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Another classic.
Yeah. I go see anything that comes out from either the Coen brothers or Quentin Tarantino.
Sometimes they fail, but when they hit, they make great film.
I'm not sure what to think of Machete.
Yeah, that's Rodriguez, but still.
Never saw it.
Danny Trejo was in From Dusk Till Dawn
Played a wack vampire.
He was in Heat, too. Another excellent movie.
What I like about Tarantino, and stop me if I've said this before, but he has such an ear for dialogue. He can make very talky movies that are simply engrossing. He's a writer's filmmaker.
That's the reason why I will always prefer KB II over KB I.
I can't think of another director who could get away with long, self-indulgent monologues and dialogues, but he sure can ... and does.
Oh, and Jackie Brown!
Here he is in another context, adding a redeeming quality to an otherwise forgettable film:
Then again, I am told that Death Proof was too talky. I must admit I have missed that one.
Jackie Brown is Quentin Tarantino acting like an adult. I thought he was going to keep climbing, but then KB 1 disappointed me.
Melanie: That's Japan.
Louis: Uh, looks like... I can... It shows...
Melanie: Wanna fuck?
Louis: Yeah.
After Death Proof I had pretty much given up on Tarantino. I wasn't even going to see Inglourious Basterds... but I'm glad my friend talked me into it.
Yeah, great line from the film.
My favorite, though, is when Sam Jackson says to Bridget Fonda, as she's taking a bong hit: "You know that shit will rob you of your ambition."
And she says: "Not if your ambition is to get high and watch TV."
Haha, yes.
That is Tarantino in a nutshell.
The Coen brothers have produced some head-scratchers. I thought The Ladykillers sucked, and Burn After Reading left me puzzled.
True Romance was on just yesterday, but I had to watch something else.
The Ladykillers and Intolerable Cruelty were better than expected. But I'm glad that I haven't paid for seeing the former.
Wow, did you just correct "payed" or did that happen automagically?
You'll never know.
Seriously, if you can edit these things, tell me how.
Oh I see ... NM.
Um, left-hand side, hover over your post
You have to use the mouse for that.
Well, we have to take the bitter with the sweet.
The grace period is rather short, though. One minute, I suppose, or even less. Can't be bothered to look it up.
Google Translate translates the name with Reuben.
@Robusto: Thank you for the notice. I should not write when I am hungry.
I think that depends on if it's the last post too; if it's the last post, maybe there is more time to edit it.
Hm, the Help says "You have 120 seconds to edit your messages."
@kiamlaluno: Nice save.
Did I save anything? :-)
I shave my face, but I think that doesn't count.
You typed "depends from" and changed it to "depends *on*" ... I saw what you did there.
Big Robusto is watching you!
Oh… that is what you are referring as save. I was wondering what I did save. ;-)
It's funny to see people answering to a question posted as example on area51.SE. :-)
Giovanni Sonego answered to 4 different questions.
That happens all the time. It is strongly discouraged but I would be lying if I said that I have never done that myself.
But not 4 questions in a row. Not even in total.
That's why I watch what others do, before to do anything. :-)
The page of Google is nice: google.it/webhp?hl=en.
It's also dynamic.
Another great author.
And another meme takes hold.
Damn you, Google, you're killing hours of productivity yet again.
As if Pacman wasn't enough.
Steampunk is a sub-genre of science fiction, alternate history, and speculative fiction that came into prominence during the 1980s and early 1990s. Specifically, steampunk involves an era or world where steam power is still widely used—usually the 19th century and often Victorian era Britain—that incorporates prominent elements of either science fiction or fantasy. Works of steampunk often feature anachronistic technology or futuristic innovations as Victorians may have envisioned them; in other words, based on a Victorian perspective on fashion, culture, architectural style,...
That reminds me of ハウルの動く城
is a 2004 Japanese animated fantasy film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki of Studio Ghibli and loosely based on Diana Wynne Jones' novel of the same name. Mamoru Hosoda, director of one episode and two movies from the Digimon series, was originally selected to direct but abruptly left the project, leaving the then-retired Miyazaki to take up the director's role. The film had its world premiere at the Venice Film Festival on September 5, 2004 and was released in Japanese theaters on November 20, 2004. It went on to gross $231.7 million worldwide, making it one of the most financia...
Ah, never saw that one.
A beautiful score by Joe Hisaishi, too.
Now I'm disappointed. Next you gonna tell me you never saw Totoro!
, is a 1988 Japanese anime film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki and produced by Studio Ghibli. The film follows the two young daughters of a professor and their interactions with friendly wood spirits in postwar rural Japan. The film won the Animage Anime Grand Prix prize and the Mainichi Film Award for Best Film in 1988. The film was released on VHS and laserdisc in the United States by Tokuma Japan Communications' US subsidiary in 1993 with the title, My Friend Totoro. Streamline Pictures produced an exclusive dub for Japan Airlines' transpacific flights in 1988. Troma Films, un...
I was translating it as "changing castle" and couldn't think what that might mean.
That would actually make some sense, too.
Watch it. Highly recommended.
And as for ハウル。。。
Another gairaigo bomb ...
I still can't bring myself to watch this:
is a 1988 Japanese animated war drama film written and directed by Isao Takahata. This is the first film produced by Shinchosha, who hired Studio Ghibli to do the animation production work. It is an adaptation of the semi-autobiographical novel of the same name by Akiyuki Nosaka, intended as a personal apology to the author's own sister. Roger Ebert considers it to be one of the most powerful anti-war movies ever made. Animation historian Ernest Rister compares the film to Steven Spielberg's Schindler's List and says, "it is the most profoundly human animated film I've ever seen." ...
WTF is with the image?
Looks interesting.
I've drunk beer with Roger Ebert, btw.
I'm told that this film is incredibly sad.
He used to hang out at O'Rourke's on North Ave. in Chicago. A regular guy, willing to chat with people about movies anytime.
No way!
Now I'm envious.
Yeah, I probably will not see it. I saw Schindler's List and regretted it.
A: Why do you suck at XYZ?

RegDwightIt is certainly colloquial, and there are formal settings in which I wouldn't use it. Wiktionary marks it as "colloquial", and Merriam-Webster even as "slang". That being said, the word is not as "bad-boy" as many others, and is even acceptable in formal writing, depending on your audience. One f...

(What should "However thy might have been old Italians" mean?)
Also ... and this should be interesting to you from your musical background, Reg ... in my younger days I actually smoked weed with Stephen Sondheim. His weed!
The Sweeney Todd Sondheim?
Uh-oh ... the cops. [Hides bong.]
The very same.
Speaking of Japan and the war. Did you know the Japanese actually had an atomic bomb, and they had it before we did, and tried it out on an abandoned Korean fishing village (abandoned because the Japanese army caused it to be so).
I don't think I can beat that. I once put on medieval armor, took my shield and spear, and performed in front of Dmitri Medvedev, but that would be it.
Damn, now I'm awfully out of context.
Deine Nasenlänge ist hier nicht voraus?
That should be Hier bist Du also keine Nasenlänge voraus? or something like that.
Gern geschehen.
And, btw, Roger Ebert beats Dmitri Medvedev flat.
I was wearing a combat helmet, so my nose was concealed anyway.
That never stopped Cyrano from displaying his schnozz proudly.
In fact, I think it, and not a white plume, was his panache.
Come to think of it, it's pretty unfair. I do know all kinds of cool people, it's just that you have never heard of them.))
Life is unfair. You saw my snow pictures, right?
Yes. I want that snow. Ship it over my way.
I'll send it C.O.D.
Sure, I was just in the middle of typing that I will pay for postage.
Or you could just use the Jet Stream.
On second thought, maybe I'll just send you water. You can reconstitute it yourself.
Perfect! Thanks a bunch!
I'm one of those folks.
Is this from Boris Godunov period?
Or early Varangian?
You mean you are one of those folks with a concealed nose.
Looks like the same kind of armor the English wore at the battle of Hastings.
Yaroslav I the Wise (Old East Slavic and Russian: Ярослав Мудрый; Old Norse: Jarizleifr Ukrainian: Ярослав Мудрий, also known as Jønnet) (c. 978 – February 20, 1054) was thrice Grand Prince of Novgorod and Kiev, uniting the two principalities for a time under his rule. During his lengthy reign, Rus' reached the zenith of its cultural flowering and military power. Rise to the throne The early years of Yaroslav's life are shrouded in mystery. He was one of the numerous sons of Vladimir the Great, presumably his second by Rogneda of Polotsk, although his actual age (as stated in the Pri...
So, around 1000.
Godunov was like 500 years later or something.
Make that 600:
Boris Fyodorovich Godunov (, ; c. 1551 – ) was de facto regent of Russia from c. 1585 to 1598 and then the first non-Rurikid tsar from 1598 to 1605. The end of his reign saw Russia descend into the Time of Troubles. Early years Boris Godunov was the most famous member of an ancient, now extinct, Russian family of Tatar origin, which came from the Horde to Kostroma in the early 14th century. He was descended from the Tatarian Prince Chet, who went from the Golden Horde to Russia and founded the Ipatiev Monastery in Kostroma. Boris was the son of Feodor Ivanovich Godunov "Krivoy" ("One-eye...
So I was right about the period of the armor anyway
And weren't the Varangians holding sway at that time period?
@kiamlaluno: precisely. I don't think you can see my face in any of the pictures.
Hmm ... I guess they were a little earlier
The Varangians or Varyags (; Greek: Βάραγγοι, Βαριάγοι, Varangoi, Variagoi; Russian and Ukrainian: Варяги, Varyagi / Varyahy; Belarusian: Варагі, Varahi), sometimes referred to as Variagians, were Vikings who went eastwards and southwards through what is now Russia, Belarus and Ukraine mainly in the 9th and 10th centuries. The Primary Chronicle states that the Varangians were originally a Scandinavian warrior-elite that came to rule over, and alongside, a majority of Slavic subjects. According to the Kievan Rus' Primary Chronicle, compiled in about 1113, groups of Varangians included Nors...
I bet on the one on IMG_8076 who shows just his eyes.
If you look at Russian history, the Varangians are all over the place.
From Wikipedia: "the Saga of Eymund is often interpreted as recounting the story of assassination of [one of Yaroslav's brothers] by the Varangians in the service of Yaroslav."
That club is actually colloquially referred to as The Vikings.
That's the right time period for them. And they were Scandinavian.
I didn't expect this question to be asked:
Q: Virtualisation vs Virtualization

BloodPhiliaSo, there seem to be some contradicting opinions on this matter. Can anyone shed some light on this case? Might be similar to visualize vs visualise, etc. I thought it might be a British vs American English matter.

after having this on this site:
Q: ***zation vs ***sation?

pramodc84What is with above words? One E.g. Localization vs Localisation Many spell checkers shows recommends ***zation

Voted to close.
I am not sure I understand the first comment on this question.
Q: "Oh, for Pete's sake!"

WillJust curious as to where this expression came from and when it came into being. It's one that is commonly used (among other variations, e.g. "Oh for crying out loud!"), but where does it come from originally?

@kiamlaluno: The commenter is saying the same thing Etymonline did, only using different words.
@Robusto: Does that mean one says "oh for crying out loud" to avoid saying "for Pete's sake"?
(I am exercising with the gerunds.)
Not to avoid it. Just as an alternative.
By the way, is saying in avoid saying gerund or participle?
One says "For Pete's sake" to avoid saying "For Christ's sake" ...
I would say gerund.
But @Kosmonaut is in channel atm; he may have a different view.
Avoid a truck. Avoid a mistake. Avoid saying.
So gerund.
That's what I'd say.
Huh, wha?
Got our coffee yet?
You were supposed to show up here with the coffee. You're late.
Is there also a little of half-half, with the coffee?
Sorry folks.
Can't be too late to a psychiatry session.
@kiamlaluno: That's "half-and-half" ... (half milk, half cream)
Gah, the -sization questions are all dupes
Who took the sofa?
I know I answered one, and it wasn't either of these two
Couch. Psychiatric offices have couches, not sofas.
You answered one about citizen vs citisen, @Kosmonaut.
Ahhh, yes.
Q: Why Isn't Citizen 'Citisen' in British English?

JFWIn British English vocabulary, most words with 'z's are replaced with 's's. For example, capitalization to capitalisation. Industrialization to industrialisation. But for some words, like citizen, for example, it has a z instead of a s. Why is this like this?

Pardon my sofa. I hope I didn't offend any psychiatrics.
I think saying is a gerund there.
That could be the reason psychiatrics are not famous; if they would use sofas, they would be more welcome.
But it might be possible to be either one (though not both at the same time).
"Avoid the saying of X" vs. "Avoid him saying X"
Well, if you add all kinds of funky words into the mix, that changes the picture.
That is just for clarity.
you could leave out the "the" and the "him".
Avoid saying I am not beautiful as Brad Pit.
BTW @Kosmonaut:
2 hours ago, by kiamlaluno
If you analyze a word like dammelo and says that the word is made from dai + me+ lo, which kind of analysis are you doing?
morphosyntactic analysis?
Aha! I went with morphological, but wasn't sure about syntactic.
That's very clever that there's a word that combines both.
It's a useful word.
In which analysis do I get a gloss?
(If you do linguistics anyway.)
You can get a gloss anytime.
Yeah, it's just that I was thinking of polysynthetic languages, and wasn't sure where morphology stops and syntax begins.
There is no consensus on that.
In fact, there is no consensus on whether morphology is a "real" thing or not :)
(I hope Italian is not a polysynthetic language.)
Even if it were, you're a native speaker anyway.
Oh… that's true.
Actually, there is a continuum between polysynthetic and fusional languages.
It is not a binary distinction.
What about agglutinative? Where do they fit?
A lot of linguists use the terms interchangeably.
I never really got the point of the distinction.
That's what confuses me.
Amazing; Italian is a synthetic language.
How can you have words that are made up of many morphemes, with clear distinctions of morpheme boundaries, without agglutination?
Maybe somebody who really works deeply on this area specifically has a useful distinction between the two terms.
I don't know
@kiamlaluno: synthetic doesn't mean artificial.
That's what I understood.
Thanks @Kosmonaut, now I can sleep better. :D
Italian was the beta version of Esperanto!
I knew it!
E jushto!
Screw winter.
That's what my wife keeps saying. And we have like +10°C.
If you are in the midwest, then you only think you hate winter.
You have no idea how deeply you can hate winter unless you lived on the east coast this winter
<= Boston
Oh, okay, then you get it :)
That... is East.
But I would hardly pooh-pooh the Midwest.
Yeah yeah, they got the storm of the century
19.5" in Chicago
It's a lot for Chicago, but come on.
19.5" is all?
Well ... a river of cars ... frozen into the ice ...
Actually, the thing I was really wondering was why people were stuck in their cars for 12 hours.
I used to live on LSD (Lake Shore Drive) way back when, and the sight fills me with horror.
Lake Shore Drive is right by the city
@RegDwight: that isn't from Chicago!
You could say it's right by the city, but actually it is part of the city and is in fact in the city. There's even a golf course on the lake side of it, plus many parks, etc.
I miss Chicago sometimes, but never in winter.
So, it's amazing that there was not a single place that people could dash to in order to get out of their cars during the night
Well, they would have had to wade through hip deep snow to get to ...
Uptown is a Chicago North Side neighborhood. As one of Chicago’s 77 community areas, Uptown has well defined boundaries. They are: Foster on the north; Lake Michigan on the east; Montrose (Ravenswood to Clark), and Irving Park (Clark to Lake Michigan) on the south; Ravenswood (Foster to Montrose), and Clark (Montrose to Irving Park) on the west. Uptown borders three community areas and Lake Michigan. To the north is Edgewater, to the west is Lincoln Square, and to the south is Lake View. History The historical, cultural, and commercial center of Uptown is Broadway, with Uptown Square at...
Yeah, but we're talking about freezing to death in your car!
I used to live in the Chicagoland area
It's not the worst neighborhood in Chicago, but I wouldn't want to walk through there at night.
Sorry to interrupt, but I just run into a rather old question that could use some closing:
Q: Understanding spoken English

HemmeWhat's the shortest path to improve someone's comprehension of spoken English?

Yeah, I'd do it to keep from freezing to death. I used to live near there ... in Wrigleyville, Lakeview, on the Drive itself ... etc.
@Robusto: You probably also wouldn't want to park your car there and sleep the whole night either, right? :)
Wow, that was asked before I even joined EL&U
See, I would have been smarter (i.e. more cowardly). I never would have gone in to work that day.
Nothing wrong with that.
Funny enough, I just now got an email from Amazon saying:
> Delivery of your package may be delayed due to extreme weather conditions or an unforeseen natural event. UPS will deliver the package as soon as possible. We are sorry about this unavoidable delay and we appreciate your patience.
That's funny. Last week I got the same email from them the day after my package arrived.
It currently tells me the package is in Columbus, OH; looking at the weather map, I am not impressed.
Where are you located, Kosmonaut?
New York
Yeah, that's a mess too.
Nice to know Mayor Bloomberg is on the job, though, right? ;)
Smart move, putting your Snow Command Center in the Bahamas ... or wherever.
The key to this being a mess is that it has been so much colder than usual; it looks like the temperature is getting back to normal.
Now that is the best movie of all times!
He nails the prediction in that clip.
I also love that movie.
Tru dat.
As I said earlier, Ebert is really a fun guy to talk with about movies. His knowledge is encyclopedic, but he is never pedantic on the one side or a fanboi on the other.
Reddit is all up in arms about him not thinking of video games as art.
Meh, consider his age.
I agree that his assessment was wrong.
But I generally trust his movie reviews above all others.
Should not be this question be a CW?
Q: Humorous synonyms for "lie"

JenWhat are some funny synonyms for to tell a lie? E.g. fib, pull a Bill Clinton, etc.

I wouldn't take Conan-Doyle's opinions about the existence of fairies as evidence of an intelligent mind, but that doesn't discount his other pursuits.
@kiamlaluno: yes, and now it is.
I often don't even agree with Ebert, but that never stopped me from loving his reviews.
@Kosmonaut: Thank you.
Conan-Doyle is totally underrated.
Everyone just knows Sherlock Holmes. Nobody is familiar with his Jules-Vernesque stuff.
I loved Sir Nigel and The White Company.
BTW, @Kosmonaut I just voted to close the "lie" question as argumentative.
Thought about that. I'll wait and see what others do.
On some questions, I wish I could put in my vote to close without closing down the question instantly.
Q: Add a way for moderators to cast a normal, non binding vote

KopI think moderators should have the ability to cast a normal, non binding vote like if they were a normal user (while of course retaining their ability to cast a binding vote where necessary). This can be used in "grey areas" where a moderator can choose to give his or her opinion but not make a ...

@RegDwight: Your poetry assignment for the day: poets.org/viewmedia.php/prmMID/15206
@RegDwight: Yeah, I looked into it at the time. Oh well.
Had to look up sycamore.
I agree the question is subjective; the OP reports fib as a funny example, but I don't see anything funny about that. Fib is then used in a specific context.
Actually, I don't find pull a Bill Clinton funny too.
Me either.
It's really lame. It's something that Rush Limbaugh might find funny, but even your average Republican would probably find it unfunny.
But would feel compelled to cough up a little forced laughter anyway ...
The joke seems to be trying really hard.
It makes it even sadder.
I wonder why there's no pull a Tony Blair or pull a 43rd... Come to think of it, it should be just pull a politician.
Or "pull a Dick Nixon" or a "George W. Bush" ...
What do you call it when you start a war based on false pretenses?
Probably fibbing.
Dubya was the 43rd, if I'm not terribly misinformed. @Robusto.
Yep ... and the numerological purport of that is?
Just so Rush Limbaugh doesn't get it.
The whole impeachment of Clinton was such a travesty. They had no business asking him those questions in the first place. Of course he lied. But he didn't lie about anything relevant to his office as President.
Bill Clinton = 42; ponder that one
OMFG. Mind = blown!
Oh, I see the reference above.
Secret of the universe!!
I agree @Robusto. It was pathetic.
What's more, the sham trial was so embarrassing for the nation, on both sides of the situation. I mean, come on. Everyone knew he did it, but nobody wanted to hear about it. It's like the subject of your parents having sex: you know they did it, but you just don't want to hear the details.
The FAQ reports, between the list of the questions that should not be asked, every answer is equally valid. I guess a poll should not be acceptable, then.
Poll no.
These lists are kind of a gray area.
Yes. Cold ... and gray ... and gonna last you for the rest of your life.
What is about a question that asks a list of funny synonyms?
I think it's well on its way to get closed.
We also have questions like this:
Q: What words are commonly mispronounced by literate people who read them before they heard them?

davebugQuite a few words are mispronounced by under-educated people, or people learning English as a second language. Some words are often mispronounced by quite educated people who read, and began reading high-level literature before they heard the vocabulary spoken. This can lead to a vocabulary diss...

This is useful, but still, every answer is equally valid, more or less.
It's just a few hours ago that I was wondering how long it will take this question to get locked.
"equally valid, more or less"... that sounds strange, doesn't it
Supposing that we all have the same taste about funny things, would not every answer be equally valid?
Dig this: in a way, every question on the entire SE network is a poll.
Mind = blown!
Oh noes, not again. You don't have an infinite supplies of those.
Did I just write "an infinite supplies"?
Except the choices are not pre-selected. So they're kind of like quantum polls.
Quantum as in "quantum computing" ...
Okay, we've got three downvotes for the "lie" question.
Not sure if I should approve this or pass.
I guess it is you three :)
Which is a quorum.
I wasn't sure either, @Robusto.
Not sure if I should approve drachenstern's edit to this:
Q: What ‘The cheese is baked into crust,’ ‘Tweet one’s delight that seven-layer dip has become nine,’

Yoichi OishiFor a non native English speaker, the introductory part of today’s Washington Post article commenting on the flood of TV commercials during the Super Bowl contains a bunch of unfamiliar phrases and is quite a puzzle. Can somebody explain me what ‘Have the color and consistency of old gum,’ ‘The...

It makes the question less informative.
Yes, and they're not really idioms.
The title is broken, but I'm not sure how to fix it.
That's what stopped me.
Oh, I can fix it. Hold on.
I tried fixing the title by reporting only a phrase, but somebody reverted my change.
Just noticed that Robusto was talking about the exact same thing.
Sorry for the déjà vu all over again.
I changed it to What does 'Tweet one's delight that seven layer dip has become nine' mean?, but my change has been reverted.
I could really go for some nine-layer dip right about now.
I just stepped on your edit, sorry @kiamlaluno.
I haven't even tried the *seven*-layer one
Seven-layer dip is amazing.
Anything over three is excessive. All right-thinking people know that.
@Robusto: You didn't.
I just go with mayonnaise.
And remember: all generalizations are false.
It was Shr… to change it.
Seven-layer dip is one of those things that makes me proud to be an American.
Hahahahaha. Now that's a statement.

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