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@JasperLoy Very Buddha-like
or is it mohist?
or taoist?
I am not Buddha. I am only a great sinner. Good night.
it'd also be very Buddhist to have an egg when you woke up
hard or soft
doesn't matter
@JasperLoy Good night, not-Buddha
Q: What Would You Call Someone Willing to Turn On Anyone, And Though They'll Help You- They Could Be Helping Your Enemy?

Curious.CakeI'm talking about neutral people, who can be villains and heroes. For example, they'll help you carry out a robbery but wouldn't mind helping the person being robbed by telling you they've got it out for you, and telling them that you've got it out for them. I hope this makes sense, and if it doe...

Wait...killed by bears?
@JasperLoy Perhaps, but I doubt it, and even if you are, then it should be considered that even great sinners have inherent buddha-nature.
I have a possible solution to one of our biggest nagging problems on ELU. We should henceforth answer all questions with thing. In breathless prose: "I know that. It's a ... thing!" Five, six, seven ... hell, 15, 20 people all answering with thing ... it's a thing!!!
We might also consider variations: thingamajig, thingamabob, whatsis, whatchamacallit ...
We can also upvote anybody who answers thus, in order to drown out the boring responses.
/beams at everyone in the chatroom
Q: Long winded insults not involving swear words

Amelia HarrisI am looking for overly long winded insults for use in writing, and am curious if anyone has any good multi syllable words to the tune of pestiferous or leacherous (I believe I misspelled that one). Example: “You are a leacherous, woe-begotten miscreant.”

4 hours later…
@Robusto Nice to see you smiling.
@Tonepoet Hi, I hope you are doing well.
Q: One adjective to describe "having fast regeneration"

Omega KryptonWhat adjective should I use if I want to describe an animal that has a fast regeneration? I need a one-word adjective. Thank you very much!

1 hour later…
Q: Looking for a word to describe and anecdotal situation

user33108I am looking for a word to describe a situation where something may happen on occasion, make headlines, and become persevered as being significant. But in reality is so rare that it is not really significant. For example being worried about crashing on an airplane. Any words come to mind?

2 hours later…
Q: Word for a relationship

Linda SmileIs there any official word that can be used to discribe a very good relationship between two persons( older person and younger person) that are not blood related.

[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, toxic answer detected (168): Phrase: “Colder than a witch’s kiss!” by Cam on english.SE
@TannerSwett German does have historical present. As does Russian. And I can see myself doing it in French as well. So I'd say it's an Indo-European thing. It makes sense that Japanese wouldn't do that, or a bunch of other non-IE languages I am quickly running through in my head. But I'm no expert, so shrug.
Hello @RegDwigнt I was wondering whether you would be playing other instruments on your channel as well.
I might. But not in the nearest future.
I'm getting better at the violin but I'm nowhere there yet.
Guitar I haven't really practiced for many years.
I prefer the sound of the cello.
And bayan I've picked up again recently, but yeah I'm pretty much starting at zero again.
Cello is easier to play than the violin, which is why so many people pick it up, especially adult beginners.
But I don't think I can ever play any instrument.
But I have neither time nor room for a cello.
It is too hard for me.
Stop thinking and start playing. It's as simple as that.
I cannot swim properly.
I cannot ride a bicycle.
It's very easy to say "oh I can't do it". But you know what's even easier? Doing it.
I don't know why.
@RegDwigнt Don't think. Just feel. May the Force be with you.
Bicycles don't make music, so fuck bicycles. (Yeah, take that @Robusto.)
I am trying to find tricycles for adults here, but it seems there are none.
As to swimming or running or whatever, the world has no use for you doing that. That's something that you only do for yourself and yourself alone. If you don't care for it, neither does anybody else.
But arts, that's something you do for others.
Interesting POV.
@RegDwigнt I will remember these words when I need to do something I find difficult. Indeed, there are many such things in my life now that I need to do.
Oh by the way you should really watch the movie Last Stop On The Night Train.
It's about two girls who get raped and murdered on the train. The killers then stay in the house of one of the girl's parents, and they take revenge when they find out.
It's not a POV really. You can name a whole bunch of composers that have been dead for a hundred years. Or three hundred. Or five. You can't name a single person that won anything at the 1980 Olympics. And they won the fucking Olympics. Just a couple decades ago. But nobody gives a fuck. Even if I told you their names, you'd still not give a fuck.
Similar to Last House On The Left and there is a remake of the latter movie as well.
If you write a book today, or a sonata, 200 years later someone might still bump into it. They probably won't, but they might. If you go to the gym today, absolutely nobody, ever, will care.
You know what?
If you post a question or answer on SE today, nobody will care much either. But an arts video is much better.
Depends on the question. And an answer is helping at least one person.
Though yeah many askers never actually read the answers. Commit and run.
I recently learnt that Russian is the largest language in Europe by number of native speakers.
That's because there are so many Russians.
It's like Chinese is the largest language in the world by number of native speakers.
That's because there are so many Chinese.
@Robusto yeah you weren't aware alright. It's exceptionally common in everyday speech. Like, you ask someone, so how was your weekend or whatever, they will very easily tell you the whole story in the present. "So, I go there and there and do such and such, and the police are like OMG what are you doing, and so I jump into the car and drive off". And it's not just that people will pick the present, it's that they'll actually prefer it over the past.
Simple past is not really used at all except in writing, or for the most common verbs like go and say and know (but not other most common verbs like see and drive). Indeed, many Germans don't even know the simple past form of many "advanced" verbs such as to bake. (Germans actually like using that one as a trivia question on other Germans.)
You use the Present Perfect, or you just use the Present, period.
Likewise in Russian, except that people do know the past form of every verb, and it doesn't have Present Perfect. It's very common that you set up the time frame by having the first sentence in your story be in the past tense, and then for the remainder of it you switch to the present. That makes it livelier for the listener, puts them in your shoes as things are happening and unfolding.
"So I went to Frankfurt last week. I walk down the street, and walk walk walk, then suddenly I see X and do Y and then this girl says Z."
It would be exceptionally weird to tell that in the past tense. People would not mistake you for a native speaker.
Q: How do you describe a road that is up and down?

MaxwellHow do you describe up down road? I am confused which word to use. There is one word to describe it. Can I say it is a zig-zag road?

[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted username (93): Zero articles in movie and book titles by pawel maria on english.SE
1 hour later…
@RegDwigнt Yeah, it was a long time ago. Why I called you in.
I should go back sometime. I never did get to Leipzig. Die Thomaskirche was one of the places I most wanted to visit, but IIRC it was in East Germany then, back in the late unpleasantness.
Q: What do you call someone who is ungreatful, only sees things negatively and never acknowledges you.

Brittney TruesdaleI am a team player and like to contribute. When asked to take on a task. I always say yes and I never get a thank you. He never provides all the details to what he wants and then asks why I didn’t do it a certain way. He always ask for feed back and comments and then when provided he ignores the ...

@RegDwigнt Oh yeah? Well, Frank Zappa thought they did:
@Cerberus: There's an interesting article about the Aeneid in this week's issue of The New Yorker. It wonders whether the poem is a celebration or a critique of imperial rule, and whether we can decide at all. Very well written.
@Robusto Link? (it's not obvious from their website which article this could be)
I used to get the New Yorker. I canceled... not because, like so many people who get upset at one article's dour pedantry over the singular they and ragequit, but because...
1) I realized that even as much as I enjoyed reading it, I ended up scanning the table of contents, flipping through quickly page by page and...
only looking at the comics.
2) afterwards, I would see people recommending some article there, and having 'read' that issue, wondered what article they were talking about, going back to look at the article, and wondering why I a) missed how very interesting the article was, or b) wondering why they thought the article was interesting at all.
3) too many words, made my eyes tired
@Mitch It's called "Epic Fail" ... and I read it in the paper version, so dunno where it is on the website. Enjoy!
@Robusto Freddie Mercury liked to ride his bicycle. And he like to ride it like he liked. Absolutely no amount of Zappa can ungay that.
@Robusto found it. thanks.
in other news...
I’ve just broken up with my gym. We were just not working out.
and the response...
@DadsPuns You must feel like a weight has been lifted
What did Zebrafish say, whom should I suspend next, for three years? Was it Mitch?
@Robusto nice effort and all, but do you have a single word for "thing ... it's a thing!!!"?
@RegDwigнt ooh... I found another...
I found another year in my pocket, too. You can have it for free.
You do realize that the longer you keep this up, the higher risk you run of actually posting something genuinely funny?
Frankly I think you should rather smoke, mate.
@RegDwigнt OMG you're taunting me. challenge accepted.
Me: Doctor you’ve got to help me, I’m addicted to Twitter. Doctor: I don’t follow you.
Look man I just recognize genius, I don't have to do it myself
That question by Cerberus has 9 votes up and 6 down.
What a divisive monkey he is.
There should be a badge for that.
There's no accounting for taste
There is.
It's called "get taste or GTFO".
See, that's your mistake. You looked there. But it was here all along.
There should be a badge for questions that have very low net votes, but # of votes is above 10/25/wtc
Oh fuck we summoned the divisive monkey.
It's okay just pretend nothing happened. He only remembers the last line you say.
keep quiet and maybe he won't notice
Certainly not a question he posted OVER 1 DAY ago.
that's a bold claim
No, it's a capital one.
Wow, is that what you're wearing today. I like how courageous you are.
I like how you don't care what other people think
I am over 7 courageous. My courage goes to 11.
and that's with net votes of over 25
That's why I never vote.
Voting is for plebs. Men rule.
Men rule, men drool. No need for women at all
at least where ruling and drooling are concerned.
Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend
Maybe another dude too
Yeah very true, I'd rather not read a book that's inside of a dog.
There's a relevant Oscar Wilde quote but it's just not as funny as the gym tweet
@RegDwigнt Not enough room.
Yeah on that note, this room cannot accomodate my manliness for prolonged periods of time so I will go commute instead.
@Robusto Hmm there was no Roman Empire yet, but it does read as an apology and founding myth for the Julian House of somewhat-dictatorial Augustus.
I don't recall seeing any other relation to empire, but it may be there?
@Mitch Thank you.
@Cerberus I give debit where debit is due
One would expect your incurring debit.
I don't care what others say about you, you're all right.
hello everyone!
I have a problem with naming stuff. There are 2 types of packages in package forwarding system, one is for packages delivered to office (arrived) and second is for packages that users picked up (delivered)
Can I name them differently? Or current naming is fine?
@VadimGalygin Why not name them "office" and "user"?
These statuses are shown in user's dashboard
We're going to need a bit more context.
I don't understand how your delivery system works yet.
For one thing, the two situations you describe don't seem to exclude each other.
What if a package is delivered to some office and then picked up by a user?
And there are few others such as pending (waiting for package to arrive at warehouse), warehouse (packages arrived to our warehouse), processing (packages are being repacked / we make photos of contents, etc), in transit (sent from US warehouse to country where office and all users located), then arrived, delivered
Okay, so these are all successive steps.
So why not say "office" and "customer" to describe the location where the package is at?
I like the office instead of arrived, maybe even used as arrived to office
And where is the package when it is "pending"? Maybe describe that location more precisely.
It is in transit by USPS, UPS or FedEx from Amazon for example to our US warehouse
@VadimGalygin Yes, and you could say "picked up by / delivered to customer".
@VadimGalygin Then "in transit to American warehouse"?
yes, but if i change it from Pending to In transit to U.S. warehouse, I also need to update original in transit status
to something like in transit to country of destination (but this is bad, because all users are from 1 country, there won't be any other destinations)
I want short names, like 1-2 words, or 3 short words
So they are easy to understand
@VadimGalygin There might be in the far future?
@VadimGalygin Short is usually not easier to understand (on the contrary).
No, for other countries we just use copy of the system with different domain and design
Currently we have something like: in_transit_to_warehouse, warehouse_delivered, in_transit_to_city_name, delivered
Not too bad.
yes, but it is pain to work with when writing code
Although warehouse_delivered is strictly ambiguous: could mean the warehouse delivered it somewhere. Delivered_to_warehouse or just in_warehouse would be less ambiguous.
What is the pain, exactly?
@Robusto I must have seen the random quote the other day. I had mentioned to @Cerberus about how Aeneas was boring:
You mean the number of characters you have to type? There are easy solutions for that: text expansion.
> here’s Aeneas himself—“in some ways,” as even the Great Courses Web site felt compelled to acknowledge, “the dullest character in epic literature.”
status names are too long, because for first two I have prefix, and it is something like: status_warehouse_in_transit, status_warehouse_delivered, and for the latter 2 I use different field to track the status
You could either use the text expansion in your editor/IDE, or install Autohotkey, which makes creating text expansions a breeze.
I want to have all status info in one field called status
so it will be more like: Package.in_transit, Package.warehouse, etc.
I don't understand the problem.
Well, my problem is the names for these statuses: pending (?), arrived (office is very good), delivered (??? picked up is better I think, but still not 100% sure)
Each user has his own panel, where he adds packages, and can see all information about them
For pending I see alternative as expected (?)
Q: Passing on responsibilty

Luke SherwoodThere is a word which means passing on the query to someone or a team with more knowledge on the specific subject.. For example your response may be 'unfortunately I do not know the solution so I have ...... to the relevant team' Also, 'seeking assistance' Please help

@VadimGalygin I think you should use longer status, more words per status.
Nobody likes single-word, ambiguous status.
*) I'm using the Latin plural status.
@Cerberus I agree, but 2 in transit statuses are more ambiguous I think
Q: Is there a single adjective equivalent to "oddly satisfying"?

sowasred2012I came across this typescale pictured below, and found the curve it makes to be quite satisfying in a way that reminded me of those "oddly satisfying" videos that go viral every now and then. It made me wonder if there's a particular adjective that describes that feeling specifically? "Satisfyin...

1 hour later…
> Latin is a rather chunky language... a page of Latin can look like a wall of bricks. (@Cerberus )
Q: Isn't this a 'rippling' road?

i YAM GzORMIs rippling the right word to describe this road? Image from https://nickhughesblog.files.wordpress.com/ my <50 reputation prevents me from declaring it as such elsewhere How do you describe a road that is up and down?.

@VadimGalygin package.in_transit or package.on_its_way; then package.in_house or package.at_destination; then package.with_addressee or package.on_your_desk.
And that summons the kettle.
Room name changed to Слишком много русских™.
They made English-language subtitles to this video
It's nice
Who the F is Zolotov.
Russian General who embezzles funds
How is that different from Russian General, period.
Alexey Navalny investigated Zolotov's embezzlement scheme and published the investigation.
Zolotov is not your ordinary general
He heads the National Guard of Russia
Lol Navalny. Is he still around?
And is a close friend of Putin
I've not heard of him ever since his TV duel with Lebedev.
Navalny just came out of prison 3 days ago
The matter is, while Navalny was in prison, Zolotov posted a video challenging Navalny to a duel.
All because Navalny's Anti-Corruption Fund had shown that Zolovot stole about 1 billion rubles' worth of state funds
So Navalny, returning from prison, posted this video-answer mocking Zolotov's challenge
This mocking is brilliant
Zolotov's family accumulated wealth worth at least 3.5 billion rubles.
All clearly from some illegal schemes
So the video has gotten 3 million views in its first 24 hours on YouTube
And Navalny said that he is ready for the duel, but since he was challenged, he has the right of choosing the weapon. And he chose debating on live TV.
Of course he did. Yawn.
The problem is, Russian TV is forbidden from even mentioning his name.
The problem is, Navalny is a tool.
Yes, that's what Putin's cronies want people to believe
If he is a tool, I like this tool.
No, that's what you discover by listening to Navalny for five minutes.
That's what you say.
It's your opinion.
The powers that be suck balls, but the opposition sucks even bigger balls. And that's why the powers that be are still in power, and the opposition doesn't get any traction.
Until that changes, nothing will change.
This philosophy is too complex for me. Each person must do his little bit, and if the opposition loses, let it be.
@CowperKettle I can explain it in simpler words. tema.livejournal.com/2223233.html
It's not a complex philosophy at all. That's the sad thing. It's a very simple fact that people turn a blind eye to because they've got nothing better. Instead of just going ahead and creating something better. As you say, everyone must do his little bit. But people are content with any random jock like Navalny. And so that's what they get. But a random jock has no leverage against folks like Putin. And never will.
It's not very different from what you have in the US. Or really anywhere.
Germany, for that matter.
Merkel sucks, but everyone else sucks even more. And so there she still is.
@Mitch LOL! That is so true. We knew someone who cheated, hid extra cash under a pillow...grew up and became a drug dealer. We were not surprised, seemed like a normal progression to us...losers.
You can like Navalny all you want, but that doesn't make him likeable.
If someone likeable delivered his message, more people would listen.
If you delivered it, I'd listen.
But him, I just can't take seriously. He's too repulsive and uncharismatic.
Same with Kasparov, really.
Q: What is an adjective for somone displays ‘fake’ gravitas?

DerekWords like insincere, over-earnest, do not do justice to the type of word I need. Example sentence: The president of the company read his well crafted speech but it fell flat because of his obvious “———“.

@Mitch Yet Dido was maybe the most interesting.
Q: What is the word for this type of pawn or figurine?

Samuel M Is there a specific name for this type of figurine? Specifically, I mean a sculpture with a column for a base and some kind of animal head emerging from it? You commonly see this type of figure on a battlefield map denoting where ally and enemy troops are.

Now that's an interesting one. I bet some savant somewhere actually has a name for it.
@Robusto hey I just downloaded five of Dido's songs to my smartphone like two hours ago. Coincidence? I think not!
And then I forgot to listen to them on the bus. I suck.
@RegDwigнt Verily, it is so.
You misspelled "virilitily".
A common typo.
@RegDwigнt Yale University calls that an "animal head figurine" ...
Something something George Bush.
I do not believe in Yale.
Q: What is the word for this type of pawn or figurine?

Samuel M Is there a specific name for this type of figurine? Specifically, I mean a sculpture with a column for a base and some kind of animal head emerging from it? You commonly see this type of figure on a battlefield map denoting where ally and enemy troops are.

Fuck you Feeds.
Anyway. We all know that Aeneas is just how gay people spell gay, so that's the end of that.
What else have we got today.
"Bob likes elephants", the main site says. Intriguing.
Sometimes I wish life were more like a video game, so you could just walk up to people real close and say to their face "tell me more about Bob".
@RegDwigнt You've got that on the brain.
I am done talking about Bob. Tell me more about Trafalgar Square.
@Robusto why do I have to watch a commercial before watching that commercial?
Because you don't have an ad blocker?
Seriously: what exactly is YouTube thinking banking on ad revenue. No wonder they've been in the red for 12 years now.
There should be a simple button "donate a dollar" underneath every single video. And then they can take a cut of like half a cent. They'd make millions within the first hour of the feature going live. And then continue making millions for every hour after that.
Whaddya want for a measly $600 million?
Well, a Lamborghini would be nice.
Thank you for asking.
You could get a thousand of those for that price.
Give or take.
I could. Which is why I'm saying, give me the $600 million already.
Depending on the options.
It will trickle down. Promise.
Also, when I did had done have did an ad blocker, it no blocked videos before videos I don't think.
I am not talking about ads in the sidebar that any sane person can easily ignore.
I am talking about shit they embed in the video.
@DanBron: Nope. It didn't. A brick may be the closest thing that springs to mind when discussing a bale of hay, but that doesn't mean it's worth mentioning. — Robusto 45 secs ago
But to answer your question "what about Bob", here is what:
Microsoft Bob was a Microsoft software product that was released on March 11, 1995 and discontinued in early 1996. The program was intended to provide a more user-friendly interface for the Windows 3.1x, Windows 95 and Windows NT operating systems, supplanting the Windows Program Manager. Microsoft Bob presented screens showing a "house", with "rooms" that the user could go to containing familiar objects corresponding to computer applications—for instance, a desk with pen and paper, a checkbook, and other items. In this case, clicking on the pen and paper would open the word processor. A cartoon...
Caryatid? Srsly?
These pieces ain't holding nothing. Also, are no chicks.
@Dan The closest that springs to my mind is a "bust". A caryatid is something else entirely. It has to be a female bust and it has to hold stuff on its head, and it has to be not a bust. — RegDwigнt ♦ 6 secs ago
That's like 0 out of 3.
@Robusto Microsoft Bob's your uncle.
No relation. I was using Mac OS at the time.
What are the bloke versions called anyway. They're called atlants in Russian.
Oh, atlas.
Or atlants alright.
Never heard of telamons before.
Architecture is Greek. Romani ite domus.
telamons is an anagram of "snot meal" ...
@KannE Monopoly brings out the worst in people.
Does anyone really have a duoprick?
@Robusto Monitor lizards
The biologists call it a hemipenis
Why would I monitor lizards?
They're sneaky?
@Robusto I bet jackals do.
The answer is always jackals in such matters.
I thought the answer is always Oprah
Phantom of the Rapra is the second album by rapper Bushwick Bill. == Track listing == "Phantom's Theme" – 1:06 "Wha Cha Gonna Do" – 4:07 "Times Is Hard" – 4:16 "Who's the Biggest" (feat. CJ Mac) – 3:52 "Ex-Girlfriend" – 4:53 "Only God Knows" (feat. CJ Mac) – 4:04 "Already Dead" – 4:20 "The Bushwicken" – 4:06 "Subliminal Criminal" (feat. Sherm) – 3:30 "Inhale Exhale" (feat. Menace Clan) – 3:57 "Mr. President" (feat. 3D of RAG) – 4:30 "Phantom's Reprise" – 1:13 == Samples == Only God Knows "Walk On By" by Isaac HayesTimes Is Hard "I Found Love (When I Found You)" by The SpinnersWha Cha Gonna Do...
@RegDwigнt That is nothing but a wannabe ricroll.
@Robusto Apropos of nothing this all reminds me of how people used to say that Dido (the singer) is a 'charisma sink':
@Robusto You listen to that? Cuz I did. Its good.
@Mitch That could be good or bad, I guess.
Fact: when in the then-most-popular show on German television, "Wetten, daß?.." some guest from America said to someone else, "hey you look like Eminem", the interpreter translated that into German as "hey, you look like an M&M".
That, kids, is why you study translation. And also don't watch German television.
Can't find footage of it on YouTube, but apparently Twitter already existed back in the day.
Cultural factors comprise the 90% of the language iceberg that most never see.
Certainly not people working on German state TV. Or people working in Germany, period.
And frankly people who don't work at all have more time to see more of the world.
Which is why I saw so little of Deutschland when I was there.
So how do I picture that anyway, did you stay at the base the whole time, and did you at least have like German cooks on staff or something or was it entirely locked-off to the locals.
@RegDwigнt Not on any base. We've discussed this before.
Yeah I remember only vaguely. Have to go full Cerberus on this. Whodathunk going on hiatus from chat for a couple years erases your memory of half the lines.
@Robusto I think it was intended to mean that she had so little charisma it was actually in the negative direction, that there was less charisma on stage with her than without.
So if you really don't like charisma, that would be a plus?
Righty right guys ima gonna go write up some sheet music. With an ee.
Reminds me of a New Yorker cartoon. Two women talking at a party, one says to the other: "Oh, she's got charm, if you like charm."
I watched that on Seinfeld. Very funny.
@RegDwigнt Glad you clarified that.
Making people glad is my prerogative.
@Robusto so catty
That is an insult to cats
They would never stoop to such pettiness
Cats can deal with insults, I find.
That's an insult to petties
Not with curiosity, though.
Über und aus.
I insult my cats all the time, but they still complain about everything else.
@RegDwigнt You'll be back
@RegDwigнt Perhaps you mean hinüber und voraus. More of a ring to it, really.
I consult my cats on all matters financial. The stocks go up, the stocks go down, the tide comes in, the tide goes out, there's no explaining that
For the record I have no cats
Just like cheese
I give cheese a hard time
but for the record I like cheese like most people
also for the record, to make things perfectly clear, so that no one gets the wrong impression, I don't like people like most cheese.
1 hour later…
@Robusto actually I mean Schrecken und Furcht. Now that's a ring in my book.
@Mitch noh aye vont bi buck.
Yu ah e layah.
2 hours later…
Q: single word to represent the phrase "being available/helpful 24/7" in a team

SonicI was just wondering if there was a single word to represent the phrase "something that is available/accessible all the time". The context for this is to thanks all the members of a team who helped to accomplish something and they were available 24/7 for the last few weeks.

@RegDwigнt Perhaps you meant Diemos and Phobos?

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