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[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Url in title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, +5 more (982): wellnesstrials.org/trevulan-es/ by ThurmaFincy on english.SE
Just wondering, today I got -26 reputation, and it said user deleted. I know upvoted answers give you +10, accepted answers give you +15. That amounts to 25 points. But I got -26. Is the extra one point just for the hell of it?
Maybe this deleted user upvoted three of my answers and downvoted 2 of them, 3 x 30 = 30, minues 2 x 2 = 4, 30 - 4 = 26?
4 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Url in title, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, pattern-matching product name in body (394): amazonhealthstore.com/ultra-trim-canada/ by margiehinshaw on english.SE
2 hours later…
What stands in a field and goes “Oooooh!” A cow with no lips.
@Mitch poke
you there?
@Zebrafish peeks around corner
closes eyes again
thinks about bears
thinks about cows with no lips and the sounds they might make
dreams about poking bears
nothing happens in dream
considers trying it out when awake
@Mitch good day, nice avatar pic
i see you're obsessed with cows now
and bears
speaking of animals, did i mention how many words are recognised by dictionaries beginning with an animal and ending in like, unhyphenated that is, doglike, cowlike, antlike, whalelike, but not dolphinlike
yeah bears will mess you up
You did not mention this.
i used to wonder who'd win a fight out of a silverback and a bear, i was sure a silverback would win, but now i know better, bears are HUGE!!!
so yeah, for whats it's worth, a bear would kick a silverback's ass pretty much, most likely
silverbacks are... I don't think gorillas are killers. They're just very aggressive.
or maybe just scary
chimps are the killers
there was a guy who lived in the wild with bears for a while, and got footage of them fighting, they're awesome fighters, it's like watching bears do MMA, it's amazing
and sneaky about it
@Zebrafish There was the documentary about the guy who went to live with grizzlies. It didn't turn out well.
yeah, well they eat basically vegetation and insects. though 20kg daily of it, or thereabouts
haha, are you serious? or are joking? I know of two docos, one was about a guy who developed really close bonds with bears... i'm sure he didn't die.
another one i'm thinking of is one where footage was caught of these bears fighting
On the other hand, a big grizzly, you just want to give a hug.
not a bear hug though
yeah that's the thing, cute and deadly, just like cats
squeeze the breath right out of you
yeah so this guy, he treated this bear like it was his kid, hugging it and cuddling it and stuff, and the whole time you know who's in control
Grizzly Man is a 2005 American documentary film by German director Werner Herzog. It chronicles the life and death of bear enthusiast Timothy Treadwell. The film includes some of Treadwell's own footage of his interactions with grizzly bears before 2003, and of interviews with people who knew, or were involved with Treadwell, as well as professionals dealing with wild bears. He and his girlfriend Amie Huguenard were mauled, killed and eaten by a grizzly bear on October 6, 2003. Treadwell's footage was found after his death. The bear that killed Treadwell and Huguenard was later encountered and...
like any time the bear could just snap.... that's what you see on those lurid "when fun times go wrong" tv shows
a movie long version of 'when fun times go wrong'
hmmm, not sure if i've heard of that one, interesting... so even the kind ones will still kill you
damn, i feel like watching that
I don't think they were 'kind', more like wary standoffish until you can decide food or not food, hm, I'm pretty hungry now so food.
oh ok....
@Zebrafish youtube has some of it I'm sure
i seen footage of a bear, he was a film/stunt/performing bear, so he was used to people and that, and they got it into a playful wrestling match with this expeienced guy. at one point the bear got a little enthusiastic and was putting its weight on the way, when the trainers panicked just a little, they shouted at the beat to get him off, and then they made a big mistake of whacking it with a stick, really hard
when that happened the bear bit straight into the jugular, or carotid of the guy... and he was done
the guy stood up holding his neck, but that was it for him, he bled out....
so weird, they got that instinct, that animal, killer instinct, they know exactly what to go for
@Mitch anyway, just wondering... I lost 26 reputation today.... and it said deleted user....
i posted further up about it, i'll copy and paste " I know upvoted answers give you +10, accepted answers give you +15. That amounts to 25 points. But I got -26. Is the extra one point just for the hell of it?"
@Zebrafish also, it's weird, but they're not people. they don't know the full consequences.
@Mitch yeah i heard stories, like one story about a commercial producer, they had to get this wolf to snarl, and so what they had to do was to show it meat, and then take it away from it, to get it to snarl for the commercial, and the trainer was like "once we do this, it's a wrap", there's no going on, once you get the wolf in that state, it's home time.
@Zebrafish I'd expect there's no randomness at all. It could be like you said afterwards, 3 up voted answers and two down votes against. or you did 4 down votes. or some other combination. The interface doesn't display who exactly deleted themselves.
it might be possible if you r memory is good, to look through your daily rep (it tells you what was an up or down vote against you when, and also what you downvoted and you can visit everything and see if any attached names have been grayed out.
fair enough. oh well, i'll survive, don't worry about little old me, i'll just bleed reputation points and take it like a man, no need for pity, i'm an adult, i won't go on about this needlessly, the fact that points were taken away from me unfairly for no fault of my own, no siree I won't complain, or continue to bring up the topic
@Zebrafish I don't want to know what they're doing to babies in movies to get them to cry. that's also a one shot thing. Baby crying, _somebody's gotta deal with that for 10 meinutes at least.
@Zebrafish people deleting is annoying. rep is playing with your psychology, it doesn't have any meaning beyond you spend time on here and try to answer/ask stuff.
it somehow seems so evil, but at the same time babies cry all the time so I'm sure people justify it by saying to themselves "If i don't make em cry now they'll be crying within the hour anyway." That's how these people sleep at night
the velocity of rise is a question of how much time you spend and also whether your answers are popular, not necessarily quality.
got into an argument with a guy, about 10k rep, about a question....
@Zebrafish spend time with a baby. they cry.
now that i think about it... i think one of my sentences came off wrong. STill I insisted that he was wrong, over, and over....
you get used to it, but i don't think anybody is that dismissive.
@Zebrafish It's hard. I am right and that guy is wrong. and if not, I'm a better person.
dunno. What pissed me off the most is he came out of nowhere, downvoted both answers, completely ignoring the dictionary definition, and saying he was right
that's what made me continue to argue against him, i was just going by what the dictionary says
Sometimes there's different points of view, sometimes the other person just doesn't know the things you do (they may know less, they may know a different direction. Also, some people just like to talk and/or argue. Just because somebody says something, there may not actually mean it. Not lying, but just words coming out.
i so felt like downvoting, but i got a no downvote policy, which come to think of it rather dumb
or it could be you.
@Zebrafish I used to have a (almost never) no downvote policy, or at least a high threshold for downvoting than upvoting.
it's weird though.... this subject is especially ripe for talking in circles, because it's so opinion based...
I think it was you who was saying something was an adjective.... and someone was saying it wasn't, it was a determiner or something....
but now I tend to down vote a little more often because sometimes an explanation is too much, they just need to know it just wasn't a good answer.
@Zebrafish oh yeah, but that was a reasonable argument. reasonable stances on multiple sides. They were wrong of course.
yeah i feel a complete no downvote policy isn't good.... oh well, i just didn't wan't to seem petty downvoting because they downvoting me
yeah but... but... this is what i mean, it's so subjective, like who was right?
So like modern grammars don't recognise them as adjectives, and they say don't use the dictionaries for this purpose, yet I checked the most recent revisions of some dictionaries, many of them have their newest edition in 2012 onwards.... meaning, that if grammarians decided all of a sudden that this or that word is X and not Y, seems to be plenty of time for dictionaries to absorb that info
@Zebrafish oh. that's weird. that's similar to the problem of edit wars. a person says something, let's say, wrong in a question, and you edit it to 'clarify', but the OP edits it back. it's real hard to not feel entitled to tell the person 'GTH' and re-edit. but I feel like going back and forth is not worth the trouble.
@Zebrafish dictionaries have problems, but they're not that bad
dictionaries, good ones, tend to be a little conservative. They are constantly editing things to update and to fix, but there are more words than editors.
there's no such thing as a 'grammarian' (unless it is a school English teacher). there are linguists whose specialty might be English syntax.
some arguments are just weird, i remember one about whether you can grudgingly concur. Someone was saying you can grudgingly agree but can't grudgingly concur, I disagreed...
and so defining adjective and article is inside baseball, way inside.
oh maybe English as a foreign language people will argue about such concepts and labels.
damn baseball analogies... you're killing me here, that's the second time i had to look that up in a week... i'll probably forget again
anyway, an article is undeniably a lot like other adjectives, moreso than they are like nouns or verbs or adverbs.
@Zebrafish I grudgingly concur with your perspective
concur and agree are pretty close.
yeah, a lot of people on here are really cool, that's when I say ok so we disagree, that's cool....
@Zebrafish i don't think it has much to do exactly with baseball, just it's a metaphor for any subgroup with it's own jargon and rules that may not mean much to outsiders.
oh i see, so it's not like out of left field or getting to second base
So saying 'an' is not an adjective it's an article, is like saying a golden retriever is not a mammal, it's a dog.
@Zebrafish no. those are just baseball metaphors. You don't really need to know baseball to appreciate those metaphors. You actually don't need to know about baseball to get the idea of 'inside baseball' either
i don't know, and really i don't care that much outside of this site. I can't imagine in my normal having to identify accurately what part of the sentence a word is... hardly anyone is required to do that, so my interest is just.... extracurricular and for the sake of itself, probably out of boredom
something that is literally inside baseball is the infield pop-up rule, if a hitter pops up the ball in the infield, then... oh I have no idea...it is too inside baseball for me.
at least baseball is a proper sport, have you seen cricket?
@Zebrafish language learners care because it gives them an easier way to make correct sentences. You learn a rule and then can substitute in words that match the parameters of the rule.
@Zebrafish haha. if you squint, cricket and baseball are equivalent.
1) they're both boring
that's it.
@Mitch Yeah ok, good point, language learners do. But I have a feeling I'd be confusing them more by saying this is an adjective, but be careful because a lot of people will disagree, starting around 2000 grammarians decided that this is a determiner, or no longer the subjunctive mood
haha, no they both have arcane rules about where the ball is and if you touch it and what the why is that guy so happy when I thought that was an out or an inning or a sticky wicket or whatever.
baseball is so faster paced though, cricket.... man, it goes for days, well the test matches do....
faster paced? baseball is already so slow. like golfing in snow.
like ice fishing in the desert
like watching dry paint get dryer
hahah, fishing is plenty slow without even adding variations to it
like stargazing during the day
like watching water evaporate during the rain
@Mitch hey, do you know how to do strikethrough on a post?
@Zebrafish I've wondered that many times, figured it out many times, then forgotten... many times.
I mean in a typographical sense, I don't mean to hit anything.
I think '<s>' works
so <s> this should be struck out</s>
hm... I thnk maybe it doesn't work in chat
I think this might work?
aha... in chat '---' works
because some pedant seems to have misinterpreted my point, I want to change a line in my answer, but also like to strikethrough it to show what I had shown before, cause, you know, i'm a fair guy, and saintly, and angelic, and just a nice guy overall....
but in text on the main site it's <s> blah blah </s>
ok i'll try your wild guesses.....
@Zebrafish pedants are the worst
@Zebrafish you can just do it in an edit to see the outcome wihtout having to save. just don't save.
i saw a guy with a shirt on today saying "grumpy 100% of the time". I felt like going up to him and saying oh come one, it can't possibly be 100%
@Zebrafish don't poke the bear!
it'll just make them grumpier
i would have risked it too if i didn't think the shirt was dead serious
sometimes clothes tell a lot about people, like this shirt
yep, that works, html style, even though i know nothing about html, that was right... thanks
1 hour later…
@Cerberus Take your time!
@Mitch Right. Two problems there: marrying the constituency's interest more effectively to election results, and good education to inform people about that marriage.
So some people allow connecting two short sentences by means of a comma, right?
> Don't take a taxi, just wait for me.
I wouldn't do that unless in conventional cases, like with tag questions, yes/no, addresses, etc:
> - Blah blah blah, right?
- Yes, that's exactly correct, my dear.
Sep 7 '16 at 15:42, by Færd
I'm reading a dictionary page by page. Am I nuts?
I finished P today. That's how so very fast I am.
@Færd I'm not a fan of comma splices, but I like this take on it: grammartips.homestead.com/spliceok.html.
2 hours later…
@Færd That is classically called a 'comma splice'
> The comma splice is sometimes used in literary writing to convey a particular mood of informality. Otherwise, it is usually considered an error.
I do it all the time here in chat. But if I were writing something that other people would read, I would either: 1) replace with a colon. 2) replace with a period and have better transition (extra words or conjunction 3) reword to avoid.
@Færd But, and this is my point, many people are so disengaged/uncaring/anti-thought that education does not register.
@Færd Wait...so in two years you just got to the letter Q? Which dictionary are you using?
@Færd I wouldn't call that slow. It's not a particular fluent read.
also what are you reading for? To have exposure or to learn each for use?
Q: Attention! what I have found

Faizan Sleep which was never so ghastly an experience as it has become now... Why did someone use the indefinite article 'an' here in what should have been a preposition 'in'. Is it correct or not? Please suggest.

Now that's a great question title.
@RegDwigнt They are here in chat right now! @Faizan
@Jasper I was expecting a video, too. I have a whole bunch of things semi-prepared, actually. Alas, I've been somewhat occupied with composing new things instead. And teaching. And then my teacher asked me to arrange a 4-minute orchestral piece for two violins. So yeah that's what I'm actually doing right now.
@Mitch well as I said. Great title. I immediately clicked.
@RegDwigнt haha...I ruined it by editing it out
OMG everybody, this guy is ruining things. Everybody look at this guy.
@RegDwigнt Wait... an orchestral piece with ... counts ... lots of instruments, and you have to pare it down to just two violins?
@RegDwigнt It me.
That's what I've been doing for like a year now, which is why she asked me in the first place to do it with this piece as well.
Another student of hers wants to play this. So she asked me to arrange it with his skillset in mind.
@RegDwigнt More importantly, you made me click on that and I got the 5 bajillionth ad for effing Grammarly.
Oh I just report every Grammarly ad that I get.
You can do that on YouTube.
Tell them to not show it to you again for being inappropriate.
I had to do that a few times, but they started listening after a while. I rarely get any anymore.
@RegDwigнt I do that the same on twitter. I never see those ads again. I just see different ones that I don't want to see. Stupid AI.
Well you can't have your ad and eat it, too.
There is no such thing as a free ad.
Also, joke's on you for using Twitter.
@RegDwigнt Hm... I could see that w/ two violins. except for the weird drumming parts.
But YouTube, that one is rather inescapable, alas.
@RegDwigнt It's where I get my best jokes.
Wait... don't respond to that.
@RegDwigнt do you at least have a score, or are you doing it totally from hearing it?
@Mitch yeah melody wise it's exceptionally straightforward. That's not the challenge. The challenge is picking the key so her accompaniment has room to breathe underneath the melody. But there is very little room, because the student can only play a few notes in first position, so I can't just go arbitrarily high.
aren't there apps that will create a score from listening to a sample (a score just for that sample, not extrapolating out a whole symphony)a
Like, the first four bars alone span several octaves. He can't play that. So I have to transpose midway through it, or switch his part with hers, or just rewrite from scratch.
That's the fun of it.
Keeps your brain busy.
@RegDwigнt do beethoven's ninth. only like a spread of a fifth for that main theme.
What I'm saying is, skip Titanic go directly to Beethoven
@Mitch I actually searched for something like that a while back, but no, there is no such thing. No app can listen to an orchestra, or even just a singer with a guitar, and spell out the notes.
@Mitch I do things like that for myself. But this is a piece specifically requested by someone else, so yeah they get to pick.
@RegDwigнt My third video was not well done, so I deleted it, but I will redo it when I am feeling better.
I did catch it.
You need to delete things faster for them to escape me.
@RegDwigнt I distinctly remember going to some PC applications conference (or some conference where there were those kinds of exhibitors) and watched a demo of some guy, totally improvising some riff on a piano, and the app 'scored' it, the melody and some chords, capturing the 'off-beat' notes and triples and everything.
maybe it was for a Mac
Well it's not something that sounds entirely undoable to me, which is why I did search for it in the first place.
But no cigar.
but it was impressive. the guy wasn't playing all chords, or any counterpoint. just one hand.
Well yes the fewer voices the easier. Timbre is a bitch. An app really has no way of telling if an overtone belongs to an oboe or a violin.
@user1414 goddammit... an ad for underarmour
I got no ads. I got Chuck Berry.
@user1414 You know, that is great, really great,... but ...
but the Beatles did it better
@RegDwigнt However, you can rest assured I will never ever delete my channel. QED.
Very good.
@RegDwigнt oh. yeah. I'm sure the process is simplified considerably by expecting only a single instrument and little harmony
Deleting a channel is like deleting a SE account, and deleting a video is like deleting a SE post. What an interesting analogy!
Anyway. I've previously arranged orchestral pieces for two violins, or a violin and a viola, or two violins and a piano. The more you do it, the easier it gets and the better you become.
@RegDwigнt lunaverus.com
or maybe you want something for free?
@Jasper you can't delete an SE post. It's published under CC-SA, so it belongs to the world forever.
@RegDwigнt too many notes
Tonight, I will meet a friend returning from overseas, and tomorrow I will meet another friend returning from overseas. I am gonna talk to them and see how they can help me with my problems.
@Mitch that could be useful. Though I bet it won't run on this 12-year old machine with 32-bit Vista.
@RegDwigнt triangle and tambourine
@RegDwigнt turns eyes away in embarassment
You can actually mimic percussion quite well on stringed instruments. From violin to the guitar to the piano to the harp.
@RegDwigнt Ah, so Cerberus uses XP and you use Vista. How interesting!
I would be using XP too but I was literally two months too late. They only had Vista.
But I've told the story many times before.
It's a pattern. The oldest people here use the oldest OSes
It's not really interesting at all anymore.
To be honest, I have used XP and Vista and 10. I thought 10 is the best and Vista is the worst, but now thinking again, I think they are all very similar.
hi pal
Whereas I, a baby, use linux from the future
I didn't think we were older than the rest.
Though sometimes it feels that way.
See, his XP is bugged to the point where anyone anywhere on the planet saying "XP" immediately sends him a PM to wake up.
You change e-mail addressses so often!
@RegDwigнt It's not about getting new information, it's in reliving the experience of hearing the story again
@RegDwigнt Bugged how?
@Cerberus Are you talking about me?
@Cerberus I just explained. You need to read.
@Jasper Not this time.
@RegDwigнt OK...
@Mitch I use Linux at work. It is never from the future. You are a liar.
@Cerberus Oh I see. I hope Reg did not change his email because of the emails he got from me.
@Jasper To be honest, I'm so old I programmed for 3.1, was excited about the API coming out for 3.2, and haven't cared a good goddam since.
@RegDwigнt I don't see anything about a bug in XP, but, oh, well.
I remember 3.x!
Used SUSE, used Ubuntu, used RedHat, used Debian. All of them — all of them — were 2000 years behind Windows 95.
@Jasper No, Skully.
@Cerberus Oh, Skully never emailed me, sad.
@RegDwigнt I may well be a liar in more than just my words, but a fact is a fact, and I am using linux from next summer, months after I will be born
@Cerberus haha. it was crap compared to the Apple IIe
Cool. I'll send you a birthday card as PDF. See if your Linux can open it.
@Mitch I've never used Apple stuff.
Is it Mitch birthday today?
@Cerberus You must be a sad sad man
@RegDwigнt PDFs suck in most situations. They're overused.
@Mitch Happy.
Apple sucks.
Your mom is overused.
PDFs are fine.
I'm so old I remember when my computer had 33 program command space
Good thing is PDF embeds fonts and can be opened anywhere. Most people can view PDFs.
less if you wanted to use some as variables.
and I was happy to get that
Except since the most recent update two weeks ago, my Linux refuses to run Acrobat Reader. Ever again.
> Dixi Klo, nickname for a German brand of portable toilet houses TOI TOI & DIXI Sanitärsysteme
Also, PDF can have very sharp fonts, unlike DJVU but the latter is of smaller size.
@Cerberus Operad dixiuntur
@RegDwigнt Can't you just use Sumatra?
@Mitch ?
@RegDwigнt Oh. Yeah. I have your socks now.
Adobe is the best PDF viewer in terms of good looking fonts. I tried 20 PDF viewers on Windows.
Oh, Sumatra doesn't work on Linux.
@RegDwigнt Probably a good move. Acrobat Reader is just virus promulgation software
Oh don't get me started on fonts.
Nothing comes close to Adobe.
@Cerberus You're Latin, figure it uot
All the fonts on my Linuxes always change every couple years. Sponaneously and completely.
@RegDwigнt I think he just has
Well, I am a graphic and web designer. I absolutely need fonts to do anything at work at all, other than watching YouTube all day.
I don't study fonts professionally. I just use whatever fonts I like.
In most situations in which people use PDFs, it isn't necessary. They might as well have copy-pasted it into an e-mail or attached the page as an image file, put it online in html, or publushed it as EPUB, DOC, etc.
You guys gotta really on the fonts. Also your visual acuity. Good eyesight just means everything will look just that little bit more out of whack.
Oh and speaking of YouTube, since the latest "patch" my Linux refuses to display half the YouTube videos.
@Cerberus Yes but many people cannot open DOC.
Some codec missing or something. Again, forever.
@RegDwigнt Right, for design stuff, PDFs can be very important. But that's not how most people use them.
@Cerberus you had me at 'isn't necessary' but then lost me again after the '.'
@Cerberus I now don't use PDFs at all, apparently.
@RegDwigнt Sometimes, youtube rolls back itself to the old interface. Maybe some hard disk on its servers is not updated.
@Mitch My sentence will admittedly not win a beauty contest.
@RegDwigнt Yay.
Also, I will never refer to the youtube analytics again, which is completely broken. I sent them feedback saying the numbers are all wrong @RegDwigнt.
@Jasper yes, and sometimes Babbage rolls in his grave, thinking of what we've done to his invention.
@Jasper don't send people feedback. Ever.
The only reason why I might not want to buy an AMD processor for my new computer is that it's the smaller platform: ceteris paribus, it's always best to use the largest platform there is.
You'd buy it if it were called cerberus paribus.
@Cerberus What do you men by small platform?
Only if it were good Latin.
Good Latin ite domus.
@Jasper Having much less software attuned to it, having far fewer users.
@Cerberus I heard the Ryzen is very powerful, better than Intel.
Well, depends on what you use it for.
They're mostly about aequal.
I heard The Ryzen Lord was a song by Chris de Burgh.
Yeah, stupid name.
Anyway, my Acer Swift 3 is very good. I will use it for at least 10 years.
But what did you expect from a multinational.
@Cerberus of course it's stupid, it's Dutch.
@RegDwigнt The first 'program' by Ada, Lady Byron, was to compute arbitrary sequence of Bernouilli numbers. Send me to the math hater's dungeon, but that ain't some great thing either.
My computer has turned ten as well.
I built in sometime in 2008.
The only bad thing about it is that the backlit keyboard goes off after 30 seconds, but I don't really use that.
It ain't a fart app, but it doesn't really put a rocket down someone's gullet either.
@RegDwigнt Hardly.
@Mitch and yet even that stupid program never prevented you from reading PDFs.
@Cerberus Um 10 moths would put you way back on Dec 2017
also months
Me too!
@Cerberus de Burgh totally is a Dutch name.
I was thinking of getting the Dell Inspiron 3576 or 5570 but I read reviews that the cooling solution is not good, so the computer is often very hot.
Next up you'll tell me "Beethoven" doesn't mean "beetroot farms".
de Bleurgh is a bit nauseated
I am not sure if the reviewers are biased against Dell, because they said that for two Dell popular laptops.
@RegDwigнt Yes.
Dell go to hell.
That is my unbiased review.
@RegDwigнt I don't know what beet means, except bite. But not beet, which is biet.
A hof is likely a farm, yes.
Another nice laptop you may want to consider is the HP 14 inch notebook.
Why would I buy a laptop?
how about the MacBook Pro Air
@Cerberus You prefer a desktop?
@Mitch It's all air.
@Jasper Yes.
@Cerberus for chatting in coffee shops
You can't really build your own laptop.
@Cerberus I beg to differ. it is very thin and dense
@Mitch I don't drink coffee, and I have my phone for that.
@Mitch Dense, yes.
@Cerberus you cheated and changed it. It's still beet in Afrikaans.
Look it up.
@Cerberus Same as Reg. I get a laptop so that I can easily bring it anywhere. I often use the computer on my bed, for example.
@Cerberus phones are way too small, and if they're not, then they're big enough to be laptops
Beet really doesn't look Dutch to me. But you may be right.
@Mitch But they are good enough.
Noun: beet (plural beets)
  1. Beta vulgaris, a plant with a swollen root which is eaten or used to make sugar.
  2. The beet is a hardy species.
  3. There are beets growing over these.
  4. A beetroot, a swollen root of such a plant.
  5. beet (plural [please provide])
(3 more not shown…)
maybe it is "bee - thoven"
Also, I make sure I will not delete my outlook account this time used to install Office, otherwise I can't reinstall it.
@Jasper I really don't understand why people want to go to bed with their computers, but I hear many people are that way.
@Cerberus Right now, I am typing while lying on my tummy. I think it is common.
@RegDwigнt Afrikaans probably got that from English.
@Cerberus it's a modern epidemic
it's an epidemic because everyone does it.
Afrikaans got everything from somewhere.
@Jasper It's super uncomfortable! But suit yourself.
it's modern because it's now
OMG, you mean you don't do that, type on your tummy?
it's bad because laptops and phones steal your dreams
@Mitch It's just not efficient. But then most people are inefficient with computer stuff anyway, so fine.
@Mitch Looks like I am super modern then!
that's a bit hyperbolic, but they prevent you from having dreams. also they squinch up your eyes
Aphantasia prevents you from having dreams without any of the side effects.
@RegDwigнt ???
Aphantasia is the suggested name for a condition where one does not possess a functioning mind's eye and cannot voluntarily visualize imagery. The phenomenon was first described by Francis Galton in 1880 but has since remained largely unstudied. Interest in the phenomenon renewed after the publication of a study in 2015 conducted by a team led by Professor Adam Zeman of the University of Exeter, which also coined the term aphantasia. Research is scarce. Further studies are planned. == History == The phenomenon was first described by Francis Galton in 1880 in a statistical study about mental imagery...
No more Mickey Mouse walking among dinosaurs with Stravinsky?
"has since remained largely unstudied"
Stravinsky sucked so much, even Stravinsky said that Stravinsky sucked.
@RegDwigнt Sounds like anaphora and anorexia.
I need a good mouse with lots of buttons, a large, strong keyboard with lots of buttons, a large screen that can also do portrait mode, a computer that isn't easily damaged, and parts that can easily be replaced. None of those things a laptop can give you. In addition, laptop hardware is a lot more expensive for the same power.
So it makes no sense for me to buy a laptop.
@Mitch not on YouTube it hasn't. Every other video on YouTube be like "hey guys look at this cool word I discovered, and it's the same word that every other video on YouTube has discovered"
@RegDwigнt Do you listen to composer Modest Mussorgky?
No, I only look at his pictures from the exhibition.
@Cerberus I now think you are a computer expert, lol.
I'm not an expert. All of those points are obvious.
@Cerberus oh but you could buy a laptop to complain about how shitty it is. Seems like you'd totally be into that kind of thing.
Have you learned a new word?
Next thing you want me to buy a gun.
Everyone look at Cerberus, he opened his dictionary at the letter H today.
Diaheliotropism is a big word.
Your mom is a big word.
It is not found in most dictionaries.
Your mom is so big, she's actually two words.
I happen to know how to spell floccinaucinihilipilification.
You have a typo in there.
I can also spell pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.
This one's okay.
Right guys I need to go arrange more of James Horner.
You still haven't sorted out his body parts?
I thought you froze him like a month ago.
@Cerberus There's a scene fro 'The Expanse' where this guy takes... well it ends up not going so well for the people who walked in.
@Cerberus I want a new drug, one that won't make me sick, one that won't make me crash my car or make me feel too thick, one that won't hurt my head, one that won't make my mouth too dry or make my eyes too red.
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