@Cerberus Oh it's way worse than that.
That "cube", which is a dodecahedron, is called a megaminx.
I bought mine like two years ago.
I used to solve it every day on the bus. It's exceptionally easy to solve. Easier than the cube, actually.
You need two short move patterns for the last layer. Everything else, the entire thing, you can solve by using just one move pattern over and over again.
I talked about it with Mitch just the other day, he seemed to be knowledgeable about these things for some reason, which I didn't even know. Good for him.
So anyway. That's one of the reasons I picked the megaminx off the shelf among all the other puzzles. I thought I'd just film a quick scramble and a quick solve, bam, maybe five minutes.
I could remember the one move for solving the entire thing, but none of the other two for solving the last layer.
And, like, this was just B-roll footage for the video. I had a ton of other things to film. And the sun was setting.
So I frantically searched YouTube and whatnot, and watched how-to videos for like 40 minutes. And every single one of them was shit, so I actually ended up scrambling the thing worse and worse.
So yes. At the end I said, hold on, I did a couple takes on how I pick up the thing from the shelf.
I let the camera roll throughout. Pick, place back, pick, place back.
Why don't I just go and use one of those "place back" bits that I've already filmed.
And then I just filmed myself in all the various locations playing around with the unsolved thing pretending I was solving it. Lol.
And I should have known. This always happens to these puzzles. If you don't practice the moves for a week, you forget them. Kind of like with the piano, really.
I'm subscribed to a couple Rubik channels, those people are total pros, but they all constantly forget how to solve certain puzzles they haven't practiced for a while.
So yeah. All the puzzles you see there on the shelf, at one point or another I could solve each and every one of them. But right now if you woke me up in the middle of the night, I couldn't even solve the standard 3x3x3. The 2x2x2 maybe. But I'm not even confident about that one.
@Cerberus well, Chopin sorta invented those. These are called the blue notes, though. Jazz got them from blues.
I have them sprinkled very generously all over the piece, but some are more noticeable than others for reasons I won't go into because OMG look at this wall of text.