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Blast, first few minutes I have free again and y'all sleepin'.
I ain't sleepin'!
shakes fist
Not drownded in the rain neither?
Not drownded, neither!
I stayed inner-doors tonight.
Good call.
Writin' up me French project.
Is it fun?
Not at the moment.
We will be making a video, and that should be fun.
I'm inside too, finishing up some w*!@ that involves waiting for files to transfer that takes long enough to bore me to death, but not long enough to focus on anything useful.
@Mahnax Aww.
@aediaλ Eh, it doesn't matter.
What kind of video? Like a skit?
No, a fashion show.
It won't be fun doing the fashion part.
Sounds fun.
But I intend to insert a few jokes here and there.
Of course it should be! Don't you get to wear silly hats or anything?
Well, yes, actually!
Making a mockery of fashion will be fun, I suppose.
starts laughing to self thinking about trash fashion from Zoolander
Oh, I heard about that movie.
Here it is.
Oh gosh I feel old. It's more than ten years old.
I guess the reason I feel like it came out sort of recently is that my friends and I watched it umpteen zillion times.
@Foxinsocks It is native speakers that make mistakes in punctuation as they don't learn the rules.
Oh, you're not old.
@Mahnax We are all padawans, only you are yoda.
@ClarkKent Correct.
Wow, I got a record 275 rep yesterday!
pats Jasper's head, gives cookie
My best ever is 228.
I haven't any idea what my best is, but not that good!
There was a reason that I had like five windows open. Hmm. What was I doing again?
Your best is 190, @aedia.
Unless I missed something, that is.
I would have another cup of coffee if it wasn't so late. looks longingly at empty desk spot
@Mahnax Ooh, there's like, a place to look for that?
@aediaλ I just looked through all your reputation pages, and 190 was the highest I saw.
And your lack of the mortarboard badge indicates that it isn't over 200.
adjusts stolen tassel on horn I don't need no stinkin' mortarboard! I's graduamacated!
Alrighty then, if you says so.
Yay, I'm home
Hi @Robusto!
How was the ordeal?
It's ongoing. But at least I'm home.
I'm sure that must be some relief and give you better hope for sleep, at least.
Ah, hello Robusto.
Good to see that you're home again.
Je vais faire du thé maintenant, BRB.
@aediaλ Yeah. There is, like, no hope of sleep in the hospital.
Well then you're 100% improved! Get out there and run around have some nightmares about things beeping and people yammering.
I will simply sleep. Sleep, which "knits up the ravel'd sleave of care."
oh noes :(
@cornbreadninja Quoi?
@Robusto But you've missed "the owl... which gives the stern'st good night"! However will you sleep? :)
Nighty night, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite!
6 hours later…
I'm confused. I don't know whether english.stackexchange.com/questions/68668/would-be-glad-to/… is contradicting me or agreeing with me. He seems to be contradicting me, but I can't tell which bit of my answer he's not happy with. Any thoughts, peeps?
@DavidWallace He probably means that he asked whether <a would-clause following a present-tense if-clause> is grammatical, and that you said that <present-tense if-clauses> are grammatical instead of answering the original question?
(as opposed to <a would-clause following an if-were-clause>)
But I said his sentence was grammatical. What more could he want?
Thanks for answering though, Vitaly.
No idea, I am just trying to interpret what he said there.
@DavidWallace So, about that count vs noncount issue, did you get my message?
Huh, what?
17 hours ago, by Vitaly
@DavidWallace A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language (1985) analyses the of issue as abstract vs concrete attributes, not nount vs noncount nouns:
17 hours ago, by Vitaly
user image
You didn't really have my full attention yesterday, when Monica was describing her problems. Sorry.
No, I pinged you after you left.
Oh, hang on, let me blow that up and read it. I missed your ping.
Normally, if you are pinged when you are absent, that red thingy should be in your inbox.
Also, I reproduced the relevant excerpt from CGEL for future reference:
16 hours ago, by Vitaly
user image
Thanks for your thoroughness. I shall have to read that more than once to absorb it all. But wouldn't it have been better to post it on Meysam's original question? He might just un-accept my answer and accept yours!
@All: hai
May 14 '11 at 13:56, by RegDwight
You're so repophobe, Vitaly, that's really something.
Umm, yes I saw the red thingy, but I glossed over it a bit. Sorry about that, after you put in all that effort.
Hi Sankar.
Hi Sankar.
hi david and vitaly ,i came here to share my troubles, i felt i m lonely , i need to share my problem with someone, that's why i came here
thank you guys for welcoming me
@Vitaly So you want me to update my answer with your quotes from CGEL, is that right?
@SankarGanesh What is your problem? Can you be specific?
@DavidWallace how you manage your stress
@SankarGanesh by making an effort to understand which things in my life are important, and which are not; and acting accordingly.
@DavidWallace Well, I am still trying to figure out whether abstract vs concrete is more applicable than count vs noncount. Naturally, I couldn't come up with any counterexamples and decided to share the excerpts and see if you would have more insights.
@Vitaly I need to think about it. I can see CGEL's point, even though I'm not sure whether I agree. I too will try to think of counterexamples, both to its point and mine.
@DavidWallace I donot know why i m expecting , others to care for me , when i got sick, i find very hard to relive from my stress
(BTW, A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language can be abbreviated to CGEL, but CGEL here usually means The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language; so those two excerpts are from two different grammar references.)
hi Meysam
is this correct? "we as a peoples do not pay enough attention to the stuff we need for our survival, until it's too late of course"
I read it in a blog
oh it is nice
is it correct to say "a peoples"?
It's nonsense. Or a joke.
@SankarGanesh Have you tried speaking to a professional?
@DavidWallace you mean to speak with psychologist
@Meysamرهادربند Are you querying its truth or its grammaticality?
its grammaticality in search for truth
@SankarGanesh Yes. I am a long distance from you, which makes it difficult to help you. I'm also not qualified. So I'm uneasy about offering you too much advice here; other than to seek the help of an expert.
@Meysamرهادربند There is no doubt that it's ungrammatical. I can't comment on its truth, as it's difficult to tell what it means.
@DavidWallace oh, i conselling myself and doing mediation to reduce these stress
@SankarGanesh Mediation? Meditation? Medication? Which do you mean?
@SankarGanesh This is the first time I see you here, glad to meet you :)
@DavidWallace: Meditation
@SankarGanesh That's probably a really good idea.
@Meysamرهادربند i was very busy to launch my android app in google play store, so i came here
Do you know what's causing the stress?
@DavidWallace: I think i m expecting some one to take care of me , i showed real care and affection to my best friend, but they were selfish, i feel i got disappointed , when they did not show same what i did for them, that's why i got stress david
@DavidWallace Oh, and one more minor point: if the question were to be modified so as to say that the indefinite article shouldn't be present, it would be almost logically equivalent to excluding count nouns. (Which means that, basically, no new information would be present.)
@Vitaly Yes, that occurred to me too.
@SankarGanesh But you're old enough to take care of yourself, right? So you don't need to rely on others.
@SankarGanesh It's sad when your best friend turns out not be the best friend
@DavidWallace But Somehow, i feel i m alone,i hate myself for this mate
@Meysamرهادربند yes, i m asking myself , why you give priority , forget about others , but the next time if others getting problems, i automatically going to them and helping them
ok mates , i want to forget this
@SankarGanesh Seriously, there is no shame in seeking professional help.
It has to be better than sitting in a chat room full of people you'll never meet and don't know anything about.
ok david, sure i will meet a psychologist person
Good luck.
Thank you
Okay, let's pretend that adjectives weren't mentioned in the original question. Now, a girl of a sunny disposition invalidates the noncount part, and the article counterargument doesn't apply because of the aforementioned logical equivalence. But I still can't come up with a concrete mass noun to try and invalidate A Comprehensive Grammar's analysis.
@Vitaly As does "People of the Book". Meysam's question was specifically about putting "of" immediately in front of the noun.
Let's pretend that it wasn't about that, too. :P
So, you're proposing a slightly different question, then?
I'll have to refer back to the original, to decide whether "a piece of furniture" is a counterexample.
(No pun intended)
Well, to be honest, I think Meysam's question is misleading because it tries to impose artificial restrictions where a more natural breakdown of those constructions into grammatical categories (as exemplified by CGEL-1985 and CGEL-2002) is possible. He couldn't have known that before asking his question (why ask a question in that case, then?), though, so I don't blame him.
How can a question be misleading? All you mean is that Meysam's question is not as interesting as the hypothetical question that would be answered by your analysis based on CGEL.
Hello @simchona
@DavidWallace Well, what do adjectives have to do with the issue at hand? Seems like an artificial restriction to me. It's blending together parts of speech and syntax.
OK, read my comment about body parts and adverbs if you like.
But what do you think "the issue at hand" actually is?
@DavidWallace Hello. Sorry, was reading back through the transcript a bit
@simchona This is an unusual time of day to see you here.
The issue at hand is how the range of possible of-phrase modifiers in NP structures is semantically restricted.
@DavidWallace It's before midnight here right now
@Vitaly which doesn't seem to be what Meysam asked.
@simchona Is it? I'm clearly crap at figuring these things out.
@DavidWallace I usually don't pop in at this time though, so you're still right
@DavidWallace Well, yeah, no "changing nouns to adjectives" occurs there. The head of the of phrase isn't an adjective.
@DavidWallace: and @Meysam: bye cya, tc
Bye, @Sankar, look after yourself.
@simchona I've just realised where you are. Sorry, I don't know why I assumed you were further east.
@DavidWallace Because I usually am. I travel a decent amount coast to coast
Right, but there's only one part of USA where it's currently before midnight.
Unless you mean midnight Wednesday.
@simchona Does your job compel you to travel? Or is it just for pleasure?
@DavidWallace I'm still in college, so it's back and forth from campus and internships
@simchona Ahh! I'm quite envious. When I studied, it was all in one place.
Is yours a big College?
1 hour later…
@KitFox How is your back now?
Better, but not great.
The most annoying thing is that these drugs are severely limiting my processing.
Are you on leave today @kit?
Not today. Just yesterday.
Fedora 17 is supposed to be out today but it is delayed by a week. In other news, Mageia 2 is out today.
I tried using torrent to download a file yesterday. I think I get how it works now. It is not really faster.
@KitFox Aw, you have my sympathies. I can relate to that, what with minimum measurable energy per bit and all. What an annoying limit.
Exactly, my friend. I am of a mind to take an IQ test just to see if this is what it is like for normal people.
Oh, oh, god it hurts.
I'll just push the top button.
Well then you are just as smart as most people. So an IQ of 100. After just one question! Not bad.
One more question and it will be 200. Mensa, here you come!
No wonder my knuckles hurt this morning.
(from all that knuckle-walking)
Not that Knuckles.
So you see the image, and I get a not found.
Justice, where art thou?
She's in my bed.
Being served cold.
Geezis. My wit's gone all to shit. Where'd I put that strop?
Crap. Performance assessment today.
@KitFox I had mine a couple of hours ago. must be that time of year
considering how brilliant you are, you''ll do great :)
I am very stupid today though.
but you're just going over your last year, so all you have to do is remember
Um. I don't remember much. I have notes though.
And I don't think my boss is the type to spring something on me in a performance review.
as good as
"Oh by the way, you suck. Please sign here saying I told you so."
exactly, he'd never do that
But the two other times I've had performance reviews, it has not gone well.
same boss?
No, both crappy ex-bosses.
it's always Bowser who gives the worst reviews "Oh, yeah, well you did OK, but your princess is in another castle. no raise for you."
@KitFox I think this boss will treat you better
What do you think of the inclusion of "Thank you in advance" in questions?
Please star this message if you disapprove of it.
Thank you in advance :D
har har. I agree with John Skeet's assessment of such things
Which is?
I'd rather they were edited out
I was looking for where I said that before, but I can't find it
Thanks for looking :)
in retrospect ;-)
This is Jon Skeet's answer:
A: Should 'Hi', 'thanks,' taglines, and salutations be removed from posts?

Jon SkeetYes. I view this in quite a simplistic way. Let's take your action out of the equation - if we had two parallel worlds, one with the question including the greetings etc, and one without, which would we choose? I'd choose the world where the questions just had the required information, as readab...

I thought this matter was resolved long ago.
indeed, but skullpatrol was canvassing for opinions
"Thank you for considering my request." :D
hey @Reg, can we get a mod to tag-merge and ?
i'd prefer that be the root tag
i created a synonym:
^ vote please!
i also copied the tag wiki from , since didn't originally have one
@Mahnax that Robusto had an incident of some kind
@JSBձոգչ I can't vote. I don't meet the required conditions
no fair! universal suffrage for all!
mysql> select * from month

| month       |
| NULL        |
| June        |
| July        |
| 3           |
| T           |
| C           |
| A           |
| 1           |
| 2           |
| L           |
| 4           |
| P           |
| D           |
| S           |
| 7           |
| NO          |
| January     |
| August      |
| February    |
| March       |
| April       |
| May         |
| September   |
| OCTOBER     |
| December    |
|             |
are there any holidays in NULL?
@MattЭллен There are NULL of them.
My mind boggles
He didn't get to be chief developer for nothing!
The ultimate in customer service. Offer remote desktop connections to your server.
holy goodness that's bad
what could possibly go wrong? Windows has security built-in, right?
Well, I've got my boss duped.
He just gave me an exemplary review.
woohoo! congratulation :)
have you started pooping on his head, yet?
My boss, not my project lead.
"She always listens carefully and asks good questions."
That's me!
it's like something you'd find on your gradeschooler's report card
"She works very hard to ensure that users have the correct permissions, and she anticipates potential problems. She plays nicely with others, shares well, and colors within the lines."
"In the next year, Kit will continue to study database-related technology and learn to choose more suitable, subdued colors for her drawings."
"Areas of improvement include communication with upper management and standing in line without talking."
My first grade teacher wrote that I sometimes patronize the other children.
my first grade teacher complained that i sometimes patronized her
did you say "Yes, teacher, of course I do. Are you observant!"
@MattЭллен no, but that would have been great
Q: What is wrong in "Where should this car be parked?"?

Stat-RWhy does Microsoft Word 2010 show an error for the following sentence? 1. Where should this car be parked? Word 2010 also suggests changing the sentence to 2. Where this car should be parked? Is the sentence (1) wrong? If yes, why? What about sentence (2)?

Why do people use Word?
because Microsoft is the best word processor software maker ever
I miss Word Perfect 8
Congrats! are you in the about- or sorry, I misread.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 oh, man, so do i
although i think i've grown out of word processors altogether
I process my words myself.
My old Word Perfect 8 stopped working in Windows XP so now I have to use wordperhect.net
i only use unprocessed, natural, organic words
@MattЭллен Were you making a joke here? because I don't get it.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Imagine the 8th beauty pageant held by a word processor software manufacturer
p.s. it's hot and I'm tired
So a VP from SAP was caught switching barcodes on products before buying them. yro.slashdot.org/story/12/05/23/1327219/…
The best part of the story? He was buying LEGO
A: The origin of the term "Baker's Dozen"?

MalvolioHave you checked Wikipedia? The oldest known source, but questionable explanation for the expression "baker's dozen" dates to the 13th century [...]. Bakers who were found to have shortchanged customers (some variations say that they would sell hollow bread) could be subject to severe punish...

Oh my.
An edit war!
Well, no good deed goes unpunished!
@MrShinyandNew安宇 that's an odd scandal to be caught up in. almost stealing candy from a baby
I hate stealing candy from babies. They make such a fuss.
I know. They're such children!
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Who put the original wikipedia text in? was it you?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 yes, it was me.
That's the thing.
The original answer only said "here's a link to Wikipedia, they offer some fun mathematical explanation".
Since that's not enough to be considered an answer, I added that bit from Wikipedia to the answer. Complete with exporting the two images, and nice formatting, and all.
It is only thanks to my efforts that this answer got that many upvotes.
Except that that explanation is either speculative or flat out wrong, and has been deleted from Wikipedia.
@skullpatrol I would have starred that message if it were only 'please start this message if you disapprove of it."
So now I was instrumental in getting an answer a zillion upvotes and an accept despite its being speculative at best.
I saw only one way to fix that: delete the questionnable bit.
And I left a comment, too.
Following the deletion on Wikipedia, I have removed the speculative explanation on our site as well. I see no other option short of deleting the answer wholesale. — RegDwight ΒВBẞ8 Apr 30 at 21:58
But it appears the author didn't like that and included some "Anti-Edit" in his answer.
Ah now I understand the edit timeline
also, it depends on what's being asked to tell if I am annoyed by 'Thanks in advance'
If it is to bury a body that's not dead yet, -that- is annoying. If it were something I was planning on doing, say if I were a grave digger, then not so much.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 The edits are getting hilarious. Perhaps I should take part too!
Anyway. I think the only way to fix that answer now is by rolling it back to its original state, and since its original state no longer makes sense, degrade it to a comment.
Any objections?
@MattЭллен Maybe a kleptomaniac.
@ClarkKent seemed more calculated. he was doing to make a profit on ebay
"Strunk and White's toxic little book of crap".
It is already a fine day.
@MetaEd hey who told you the password to this room?
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 I edited it a bit
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I saw that.
I wonder if I should lock it.
But then I'd also have to open a thread on meta or some such.
And I do not have the time today.
Gotta run soon.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 I hid the keys under my pillow. Go ahead and lock it.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Let's see if it settles down or if it explodes.
I am going to have to do something about "that vs. which".
Something pedantic, possibly.
@MetaEd What do you mean?
I think I need to pet a peeve.
@ClarkKent he's quoting a decade-old LL entry.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Ah, the jokes in this room are way beyond me.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 After all that fuss about a wikipedia entry, I'm finding that the best answer is...Carlo's cut and paste of the OED.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Just turn off the grammar check. The spell check is fine.
For me I turn off all spell checks as well.
It's distracting to see words being underlined in red.
@MetaEd I read that as 'I'm going to have to do something about that which something pedantic...' It started off sounding good, but ended up like a garden path with the end of the path.
@Mitch Your comment reminds me of some of my favorite limericks.
"There once was a man from Purdue / Whose lim'ricks would end at line two".
... and: "There once was a man from Verdun."
Rudra sounds very authoritative on his answers which I do not particularly like.
There once was a man from Japan
whose limericks just wouldn't scan.
When asked why this was,
he answered, "Because
I always cram as many syllables into the last line as I possibly can.
@ClarkKent when he's right or when he's wrong?
@Mitch Did you just write that?
What do I get if I take credit for it?
You will get credit.
@Mitch Well, I am not an expert to call them right or wrong. But I have doubts about them, that's all.
No of course not. Google makes me faster at remembering inconsequential things.
@Mitch Nothing.
If I were you, I'd rather take car for it. Or villa.
Would it give me more credit if I said I was reminded of the limerick, and I was the first one to search for it? I think that's something.
Wait, Matt was the one who wrote that, right?
It might give you seven credit, or possibly even eight.
@ClarkKent nope, that's not one of mine
I think Matt should get credit for all limericks.
Then we can blame him for the bad ones.
but there are some terrible ones out there
She sells seashells on the seashore. That's a line we used for vocal warmups.
that's not a limerick. I don't blame Matt for those. He's got enough on his shouders to account for. I need at account for mixed metaphors.
But how can anyone possibly program a grammar checker?
I would expect grammar to be too complicated for that.
@ClarkKent what do you mean, how?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Above.
You establish some rules, and some mistakes, and scan for them
It is quite likely for the grammar checker to err then.
Which is what grammar checkers do for a living. QED.
I once read a lim'rick by Faust
It summoned the devil of course
For my soul he would grant
Anything I could want
Right now I just want this limerick to rhyme
But chess is so complicated, yet Deep Blue beat Gary Kasparov!
Matt kann gar nix.
@ClarkKent chess is incredibly simple. You have only a dozen rules.
Even go is extremely simple, and yet no program can reliably beat a human yet.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 I guess the computer just evaluates the million possible combinations.
Pretty much.
It wins by sheer exhaustion of possiblities.
But Deep Blue might not beat Vitaly the Singularity!
But now I really gotta go. Laters.
Laters and CU have become very popular in this room, just like QED.
@ClarkKent To understand natural language grammar you need to understand all the meanings of all the words
So computers are going to naturally (pardon the pun) bad at it
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 go is actually simpler than chess, but it's harder for computers. go figure.
@JSBձոգչ Deep.
I guess it means fewer rules but more possibilities.
@JSBձոգչ You should use your own Bond poster.

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