone.
Porn doesn't care if you take it seriously or not.
Porn doesn't take you out on a date, talk about its ex the whole time, then refuse to sleep with you and yet kind of creepy stalk you for a few months.
@Robusto I thought bedroom activity takes the headaches away.
@kit How is your shoulder now?
Better. Still a little sore if I am not careful.
Laters, my peeps! I am out.
hi all
so, anyone who works for a company: how common is it, do you think, for EVERYTHING at the company to be monitored by IT? I mean your HTTP connections, your HTTPS connections, and your mobile phone communications?
@Jez Is that what happens at your place?
What do you mean by mobile phone? Given by the employer?
i'm seriously thinking of quitting, for that amongst other reasons
@Jez it's pretty typical for HTTP interactions to be monitored. i wouldn't think twice about it.
no, i mean that they seem to jam the normal network signal and offer a network that allows data roaming
@Jez Well, think carefully first.
but how exactly are they monitoring your cell phone conversations?
js: http, but https?
@Jez are they actually cracking the keys?
@JSBձոգչ Really? This is new to me. Is that the norm in the US?
Why would people monitor such things? They should only do that for potential terrorism.
@JSBձոգչ No. They surreptitiously install their own certs into the root CAs in the IE certificates store. It took Firefox to realize this. I also learned that Chrome moronically uses IE's cert store too, so it doesn't note that you're being subjected to a MITM attack
@Jez what industry is this? something security-sensitive?
b/c that is paranoid
@JSBձոգչ They then have some Cisco middleware that generates certs for these CAs on-the-fly when you visit any HTTPS site
I have a friend's friend who says that they can hear what we say even when the mobile is off.
@JSBձոգչ i wouldn't say so, really.
Cisco "Ironport"
That sounds paranoid and outrageous. Still, I'm sure you can evade their snooping.
> If you decide to terminate SSL on your proxy (such as Cisco Ironport, for instance) to check your traffic for viruses and/or DLP puposes (which I highly recommend otherwise you do leave a huge hole in your security perimeter)
"I highly recommend" that you utterly violate users' privacy and undermine the entire point of HTTPS
that's the attitude
It may even be illegal to snoop on mobile conversations and SSL.
Especially without your written permission. But even then?
@JasperLoy @Kit knew what I was talking about. For the benefit of all the pineapples playing along at home, "Not tonight, dear, I have a headache" is the cliché excuse a woman gives for not wanting to have sex.
i doubt it, in the UK, if they say they will in the policy (guess whether they do)
although there probably ought to be a law against them snooping on online banking and transactions
@Robusto Thank you, but women have headaches all over the world.
It is a well known phenomenon.
@Robusto Hey I knew that. What in my message makes you think I don't? In fact what I wrote is a direct response to that.
@JasperLoy I dunno. Something about the way you fail to communicate your understanding of things, I guess.
@Cerberus As far as I know, men have headaches too.
@Robusto I am mysterious like that.
@Cerberus But it's a clichéd excuse in English.
@JasperLoy Yes. But it is stereotypical of women!
@JasperLoy I'm thinking of a different word. But never mind.
@Robusto As it is in many other cultures, including any European culture I know.
@Robusto You are very naughty today.
@Cerberus Heute Nacht nicht, Liebchen, ich habe Kopfweh?
@Robusto Something like that! Dutch women always have hoofdpijn.
@RegDwight: I'm trying to think of a German idiom for "one by one" or "one after another" but my brain keeps giving me an der Reihe, which is not what I want. Is there a good, well understood idiom for "one by one" that you can think of offhand?
In Dutch, it is een voor een.
@Cerberus Dutch women have hoof pain? Are you sure they're women?
Hoef = hoof; hoofd = head.
You're making this up. I knew it.
@Robusto They are devils.
@Cerberus So Dutch women are devils? What kind of QED is that?
@Cerberus I thought there was a cleverer one than that. I may be wrong.
Ein x nach dem anderen sounds appropriate.
Stück für Stück is more like piece by piece.
@JasperLoy It's just QED.
> During the Phanerozoic several ice ages occurred, characterized by a complete glaciation of the polar caps. From a geological point of view, today we live in an ice age as well. However, this is not at all the "normal" climate condition of the earth, on the contrary, during the last 550 mio. years acryogenic warm periods prevailed for around 80% of the time, with the polar caps completely free of ice.
so i learned something today
@JSBձոգչ At least this is not a book about Turkish grammar.
Q: I Want to expand my English vocabulary?

Ann Lorraine BostrilloCan anyone suggest me a book to read or a website where I can study & learn english. Sorry if my grammar is wrong.

I don't understand sexless women. And hello.
@cornbreadninja Hi! There are many things in this world we don't understand.
Hello again.
waves bonjour @Mahnax
Sometimes, it just isn't worth it to read the transcript.
Ah, I am in English class right now.
@cornbreadninja Wow, you actually formatted that line properly.
@JSB FWIW, I saved your Big Book of Turkish Grammar.
@JasperLoy :D
rescinds bonjour and holds up fist @Mahnax for fist bump
@corn I see you are working on your website!
@JasperLoy I wish! You saw my 'type in the wild' entry?
@cornbreadninja I also saw that coffeemaker!
We are doing poetry... stomps on awful poetry
lol @Mahnax
@cornbreadninja Just. I was referring to your portfolio.
@JasperLoy it's my best friend!
@cornbreadninja I am my own best friend actually.
@JasperLoy I'm my own grandma.
Gotta run!
Don't run in the halls!
@cornbreadninja That is rubbish.
@JasperLoy I fixed it.
@cornbreadninja Still crap.
At least my rubbish is logically possible.
waves through tears @Mahnax
Wait. Hold the phone.
rubbish == trash || rubbish == garbage
one man's rubbish is another man's treasure?
Gaaah; I must call goToBracesDoctor()
Hello @aedia!
I'm trying to think how much I can get done in an hour that remains, and not feeling ambitious.
Strangely, I am less than enthusiastic about going out to play board games tonight.
People feel ambitious on Mondays!
Maybe it's the pressure of doing it right after work or this offal hoofdpijn or the stoopid allergy weather grrr
There have been many grrrs in this room lately.
Grrr is the next in thing.
It's because Monday is grrrreat!
Just kidding. Grrrumpy is more like it.
There is a cafe here which lets you play board games.
My places so far are a couple of game stores that have gaming nights.
I guess they also allow open gaming anytime they're open, but it makes it easier when you know other people are planning to be there and you'll have enough to try a 4 or 6 player game.
Well, you can always play computer chess if you are bored!
I have not played many board games but I remember St Petersberg and Vendetta.
It's not so much bored, as not wanting to do anything I'm supposed to be doing.
Then that's called procrastination! Just have some coffee and get to work!
I don't like dealing with e-mail crises at the end of the day, and I feel like writing back, "solve your own problems like I have to all the time kthxbye" but of course I can't cause uhh some reason like it's my job or something.
I really am having coffee, albeit lukewarm coffee, and tryyyying to get to work.
Hmm, maybe you can deal with them the next day? Or stay a little longer and finish up before leaving!
Boo @matt!
Robusto loves to call me a pineapple because there is no one else he can say that to.
there are plenty of people, they're just not regularly in chat, or at all in chat. If he wanted, he could call the pineapples on the main site pineapples
Or he could run out to the grocery store and shout randomly at the fruit
maybe he like to wind you up?
@aediaλ lol. that would be a sight :D
I am more of a banana than a pineapple.
The only fruit I eat is the banana!
well a pineapple wouldn't eat other pineapples!
You changed it.
Why the banana? Because they are always sweet!
Apples and oranges could be sour for example.
I'm still going to have nightmares about cannibal pineapples.
it's OK! you're a unicorn. they won't eat you!
I am still fascinated by carnivorous plants.
But they get so brown and spotty and yucky and too sweet!
plus you could skewer them on your horn
The bananas, not the plants.
Haha! Mmm.
What are they called? Oh Venus fly trap.
The more I think about these plants, the more I begin to wonder about the distinction between plant and animal, and also living and non-living.
@MattЭллен licks chops, daydreams
mmmm, pineapple juice
I hope my eyebrows are the right contour so the rings' juice runs into my eyes. I mean not my eyes. Mouth. That's the thing.
Is there such a thing as banana juice?
mmmm. Yes, not the eyes, that would sting
Ah yes, banana milkshake!
wrinkles nose at mashed banana
Time for a famous sentence.
Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.
l'essence de banane
it's a new perfume
makes you smell bananalicious
Do people use inception with a product like Android?
Can we say the inception of Android? Sounds weird.
it would be more usual to say something like the inception of the Android project
Q: Conception vs Inception

NickHeidkeA friend of mine just stated: I'm unimpressed by iOS6, most of the "features" they are introducing have been there since Android's conception. I was about to correct him, believing inception to be the correct word. When should one be used over the other?

yes, I saw
Yeah I deleted my answer as I was not too sure.
I'm too tired to stay awake. Good night!
@MattЭллен Night!
Hi @skull!
Hi @JasperLoy !
@halabi Hi!
hi @JasperLoy
@Mahnax: I can invite you to Duolingo if you want.
guys,, why do people love to downvote too much in English.SE... more than nay other SE site?
because we get questions which are poor fits
of course it will sound poor for someone whose mother tongue is English..
but for the OP, its like the best question in the world..
@HaLaBi No, we get questions which are off topic per the FAQ, or very poorly written to the point that nobody can understand them
ok, valid point..
but still, sometimes some questions are just poor because the OP is simply poor in English and he is trying to get an answer... I think people should go little easy.. specially on new users.. they will leave with a one way ticket and never come back.. an SE is community driven.. no community.. no SE
just something in my head I wanted to share :)
there's a tradeoff though
because ELU is not for ESL per se
English please ;)
this site isn't to teach English
I know..
so the level of English expected is quite high
it is to improve English...etc
not really
> The English Language and Usage Stack Exchange is for linguists, etymologists, and (serious) English language enthusiasts
So, someone should change the name to "Professional English.SE"
The FAQ says its purpose in the top line
@HaLaBi That would mean something else.
ok, I am just chatting.. most likely I am wrong..
I don't mean to make you feel like you're wrong or unwanted, @HaLaBi
Just trying to defend your assertion that people here are downvote happy
I know @simchona
What I meant is, I am sure you know better since you are here before me.. in English.SE i mean
well, since you mention downvote happy I think they are, because if they really meant it then they would comment the reason behind their downvote, I believe SE pops up a comment saying something like that when you downvote..
so, I think there are 'downvote happy' people.. not all ofcourse.. but for sure there are.
I think people don't comment because other people often take good intentions the wrong way
No good deed goes unpunished
again, valid point..
And the downvoter--by identifying themselves, which is counter to the point of anonymity--often get retaliated against
people who don't downvote but try to explain it often get reatliated against for a down vote.
so SE should remove the comment that ask people to write the reason behind their downvote.. either you believe in SE concept fully or never.. you are being partially believer in SE concept..
@HaLaBi There are definitely more downvotes here compared to the other SE sites.
good, now we are talking...
no, you -should- explain your downvote. The retaliation (or really the heated response) is what should be reduced.
Partial believer? No. The belief is in anonymous voting
I don't believe (yet) taht there are more down votes here. Has any one done actual statistics?
I won't explain a downvote knowing that users will often take it the wrong way
so the comment being shown by SE is against SE believe???
It's also a pain.
@Mitch Just a gut feeling.
yes it is a pain...
Also, I prefer to flag to close.
@Mitch There's a topic in Meta about this, but in general I think Reg found that there's no significant difference
or say nothing.
and, to be fair, it is more pain to the OP!
@simchona: that's what I remember.
so, your pain --> more pain to OP...
@Mitch You mean not cast a close vote?
yes, people get downvoted for weird reasons.
like the question might be good, but the wording is presumptuous, or arrogant or ...
bad grammar can be toplerated to some extent.
@Mitch I prefer bottomlerating it
define bottomlerating ?
@Mitch And not just presumptive!
but too short a question with no content is easily downvotable. do some homework, help us help you. this ain't yahoo answers.
I agree with you on that.. 100%
@JasperLoy yeah..word of the week.
@JasperLoy er..yeah...cast a close vote.
@Mitch Which is distinct from flagging on SE.
but frankly also if it's that questionable a flag.
@Mitch You might want to check that spelling
which can be for obscenity....or for being not an answer (but very useful comment)
so very different directions.
Sorry, just didn't want that in the transcript (I know what you meant)
@Mitch Like the dimples pictures you flagged which I quite enjoyed.
guys, off to bed.. Sleepy to the point my head kept falling like a baby...
yeah, if some are offended, however much you might not get the offense, it's offending
good night
@HaLaBi Night!
sorry if i bother any of you guys... :)
@Mitch Is this the new way of typing later?
well, if by hitting the keyboard in an unexpected manner creates it, then yes, at least for the on instance.
until it changes back.
qn for discussion.
Q: Why is "taking a biscuit" a bad thing in the UK?

Evan CarrollSo, I'm reading up on a list of English Idioms and I see two that bear a striking similarity. "Take the biscuit (UK): To be particularly bad, objectionable, or egregious. "Take the cake (US)": To be especially good or outstanding. Now I can understand why cake is "good" and "outstanding"....

What about it?
not really the ostensible question (another word for the week), but -how- it is said.
@Mitch How about take the cookie?
it's somewhat irrelevant that the OP misunderstands the two (they're both somewhat negative).
"In the USA we're rational"
"Why do people in the UK hate biscuits"
From network profile of OP: "I AM AWESOME"
@Mitch Elsewhere, they are transcendental?
also OPs website: evancarroll.com
Hey @mitch you answered the theorem theory question last August and then you forgot about it?
Ha ha..yes.
That was a long time ago.
What'd be even funnier is if ..no it's not that funny.
if I had given identical answers.
I was surprised nobody cast a duplicate vote before I did.
I think both my answers are right, but they were both low scores. Neil's answer is better said (even though it is essentially the same as mine).
@Mitch I upvoted both your answers!
The OP should have noticed that it was at the top of the choices when entering his own.
@Mitch Well, there are only so many ways one can say a thing, like you said in your meta answer.
@Gigili Please do!
for this one I guess there are many.'
@Mahnax Hope you enjoy your hols after your exams. I remember you made plans for the summer.
@JasperLoy Thank you.

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