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11:00 PM
And gostinitsa for hotel.
Which in turn is the same as hostel.
I imagine the gost is kind of an aspirated, throaty /g/?
Maybe in Ukrainian, that's their default pronunciation of G, aspirated.
Russian doesn't have that, only a hard g.
гость [ɡosʲtʲ]
> Происходит от праслав. *gostь, от кот. в числе прочего произошли: др.-русск. гость «гость, чужестранец, приезжий купец», ст.-слав. гость (др.-греч. ξένος), гостити (ξενίζειν), русск. гость, укр. гість (род. п. го́стя), болг. гост, сербохорв. го̑ст (род. п. го̏ста), словенск. gȏst, чешск. host, словацк. hosť, польск. gość, в.-луж. hósć.
> Родственно готск. gasts, нем. Gast «гость», лат. hostis «чужеземец, враг». Дальнейшие связи с греч. ξένος «чужой, гость», коринфск. ξένος, ион. ξεῖνος, алб. huai «чужой» сомнительны.
English wiki no has any of that.
But yeah. German Gast.
And whatever that Korinthean reads.
Xenos? Chenos?
@Cerberus should read this, I'm not qualified.
Xenos, surely.
So basically all xenos are hostile. Thus Trump.
Yes, xenos and xeinos.
In Greek, the word is generally positive still.
11:07 PM
@RegDwigнt Wanna hear something funny? I can actually read Russian faster (with almost zero comprehension) than I can read katakana. The Russian I know I don't know, but the Japanese I think I should know, but am not always (or often) right.
Cf. Latin hospes.
@Robusto well. I can read Russian faster than Katakana, too.
Coincidence? I think not.
@Cerberus yeah it only occurred to me after I had typed it out that xenos is actually a word and chenos isn't.
So anyway. Apparently somewhere in history someone got very confused who's accomodating whom, so now host and guest are just the same thing.
@Cerb: WTF does the 's at the beginning of 's Hertogenbosch indicate?
@RegDwigнt Yes, it is a strange semantic development.
@Robusto Ah, that should be a minuscle.
It is from the genitive of the article, des.
It's just des.
11:10 PM
des hertogen bosch = the duke's forest
It's the duke's bush.
Oh fuck me jinx.
@Cerberus TYVM
Yes, bush is better.
Cf. 's Gravenhage, the alternative name for Den Haag ("The hague").
11:11 PM
Waitasec, whatever happened to Busch?
Now, den Haag still makes no sense.
That is just wrong.
Busch is German.
Bos(ch) is Dutch.
I know.
But there's also a Bosch in German, right?
11:12 PM
Possibly from Dutch or lower German.
I'm confused.
Die Robert Bosch GmbH ist ein im Jahr 1886 von Robert Bosch gegründetes multinationales deutsches Unternehmen. Es ist tätig als Automobilzulieferer, Hersteller von Gebrauchsgütern (Elektrowerkzeuge, Haushaltsgeräte) und Industrie- und Gebäudetechnik (Sicherheitstechnik) und darüber hinaus in der automatisierten Verpackungstechnik, wo Bosch den führenden Platz einnimmt. Die Robert Bosch GmbH und ihre rund 450 Tochter- und Regionalgesellschaften in etwa 60 Ländern bilden die Bosch-Gruppe.Der Sitz der Geschäftsführung befindet sich auf der Schillerhöhe in Gerlingen, der Firmensitz in Stuttgart. Seit…
Bosch is German, too.
I assume Bosch isn't a word in High German?
Except 99% of it is in India now.
11:12 PM
@RegDwigнt I believe that is an abbreviation in den hage.
Nov 24 at 22:53, by RegDwigнt
I'm not even bothering with typing jinx anymore, just add the can to the pile.
Cf. Istanbul.
@Cerberus is what I'm saying.
It no makey sensey anymorey.
Which is probably from eis tên polin "(in)to the city".
It's Constantinople, silly.
What is with this Erdogan propaganda.
11:14 PM
@RegDwigнt Ah, OK. Well, the alternative name for 's Hertogenbosch is Den Bosch.
That is awful.
In daily parlance, we say Den Haag and Den Bosch.
Like that makes even less sense than no sense.
11:14 PM
Because the den in Haag is at least a proper den.
But there is no den in Hertogen.
No, it is the same construction. It's Hertogenbosch, not just Hertogen.
Yes but it is not des Hertogen den bosch.
The Duke and the Count as just cut off for convenience.
Theoretically, it could be in den 's hertogen bosch, but we would never use two articles in succession like that.
The same applies to in den 's graven hage.
11:17 PM
But it's technically possible.
Well it's technically possible to say gakth lgha in English.
But it isn't done.
But it isn't done.
However, when you remove the genitive attribute, the normal article can return and replace it as a definite attribute.
When you remove some things and then add others, then you can call it Het Kinderspeelplaats, honey.
11:18 PM
The your socks isn't done; it has to be your socks. But, when you remove your, it can be the socks.
@RegDwigнt De!
No, you remove the De, and then add the Het.
Are you not following.
And then you remove kinderspeelplaats (without a capital) and add Cheng He?
@Cerberus Those pesky articles. Just when you think you've gotten ride of one, it comes traipsing back in disguised as a monkey.
@Cerberus exactly. Now we're on the same page.
What is this language.
11:20 PM
Just when you thought you'd got rid of all the dirty socks lying around.
In conclusion, the international court for human rights is now in Cheng He.
@RegDwigнt I'm glad )love your capitals, by the way).
@RegDwigнt In other words, we're all fucked because China.
I'm not tchrist. I'm not scared of the kerning on your parens.
@RegDwigнt I don't think that would fit into the remains of his skeleton, but OK, why not.
11:21 PM
@Robusto tell you what, we've been bordering China forever and really you should be more afraid of them Mongols.
Yes, that scares me. Writing Russian in Ukrainian.
I knew it.
@RegDwigнt Genghis Khan never sold me crappy goods that broke within a few hours.
Is Ukrainian i the same character as Latin i?
11:23 PM
@Robusto yeah he just took all your goods that would never break and then broke them.
Zhèng Hé (chinesisch 鄭和 / 郑和, W.-G. Cheng Ho; * 1371 in Kunming in der Provinz Yunnan; † 1433 oder 1435) war ein chinesischer Admiral. Sein Geburtsname war Mǎ Sānbǎo (馬三寶 / 马三宝), sein muslimischer Name Haddschi Mahmud Schams (arabisch حجّي محمود شمس, DMG Ḥaǧǧī Maḥmūd Šams). Zheng He unternahm mit großen Flotten zwischen 1405 und 1433 sieben große Expeditionen in den Pazifik und den Indischen Ozean. Dabei bekämpfte er nicht nur erfolgreich die Piraterie, sondern erforschte auch die Meere bis nach Arabien und Ostafrika. Seine Dschunken legten dabei mehr als 50.000 km zurück. == Leben und Reisen… ==
It's a trade-off.
Funny word.
We say jonk.
@RegDwigнt We've never even spoken, much less traded together. All in all, he seemed a stout fellow from the remove of history.
See. If you take Ma Sanbao, remove some letters, and some others, you get Zheng He.
11:24 PM
Which is pronounced /joŋk/.
The Chinese have been doing forever what we're only discovering today.
I have forgotten the English word.
@RegDwigнt What, they've been making shitty goods literally forever? What did they do before they discovered Chinesium?
Junk, maybe?
Junk = garbage = trash
11:25 PM
@Robusto well yeah, correction. He broke all our goods, and then we shipped off all our damaged goods to the other side of the planet, and that's how your country was made.
Junk also = heroin
Then what is Dschunk/jonk?
Ask a Junker.
I know have seen the English word before.
No, ask a Messerschmitt.
11:26 PM
But I have forgotten.
Junk is what Fergie sings about in her trunk.
Junk is a type of ancient Chinese sailing ship that is still in use today. Junks were used as seagoing vessels as early as the 2nd century AD and developed rapidly during the Song dynasty (960–1279). They evolved in the later dynasties, and were used throughout Asia for extensive ocean voyages. They were found, and in lesser numbers are still found, throughout South-East Asia and India, but primarily in China. Found more broadly today is a growing number of modern recreational junk-rigged sailboats. The term junk may be used to cover many kinds of boat—ocean-going, cargo-carrying, pleasure boats...
I knew it!
Her humps, her humps, her humps. Her lovely little humps. Checkitout.
@RegDwigнt Funny, I always thought it was Messerschmidt. Must've been a hypercorrection on my part.
> Junks were used as seagoing vessels.
11:27 PM
@Cerberus Those things were rubbish.
I knew that. Rob recommended a book about them.
But apparently he forgot!
> 1545–55; < Portuguese junco a kind of sailing vessel < Malay jong, said to be < dialectal Chinese (Xiamen) chûn; compare Guangdong dial. syùhn, Chinese chuán
@Robusto well there probably is. As well as a Messerschmid and a Messerschmied.
And don't get me started on all the Beckers and Bäckers.
And Mühlers and Müllers.
And maybe the Portuguese origin explains the odd spelling difference between Dutch and German.
Nothing explains the odd spelling in Dutch.
You can quote me on that.
11:30 PM
@RegDwigнt About whom?
It's smid, but of course it is a very common surname, in which case it is spelled in 1001 different ways.
@Robusto Totenschiff. People sailing the seas on junk boats.
And I presume smith and smite are related.
Not Marmite, though.
Here's a spelling for Cerberus: шхуна.
Шху́на (нидерл. Schoener) — тип парусного судна, имеющего не менее двух мачт и косые паруса на всех мачтах. По типу парусного снаряжения шхуны делятся на гафельные, бермудские, стаксельные, марсельные и брамсельные. Брамсельная шхуна отличается от марсельной наличием брам-стеньги и ещё одним дополнительным прямым парусом — брамселем. При этом в ряде случаев марсельную и брамсельную двухмачтовые шхуны (особенно с брифоком) можно спутать с бригантиной. Независимо от типа косых парусов (гафельных или бермудских) шхуна может быть и марсельной (брамсельной). Шхуны имели небольшую осадку, что позволяло…
@RegDwigнt Ah. Ha.
@RegDwigнt Hence schooner?
11:33 PM
And look at all the varieties. There's a gafel and a staksel and a marsel and a bramsel shkhuna.
A schooner is a type of sailing vessel with fore-and-aft sails on two or more masts. The most common type has two masts, the foremast being shorter than the main. While the schooner was originally gaff-rigged, modern schooners typically carry a Bermuda rig. == Etymology == The first detailed definition of a schooner, describing the vessel as two-masted vessel with fore and aft gaff-rigged sails appeared in 1769 in William Falconer's, Universal Dictionary of the Marine.According to the language scholar Walter William Skeat, the term schooner comes from scoon, while the sch spelling comes from...
@RegDwigнt I thought of schoener before I saw the Dutch!
So did Peter the Great.
Funny, but a schooner is also an old-time beer glass.
Yes, I know the English word, if only from the game Pirates!
11:33 PM
@Cerberus No period needed in that sentence. /nod
@RegDwigнt Funny.
@Robusto I suppose not.
Mo' bettah.
It was a period game.
So did you find out if there were any Poland guys in France yet?
I know all the Armenians are in France.
In Lyon, more specifically.
All of them.
11:35 PM
Wait, Mme. Curie was Polish!
But the French keep trying to claim her.
How curious.
Hm that's not Polish.
Gotta run. Laterz ladies & gents.
Well that's a good call actually.
I need to go watch more scoring for strings.
Gleiche Stelle, gleiche Welle tomorrow.
@Cerberus Ma San Bao literally means Horse Three Treasures, LOL.
Nice, huh?
@Robusto @RegDwigнt Addio, le due.
00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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