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No doubt Tchrist will be able to explain it.
@tchrist Yup
@RegDwigнt i is an imaginary number. Duh. I guess you have no imagination.
2 hours later…
@tchrist The iota has no dot. @Reg generously included one, making it an i, which isn't 1 but the square root of minus one.
-i is another square root of -1.
@Jasper the square root of -i is +/-sqrt(2)(i-1)/2
but you knew that
@Gigili if it's not the heat, it's the humidity
That's a cliche for talking about the weather
but can be taken literally for cooking
@Mitch I know, that's the point. How could it get any worse? Well, in that case, I thought he needed some old-as-death words, but still...it seems random--like a lottery--oh, short straw, yay--maybe it wasn't straws; I haven't read it in 40 years.
Oh, yeah, it was slips of paper, one with a black spot.
@Mitch Actually..."(euphemistic oaths) darn!, dern!, dang!, dash!, drat!, blast!, doggone!, goldarn!, goldang!, golding!, gosh-darn!"...I find all those exclamation marks disturbing. Were they really necessary ~ 40 years ago?
2 hours later…
@KannE Thanks!
@Mitch Good alternatives!
@Mitch But do we know how far that group could be minimized? Maybe, in due course, very effectively?
@Mitch What's wrong with Q? :) It's a thousand-page Oxford Learner's. Maybe more for exposure the first round.
And analysis and finding common collocations and examples etc. Actually I think it has too many mistakes.
Ugh I don't have wi-fi here yet and the hotspot connection keeps breaking up.
Lego art^
Thinking discretely
So, if I use YD and it quotes several dictionaries, do I have to enter the name of each one, or may I blockquote it all and just give the link?
2 hours later…
@KannE I think you just choose one dictionary and quote that one, or choose two if you have to, but they should be separate. Just my thoughts.
1 hour later…
@Robusto I always dot my iotas and cross my gammas. Προβλεμ??
@Cerberus what you mean, "source"? The source of Unicode is Unicode. It's in your computer right now. You press these numbers, you get these other numbers.
@Robusto I imagined I had imagination once. Then I almost got run over by a cyclist.
I imagine it was you or maybe Cerberus.
1 hour later…
@KannE Sounds lame to me. Just throw away the slip of paper. Bad choice gone.
@KannE dern. that's a lot.
@Færd It's a great -idea-, but the execution of that idea seems daunting.
like saying "I'm going to get in shape. Therefore I plan to run a marathon every day to get across the Sahara"
Actually, reading the dictionary is probably more useful afterwards, and less likely to to give you a blister
@Færd but dictionaries tend to be pretty poor on collocations.
and yeah, you noticed the errors. There's just so much that it is more likely. It's like an engineering problem, if you have a 1000 light bulbs, and there is a non-zero error rate probabllity, there's probably gonna be some.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad asn for hostname in answer (1): What is a word for a hidden story beneath the main one? ✏️ by a deleted user on english.SE
@Færd ugh... people in general are idiots but at least they're trying. there's those few who are not trying, don't care, are assholes, etc. how to convert those people I don't know.I think there were always people like that, but they're more able to actually act on their more than idiotic ideas
2 hours later…
@Mitch actually, after just a couple years of intense training, I've managed to not be an idiot in general. Only on days with an "A" in them.
@RegDwigнt counting ... counting
So yesterday and today but never tomorrow?
2 hours later…
@RegDwigнt Well, whatever the source of your image is, is it possible that it contains an error?
So, someone can just use the first word in your answer as their answer? Well, let's just go answer-hopping then.
@Cerberus the source of my image is myself.
What is so difficult.
is asking for an overview of curse words over time/history off topic?
Once again, you could just type these exact numbers on your keyboard right now and verify for yourself that these are the characters that you get. There is nothing wrong with the image.
@depperm list questions are off-topic on pretty much all SE sites because the engine doesn't really serve the format well.
What we do is ask people to ask them on our Meta.
If you have a specific question about one word, it's fine for the main site.
We've got a bunch of these by now.
@KannE link?
Unfortunately, my obese parrot just died. It is, however, a huge weight off my shoulders.
@depperm That's what is called 'too broad'. It's a very interesting question, but would be like a different questions for each word. You could ask, for example, what is the history of the word 'damn' and its euphemisms (dang, darn, dern, etc, @KannE knows them all). And then you could ask another question about shit. and so on.
@Cerberus maybe there's a unicode displayer? I don't know.
I'd like to know too
@Mitch You know I just like to get annoyed and then get over it and move on.
However, I did write a poem (term used incorrectly) as I like to do when I'm annoyed.
No, No, Not...

It’s just a matter of weeding out
Everything that matters
Till nothing’s left
But the shit you do,
Just plain shit
And fancy shit
And in-between shit,
Like you-give-a-fuck shit.
No, no, not fuckshit...
There is no such compound word.
It’s shit like that I’m talking about.
@Mitch What a coincidence, I posted my 'poem' before I read this...huh, I think I'm heading into a netherworld or something.
@Cerberus a thing that displays all the unicode, or fonts, or the unicode for the fonts, that you have installed.
display-er not dis-player
What's your pet peeve @Mitch?
@Gigili I feel like you already know the answer.
Can you narrow it down?
Like are we talking about ... like what are we talking about?
@Mitch Your browser?
@KannE That is gold, Jerry, gold.
That will be the next poem I set to music.
@Jasper will be very happy.
Also, where the fuck is @Robusto? People are asking about litotes, and he's not posted an answer yet.
Q: What is the meaning of "we are not without ~"?

HaleyWhat is the meaning of "we are not without ~"? e.g. Like a Goliath, the giant of evolution defies the living God day after day in the public arena. But we are not without our Davids. Our speaker is a David.

@Mitch that is also a good litotes, but an extra proper good litotes would have been "all of RegDwight's remarks are always confirmed on all sites".
And like come on, this is a Tchrist room. Had I posted rubbish about Unicode, I would have been called to order by now. Hell, I wouldn't have been able to post it in the first place.
And now to round up our Reader's Digest of the day.
Question: "I was eating while she was cleaning the room. Is this correct?"
No. You should have helped her clean the room. — David Robinson 1 hour ago
@Mitch Creepy.
I hope I won't get banned for this question
But I just trust the community and don't know where else to ask
What do native english speakers use to learn the language?

There are murphies and stuff for ESL-s but it doesn't seem logical to me to have a special way of learning language specifically if it's not the first one you learn

Also I'm not really interested in exercises and whatnot, never understood their purpose

I searched a bit and found this question https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/183/what-are-some-of-the-better-english-reference-grammars hopefully giving some useful a
Or maybe generally where can I seek authority in english language
Because internet or amazon or whatever all seem like a ton of random (and thus basically useless) stuff
There are some half-random resources like this englishpage.com
But I'm not sure whether to invest time into using them if there is THE resource
(Well, if there is one)
Meaning authoritative one(s)
@RegDwigнt I am not unaware, but I don't don't respond to messages where the subject matter is religious conniptions over the evils of science daring to contradict the bible.
That's one don't. I'm on a tablet and apparently SE doesn't support message editing.
@RegDwigнt IKR...please add doo-wops and send checks (for $9 and odd cents, every quarter) to the executors of my estate (ASAP). TY. YW.
@RegDwigнt Hahaha...love it. If it were FB, I would've had a hard time choosing between the haha and the love.

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