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Q: Word for a small background program launched by a larger main application

SymaxionIn our software project, we are quickly gaining a number of small, external programs which are not part of the main program. Each of them has a specific, but limited functionality. We're having trouble coming up with a descriptive, evocative name for them. What all of these "things" have in comm...

1 hour later…
still sleepy
@Cerberus there's a fresh one up on YouTube from like two days ago. Or have you seen that one already.
The complete summer album is coming probably as soon as tomorrow. A bunch of new Mandelstam songs right after that.
Spent the last two weeks recording, and the last three days editing just one video.
@RegDwigнt Oh I did not know you have a piano channel!
Well, it's kinda new. Blame @Robusto. He wouldn't listen to a synth-generated recording. Pfft. Some people. So I had to record myself. Little does he realize I'm a synth myself. And I've not even passed the Turing test. Mwuahaha.
After I get my 720p camera I will start my singing channel again, lol, which I deleted many times already. But right now I only have a 480p camera.
Anyway. Like, share, comment, follow, subscribe, wank off, and plug yourself into the matrix. I'll take over from there. Nothing bad can happen. No, really. I promise.
@JasperLoy I film with a potato. Who cares. I can't play for shit anyway.
@RegDwigнt That's something I notice about laptops. The current Macbook (which I don't have) is so expensive and only comes with a 480p camera! That is something Apple overlooked.
And yeah you don't need to tell us you've deleted your singing channel. Again. I think everyone in here was kind of suspecting just that.
It's been over a week and I still have this ELU account, miracle!
Yes, slacker. You're getting old and lazy. The real Jasper would have deleted this account five times by now.
On the first day alone.
But I did something new on SE recently. I joined Interpersonal Skills SE for the first time.
And since one of the answers was a hot network question's answer, I got the mortarboard badge!
Many people are on Interpersonal Skills. Not many people on there actually have them.
Especially not those with high rep.
Hmm, even though I am strange, I think I do have some IPS, lol.
I can sell you some for $3000.
Too expensive. I still want to buy that Acer Swift 3 laptop this week.
Acer sounds like something from the 80s. No wonder you only have 480p.
I read over 9000 reviews before deciding this is the laptop I would be getting.
@RegDwigнt No, no, this one has 720p. My old laptop has 480p.
Oh sorry, in that case it sounds like something from the 90s. My bad.
Let me show you this very entertaining ad for the laptop...
Last time you showed us some Asian ads, everyone wept for days.
I think I only showed Asian songs, not ads. This is the first ad I will be showing.
And this guy speaks American, lol.
There were some Malaysian or Philippino ads for a life insurance. Wasn't it you? I thought it was you who posted them. Don't know.
If there are ads, it's the youtube ads, not the video itself.
@JasperLoy oh I've actually seen that one. And by "seen" I mean "clicked away as soon as I could".
Like WTF 4:35 minutes for an ad? What are these people smoking?
@RegDwigнt The ad is sooooo amazing. The best ad I have seen.
People refused to watch ads on TV when they were 10 seconds long.
> this video is powered by 9th gen cringe
This guy is so entertaining I want to listen to him over and over.
> you overacted, man. that was cheesy
> Jesus christ, the cringe is real
> Is this specifically NOT for people who don't go to school?
> best example of over acting ever. wowo
As Pythagoras famously said, "give me a sec, and I'll quote the entire YouTube at you".
> low quality laptop originated from China
The blue shirt he is wearing in that ad is the colour of the laptop I will be getting.
Well the blue is very nice I'll give you that.
I am wearing a shirt of a very similar color right now.
Well, actually Acer is a Taiwanese brand. But of course according to China, Taiwan is part of China.
Well, do they actually manufacture in Taiwan, is the question. Or do they outsource to mainland China. Just like absolutely everyone else in the world.
Asus is also Taiwanese, but Lenovo is Chinese, LG is Korean, and Dell and HP are American.
@RegDwigнt Well, the Dell laptop I saw on a website had its charger manufactured in China.
Lenovo is the worst-sounding company name in history. Gives me the fucking shivers every time.
And Dell is not far behind.
I still remember the days when Dell was like one month old and actually very very good.
Just like Firefox.
If you look at the specs of the Acer Swift 3, the one with i5, 8gb ram, and 256gb ssd, you will see that it has good specs and also a good price.
Of course, the actual variant sold and price depends on the country you shop in.
I'm just not into laptops at all. Never owned one. And now they are just completely obsolete, what with tablets and smartphones.
Buying a laptop now is like buying a Blackberry.
And I checked that its camera is indeed 720p and not 480p, lol.
I have never used the internet on my smartphone, and never will.
Anyway, I'm afraid I must go look up "work" in a dictionary. That's something expected of me and I've no idea what it even means.
The only reason I got a smartphone and not a stupidphone is because the latter no longer works here. Can't receive the telephone signals.
I am going to eat dinner, bye bye. Bon appetit.
1 hour later…
@RegDwigнt True story: Last night I had a dream (I realize that should be interesting enough, but let me continue) where I was solving a megaminx using your suggestion. I was on the last face and just did the mini edge-placement sequence. And it got to where the last face was entirely done except for a single pair. The whole thing but for one pair. You now how dreams are, that was as far as it went...
...but a little after I woke up, I went over to finish the megaminx I have, whose only remaining part to solve was one last face. And so I do some of those moves and it gets to where there is one pair not completed. I do a sequence to swap that pair and...
God damn you. Of course it doesn't work. That's crazy.
Very interesting. Last night I had a dream in which I went to the ELU chat and typed "haha, sucks to be you".
Weird, huh.
Actually it's a lie. But here's a true thing that I actually dreamt last night. I was hosting the German version of Letterman, except I wasn't hosting it myself but let some guy from the audience host it. While I watched him from an aisle. And while I watch him from the aisle, I look up and right above the audience there's an Ab major chord floating in the air.
Like, not the sound, the actual printed notes.
And interestingly enough, there's no staff and no key signature. Just three full notes, stacked in the air. But I know for a fact it's Ab major.
And the best part is, I know exactly what each part of that dream means. And not in the Freudian-bollocks "you really want to fuck a catfish" way, but the genuine accurate factual meaning of every bit.
What I got out of that is something about a catfish and your mom.
A catfish is neither a fish that eats cats nor a cat that eats fish.
A houseboat is different from a boathouse.
@RegDwigнt That's right, blame the victim.
@Robusto it is the way of the synth.
That's, like, so synthetic, man.
It's my synthetic opinion.
I call it synthesthesia ... the feeling you have when you're hearing a synth and trying to imagine a real instrument.
Is it just fonts on Linux terribly broken, or has someone sneakily renamed the room.
Don't let tchrist see this, he'll shoot himself dead.
looks fine to me
Instant disqualification.
That's Chrome on a PC.
So the answer is yes, it's 2018 and Linux still can't do shit.
Well, FWIW, the kerning on the version I posted likely wouldn't pass the @tchrist sniff test.
@user1732 look at the "u". Now look at all the other letters. Now look at the "u". Now scream in disgust and pain.
And it's not like "u" is a rare letter. You'd think Torvalds would have figured it out by now.
They have u in Finnish.
Linux was never meant to be appealing to the eye. In fact, Linux aficionados specifically disdain such frou-frou.
Linux aficionados specifically disdain everything. Including Linux. But even more than Linux they disdain themselves.
This analysis has been brought to you by a catfish. And also @Mitch's mom.
Perhaps a Frou Frou song would be apt at this point.
@Robusto "Let go" is so 2000. Also, so by Avril Lavigne.
Did you think we don't know what frou-frou means?
Also why text say let go and pic say jump in.
Cognitive dissonance.
Speak of synthesthesia.
You're cognitive dissonance.
That is correct.
Which is the best kind of correct.
Teh music is kewl tho.
Tho dem girl dem her voice is like so 2000s.
It's a Heap of Imogen right there.
@Robusto i didn't
@user1732 Did you get a visit from Secret Agent Man?
@Robusto frou-frou is Swedish for "woman-woman". Or possibly Silesian.
no, why?
That's the only listen I know.
@RegDwigнt What did you say? I wasn't listening.
> “To listen is an effort, and just to hear is no merit. A duck hears also.”
they sing too fast
You listen too slow.
@RegDwigнt If a duck falls in the forest, does it quack like a duck?
@Robusto it sacrifies the spring.
Or is it sacrifices?
Russian is sooo hard, like.
@user1732 Secret Agent Man, Secret Agent Man, he's givin' you a number and takin' away your name.
Meaning any name with user+number is not useful for chat. We don't parse numbers real well around these parts.
i'm protesting
@RegDwigнt Yeah, well, why did you let yourself be born into a language system like that? A rookie move, if you ask me.
I was born to be wild.
Like a steppes wolf.
And they don't have steppes in Germany.
cool tune
@RegDwigнt So you're a Hesse-ian, yeah?
Well, England tried to do something about that, but they ran out of incindeary bombs. Slackers.
That's Ubuntu/Firefox
doesn't look so bad
Well la-dee-da.
you're ah-welcome
Oh, ferchrissakes.
"Ubuntu/Firefox" is already two retarded words in one sentence. And you haven't even formed a sentence yet.
how does a word become retarded?
@RegDwigнt Stop using "Well" at the beginning of a sentence. That's my speech pattern, not yours. If you have to use a sentence adverb, try na ja ...
@user1732 Easy, just spray flame retardant on it.
thnx pal
@Robusto well well well. I'll use "well well well", then.
Or maybe "horrible horrible horrible". Yeah that's more like it.
@RegDwigнt When I say well I'm invariably referring to the hole in the ground from which one draws water. That's why I get so bent out of shape. I'm protecting my water supply, is all.
@Robusto Fun fact: in this local Saarland dialect here they have a special word for "well". Not all German dialects do. Not all languages do. But here there is one. "Ey", pronounced /aj/.
@RegDwigнt I think they're just being Saarcastic.
So as a matter of fact my prefixing every single utterance with a well is very much my speech pattern, acquired in Germany.
@Robusto now, ending sentences in "is all", now that is my speech pattern. I am siouxing you as we speak.
I will countersioux.
Payez les damages first.
Then you won't be able to sioux back.
The best of two worlds.
No idea what Bruce Willis's ex-wife has to do with it but yeah it's her pangloss not his.
2 hours later…
I wonder what that ligature is for.
@Cerberus Any idea? It’s next to the old-style ones st and such on the font I’m looking at.
@tchrist Normalle, que.
No, wait.
Let me think.
Normally, the second part is -et or -ed.
But quet and qued aren't exactly common syllables, at least not in languages I know.
Okay thanks. This is from the free EB Garamond font from Google that I pasted a link to yesterdaylishly.
15 hours ago, by tchrist
@tchrist It's definitely que, I've looked it up.
Ahah! Thanks, I knew you'd have seen it.
And it is unlikely to be the relative pronoun qu(a)e in Latin, because that normally has a different abbreviation.
Right, is it a shorthand for the clitic then?
That makes sense.
But such abbreviations are normally international and interlingual.
So I would expect it to be also used for the relative pronoun in French.
@tchrist Looks nice.
So uirũ(glyph) then?
I'm not sure what you mean, but uirũ would likely be Latin virum.
(arma virumque ...)
Ah, ok. Yes.
@tchrist I didn't see the ligature in the document?
@RegDwigнt Cool!
I like it. Nice and mellow like a brook.
I don't normally see anything on Youtube unless I click a link thereto.
(I really wonder why informal English dropped all the old Germanic there- compounds. They are in like every Dutch and German sentence, they're incredibly efficient.)
@JasperLoy So what makes this Acer the best?
1 hour later…
@Cerberus I downloaded the full typeface family, and it's in there when I was inspecting all the glyphs.
@tchrist Ah, OK.
It would be nice to see how many other fonts have that glyph.
@Cerberus I don't know any way to figure that out computationally.
Only through visual inspection.
@tchrist You can't copy-paste the glyph into some other programme?
@Cerberus Virtually all programs specify only code points. The font's job is to map those numbers to specific glyphs.
@tchrist But you will presumably copy those code points when you copy the symbol from a programme that displays it, won't you?
Er, no.
If it allows you to copy it.
This doesn't have a Unicode code point. That's the point/issue.
Ah, OK.
You access a font's specific glyphs in a different way.
Q: Single word for "go in vain"

AhmedConsider this example sentence: His efforts will go in vain. I want to make this sentence precis while adding a single verb, such as: His efforts have been ______ . Can I include the verb waste or spoil in place of go in vain? like this: His efforts have been wasted/spoiled.

It is something that the font generates based on certain code points it sees.
Any sort of mousey thing is only about code points.
The question is, when will it generate the glyph? Under which conditions?
There are various kinds of glyph alternates you can specify with certainly properties, like swash italics.
It will generate that glyph when you encode the thing that says 1. that font family 2. the specific glyph number irrespective of code point.
Or you can sometimes get at it through better-defined alternates.
It may simply be a ligature.
So an historical ligature for the "que" combo.
That happens automatically if you've asked for historical ligatures (hlig).
I haven't looked at the font more deeply; it would tell me that. I was only looking at the glyph shapes, not the rules for generating them.
I see.
I'm not entirely sure what I see.
I see a tiny, non-moving picture saying 1880.
Really? I checked it; it's a link to a 39-second clip.
Here's the whole tweet:
Horrifying #GlobalWarming visualization See #temperature anomalies by country from 1880 to 2017 based on @NASA GISTEMP data. #ClimateChange https://t.co/M3Vpu1cqZ5
@Cerberus The combination of its specifications, price, and looks, in short.
@RegDwigнt Chinese is hard, but I think Japanese is hardest for the English speaker.
@Færd It wouldn't play on my computer.
Perhaps because I've blocked ads.
I don't use Twitter.
But I've found the video on Youtube.
It's a nice visualisation, but a graph is more efficient.
And I believe scientists don't make any claims yet over short-term climate changes and what caused them.
Their concern is more to do with changes between now and 2100.
@Cerberus I deal with that issue all the time, but I figure the one or two valuable things I miss per day are more than balanced by the thousands of inane advertisements I avoid.
@Robusto Absolutely.
I hate Twitter anyway.
I was on it briefly, but found it had nothing of value for me.
I also use Umatrix, which is more of a hassle.
It lets you block stuff in a very fine-grained manner.
Incidentally, do you say INdicative, or inDIcative?
@Cerberus I'm a little more sanguine than that.
Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius.
@Cerberus Accent on the second syllable.
Oh, dear, is that Christian?
Note that you have dD in the second word.
@Robusto In what way?
Q: Further to refer to time

Julián GonzaloMay I use further to refer to time? For instance: I'll do it further Thank you

No patience?
@Cerberus I want patience, but I want it now.
"Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius." was allegedly spoken by Papal legate and Cistercian abbot Arnaud Amalric prior to the massacre at Béziers, the first major military action of the Albigensian Crusade. A direct translation of the Latin phrase would be "Kill them. For the Lord knows those that are His own." Less formal English translations have given rise to variants such as "Kill them all; let God sort them out." Other sources give the quotation as "Neca eos omnes. Deus suos agnoscet." == Background == Amalric's own version of the siege, described in his letter to Pope Innocent III...
@Robusto That's also how I would pronounce it. But I just heard someone say it the other way.
@Robusto Noted.
Most sites work fine if you auto-allow all css and images from third parties.
@Cerberus Whom did you hear speak such an abomination?
And you only need to configure a site you've never been on once, in case it doesn't work properly.
With correct time frame.
@Cerberus What do you expect from an Aussie?
I did not expect this to be a regional difference.
Australia is hardly a region. More like a whole country.
Also note that she stresses both of the first two syllables.
The world has regions, too.
One of which could be Oceania.
Pfft. It also has religions.
In which case it is normally called a region.
When a language is split up into regions.
@Cerberus Oceania would include Malaysa, Indonesia, etc., no?
@Robusto But they will die out eventually, unlike language.
@Robusto Depends on your definition?
@Cerberus You'd better hope to God that religion dies out.
We do.
But you could also group Australia and NZ as separate regions.
Depending on context.
@Cerberus OK, let me be simpler. The woman sounds Australian to me, so variant pronunciations are to be expected.
3 mins ago, by Robusto
Also note that she stresses both of the first two syllables.
But I was wondering whether this was something that really depended on region.
Howjsay has the proper pronunciation.
The in- there is what I would term a "lazy" stress, one that mostly sets up the stronger, whole-word-supporting stress of the second syllable.
As does Forvo.
I just hear main stress on in-.
Perhaps she just doesn't know the word very well and pronounces it like the verb.
@Cerberus Well, if I heard an American or British speaker giving that pronunciation, I'd suspect that they misread the word initially as employing the negative function of in- at the beginning of the word, and realized their mistake too late to avoid the initial-syllable stress. But compensating enough to at least stress the second syllable.
The negative function meaning its use in words like intolerable.
Well, now I'm not so sure. The in- isn't stressed in that word, though it is in some others.
It's stressed at least secondarily if the first syllable of the positive form is not stressed: incompatible.
But how about inconsequential? There the -con- is stressed as well, resulting in a double stress.
This gets messier than I expected.
I don't think I would call -con- stressed, though stress is admittedly on a scale.
In- has secondary stress, -quen- primary.
@Cerberus Two secondary stresses in a row. I doubt you could even pronounce it with an unstressed con.
For one thing, it would have to render the /o/ as a schwa. Which it clearly does not.
BTW, Southerners in America are apt to pronounce words like insurance with a strong initial stress.
@Robusto I really wouldn't call it that.
@Robusto Funny. I suppose more variation exists with more abstract and longer words.
@Cerberus What else would you call it?
Either unstressed or some more subtle distinction.
It is absolutely not unstressed.
It has the same stress pattern as unsatisfactory.
Or extemporaneous.
Inconsequential: _ _ ^_^
Unsatisfactory: _ _ ^ _ ^^
I would definitely not group the second syllables thus.
Extemporaneous: _ _ ^ _^^.
Where _ is a stress and ^ is unstressed.
@Cerberus If you don't you'll sound like a foreigner.
This is about linguistically analysing sound produced by others.
I find the word explanatory hard to pronounce properly.
Are you sure you use the same definitions with regard to syllable stress as linguists do?
Normally, only primary and secondary stress are marked.
Maybe more with very long words.
> toxicology
I think this one is more complex.
Argh, typos.
Co has primary stress.
To secondary.
But how about gy?

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