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@tchrist Another thing is that the beginning of a name should always be capitalised, even when something was removed earlier, so the name Du Pré needs a capital D when unpreceded by a first name.
@Robusto Isn't it fun!
@Færd Could it be summarised? I can't watch video here.
@RegDwigнt It's interesting. I can't say I agree with all of it, or follow the logic perhaps, but I do like 12Tone's channel. A bass player I know turned me on to it a while ago.
@Cerberus DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran’s currency hit a new record low on Sunday, dropping past 100,000 rials to the U.S. dollar as Iranians brace for Aug. 7 when Washington is due to reimpose a first lot of economic sanctions...
We should always start using the tilde as a punctuation mark to show we mean something kinda like what we're saying. "~I really like avocados" would be a statement about avocados that would give the speaker plausible deniability. "Do you really like them?" "~Uhh, yeah."
@Cerberus ...two thirds of their oil exports will be cut-off.
thank you trumptroll
in short, prepare for another Vietnam war...
@cornbread: You might be interested in this. This woman is a particle physicist by day and a mixed-martial artist by night. Also a musician.
3 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Url in title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, +7 more: vipsupplement.com/shakra-keto-diet/ by someze on english.SE
2 hours later…
Q: Is there a single word that can be used to express a recurring unshakable feeling of an imminent and inexorable death?

JMLI need to know if there is a single word that sums up an unshakable feeling of inexorable and imminent death. As if I were to say man, I just can't get over this unshakable feeling of inexorable and imminent death and imminent death. I want this whole sentence basically, well at least the part fr...

[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Url in title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, +7 more: vipsupplement.com/shakra-keto-diet/ by janeethe on english.SE
5 hours later…
@Robusto yeah well, the whole thing with this mini-series, of a whopping two episodes so far, is that he picks something that plain doesn't exist and tries to imagine what it would look like if it did, which it doesn't. I think the previous episode was on negative time signatures. So your guess is as good as his is as good as anyone's. It's a free for all, by design.
Now, I rather often don't really agree with his other stuff, where he's not talking about imaginary things but about music theory proper. I actually resisted subscribing to him for maybe a year or so. But after watching like all his videos I figured whatever, might as well subscribe if I'm watching them all anyway.
There's not many channels of this flavor on YouTube anyway. Maybe a dozen.
I bet your bass player friend is subscribed to Adam Neely.
Then there's 8-bit music theory, which is spectacular all around.
Vihart, but she's like 95% maths, 5% music.
Early Music Sources is phantastic but yeah, it's like even before Bach. That's how early their early is.
David Bruce is great all around.
Cedarville is a channel that deals with classical impovisation the best. Also, it's the only channel that deals with classical improvisation at all.
And Nahre Sol is just OMG.
And that's about it.
And then there's a ton of all those channels that just randomly put out a funny-because-true joke video but then never deal with music at all.
Yeah no, you can see he had to change the thumbnail to read what it does after getting smacked with a million downvotes from people who are idiots.
Which is doubly funny seeing how what he says is actually 100% accurate. It pretends to be a joke but it really isn't.
Like my Russian in 1 Minute video.
I always wonder about videos with 8,000 comments :-/
I can spare you the wonder: the 8000 comments are really just 4 comments, each of them repeated 1999 times over, only much worse, by people who type before they read.
that makes sense
@Robusto "They imagined that the next bit of progress will come from some new pieces being dropped onto the table, rather than from thinking harder about the pieces we already have".
Great quote.
And ain't it always so.
Not just with maths. With music and poetry. With cooking and skateboarding. With building with LEGO.
did you watch the video in the article?
Not yet, still reading.
I skipped to the video and then stopped reading.
Well I watched it now and I think you missed like 99% of the meat by not reading the rest.
the mistake she made in the video was unforgivable, imho
I went back to check, it's not a mistake the "ir" is just barely audible.
Good to know I'm not the only one with bad ears.
Fuck me that's a very technical article by Wired standards.
How did it slip through.
Normally their stuff is more like "Hey here's a CopyCat. Go buy the CopyCat!"
Good introduction to the Fano plane, tho.
hmmm, the closed captioning caught the "ir"
Well so does your ear once you listen closely.
It's unfortunate that you have to listen closely, of course.
Gotta say, The Wired ads are on point.
Don't understand eight-dimensional maths? Here, go buy a blouse. This article is about a woman, and blouses is what women are into, right?
> “Accordions are the octonions of the music world,” she said—“tragically misunderstood.”
You just got burned, @Robusto.
In fact I'll go play the accordion right now. Because this person who's way smarter than me said that I should.
yup, she's a super star
2 hours later…
@Robusto that's quite the combination.
It certainly is.
4 hours later…
Q: Traditional male role model

Mars ZonewsCan anyone give their opinion on this question "The traditional male role model has changed with modernisation".Discuss Thank you.

Inb4 Feeds.
Eli Eli lama sabachthani?
Or Dali, your choice.
'Eli, 'eli, lema shevaktani.
Which is Kim Kardashian's full legal name.
Lol that guy actually thanked me for my "opinion".
WTF, good sport.
We don't discuss.
And he doesn't know a statement from a question.
Also, wtf is "modernisation"?
Or role models?
Where do we draw the delimiters around modern so that we can call everything before that premodern and everything after it postmodern?
Modern role models are usually waiters in Los Angeles.
Well you're not modern I can tell.
We'll get off your lawn ASAP and discuss our skateboarding skillz elsewhere yo.
Seriously tho, I think you're missing the forest for the trees.
The traditional role model has not changed.
It has stayed the same.
The modern role model is new. Thanks to modernisation.
But that doesn't change the original model. It's just a new model now.
The English language has changed with modernisation. And became Modern English. But the Old English language hasn't changed. It's still the same. Always will be.
It's static. Like Latin.
Biologists have a special word for static things. They call them dead.
Dormant. Hibernating.
Obviously you never met one of them bacteria that have been sleeping underneath Antarctica for the last two billion years.
And that's not even the word I'm looking for.
What's that Latin or Greek word for plant seeds. I think "hidden" is the literal translation. Hidden life.
Seeds or viruses.
That's the one.
Like, you should know of all people. You keep those tiny pebbles in a matchbox, for a decade, then one day you decide to take one of them and put a drop of water on it and bam, you got yourself a tomato plant.
3 hours later…
@Cerberus question for you. How prevalent are credit cards Amsterdam? Do most restaurants and shops accept them?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I wonder if this is still true:
> Like many other European countries, the Netherlands uses the Euro. Foreign currencies are usually not accepted. Amsterdam is still a cash society. However, these days you can pay almost everywhere with debit cards that use the Maestro, Cirrus or Plus system.

You do need your PIN code for that. Credit cards (VISA and MasterCard) are accepted in many restaurants and hotels, but many shops, cafés, museums etc. still don't. However, you can get Euros from the many ATMs in the city with a debit or credit card that uses the Maestro or Cirrus system.

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