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Just step back and look at its beauty.
@kiamlaluno: it's okay, you can say ShreevatsaR here.
@RegDwight: The problem is that I didn't remember his nick. :-)
At least you now remember jussive!
We'll teach you ShreevatsaR in no time, too! :D
I must find a way to remember that: Sheeva Vatsa?
Oh yes! That is a way more important!
I just keep responding to his comments, it all comes naturally.
ShreevatsaR is a statement? I didn't know that.
Add two r's and you get ShreevaVatsaR.
Usually, when I respond to one of his comments, I end up going back and forth for at least 10 turns.
By the end I've got it memorized.
(I wonder if my nick is easy to remember.)
Thank God I didn't pick my name as my handle.
Though people constantly write @Red.
And I keep telling them, there's no Redinald!
I thought it was a short for "Reginald Dwight".
You might have tried "Tiny Dancer" ... I don't think you worked on your nick hard enough.
I was thinking about DontShootMeImOnlyThePianoPlayer for a while.
I gave about .045 seconds' worth of thought into my nick.
I was thinking about using the name I1lII1l11l
I was concerned that people might mistype it...
Once I used Xenophaw. It was supposed to be the transliteration in English of the Greek words for "stranger light".
But I really like the way it sounds.
It sounds?
American pronunciation or Greek?
I prefer the original Klingon pronunciation.
@Robusto: The Greek pronunciation.
BTW that Groundhog Day clip is almost perfect ... but it should include Andie MacDowell's reaction shot at the end.
The problem was that I didn't know how to write the adjective that derives from "stranger" (and still I don't know it).
Except "stranger" derives from "strange" instead of the other way around, right?
Right, but sometimes people don't know what they are looking for until they find it :)
I think he's talking about xenos.
Ah, no, I got it all wrong.
Foreign light
Xenonlicht bezeichnet bei Kraftfahrzeugen den Einsatz einer Gasentladungslampe im Abblendlicht beziehungsweise Fernlicht. Geschichte Am Anfang der Entwicklung stand die 1989 von Philips entwickelte D1-Lampe von Osram und Philips, die im Bosch- und Hella-Xenonsystem des BMW E32 und von Hella im Audi V8 verwendet wurde, heute aber nicht mehr produziert wird. Seit 1994 wird die D2-Lampe im Audi A8 und im BMW E38 verwendet, sie wird heute noch in leicht abgewandelter Form produziert. 1991 wurden in einem BMW der 7er-Reihe zum ersten Mal in einem Auto Gasentladungslampen (Bosch) als Xenon...
I meant: Take "foreign light", translated it in Greek, write the English word that would have the same sound.
Same sound?
So, something that is homophonous with Xenophaw?
So you were trying to pull a Lewis Carroll?
Google Translate reports that "foreign light" is "ξένο φως".
I took out the final sigma, and thought that "Xenophaw" would have a pronunciation close enough to the Greek words. :-)
I like Robusto's edit to the cheese-crust question.
Careful: one more user to edit, and it will be automatically CWed.
I think 5 is the threshold.
Might be 6.
Nope, 5:
A: What are "Community Wiki" posts?

Justin StandardWhy have Community Wiki posts? One of the goals of the website is to be a continually evolving source of good information. Community Wiki posts help enhance the wiki aspect of the site. How do Community Wiki posts work? Community Wiki posts work by transferring ownership of the post from the ...

It's time for my daily chat in Calabrian. Good night all. :-)
Buona sera.
Lol I just had an issue where something was working fine on my server but not on the dev server. I was sure I had made the changes, and I had. Can you guess what the problem was?
svn up?
Checked in to the wrong repository.
That... is worse.
You know something's going wrong when marketing starts printing out your server code on their flyers and coffee mugs.
Ah, work ... see what happens when I spend too much time chatting with you bad influences?
That was clearly your fault, not mine. =P
Yeah, just noticed that I have some work, too. I'm shocked and dismayed.
An entirely appropriate reaction.
I learned to react that way by browsing Reddit for five years in a row.
That's the real Coding Horror ...
And I won't get anything done tomorrow, either, as I will spend the whole day eagerly awaiting the new data dump, clicking reload over and over and over again.
And now I have to go. Talk you later!
I don't know, I wander in here to get my mind off coding issues and what do I find? :-)
don't worry, soon we'll get back to talking about agglutination again
Look, it's already started ...
That's enough staring at code for one day, I'm off home.
Cheers, everyone.
I've a urgent question::
We say "Powered by Microsoft", Can we say "Microsoft powered" instead of this?
the link:::
Q: "powered by" and "powered"

kikioHello. I've a urgent question:: We say "Powered by Microsoft", Can we say "Microsoft powered" instead of this? Thanks ..

I answered your question.
@Robusto Thanks ..
@kikio: Please don't write things like "this is an urgent question" in your questions. They aren't relevant and won't cause people to respond any faster or slower.
If you put that in the question, I have to clean up the question by deleting it.

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