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Q: How do you say rolling's one's eyes or an eye roll in this situation?

AyannaRolling one's eyes due to orgasm. Checked most English dictionaries but most definitions ard negative, e.g. due to frustration.

@RegDwigнt Nice. Can't wait to hear the rest. Hurry the fuck up, willya, ya neeeerd.
You mean that one?
@tchrist This was my favorite line from the whole article: "To say that someone does not have an accent is as believable as saying that someone does not have any facial features."
6 hours later…
3 hours later…
Q: Word to describe somebody discovering the issue (i.e. fire)

user308651I want to use a word to describe somebody discovering the issue (i.e. fire). Could you help? thanks.

1 hour later…
@Robusto obviously you've never seen Steven Seagal.
@Cerberus hm. Not really, no. Like, not even subconsciously or by accident. I just went and checked after you mentioned it because I was worried that you were onto something.
Like. Actually, you couldn't make them more different if you tried...
The time signature is different, the tempo is different, the key is different, the harmonic progressions are different, the phrasing is different, the figuration is different.
Good afternoon English Language Usagers
Emptiness is just arpeggios up, scales down. In 4/4. The waltz is chromatic shit up, chromatic shit down, and also chromatic shit sideways. In 3/4.
Did you hear this song - Песенка на память, @RegDwigнt?
Lol "слова М.Минкова, музыка П.Синявского". That's wrong.
Minkov was the composer. Sinyavsky the lyricist.
So you know the song?
I like it very much
No, I never heard this one. But Minkov wrote "Мы из джаза" and also "Дорогою добра".
And a million other things, but these are the things that everyone knows.
> Stars are out and we sing together
But the stanzas are getting few.
Will they blow down this wind forever,
Can we borrow a breath or two?
Will they blow down the wind forever,
Will they blow down the wind forever,
Will they lose in the air forever,
Can we borrow a breath or two?
I tried translating it
> Как задумчиво светит вечер
Голубыми глазами звёзд
Вот бы взять нам на память ветер,
Тот, что песенку вдаль унёс
Вот бы взять нам на память ветер,
Вот бы взять нам на память ветер,
Вот бы взять нам на память ветер,
Тот, что песенку вдаль унёс
Yeah good luck, mate. Translating poetry is impossible.
I should know, I studied it.
I created exactly one excellent translation, and then I stopped. Because I knew there was nowhere to go from there but down.
It was "The Sail" by Lermontov, in case you wonder. Into German.
And yeah just as a headsup, "Getting few" sounds distinctly wrong. You need some kind of adjective there, like "Getting sparse" or whatever. But that only rhymes with "arse". So yeah, good luck!
I know one perfect translation of Pushkin into English, his poem "К поэту"
Like, when a couple weeks ago I translated Mandelstam for my YouTube videos, I just said fuck it, and went for the literal translation.
> No poet should set store by public acclamation.
Ecstatic praise will pass, an instant in the ear;
The empty crowd will laugh, the fool will have his oration,
But you must stay quite calm, unbending, and austere.

A king, then, live alone. You choose your destination,
Go where you questioning mind shall now elect to steer
To bring perfection to the thoughts you hold most dear,
Requiring no rewards, achieving consummation -

They lie within yourself. As judge you are the best;
In valuing your works, severer than the rest,
This is it.
I even memorized it by heart, it's superb and recreates the same feelings as Pushkin's original in Russian.
Feelings, yes. Language, not at all.
"Go where you questioning mind shall now elect to steer". Nobody talks like that. Ever.
The whole point of Pushkin was that he wrote like you would actually talk.
It is high poetic style
Exactly. And Pushkin was the opposite of that.
Lermontov, too.
That was their whole revolution that they kicked off.
Before them, people would write things like "To bring perfection to the thoughts you hold most dear,".
I know of that revolution but this particular translation is superb, and I like "Go where your .. " etc.
Then Pushkin came along and wrote things like "I hope my uncle fucking dies".
That was kind of the whole point.
That's a simplification
I don't have the time nor the space here to go into detail.
Da dum da dum, da dum, da dum, da dum ditty dum ditty dum
Yeah, that's my uncle
I suggest that you read Перпендикуляр by Веллер.
It's a series of lectures on this very subject. Very detailed. Truly excellent.
Poetry is crap
says you
Just a bunch of words strung together
@CupFever sez me, Mr. The World Cup is over what the hell is left to life.
France wins it all
if you can call a mode of transport to make life easier a sport.
like fishing
or golf
just round and round
snooze fest
And soccer? just use your goddam hands already
There. Just for Mitch. No poetry there.
@RegDwigнt I see words in it. Poetic Justice. So you're wrong again. As usual
If I am wrong, then right has no meaning.
There was a movie called poetic justice. It's just calling out for ridicule
Poetic Justice League of the Extraordinary Few Good Men?
@RegDwigнt By the laws of syllogistic reasoning, there is no meaning
@RegDwigнt If I ever have free time, I will. I like Veller.
Yeah you should do that.
Drop the internet and you'll have plenty of time.
It's like only 200 pages, and it's just a transcript of his lectures, so the language is very casual and it's easy to read and digest. All the while what he says is not mundane at all.
@CupFever to drop the Internet you would have to pick it up first, and those pipes weigh a ton, mate. At least.
Sorry, tubes, not pipes. I'm not a sysadmin. But you get my point.
yeah, I do
I hope you get mine.
I don't know. You post all your points on the Internet, and I don't have time for that.
Ain't nobody got time for that
Fuck it, dude, let's go bowlin'.
Well I'll take the three PhDs and a couple Siberian tigers, then. And let them all fight to death. Thanks, mom!
@RegDwigнt And yet they're both written using standard musical notation, on staves, black on white. Plagiarism!
@Robusto oh fuck I forgot your were Marvin Gaye...
Well I remembered you were gay alright.
It's the other part I forgot.
Also, haha, you just called the alto key "standard notation". Gotcha. Get outta here, filthy violist!
Also also, yesterday I learned that the bassoon is apparently much easier to play than the flute.
On the minus side, you never get to play it because you have to make reeds 40 hours a day, every day.
@tchrist: I see people using se ve que as one would me parece que. Is one more colloquial than the other, or is it just a matter of me parece adding more ownership to the impression?
@RegDwigнt Did you see this cartoon?
Can someone tell me which of the following sentence is correct and why?
a) What did you do after you come back from the school?
b) What did you do after you came back from the school?
@Simba Came.
The conjunction after introduces a subordinate clause. Came is the (finite) verb in that clause.
Because the clause happened in the past (you came back from school in the past, not now), it needs a past verb.
Oh... Thanks @Cerberus
No prob.
Hi @Simba!
Glad to see that you got an answer to your question, albeit in chat. :)
Ah, you are acquainted?
Chat is a good place to ask such questions.
@Cerberus Only at the question itself. I felt it was left somewhat hanging. Thanks for answering Simba's question succinctly.
You were acquainted at a question?
Are you talking about a question on the main site?
@Cerberus Here's the original question:
Q: Question regarding correct form of verb?

SimbaI have a doubt regarding the rule of "Simple Past". Consider this: a) What did you do after you come back from the school? b) What did you do after you came back from the school? My "instinct" says that b) is correct in this case, but I want to know the rules so that I can convince myself and ...

I posted some comments there.
Ah, I see.
That just about closes the loop. :)
I don't think I've made a friend this round, though. :/
At least we've been civil to each other.
@Cerberus Seems a bit quiet here in chat these days. I miss the interactions with @KitZ.Fox, @Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 and the rest of the old crowd. Good to see that you're still around. :)
@Lawrence Yeah, became quiet after there was this huge conflict a year and a half ago.
What happened?
Was that around the time of the elections?
No, I don't think so.
There was another big conflict after that?
People from outside were flagging stuff in the room, and many of our most regular users were affronted.
I don't remember any conflict around elections?
@Cerberus Oh, that's a pity.
I don't remember the details.
@Cerberus There was a book involved.
A book, even?
Hang on, let me see if I can dig it up.
But recently Reg and Rob have been coming here again, so it's less quiet than a year or so ago.
And Faerd is often here talking.
Ok, I've found it. It's in Meta. Should I post a link?
Just mindful that I don't want to step on any toes even after all this time.
A: Are requests for arbitrary lines from novels on-topic?

LawrenceFull disclosure: I did not vote to close or reopen the question itself, but I did engage in a lengthy discussion on it in chat. The discussion started here and ended here. As requested by a moderator, here is a summary of that discussion. The topic was posted in chat in the usual manner, accomp...

Hopefully, people start coming back.
@Cerberus If the problem was with people from outside, why didn't the room owners just kick them out?
@Lawrence So the conflict was about that question?
I thought the old mods were just letting the new mods take the reins. So sad.
I voted on that Meta question, so I must have read it at the time.
@Cerberus That particular conflict was.
@Lawrence One did, but that even intensified the conflict. And Kit decided to disown several room owners after one kicked out an outsider (this only happened once).
@Cerberus It looks like that particular conflict has been resolved.
@Cerberus Must have been really bad. Kit's normally pretty level-headed about things.
Are there really no questions on the main site about podium vs lectern?
Q: what does the term calculated promises means?

Omar SalehIt was said in a song called "all stars are closer" so I wanna know what does it mean exactly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvOh7vVqlaE

She was really bad.
It's also why she left.
More or less.
@Cerberus She was bad?
@Færd Outrageous!
@Lawrence Well, I thought so.
But, w'evs.
It's been years.
@Cerberus No ... say it ain't so!
Mornin, campers.
@Cerberus Oh well, perhaps time will heal the wounds.
@MetaEd Yoo hoo.
Or perhaps I should say, "Coo-ee!"
@Lawrence Not exactly heal, but rather form stable scars.
I didn't know you were an animal as wlel.
@Lawrence I might have to have a translation :-)
@Cerberus Scars first, then healing. We all cop it at times.
I don't think that's going to happen.
@Cerberus Animal? Really now! :)
But no matter.
@Lawrence Oh, dear, isn't it?
@MetaEd It's an Australian ... um ... greeting? call? whistle from yonder?
I didn't know humans made such sounds, even though we are just another kind of animal.
@Lawrence I'll buy that.
I see.
@MetaEd Ah, a shout.
Cooee! () is a shout used in Australia, usually in the bush, to attract attention, find missing people, or indicate one's own location. When done correctly—loudly and shrilly—a call of "cooee" can carry over a considerable distance. The distance one's cooee call travels can be a matter of competitive pride. It is also known as a call of help, which can blend in with different natural sounds in the bush. == Etymology == The word "cooee" originates from the Dharug language of the original inhabitants of the Sydney area. It means "come here", and has now become widely used in Australia as a call...
So is that how your address your mother in law?
@Lawrence That's nice.
@Cerberus I'll pretend you were asking that of someone else. :P
Yes, yes, absolutely.
It's getting late in these parts. I'd better hit the sack. G'night, all! @Cerberus @MetaEd
Sleep well!
It's other side of the world, of course!
Perhaps we could install hooks and drag the Australian continental plate a bit more to the north-west.
Attach heavy weights to the edge of the plate so it subducts under the plate to the northwest.
Still to India's detriment: it would become entrapped in mountain ranges.
Which would be all Britain's fault.
Of course.
(I was Faheem.)
(I hope he won't get mad over my little joke.)
Let's lighten the mood.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive answer detected, toxic answer detected: What’s a funny word for someone who is frequently breaking things? ✏️ by Geoff_Clapp on english.SE
> Every accusation is a confession
The most succinct description of Trump's language I've seen
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 good feeling ruined
@Mitch my work here is done
What's the emoji which is laughing so hard you're crying, but there's no laughing?
Mine's a cat
OMG emojis are stupid.
Blind people must hate them
I can read letters just fine, no glasses, but emojis are just below my threshold. both those look the same to me, kind of a yellowy face with maybe some blue? But happy or sad or grinning or whatever I have no idea.
Yeah the crying one is supposed to be like two waterfalls of tears
but the eyes are so small and even the mouth is pretty indistinct I can't tell if it's supposed to be happy or sad
And frankly the set of emotions that were chosen to be emojis are this bizarre subset of life WEIRD
A billion Chinese are slowly moving away from ideographs towards pinyin, and some internet goofballs are getting their inarticulate and inconsistent feelings picturized?
yeah. drawing weirds language
1 hour later…
I kinda like Ariana Grande's God Is a Woman.
The basic meaning of the song is that she'll convince her partner that she's a sex goddess.
But the music video takes to another, rather amusing, level.
2 hours later…
Q: Primary, secondary, tertiary, etc... - what is the -ary for the etc? The nth-ary?

MysticKoolAidManTarget: I've been losing my mind ever since I learned "tertiary" corresponds to 3 instead of encompassing all the lower orders. I have bi-weekly need of a word in the same vein as primary/secondary, but unspecified and non-primary, when talking about computery things, religion, and philosophy. I'...

Q: Single word for 'lucid exposition'

nishanthsIs there a single word that means the same as 'lucid exposition' or 'clear explanation'? Perhaps, a lucid exposition of a difficult or tense subject.

Q: a word (or more) to describe unhealthy passion

CalazansI thought about the term 'nudging-sickness passion', but I'm not sure if the use of the two first words is correct. If not, I wanted to know words to describe a very intense passion, like the one you'd die for or kill for, something that is sick like an obsession and never fades away.

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