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@Mitch Right.
what are vegans some kind of commie-buddhists?
Or beer, for some.
@MattE.Эллен No rabbit.
Except for easter
and just their eggs
@Mitch oh good point! in fact I'm inverse pescatarian
@Mitch that's not rabbits, that's hares!
@MattE.Эллен haha. parents.
@MattE.Эллен Oh. No. I've made some terrible terrible mistakes then
@KitZ.Fox because of yeast?
or is there something in beer made from animals?
I feel like someone told me this before and I forgot
@MattE.Эллен What about bacon? Bacon is a vegetable, isn't it?
@Robusto one of your 5 a day!
OK regexes and APL are like playing the piano.
no that's horrible and mostly wrong
It's also a simile.
I thought you were going for a pristine metaphor.
regexes and APL are like playing with a yoyo
regexes and APL are like ... knots?
nautical knots?
Regexes and APL are like doing one of those jigsaw puzzles of sand dunes in the desert?
wait whats the difference between the nautical speed 'knot' vs the ship-handicraft skill 'knot'?
@Robusto ...with the picture face down
regexes and APL are like very constrained human languages that have high signal to noise and low comprehensibility
@MattE.Эллен That is literally not a metaphor.
doesn't high signal to noise imply low compretherestofthatlongword?
@Robusto metaphorically speaking
like the more signal there is the more highly compressed which is more enocded beyond all recognition?
A bowling ball has a high signal-to-noise ratio, yet it is immediately comprehensible.
@Mitch I think so, yes
hm.. no.. S2N is orthogonal to compression
then I don't know
I'm saying that without thinking. it sounds good though
@Mitch There's no other way to participate in chat.
is S2N the same as variance or bias? or both?
If you pause to think, the whole foundation of chat falls apart.
s2n is the inverse of the error rate, I think
but maybe that's not it at all. I think you need to ask in a different chat room
@MattE.Эллен Where's the fun in that?
No Fun Allowed!
which reminds me, I need to write an email
LinkedIn to me: "Front End Software Engineer at Comcast and 9 other jobs for you." But I don't even want one job, much less ten.
@MattE.Эллен An email? Is that like a novel?
I can't remember the last time I emailed. All I do now is text.
@Mitch Too late?
@Robusto you need to turn off 'Connect me with every recruiter in the world' option on LinkedIn
How does one do that?
@Robusto There's a thing
I'm seriously considering dropping LinkedIn, but I have so many friends there and I'm not on facebook ...
christ. facebook
people keep using it
like family
@MattE.Эллен Yes.
I was in 'scrum of scrums' just now.
Sometimes I hate this job.
haha but the kids are smart these days they don't bother because all the boring adults are on facebook taking mom and dad selfies at an antique market
meh, it's all Snapchat all the time
I went on facebook recently and didn't see any of this 'fake news' stuff. I felt miffed.
@KitZ.Fox but... then what is their line? yeast is a microörganism. they kill microörganisms by breathing
but not chuffed
that would be bad
if I were chuffed
at missing the fake news on FB
@MattE.Эллен Veganism will actually make you crazy.
@Mitch It would be worse if you were chubbed.
@KitZ.Fox fair enough
@KitZ.Fox I can't do snapchat. It takes me a day to wonder about why that person is texting me. I can't have messages disappear.
It's usually my wife
It's that the yeast produces alcohol, so alcohol is labor of another animal.
except yeast isn't an animal.
I usually find out that it was a ride she needed
Here's a GoFundMe idea: Like SnapChat, but instead of the messages disappearing the people do.
@Robusto Being clubbed moreso
@MattE.Эллен How about a tsk tsk? Will that kill anything?
@KitZ.Fox yeah. also human are animals, so anything they use comes from the lab- you're right, it will make me crazy
@Robusto I thought a better ending to Avengers:Infinity War would have been
Do vegans eat p***y? Just wondering.
Hey has everybody who want to seen Infinity War already?
@Robusto Putty? That's nasty
Pasties are great.
They're like dumplings right?
@Mitch it might, if any of your white bloodcells in your saliva land on any bacteria they know how to kill!
@Mitch Well, it's not an animal product.
but with a titillating name
@Mitch I did
@Mitch I have
@MattE.Эллен considers radiation treatment to stop immune system
@Mitch but that would kill anything living in your body!
@Mitch phew!
@MattE.Эллен exactly.
Or how about SlapChat? You can literally reach through the screen and slap somebody who's being an idiot.
I would pay for that service.
Also, you need a broom to carry with you at all times to sweep out in front of you while you walk so you don't accidentally smush any bugs
STTFOIP - slap to the face OIP
It's also a good full body workout, you really pump up your triceps that way (remember to switch left and right handed evenly)
@MattE.Эллен Oh I Pee?
You're weird man
everyone Pees. don't pretend you don't. you have a pee room
If you can't P you will Q.
So anyway to totally ruin the ending of Infinity War for those who haven't seen it, or for people like me who have forgotten already and will watch it again having a vague feeling of dread but not knowing why... where was I?
I won't see it. I don't see comic-book movies anymore unless Gal Gadot is in them.
I don't feel so good, Mr. Mitch
@Robusto that is a good rule
well that dude himself is one of the half that goes up in ashes. and only realizes this when he's halfway ashes.
haha serves him right.
@Mitch What, again?
That's irony!
Hahaha, that would be great.
Why did you bowdlerize your own message?
@Robusto Because I'm like that
I don't want other grubby hands doing it
dirty grubby hands
Your own grubby hands will suffice?
@KitZ.Fox The writers missed their chance. They gave a stupid action film a non-Hollywood French style depressing ending, and they could have made it really French.
What kind of a name is Gal, btw? A little too on-the-nose, perhaps?
@Robusto I know where they've been
@Robusto Oh You mean waiting for Gal that's not how you pronounce it guh DAHT?
If it's not it should be.
@Mitch I'm thinking on-the-nose the way the name He-Man was.
@Robusto Ohhhh. I get it. Like Guy Fawkes. He's a dude. And his name says it. I get it.
Like that guy with no arms and no legs and hangs on a wall and his name is...
Man Manson Mcdudebro
Uh... yeah
Or anybody named Manny. Or Fanny.
Or that bounty hunter whose name was 'Dog'
because... ok I can see problems with that
Or any dog named Doggy.
Yeah... that
We named our rat Ratatouille
I hope, if we ever get dog, we don't name it Doggerel
How do you tell Google News that you don't want to see stories about flesh-eating bacteria ever again?
wait for it
@Robusto perhaps ask in ips.se
Look, Google News, I need to set a few boundaries. For one, please, never tell me anything about necrotising fashiitis
@KitZ.Fox epic beard
@MattE.Эллен I'm kind of embarrassed to correct you that it's fasciitis ... I mean, how do I know that? Google is to blame.
@MattE.Эллен holds back from telling about guinea worm
@Robusto ah well, spelling and pronunciation in English etc...
@Mitch Innit, tho?
@MattE.Эллен Totally unrelated.
@KitZ.Fox by epic I mean wow that takes a lot of upkeep. you don't just sit around for two years letting that thing grow like weeds. you have to manage it constantly
but a side benefit is that you can't accidentally suffocate by sleeping face down
@Mitch I think you're learning!
@Mitch You can in a river.
also, you don't have to go to the fridge for second breakfast, it's all right there.
@Robusto with someone holding your head under. those things are so buoyant!
@Mitch This is why airheads never drown?
Or at least not often enough.
Vapid buoyancy system™
> President Donald Trump's daughter and adviser Ivanka Trump came out Thursday against the family separations that resulted from her father's zero-tolerance policy for illegal immigration, calling them a "low point" of her White House tenure thus far.
Kinda spoiled her day, huh? That's so sad.
What a coincidence. I just saw that too
I can't believe that was worse for her than all the mean people in Washington like saying mean things about her and her family!
There was a movie a wholelotoffigureouthowoldIamago, a documentary about 5 super rich kids, like one of the DuPonts and one of the Anheuser-Busch's and etc, and like one was an iconoclast and was getting a phd to show his family he was like a normal person, and one was a total dick like you'd expect never showing up to class or final exams and the dean writing an apologetic letter to him saying they wish he'd take an exam eventually...
And one of the kids was Ivan Trump. And she seemed not totally terrible.
Holy shit..I did not mean to say it that way. Ivana
I've over filled my pun quota for the day
@Mitch August Busch IV was a wild child. So bad that when he took over Anheuser-Busch his father got the company bought out by InBev just to get rid of him.
did they all live together in the same flat?
was it on MTV?
Was Jennifer Aniston in it?
@Robusto One of the kid's father's was a painter?
Real World Rich Kids
@Robusto I don't think so? Was she super rich as a teenager/college kid?
Finally, we're getting down to the important questions.
@MattE.Эллен haha no. basically five separate documentaries with the same theme. Is this super rich kid a dick or not.
Affluenza, a portmanteau of affluence and influenza, is a term used by critics of consumerism. It is thought to have been first used in 1954, but it gained legs as a concept with a 1997 PBS documentary of the same name and the subsequent book Affluenza: The All-Consuming Epidemic (2001, revised in 2005, 2014). These works define affluenza as "a painful, contagious, socially transmitted condition of overload, debt, anxiety, and waste resulting from the dogged pursuit of more". The term "affluenza" has also been used to refer to an inability to understand the consequences of one's actions because...
@Mitch sort of like My Super Sweet Sixteen, but probably more serious
The title of the documentary, as far as my failing memory goes, was most likely not "Super Rich KIds - Dick or Not?"
My Super Sweet 16 is an MTV reality TV series documenting the lives of teenagers, usually in the United States, Canada and United Kingdom, generally with wealthy parents who throw excessive coming of age celebrations. Parties include the quinceañera (a sweet 15), the sweet 16, and other birthdays including a My Super Sweet 21 (which was broadcast during MTV's Spring Break party) and My Super Swag 18. The show premiered on January 18, 2005 and ended its run on June 15, 2008. The opening theme is "Sweet Sixteen" sung by Hilary Duff. In retrospect, Bustle identified "the main 14 elements [or tropes...
@MattE.Эллен Yes! if My Super Sweet Sixteen is what I just made up in my head was about.
MSS16 was erring on the side of "rich kids are dicks"
at least from what I saw
because that's more entertaining
"I'm online till I habe tio get muy shot." Thanks, Autocorrect, for helping me with "I'm online till I have to get my shot."
I mean, a perfect combo of English, German, and Spanish.
@MattE.Эллен What is this 'MTV' you kids keep talking about?
Who knew?
@Mitch it's like regular TV.
Only with an M.
Rumor has it the M used to stand for Music, but that can't be.
I think the M stands for Mainstream
@MattE.Эллен Neat. We have all the TV but I'm sick of the bad interfaces for Netflix and etc, so I go back to the regular 5000 channels which are easier to scan and find a movie I've seen many times before always starting from 1/2 hour in.
Brookstone files for bankruptcy: mall stores will close. Waah! Where will I buy electric-heated neck pillows and travel kits with cocktail shakers in them?
lol. our TV broke, so we lost the 5 channels, and have to watch netflix on a laptop
I hate watching Netflix on a computer, because I always feel like I should be working.
@MattE.Эллен I used to say MTV ruined my attention span, what with all it's fast cuts and fast devil music, but now with friends gathering to stand in front of each other and text people who are not there, I feel like 'Heroin, what's the big deal?'
@Robusto At your local airport. But because of high security, you'll have to purchase a flight ticket to access the mall. But it's worth it.
@Robusto I've done that and it's not so bad as long as you move the laptop a few feet away so your hands aren't on the keyboard. closer to a TV feeling
@Mitch The big deal on heroin, down at Doug's Discount Heroin Warehouse? He's doing crazy deals on Heroin, Opium, Methodone and many many Opiods! Get down there now!
@MattE.Эллен Methadone is stupid. I get better out of a double espresso.
Speaking of espresso...chocolate covered espresso beans should be a controlled substance
I can't even watch a movie at home without checking a tablet or my phone now.
@Mitch chocolate covered, crystallised ginger is where it's at.
I think I had three or four in the early afternoon once.. and then later that night I went to bed and fifteen minutes later I thought, that's weird I'm not asleep, and then another fifteen minutes later I thought, that's weird I'm not asleep, and then another fifteen minutes later I thought, that's really weird, why am I not asleep. The point is, I am usually a really good asleep-faller. 5 minutes tops.
and then you went downstairs and chewed a couple of beans to think it over
@MattE.Эллен It doesn't taste as good if you're expecting a chocolate covered espresso bean.
a bit disconcerting
or as bad
@MattE.Эллен haha no. But I did stop having more than one at a time.
@MattE.Эллен I think I had one of those ginger things when I expected something that was not one of those things and it wasn't a good experience.
If I had only been warned a head of time, it might have been ok.
Something that is not OK even when warned ahead of time is bergamot lozenge.
Like when you have earl grey tea, there's this aftertaste of bergamot which makes it a weird but good tea.
@Mitch that's fair. life is like a box of chocolates where you're not warned a head of time what the centres are and so you just have to keep hoping that eventually you'll find one you like.
but in the lozenge, pack about 50 cups of that tea into one small package, and suck on it.
That first whaff is very strong.
can't say I know what bergamot tastes like
@MattE.Эллен does anyone like the brandy cream filled ones?
@MattE.Эллен it tastes like Earl Grey. There, now you know
First tip is to touch the icon on your dashboard.
But if you're in the car I guess the car is much easier to find.
I put an icon on my forehead that I have to touch to locate my glasses. Usually my glasses are in the way, though, so I'll have to rethink the UI
"I know Excel is a concern for some as well, but this is a low barrier to entry tool."
Yeah, great. Then you can use it and I will continue using my work management tool.
And when you catch up, we can talk then.
Q: Word for a "qualitative statistical property"

extremeaxe5For example, the "center" of a distribution is a ___ The sample mean is a measure of "center", and thus is not a ___ "Spread" is another ___ There are many measures of spread, e.g biased sample variance, biased sample standard deviation, IQR, etc. Other ___ include skewness and kurtosis.

@KitZ.Fox Wait...what work management tool do you use? Just so you don't think I'm trolling, my work management tool is post it notes and Google Calendar. Do you mean like Trello or JIRA?
@Mitch visual studio team services
oh. I've never seen that.
or heard of it
it's the new version of team foundation services
it's a microsoft tool
it's pretty slick
mgmt doesn't know how to use it though, since they don't actually do the work, so even though they dictated the tech that we would use for work mgmt, they want us to give them information in excel.
so they can talk to each other and "plan" our work, and then send it back to us in excel for us to put back into the work mgmt tool
which consists of us ignoring it because they don't plan it correctly
I have all sorts of negative things I could say about Microsoft but I'm always impressed by the Visual X editors. Are the Team Foundation Services integrated into that?
and then they get bitchy and want more information and details and meetings with us so they can do a better job "planning" the work.
which is us telling them what our work plan is and then how we made the work plan and then they tell us to put it in Excel, they hand it around, and then give it back to us as their work plan.
and tell us to put it back in the tool.
and also work faster
@KitZ.Fox Effing management. I've been through multiple cycles (OK probably just two) where 'mgmt' says they want to know progress and I'll say just ask me, and then they'll say they want metrics (but sure with talking about it at some point) and you get a system in place to give metrics that is avaiable to them or a print out directly in their hands, and they say...
@Mitch yeah, microsoft has good stuff and bad stuff. I like their coding tools much more than I thought I would, and the extension into requirements and code management is getting better all the time.
"Hey this is great work, but I want to see metrics about progress"
It was pretty crap a few years ago, but the newest iteration is effing hot.
because mgmt can't read
uh... doesn't read, and don't know how to interpret effing bar charts with two bars
My beef is 1) we're an effing software development group, wtf are we doing putting anything that isn't spreadsheet information into a spreadsheet and 2) mgmt is making me do extra work because they can't be arsed to learn how to use my tools so they don't need to interrupt me.
and also I already have more projects that I can manage.
I mean, they can literally click on a link to see the feature plan for the next increment. I did my due diligence sorting that out because it is useful to me for planning as well.
And I keep shifting things around as more information comes in, and priorities change.
I should not be required to create an excel spreadsheet that has filled in boxes for which sprints I'm working what EVERY TIME we change priorities.
@KitZ.Fox I knew someone who set up some minimal system with JIRA (either in JIRA or as an Excel macro or what), I can't remember, that did that auto filled a spreadsheet with all the metrics you can see anyway in JIRA but now it's in a spreadsheet.
and that was one iteration of the thing I mentioned before. "OH that's great, but what is your progress on this other thing. And don't tell me to ask you, put it in a spreadsheet"
@Robusto good Elton Johns borrow. Great Elton Johns steal.
Ohai, Marc. I mean, Kit.
Of course there is miscommunication all along the way, but still. In the end they should just ask.
JIRA sounds like the name of just the kind of tool people won't use simply because of how dumb its name is.
Q: One who laughs on their own joke

Iqbal Ahmed SiyalSelf-aggrandizing is a word that revolves in my mind, but in most of situations, it doesn't really suit for the one who laughs on their own joke, even when no body laughs.

Laughs on.
What is this English.
What language is it "on" in.
In both Russian and German it's "over". Laugh over something.
Google translate is a fun time. I translated "laugh at a joke" into Arabic and back and got "laugh as a joke". Then I translated "laugh towards a joke" to Arabic and back again and got "laugh at a joke".
so towards -> at -> as. I love machine translation
Handsome casting
Handsome casting handsome handsome
Handsome casting handsome handsome
Handsome casting handsome handsome casting
Casting Casting Casting Casting Casting Casting
Casting Casting Casting Casting Casting Casting Casting
It sounds like Mission Impossible
Casting handsome casting is the ultimate point
No I mean how to cast the movie Mission Impossible
@Mitch Man I'm so gonna watch Fallout
@Mitch To be fair, it's been more than just handsome faces
It's pretty good. The ending is a lot like Avengers: Infinity War
And Fallout is said to be the best, so I'm gonna watch it
I guess they don't need to cast anyone after that ending
Wait, I haven't watched Inf war
18 secs ago, by M.A.R. ಠ_ಠ
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Oh. good. ending is pretty much the same
you like spoilers, though! they make your car go faster
But I'm gonna watch it on Saturday
@MattE.Эллен I don't have a car
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Oh wow, the scenery is amazing. Like few other movies ever but I can't think of any
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ then what's your spoiler attached to?
and it's not like big fancy foreign cities. it's places you literally could never even get to yourself.
hm...I guess that's already literal. anyway, I wouldn't want you to get the wrong impression.
@MattE.Эллен The ceiling. Don't ask how it got there
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ explosions galore
I had this lamborghini
people, regular and superhero, in dire peril
a timer that needs to be stopped
Oh, it's called ignore here
a fight scene
@Mitch Or the film will end?
so Josh Brolin and Wade Wilson turn up in a time machine and save rock and roll
@MattE.Эллен WHA????
@Mitch that's the end of Infinity Wars, or maybe that's just the ending in British cinemas
perhaps that's too gritty for American cinema goers
@MattE.Эллен I was surprised that Wade Wilson showed up. Mostly because I don't recognize that name.
@Mitch (aka deadpool)
Chat has this weird bug
@Mitch Pfft, comic noob
@MattE.Эллен I hear they had to bowdlerize HP and the Philospher's Stone because Hermione says 'poop'
Or maybe just haven't watched Deadpool
(that's my bowdlerization of the bowdlerization)
@Mitch (good catch, it's a very sensitive audience)
@MattE.Эллен Ohhhhh. It's that guy?
the bartender?
@Mitch maybe. which bartender?
What happened to Josh Brolin?
@Mitch Got a metal arm after Inf War
Did he... (don't tell @M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ) ... um
yeah, what he said
Metal arm? That's not a big thing. Half of everybody in the movie has some prosthetic
Josh Brolin is an actor, rather than a character
@MattE.Эллен shame
Josh is OK.
@MattE.Эллен and Wade is not?
no, Wade is played by Ryan Reynolds
but Josh is in both Deadpool 2 and Infinity War
but Josh is in both Deadpool 2 and Infinity War
but as different characters
Sure I could look all this up on IMDB but what would be the fun in that when I can misunderstand everything that you guys say
and then misremember it, which will cancel out
@MattE.Эллен Oh. I thought the big guy with the rings was... wait for it... that guy whose name I can't remember
The guy who played Hellboy
Ron Perlman?
Yeah, I thought that too, but apparently not
same face, same voice, same cartoony unrealistic psychology
like what's his deal man?
I guess Thanos is cosplaying Ron Perlman?
was he caught shoplifting when he was ten years old?
I don't know
@MattE.Эллен I can see that. Ron Perlman is so much bigger than life
like 250 lbs, 6'6"
I'm 150 lbs, 5'8"
he's a lot bigger than me!
@MattE.Эллен Gee, I'm a lot bigger than you
150 lbs is 68 kilograms in English, according to Mr. Google
So, wow
Actually there are some grannies in the dialysis center that weigh 42-44 kilograms
well, I'm 70kg, but I rounded down for effect
Maybe you're just the green head, without the body?
That's what I've been trying to tell people!
So how do you breathe?
Insect-ish type of breathing?
Jan 5 at 17:26, by Matt E. Эллен
I'm a floating orc head. Everyone is below me!
In through the nose, out through the mouth
Ew, you got lungs in that head?
really? is that for like scuba diving or something?
These insects I never understand
I was watching this Korean TV series, and the foretellers always talk in riddles?
Why the hell do they do that?
@Mitch I think it's for relaxation?
@MattE.Эллен I don't think I'll be relaxed at all if I can't close my mouth
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ good question. to know the answer you must answer these riddles three!
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ relax while breathe in
@MattE.Эллен I mean, do you not want anyone else to come to you anymore? Talk like a normal human can understand . . .
Unless you're a fake
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ 1 2 3
@RegDwigнt This just shows how literal-minded Germans are.
@MattE.Эллен Don't forget the spiracles.
@RegDwigнt Ohai! Sorry I missed you. I was out having tea with my little son.
Q: Antonym of "outlier" suitable for statistics parlance?

Sean PiankaFor use in the example sentence: After the outliers had been removed, the ... were grouped with a disjoint set (aka. Union-Find). I lean towards inliers, but this seems wrong given the linked definition. Any thoughts?

Great answer. Why did you use a grave accent above the last 'e' in learned? Do you do the same for "blessed" and "cursed" when they're pronounced as two syllables? Is there a style guide that recommends this or were you taught to do this? — Zebrafish 2 hours ago
I need to think of something witty.
But my brain is not coöperating.
so much potential
It’s of course a false dichotomy, but I'm sure he doesn't realize this. :)
Perhaps I should send him haring off to The New Yorker.
"I am my own style guide."
"Because some of us read."

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