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04:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Url in title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, pattern-matching website in body, +3 more: buzz2supplements.com/max-test-ultra/ by hydyuh on english.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Url in title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, pattern-matching website in body, +3 more: buzz2supplements.com/max-test-ultra/ by hydyuh on english.SE
2 hours later…
Q: What's the term of an employee's rule in a company?

rostamianiWhat's the term of an employee's rule in a company? Such as 'manager','accountant','boss'.

@Robusto Not yet!
I couldn't find it on Netflix.
Where do you watch it?
And what's the original language, French or English?
Wikipaedia says both, but I find that hard to believe?
@RegDwigнt Ah, interesting. So I wasn't crazy! Keep in mind that I know nothing about music except how to listen to it.
@RegDwigнt I wouldn't be able to solve anything, so you may rest in peace.
You can always play it back in reverse for your next video!
that would literally be reverse engineering
\o @JohanLarsson
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, pattern-matching website in body, +6 more: //www.healthcareorder.com/nutralite-keto/ by mackwanez on english.SE
Q: A word for a place where you store antiques

Sofi LettierHi I'm writting this song and I'm trying to come up with a word for a place, a room, a shop or even a piece o furniture where people store old things or collectable objects. The idea is to imply that something is old or is more like a collection piece now by saying it is getting saved there (in t...

Q: Word for the colored edges of book pages, opposite the spine

zahbazIs there a term for this? I'm not looking for gilded or gold leaf, as those are both specific to golden edges, nor am I seeking a term used for especially ornamental usages. The question came to mind after looking at a math textbook that used blue color to highlight a supplemental chapter, so the...

@JohanLarsson your "swimming dead fish" link blew my mind!
please is this correct
(What is the best way to digitize a book: Scan or Write them in LaTeX Format? Justify your answer, please?
and what is the advantages and drawbacks of each one of them?
I would like to post that in Ebooks exchange
And I would like to choose
(Scanned Books Vs Write them in Latex Format) as title
yes it is interesting
(I would like to digitize my Maths books to be able to access them from anywhere since it's too heavy to carry them everywhere, therefore, What is the best way to digitize a book: Scan or Write them in LaTeX Format? Justify your answer, please?
and what is the advantages and drawbacks of each one of them?)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, email in title, +6 more: [email protected]/nutralite-keto/ by corkhpen on english.SE
1 hour later…
@ab2 just a heads-up: none of that pinged me. I don't have an h in my name, it's an н.
And I don't always catch up on the entire transcript, contrary to what I force everyone else to do.
Do as I say, not as I do.
Speaking of random Cyrillic characters: anyone still remember Lauren?
And has she had any success with getting Jasper his restraining order?
nvm, he left; and I'm the only one left
I didn't leave. I'm always in here.
Also, why'd you post three things and then delete them all.
Like, everyone can still read them, so what's even the point. Don't waste your time.
are all the soccer fans gone yet?
(the foreign ones, at least :)
Define "foreign", foreigner.
Going by your usage of the word "soccer" rather than "football", you're the foreignest of them all.
whelp, that could be true
Isn't anyone who uses the word "foreign" without context always assumed to be American? :P
is being an american the foreignest of them all?
hmm, not helpful :P
@user1732 Nah, it's just funny when people use a word that's only meaningful when given in context ("foreign", "different", "same" etc) without that context.
I see.
Same difference.
Greece, Cyprus. They're all just Chinese. Amirite fellas.
how was the live stream?
Nahre's? Spectacular as always.
do you have a link?
Hm. Good question. It was on Instagram, I've no idea if I can link to those. Or if they are even preserved at all. Lemme check.
Hm. I can see it in my queue on mobile, but it's not showing in any way shape or form on the PC.
thanks ok, i'll search on youtube
So if you're on Instagram, just check out "nahresol" and you should see a play button underneath her name.
I think it only goes away after a day or so. So you've still got time.
I don't think her last three streams were on YouTube at all. Insta only.
i'm not on insta
perhaps it's time to join
Yeah I wasn't either until like what, five weeks ago.
Because I thought it's all that vapid bullshit with everyone just posting the same fucking selfie of themselves over and over again.
yeah that's what i figured too
And yeah, there's people like that on there, sure. But the suggestion algorithm is actually quite good. If you ignore the bubbleheads it suggests at first, it starts suggesting quality people.
Like, really quality stuff. OMG.
And if you have like a bunch of friends that are on there already, that helps even more. To weed out the rubbish quickly.
are you on twitter?
So anyway. I see all kinds of inspirational bits and bobs every time I visit. People creating things left and right. And none of the bubbleheads. I'm actually enjoying Insta a lot, I must admit. Never expected that. At all.
@user1732 yeah I'm one of those people who joined like 20 years ago but only follow like three people and have five tweets in total.
lol, me too
same goes for G+
Yeah lmao.
Every time I upload something to YouTube, it asks me, "also post on G+"? And I'm like yeah wha'evah, why the hell not. No idea where it posts it. Never went to look.
Like, I did check back on G+ once. I think it was four years ago?
Gimme another four, and I might check again.
thanks for the tip about Nahre Sol, i'll look it up
7 mins ago, by user1732
perhaps it's time to join
Oh yeah. She does spectacular stuff. She used to be a photographer, and it shows. Her videos on YouTube are like WTF, it would take me a year to make just one of those and it would look like shit.
And she produces like one every week. All the while traveling to Costa Rica giving concerts and masterclasses.
And streaming live.
Some people seem to have 40 hours in their day.
i've heard some horror stories about suicides being commited on facebook live streams
I've heard horror stories about all kinds of violence being committed live on facebook.
People are people.
yeah, and some are sick
Whatever toy you give them, they will try to stretch it to the point of breaking.
human nature, i guess
So rather than blaming FB for not somehow magically preventing this shit, which they possibly can't, we might as well argue it's a good thing that FB reminds us of the fact there's all those sickos out there, ready to do horrible things right now. And all those other sickos, ready to watch it live and wank off to it.
user beware
(don't let the young kids on the internet alone)
Don't let kids on the Internet, period.
There's way too many of them out there anyway. In all age groups.
schools allow it
Some do. Others confiscate all mobile devices at the door.
some buy them iPads
great way to hold text books
It's not a bad thing per se. It's what you teach people to do with it.
Or what you omit to teach.
true, true
you can't teach a sense of decency
you can only give them examples
even judges "only know it when they see it"
1 hour later…
Holy shit @Mr.ShinyandNew安宇, Canadian dollars are expensive. And hideous.
I didn't know either.
those are 3 dollar coins
@Robusto see, that's the flip side of being all polite and not calling a fucken whore a fucken whore but instead calling her "a friendship".
@user2236 oh sorry, my bad. 30 Euros for three Canadian dollars is of course a bargain.
That's a lovely song. But sooo old.
Jesus Christ, literally from the last millennium.
I didn't realize.
Is that like Byron or what.
@RegDwigнt Huh, I've never seen a $3 coin. Of course those souvenir coins are expensive. Only people with too much money buy them.
yeah, buy a 3 dollar coin for $19.95.
+ tax
It's more like "buy a decoration for $20"
It's more like "buy the opposite of decoration for $35".
30 Euros is not 20 USD, guys, what planet are you from.
Anyway I don't get this whole "let's put paint on coins" shtick. 999 times out of 1000 it looks fucking disgusting is what it does.
Even on the official pictures which are all shopped and all. In person it looks like you vomited on your money.
oh, right, that particular coin series is $49.95 CAD per coin
It took me a while to find it because mint.ca's website is possibly the worst I've ever used
2 hours later…
blame it on trump :P
2 hours later…
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 50$ for 3$, what a deal. Plus P&P.
@tchrist It's been two days and I still can't crack that.
@Mitch Maybe just OCD. (You're no friend of hyphens, are you?)
@Cerberus Interesting. So we have mentioned seven-year and nine-year wars. There was also an eight-year war in recent times.
@Færd It means it was nothing but a feint, a distraction, and of the calibre such as one would try only on a dog or demented child.
@tchrist Ah. Thanks for the explanation.
That might well have been what went through his mind.
He accused Obama some years ago that he wants to go to war with Iran to gain popularity.
@Færd What's the first thing that goes through a bug's mind when he sees a car's windshield speeding towards him? His butt.
I wanted to say "do bugs have butts?", then I thought "as long as we're assuming they have minds ...".
@RegDwigнt yeah. Well, if you try to use it as legal tender, it's a pretty dumb deal.
@terdon I was sorry to hear the news of the disastrous blaze. Hope you weren't heavily affected by it.
Q: What do you call a gas / petrol station for planes?

Script47I don't believe Gas Station or Petrol Station fit as they are normally used for cars. Is there an official term for a fuel station specific to planes?

@Færd Thanks, I wasn't no. I know people who had houses there though. It really is awful.
It's been contained by now, right?
Yeah, it's awful.
Especially when you think of it as more of a trend, rather than a singular and isolated incident.
There are people who buy US coins from the US mint on a credit card then use the coins to pay off the credit-card bill. This seems pointless except that they earn reward points on the credit cards. "Hobbyists" use this technique to fly for free.
@Færd Hey now, you're the one who started out with the conceit that the stinkbug has a mind. :)
@Færd Yes, but the death toll has reached 81.
@tchrist I thought it was the last thing that went through his mind.
So looks like I will have to check the news for the first time in years.
Oh. Forest fires.
@Robusto oh right
Q: What is a word that describes someone who acts virtuous to attract people but really isn't

Nigel LeBlancI'm looking for a word that describes someone who pretends to be virtuous in order to please or gain people's trust.

1 hour later…
@tchrist whoa whoa whoa - I think your comparison would be taken poorly by both
@RegDwigнt news? There's news? Is Kanye marketing something new? Dammit I missed my chance again
@Færd haha yes. I write things as they come to mind. I don't follow your silly grammar 'rules'.
Q: Why is 'it' a personal pronoun?

santimirandarpIt might be a silly question but personal pronouns should refer to people, isn't it?

@Mitch no, more like Greenpeace is spilling poisonous paint all over Berlin, like literally spilling by the tons. And English men kill their spouses with Russian poison because they think it is "perfume".
This is why I don't read the news anymore. Fo real, I'd rather read about Kanye.
@RegDwigнt Greenpeace is neither green nor peace
Ohh! Bob moy for the day...
@Feeds Uh, is that an SWR?
Dang it
Bob mot for the day:
Argh! Goddam you autocoeect
Bon mot for the day:
I'm visiting the south....you know southern hospitality and such
People from the south are so nice and pleasant to your face, but turn around and they'll stab you in the back.
In contrast, people from the north are surly and unpleasant to your face, and you turn around and then they'll stab you in the back.
I don't get your Bob mot
@RegDwigнt news is for losers. If you're reading it, it's too late. The stock market has already crashed, the hurricane has already made landfall, your dog has already gotten terribly sick from that chocolate you gave them.
Winners make the news.
The Northern people are better 'cause they don't stab you as soon as they're feeling unpleasant?
@Mitch Unless they've just jumped off Empire State without a parachute
How winners are involved with hurricanes and feeding chocolate to dogs, I don't know.thats for the losers to figure out.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ northerners wouldn't make that mistake. They know they'd be sent a bill for the mess
@Mitch They'd bribe the afterlife mailman
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ people from the middle? They just stab you in the face as a matter of practicality. Why make you go through the trouble of turning around?
Very practical people. Thoughtful even
But very earnest. They don't understand sarcasm at all. Like all this face stabbing. They would think someone is actually going to get hurt
@Mitch Greenpeace stole my walrus.
I made a walrus out of LEGO and they stole it and put it in their advertising.
@Mitch That is so engineer of them
@RegDwigнt !
I also made a hippo out of LEGO, and last night I bumped into a video on YouTube that "showed" how to build it in the most wrong and lazy manner. And it had more views than all of my videos combined.
No good LEGO build goes unpunished.
@RegDwigнt you should make a lego building video but then title it ASTM or whatever that crystal pyramid holistic medicine thing is.
Then rack up the views and profit!
Why don't you make it and tell me how it went.
I'm telling you now, Putin will steal your crystal pyramid.
And you don't fuck with Putin.
@RegDwigнt I'm just the idea guy. You have the means, and will profit directly. I only ask a small token, to wet my beak, so to speak.
No, I'm the idea guy. I suck at the implementation bit.
A small slice of the pie.
By and by
@RegDwigнt pfft. Implementation is so last century
My thinking exactly.
Which is why I say, you go build your crystal meth.
Doing is cheap. Ideas are where the creativity is
I'm already attracting unhealthy amounts of attention from Russia.
@RegDwigнt I don't even bother picking up crystal meth I come across walking down the street. My time spent just picking it up is worth way more.
I'd only pick up crystal meth lying in the street if it were a vintage or collectors variety
Yeah don't pick it up, just sell it on eBay as "no delivery, to self-collectors only".
And give an address?
Then you don't even break any laws.
You're just selling a GPS number.
2nd telephone past the cracked sidewalk slab?
Watch out for broken glass and broken hearts.
Broken glass is not your problem. Remember, you're only selling a number.
Literally. The slaughterhouse is nearby and they haven't figured out what to do with beef hearts
And broken hearts are not a thing anymore.
For to break a heart, there first must be love, and people don't fall in love anymore. They only follow each other on Twitter.
04:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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