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OK, let's see if you can say this sentence really fast: "Ed had edited it."
@RegDwigнt Well, I stopped thinking about her the day she got married, which was years ago. =)
Q: What is a word for the product of defecating?

Nicholas KopiwodaUrine is the product of urinating. What would the product of defecating be called? Examples: I sent samples of my urine and ____ to my doctor. I defecated and ____ flew all over the place.

Q: What do you call a person who competes but does not place?

nollaf126In any sort of competition, you generally have a winner (first place), runners up (2nd place through Nth place), sometimes an Honorable Mention placement award, and then everyone else who participated but did not "place" at all. Is there a specific word or term for these "non-placers"? I know the...

Q: Specific term for "snowflake" or "fingerprint"?

Doggle DragonIs there a specific term for something like a fingerprint or snowflake that exists in many instances but every instance is unique? or is that just called "unique"...

1 hour later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted username, blacklisted website in answer, non-latin link in answer (271): Voice mail text: "Please leave a message after the..." by بانه on english.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive body detected, toxic body detected (113): My question is about derogatory words that describe men's sexual behavior by Midnight Angel on english.SE
1 hour later…
Q: My question is about derogatory words that describe men's sexual behavior

Midnight AngelI am looking for words that target men specifically. What's the male version of a whore, slut etc?

1 hour later…
1. Feces hit the fan! 2. Participation trophy wife. 3. One in 70 billion.
4. Deuce Bigalow.
Q: The person receiving notifications ("notifyee" does not seem right...)

Yaron ShapiraThis in relations to a user interface component in a software. I am looking for a word to describe a person who is to receive email notifications. This is a user role, like "manager", "admin", "writer", etc.

Q: What is the idiom, phrase or proverb used when "Popular hardworking brands are also hated by people for being ubiquitous"

AMNWhat is the idiom, phrase or proverb used when Popular hardworking brands are also hated (targetted) by people for being ubiquitous / popular For example 1.) Toyota (especially Corolla) is hated by the car owning online community for being popular common man's car (as though it is herd's...

1 hour later…
Q: Word or phrase for picking weaker opponents

C9CSomeone who picks opponents that are weaker than them, so that they can feel superior but they never pick anyone as strong or stronger than themselves. Context, someone who brags about being an intellectual arrogantly, but only argues with weaker and dumb opponents to win debates while avoiding ...

1 hour later…
Q: What does that called?

Minoga MikanikoI failed school exam and I have to take the exam again in order to pass, if I failed again I'll get an assignment. What does that exam and assignment called in uk? Assignment/ exam for failed students? If so, could you sum it up into 1-2 words?

[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in link text in body, blacklisted username, potentially bad keyword in body (158): Which option is right? by SenPerfect on english.SE
Q: One word to describe a person who fights for a righteous cause

SriniShineI'm looking for a word to describe a person who fights for a righteous cause. There is patriotic but that is a person who fights for ones country.

[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted username, potentially bad keyword in body, blacklisted user (162): Which option is correct? by SenPerfect on english.SE
Q: unusual term to describe love

tomI read a word and definition the other day which I have since let slip from my mind. it was a single word, beginning with L of maybe 7 to 9 letters. It was a term to descibe changes through a relationship, from the early intensity to enduring love. Or the procession of a longer term relationship....

What is the etymology of to plump for someone/something?
@CowperKettle First tell us what the meaning is supposed to be? Also a sentence.
to choose something or someone, especially after taking time for careful thought:

I'm going to plump for the vegetable curry.
Which film did you plump for in the end?
@CowperKettle Oh
That is entirely unrecognizable to me as a USian.
Sounds very british
The British are plump.
Americans are morbidly obese
The British plump for the vegetable curry.
The Americans have already eaten the entire buffet.
The French invented Plumpy nut to treat severe acute malnutrition.
The Americans invented hot dog and cheese stuffed pizza because you can never have enough food inside your food.
A minimal Turing test (McCoy & Ullman, 2018): “Say one word that convinces us you're human.”
Q: Someone who isn't like eveyone else?

Abs SimmTrying to think of a word that describes someone who is not live everyone else. Unconventional or Unconforming.

bloop bleep bloop turing test response list augmented by human list bleep bloop
Q: Generic Question Sheet

user318360I'm looking for a word that describes a generic document with questions. Something that might encompass a survey and a quiz simultaneously. Thanks in advance!

@Mitch WHO ARE U
Q: Is this word polite enough to use in an academic essay

personal learnerIs the word muck-spouts polite enough to use in an academic essay? Thank you

@Cerberus If you feel like you have to ask, it's already to late for you.
CRISPR body mod virus deployed
Expect a new head to grow out any moment
I don't want a new head! I'm all head as it is! Where would the new one fit?
@MattE.Эллен That sounded like new lyrics to the song
There's more
Which reminds me of a joke...
How do you get down off an elephant?
Get down? How did you get _up_ there?
@Robusto For your appreciation:
A: Why do some parts of the standard theme use different fonts than the rest of the site?

tchristThank you for post, Jon. You’ve mentioned several different issues, and comments to your post have raised still more, so I’m going to take this a little at a time. My first post addresses what we’ve lost both in aesthetics and also technically compared with our old setup. Here in summary are m...

That post has a narrow focus. Many of the matters you raised in comments are for another day.
@Mitch well, the elephant will kneel down and you use a ladder. But you shouldn't ride elephants
@MattE.Эллен Well, it'd only be fair if they got a turn
Like with bull fighting. Let the bulls have a razor sharp sword on each horn
also be allowed to concede.
Yes. that sounds fair.
"No, I see that you are a better fighter. You win. Where is the buffet?"
And afterwards some shopping?
finally bull fighting can be allowed into the olympics
For... say... dare I suggest... dishware?
they'd have to go to a different town
@MattE.Эллен Oh yeah. But with just human competitors and knives.
Sales would skyrocket
also blood spurting
in other news I didn't realize you couldn't get down off a duck's back. I thought all waterfowl had down.
I don't know if that makes life better or not but it's interesting that there are always things left to learn.
isn't down found on the front, rather than the back?
Like Alzheimer's. There are always new things to learn.
@MattE.Эллен Hm..
nope, none there
You can't always duck a goose, but you should never goose a duck
just like how you can bob for apples, but you shouldn't apple for Bob
Their tastes may be different.
time to go!!
@tchrist +1.
2 hours later…
@KannE 🐂💩
My first meaningful, if inchoate, emoji communication.
Did I mean "Your answers are bullshit"?
Did I mean "'Bullshit' would be a good alternative to #1."
Did I mean "'Deuce Bigeow' is not only a douchebro, but also a euphemism for poop (sort of, not really), and 'bullshit' is a synonym (sort of, not really) for a 'deuce'."
What it really means is that I found a meaningful emoji combination that is quasi-linguistic.
@Mitch two boxes.
I'm like Helen Keller when she first figured out that words have meaning.
Two more boxes.
Wikipedia sends me to the articles Ox, Pile of Poo.
Where is the emoji for a 'horse'? that'll really expand my ability to form new meaningful utterances.
Udderances. haha. I made a multilingual pun. WITH EMOJIS!
@Mitch Is KannE someone familiar from the past?
@JasperLoy She's familiar from the present!
I fail to see what's so funny about having too many tongues.
She's been 'around' for about a ... scratches chin ... a year maybe?
@Mitch Is KannE the user called Arrowfar?
But only visits chat sporadically, and only in the past few months. You probably didn't overlap in your absences.
I don't recognise you.
Who are you even?
Did that make sense?
What have they done to you?
@Cerberus Look in the mirror man. Look. In. The. Mirror.
And say that to yourself
It's a weird feeling
I haven't changed.
@Mitch It would be good if you could answer my previous question.
Change bad.
If somebody sees you looking at yourself saying 'Look at yourself' surely that would be weird
@JasperLoy Nobody knows nobody here, but I'm pretty sure not.
bloop bleep bloop ...calculating trajectory ... bleep bleep
Hmm OK, because Arrowfar did send me a message containing lots of expletives to scold me.
By analysis of their word frequency, turns of phrase and semantic entity recognition, it's very low probability
@JasperLoy That doesn't seem nice
It was all because I said that there are no more fights with Damkerng in the ELL room because he doesn't go there anymore, which wasn't even badmouthing him or backstabbing him.
@JasperLoy recently?
@Mitch It was a very nasty message which I cannot reproduce here, about a year ago.
@Cerberus I shaved
Anyway, he is not even supposed to be here after getting a 10 year suspension which he asked for.
@JasperLoy @KannE is good fun. Somewhat nonsequiturish, even within a sentence, which, as a fellow compositor, I, if you can imagine, admire.
The only reason that message did not give me PTSD was because he is not important to me.
But the contents were very, very terrible.
But 'Deuce Bigelow'? Racy!
@JasperLoy Wow. Some people can put on a good face and then behind the curtains, the mask come off.
I think that that sentence was a mastery of mixed metaphor. A mixed metaphor on the same metaphor
Is it mixed?
You can't judge a book by the clothes it wears
Books make the man
Seems like a nice analogy with theater.
@MetaEd Oh.
I just say things
So far I told Kit and Tonepoet about the message in private email, that's about it.
You're the ones who are supposed to figure out what they mean
@Mitch ah, so it's Art.
@MetaEd What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs and hangs on a wall?
Asked and answered.
OK next one...
What do you call a girl with no arms and no legs and hangs on a wall?
La Gioconda!
haha she laughs!
that was tasteless I know
Anyway, last week was the worst week of the year for me.
because she has no tongue either!!!!
My mental problems worsened, and I am still trying to get it to settle down.
@JasperLoy I'm sorry to hear that
it can be tough
Maybe that joke would have been better if it were 'Mona'
'Mona Lisa'
Does that make it better?
I'll try it in another room and see the reaction.
@Cerberus I vaguely vaguely remember that years ago. Years. Someone mentioned in passing that my avatar was the only splash of color here.
It's taken me this many years, (how long was it? 4? 5?? 6???) to do something about it.
Wait. actually two others. Here right now at this very moment, also provide splashes of color.
anyway, we need more color, so I'm stepping back, behind the curtain, taking off my mask, and hoping my actions will be a lesson for others to avoid, eschew even, and attempt to redress, or even put clothes on for the first time. AND ADD COLOR TO THEIR AVATARS.
So what color scheme should I create?
I like the Merkel Pantene theme, but I don't think I could pull it off.
un momentito
un poquetito
Would Bright Yellow be a good choice?
I want the sun to come out of my avatar.
What's the RGB for that?
@Mitch I was black and white first! You're stealing my colourless ideas!
Take that, Chomsky.
@Mitch Probably get arrested for that.
@Cerberus +1
@MetaEd Some would say I should go to ELL for the typo for Pantone
@Cerberus There's a tinge of taupe in there. Somewhere.
In you or in me?
Look how Germanic my sentence is.
@Cerberus in all of us. Inshallah.
How superstitious of you.
But I did mean 'bei dir'
noch einen Pokétito
hm... bugger than I expected
Just a tech question here... are emojis just 32x32 images? And then resized with font size?
also, are they officially part of unicode?
@JasperLoy Arrowfar? I don't have any aliases...am I supposed to? Note to self: search "Pocahontas emoji"...
@KannE Your alias would be unKannE.
Get it?
haha. If we couldn't laugh, haha, people would probably take us much more seriously.
@KannE It is my forthright contention that emojis, as a communication medium, is a complete load of 🐂💩
Or is it 🐎💩?
The semantics of 🐂💩 has been well trodden (haha pun totally intended (a pun not intended is a sign of softheadedness (treatable by meds (including caffeine) or intensive cognitive behavioral therapy beginning in infancy but accelerating at age 6 years)))
hm...strangely enough I did not finish that sentence
The semantics of 🐂💩 has been well trodden but that of 🐎💩, having a _neigh_boring but distinct sense, has not.
There, I pointed out explicitly what the pun was to save everybody time.
People have things to do ya know
@Cerberus Refresh. Do I look better now?
Interesting fact, I can see my house from there.
@Mitch Is that really you?
@Cerberus You have to squint and look behind the guy who's waving
Worst photobomb ever
I don't recognise any land masses.
Under the elbow
Nor any Mitches.
@Mitch Clouds.
squints some more
White puffy things.
I have to set up that picture again then
no, next to the clouds under the elbow there's some land.
I'm pretty sure
not totally
Might be.
well anyway... look into the silvery facemask. You'll see the photographer. And in the photographer's facemask you can see the reflection of more of the Earth, and that's where I am. I'm also waving, but like a true dork I blinked right as the picture was taken
How recursive of you.
@Mitch ELU for the Pangloss, ELL for the Pantone,
But I have no time. I need to finish my watching of "unusual pets".
Currently watching the beaver called Justin Beaver.
@Mitch Actually, it's a "hog lagoon"--totally breached--but I avoid colloquialisms, out of courtesy, whenever possible...BTW, they were very flowy...but more nonsequiturish now. Thanks for the 'new' word. It sounds so much better than...constipated, for example.
Hello @RegDwigнt did you get my email? =)
Of course I did.
I see. I thought you would say something, but you don't need to.
I came in here to ping you about that.
I will try not to reply to anything on Gmail, so you have one reason less to delete your accounts elsewhere. This here is where we talk. Well, and on YouTube maybe.
If you are interested in Lauren's musicals, her website is laurengundrum.com.
She writes lyrics for them, just the words.
"Nominated for the MITF Outstanding Playwright Award". That is one dangerous acronym to use on the Internet.
I heard her singing too, which she put up samples of. Very nice.
@Robusto I can say that. Where's the problem? It just sounds more like "I love God a lot", but that's merely because it's an anagram of that. And also because I don't speak English.
It's Morse code, right?
There is no such thing as Morse code. Even the Morse code isn't a Morse code. Someone else came up with it. Forgot his name though. Maybe Esrom?
@RegDwigнt googled
@TommyTran I haven't downvoted an answer on this site in, like, five years. I am single-handedly offsetting everyone else. Hope that helps.
where the 'I' comes from I don't know
Yeah there is no I in Microphthalia associated transcription factor. Except in the first three words.
Everyone in here is either a room owner or a moderator, except me.
If you were a room owner it might get deleted and recreated every week :D
Oh, I didn't know room owners could do that.
actually I didn't know too
maybe you could just timeout the room every week or two
Old but wevs. I've been learning that all the Internet was born long after me, and nobody knows half the things I know.
@RegDwigнt OK, I think you might have another reason for that, but never mind, lol.
@JasperLoy well yes I have another reason for that. I don't use my Gmail. At all. For anything ever.
@RegDwigнt I see. That is strange. Just like my deleting accounts. We are very strange.
very strange
I would like to add that my deleting accounts is not part of my OCD.
That's not strange at all. All I get there is 3000 spam emails a day, and 1 request a year to use some shit I made, somewhere, for free.
Like the pot asking the kettle to boil some whatever
If you get 3000 spams a day, you must have done something very naughty online.
@Mitch Yes, but I didn't have to sign NO in your hand and slap you across the room...thank God, I'm not a miracle worker.
So if they're lucky, like 8 months later they get a "yeah wha'evah".
I get at most 1 spam a month.
You need to stop deleting your email accounts.
@RegDwigнt Don't check your spam folder then
Spammers can't keep up with your email address constantly changing.
@KannE haha.
And I check my spam folder every day because it might contain an email from Maria.
it sounded like you enjoyed slapping me
I'm not into that
@Mitch I don't even have the time to check my spam folder for all the spam I have to wade through before even getting to it.
Strange enough, I did get an email last year, but it was from Mario and not Maria, too bad.
@RegDwigнt I find wading through the spam folder a diverting experience.
Let me guess, it said "Itsa mee Mario, thank you for to playin my gamah".
At which point you got freaked out and deleted your PC ouf of the window.
All the missives hopefully explaining how I can make my poultry grow.
I think it only works for roosters
@RegDwigнt No, it was just a man who wanted to talk to me for fun.
Right I need to get back to editing shit. So one year from now someone can ask my Gmail if they can use it for free.
@JasperLoy Uh-huh.
See you lators, Allie hators.
Also, pictures of cats? But why must they be drenched in water then heated up?
apparently one of the first cat photos
It looks staged
That is because it is on the stage.
It seems that Microsoft Office 2019 still has not been released for consumer customers in the US, even though it was released for commerical volume licensed customers last week.
@KannE If you are not Arrowfar, then good. =)
@RegDwigнt "Team" is an anagram of "meat" ... also "mate" ... also "tame" ... but there is no "eye" in "team" ...
I prefer palindromes to anagrams, like nurses run.
However, my favourite anagram is armani and marina.
@JasperLoy Have you considered O365?
@MetaEd Yes, it costs more because it provides more features if you use it for three years. I only need to install it on one machine, and it can be used for many years.
Office 2019 will be the first to ship without One Note, because One Note can now be installed in Windows 10 for free from the Store.
The Windows 10 One Note is meant to be the default going forward, but many still like their old versions of One Note.
But if you buy Office 2019, there will be an option to install One Note 2016, I think.
Maybe I should make a character for my picture too, like Robusto.
@Mitch This was my ex's favorite song...he went from paratrooper to crackhead--SNAP!--like that...I still hate that song...will stop traffic if necessary to change the station. So, I blame Huey Lewis, ultimately, for the 80s.
@KannE What do you mean by crackhead?
@KannE Sorry. I find the message and everything associated with it troublesome too.
@Mitch Ah..."compositor"...my father was a printer...well, that explains everything.
@KannE Oh I thought crackhead meant nuts at first, but I just checked that it had to do with cocaine.
@KannE look man I just make up 🐎💩
Noun: crackhead (plural crackheads)
  1. (derogatory, slang) A person who is addicted to or regularly uses crack cocaine.
  2. (derogatory, slang, US) Someone whose thinking makes no sense; a fool or an idiot.
  3. What kind of crackhead came up with that?
Wait, crackhead actually has 2 meanings...
#2 is derived from #1
I am sorry. I just did not know the meaning.
and likewise #3 from #2
Initially, I thought crackhead means he went crazy.
@Cerberus Nice
Thank you.
On a less positive side to that, I just wasted the last 30 minutes watching crap youtube videos of 'banned' commercials
To clean my brain, I now have to go read a couple chapters of 'Critique of Pure Reason'
In English of course. I'm not some crackhead.
@Mitch "unKanne"? How mysterious...in a strange way (or vice versa?). But, NO (signed in your hand), I am Underdog! (or was, quite literally, in handmade costume over 40 years ago), and it is my "forthright contention"...???...if that is synonymous with "intention" because it rhymes with it...to don my scrap of vinyl (brought home from a textile mill) and use up all of anyone's good eyeliner...and any words obtained here, on this very site...in order to...bully mean people?
I dunno...it seemed like a good cause at first...
It's a good cause. mean people suck
@Mitch Now that is true crap.
Unlike my beaver video.
@Mitch I began reading it in German.
When I was 20 or so.
But it was too hard.
@JasperLoy Wow, you've never heard "crackhead"...you are so lucky...nevertheless, I am not Arrowfar, and if you are a nice person (I assume you are), I will time travel to the 80s (to find a phone booth), emerge as my alter ego (unKanne? Eh, I dunno...) and vanquish your enemies--with WORDS! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Long ones like that, that are easy to spell...
Sentences too long.
@Cerberus in English, any meaning I could get out of it was nonsense
by the time you unravel all the verbs at the end, you've unraveled the entire sweater
Yeah, it's dry and abstract as hell.
And he is not an entertaining writer.
Wittgenstein on the other hand has super short sentences in comparison, and so you can quickly come to realize that's it's all nonsense
So everyone learns Kant from notes and commentaries, not the actual text itself.
But his philosophy is great.
@Cerberus He could use more jokes.
Which reminds me of a joke...
How many Germans does it take to change a light bulb?
And another...
like all my jokes it is a repeat of repeats...
Jan 21 '13 at 22:21, by Mitch
The guy replied, "Who do you think you are, Kant?"
I gotta find some new jokes
@Mitch Nonsense is bliss...feel the power. Good night, guys. It was fun...you're like my favorite uncle, who reminisces (in Japanese sometimes...and Russian?) about developing holograms. I have no idea what he's saying...so I just respond like someone would in all the MAD magazines he handed down to me when I was a kid...wait, nonsequiturish might not have anything to do with crap...dam...
@Mitch This one I don't get.
@KannE Adios.
@Cerberus which one, the light bulb or Kant?
The light bulb.
Oh. It's a meta joke.
See, Germans are supposed to have no sense of humor
so if there's a joke a bout changing lightbulbs, they'll do it humorlessly
Ah, OK. Clever enough.
I thought the "And another..." was part of the joke as well.
oh. no, it was not part of the joke
I understand that now.
Kant however would steal candy from a baby
because everybody else is doing it
You sound as though you knew the Kritik der reinen Vernunft by heart.
I did like the Prolegomena to any Future translation of Metaphysics
It was short, to the point, made sense, and I could agree with it in principle (not sure if in detail)
It's been so long since I last read the Prolegs.
I haven't read anything for a long time
Not even your own lines?
books are too long, take too long to say what they intend
@Cerberus only for proofreading, and then, it's probably obvious, I'm not so good at that

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