and if that main defense was on the side it'd be:
a lateral arterial artillery
and if their height was greater than others, they'd be a:
taller lateral arterial artillery
and if the arrived after their expected time, they'd be a:
later taller lateral arterial artillery
and if these were the most recent ones sold, but not at wholesale, they'd be:
latter later taller lateral arterial artillery retail
and if you told this story again, by a bank employee:
latter later taller lateral arterial artillery retail retell teller
and if this teller was a rodeo star with a rodeo star name:
latter later taller lateral arterial artillery retail retell teller lariat, named Tyrell
and if the military had thrown their ADHD meds out the window it'd be:
latter later taller lateral arterial artillery Ritalin litter retail retell teller lariat, named Tyrell
oops. a rodeo star implement that everyone followed.
latter later taller lateral arterial artillery Ritalin litter retail retell teller lariat leader Tyrell
a way to climb to a light for a well-dressed birth message, that makes noise
A natty natal letter lantern rattle ladder, latter later taller lateral arterial artillery Ritalin litter retail retell teller lariat leader Tyrell