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Sometimes the more you are aware of, the more pain you feel. Read "The road less travelled". It taught me a lot of things.
It's always so, not sometimes.
@JasperLoy I thought that was a poem by Frost
@skullpatrol Oh, I was referring to the book by the shrink David M Scott Peck.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Is that a scene from a movie?
@JasperLoy Have you read Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance?
@skullpatrol I browsed it but did not like it. You see, when I go to the motivational books shelves in the library or bookstore I see two kinds of books: one sounds deep but is actually shallow, and the other looks shallow but is actually deep. Most seem to belong to the first, while "The road less travelled" belongs to the second.
That's quite expensive for a book about "a new psychology of love".
Hello, phone finder.
@Gigili Oh, there is a cheap paperback version in case you saw the more expensive one.
damn it! hey, jQuery people in the house?
Wake up, @jquery!
Hi, Matt.
I have some jQuery knowledge, @Kit
hi @Gigili
I think I found it, but I haven't written enough yet to figure out if I did it right. I want to disable ddls with jquery.
$(this).attr('disabled', true);
i see
I think. But I don't think there is a disabled.
Disable ddls?
I wand to disable him, too.
I think it's enabled but—ahahaha!
@KitFox according to w3schools there is a disabled attr
also on the MDN
MDN is great for this stuff
Right. MDN.
looks knowledgeable
heh, I only found out about it recently too :D
Uh. That seems to work...
What did I do here though?
Oh! Hahahaha. I forgot to take the postback off.
Nothing like running two sets of code to confuse the issue.
Does jquery support or in an if statement?
It doesn't look like it does.
probably have to use ||
@KitFox: (this).attr('disabled', true); should be fine.
if(isSomething || isSomethingelse)
Oh, double pipe. I forgot about that.
@MattЭллен this
OK. How about if I have five dropdowns, and I want to enable the number indicated in the textbox?
Better would be var foo = something || somethingElse. Or in jQuery, $(this).attr('disabled',(something || somethingElse || someOtherThing) ); etc.
As long as one of those somethings evalutes to true, it will be true. Otherwise false.
oh yes! I've totally got your ticket, ddl bitches!
I can't believe I've written so much jQuery script already.
my vb.net is starting to accrue weird typos like semi-colons.
@JasperLoy So I expect you to write about them a lot
@KitFox that can be a problem :D I do that in python too
Switching between VB syntax and C syntax sucks balls.
@Robusto Don't switch then ;)
@MattЭллен And python is worse. All that whitespace chokes my dog.
Yeah. I remember hunting through pages of C++ back in the day, looking for mismatched brackets. Or was it a semi-colon? But still better than looking for a missing space.
But a good IDE will warn you about missing braces. You shouldn't have to search.
Lisp is where you would run into missing-brace issue, I would think. I don't program in Lisp because just looking at that code gives me a headache.
Well, that was about 14 years ago, as I recall.
@Meysamرهادربند Sometimes you just gotta. One client wants something in VB, whaddya gonna tell 'em? No? Them doesn't like that word.
No intellisense or code completion then.
@KitFox I do remember those days. I remember having to debug Javascript by inserting alert statements where I wanted breakpoints.
I did that with some VB code out of habit, and my boss thought I was brilliant.
@KitFox Hahaha. Bosses are funny.
Yeah. I find it hard to believe that I have been coding longer. It must be that I just code more poorly.
@RegDwightB8: Shouldn't this be closed as GR?
I started coding in C and then had to do some stuff in Basic — you know, the kind with the numbered statements and GOTO and all that? — and I was like WTF is this crap?
@Robusto your dog should learn not to chew on white space!
@Robusto I started in Basic, so going to C really mixed me up. "But. But. How do you know when to do what?"
It was the first time I used a compiler too.
@MattЭллен Well, I have to feed him something. What do you feed your dog? Curly braces?
A: Is "Yankee" derogatory?

roselyneIt gives me a great pleasure to write to you after viewing your profile here today and i will like to know you more and establish a relationship that will base on truth and trust with you so dear one if my massage dose not come to you as embarrassment please i will like you to reply me th...

@Robusto That's sad when you have to do things you don't like...
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Oh, FFS ...
A: What does "c'tee" mean?

roselynedear my name is Roselyne.It gives me a great pleasure to write to you after viewing your profile here today and i will like to know you more and establish a relationship that will base on truth and trust with you so dear one if my massage dose not come to you as embarrassment please i will l...

@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 I find public massage doses pretty embarrassing, personally.
@Robusto By the way, I like the grammar of your sentence very bad! :)
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Really, that should be deleted forthwith.
OK, back to the oven. See you in a while.
Oh I'm working on it.
Apr 17 at 13:00, by Robusto
Welcome to ELU Lite! Where even basic ask get responding plenty! Not you hide from those immediate! Or in now time!
@KitFox Don't forget to set the timer!
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 How did Roselyne get past our Turing test?
^ A timer setter at work.
@Robusto why do you say that how did Roselyne get past our Turing test?
She's still on it.
I like her profile text, too.
Oh, you're not a moderator there. Never mind.
With caring what? Eyelashes? Boobs? Grandparents?
caring capslock
Umm, I don't find Gen-ref, should I choose "not constructive"?
Q: Could you check my sentences, please?

MonicaCould you check my sentences, please? 1.Will you be/are you going/ to be at home on Sunday? (Both correct) 2.Where are you going on Saturday evening//on Saturday in the evening? 3.He has lessons on Tuesdays and Thursdays only. 4.He comes here only on Sundays. 5.Will you go/Are you going to the t...

@Robusto yoink
It seems it's morning in pineapple land somewhere.
@Robusto Yay!
How do you close a general reference question @Matt?
@Gigili With extreme prejudice.
You'll be pleased to know that's it's now under 90 degrees in my office.
And I'm off to a meeting.
Well, I don't have that.
Still need that WTF category.
@Robusto that's what NARQ is for.
@Gigili double-check that you're on ELU. Other sites don't have that one.
Behold! Superman comes!
@Gigili If you think the question needs work, you could go for too localised
@MattЭллен too
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Double-checks I'm on GLU.
@MattЭллен Thank you. Not everyone is as understanding as you.
no trouble
@Gigili that's the flagging dialog, duh.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Why does it not have general reference as an option as well?
But yeah, post a bug report on meta.
@ClarkKent because post a bug report on meta.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Thank you Owlman.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 That's because I'm not a 3k user yet.
But I was thinking it might be by design.
@Gigili You are not 3k, you are gigili. QED.
@Gigili ah okay. Still, you should have the same reasons as the grown-ups.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Right right.
@ClarkKent I'm not gigili for the same reason that you're not jasper.
@Gigili Good good.
@Robusto I would omit the second "its" for uniformity.
It's emphasizing the fact that the author was extremely angry or wtf-ery.
@Gigili Wow, wtf-ery is the new word of the year!
Yes, I hope you like it.
@ClarkKent you have no style.
Q: Which phrase is acceptable in American English?

MonicaWhy do some sources say that at the weekend is wrong, while other ones say it's correct? Which form is acceptable in American English? On Saturdays her sister Ann usually comes to stay with Mary on/at/for/over the weekend/s/. What are you going to do at/on/ for /over the weekend/s/? We are goin...

I think "My name is John" is an acceptable phrase in American English.
hmmmm, I don't know, it has undertones of prostitution about it
It'd be fine in British English
I hate for/at /on/over/none the weekend/s/.
hate is a transitive verb! it needs an object.
I hate tourists at/for/on/over/none the weekend(s)
@Gigili you failed to supply one
I hate weekends?
well, that's just unfortunate because there's one every week
At least it's grammatical and you failed to recognize it.
Q: Where can I learn to write more concisely?

leeand00Where can I learn to write more meaning in to fewer words, and still make what I write clearer?

Zero votes to close in 40 minutes.
Wow, that's his fourth question, all four got closed, three got deleted.
he seems to understand how SO works, yet he hasn't stopped to read our faq :(
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Unless your name isn't John. Then it's a lie.
Lies are not acceptable in American English? Don't let your politicians hear that.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 At least you can tell when they're lying, because their lips are moving.
What is the biggest issue/s you see on ELU?
@Gigili The biggest issue is that every single question gets closed then deleted.
Hahaha. Actually I have just deleted a dozen questions.
Get out of my head.
Then again, deleted questions is an issue you technically don't see.
No wonder the front page has so few closed questions right now :) I was like "wow, only 8/50 closed?!? Reg must be deleting them"
So who agrees that there is a difference between a bit, a little bit, and a little angry? english.stackexchange.com/questions/66977/…
In my mind, they all mean "angry, to some degree" and the degree is not really specified in any precise manner.
A: "A bit" vs. "a little bit" vs. "a little"

rudraThe three differ only in the degree of angriness. Here are the sentences in decreasing order of the same. He is a little angry. He is a bit angry. He is a little bit angry. The first two are interchangeable in the order. But the third one has the lowest degree of angriness.

Bah. What an unwieldly convoluted way to say, um, nothing.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 roselyne and others are helping, by bumping millenia-old questions onto the front page and pushing recent crap off of it.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 well, I check questions by "most recent" and never use the "Active" page
"Active" is just there for seo purposes
Ah okay.
Well get to 10k and you will start seeing deleted stuff all over the place.
gets to 10k
it's like a battle field, with deleted answers strewn across it
yeah I've been sitting at 9.4k forever.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I agree with the first part but I don't get what you mean by your last example?
@Gigili in my answer?
There's a difference if one says it in reply to the other?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Yes.
What I was getting at is that you can establish a contrast between two seemingly synonymous phrases by using them at the same time. Essentially, "little" and "bit" are synonyms, and by using "a little bit" you are reduplicating it for emphasis, making it smaller. But I'm pretty sure that only applies when you position "little bit" against "little" or "bit"
So if I came up to you and said "I'm a little bit hungry" or "I'm a bit hungry" you have no information to infer any difference between those two possible statements. But if I clarified "I'm a bit hungry" by saying "only a little bit hungry" then I'm emphasizing the smallness of the hunger.
sounds good to me
stomps little foot
watch it, or big foot'll be after you
Duplication of adjectives is used for emphasis quite a lot. "The fuel line was leaking, so I just got this small little piece of doohickey, and that fixed it right up."
Cf. teeny-tiny, teeny-weeny, itsy-bitsy, etc.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Makes perfect sense.
So thank you, jQuery people. The project lead looked at my re-styled pages and said "This is the best, most exciting thing you have done in the entire length of this project."
I wanted to cut off his penis, but I didn't.
He'd probably be like "what? what!? GAH, I needed that!"
But yeah, great. They look better enough to dupe people into thinking things are substantially different.
You could wear it like a little hat, and demand respect now that you have one.
I have several!
But I see what you mean. It's funny.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Uh, that too.
I could waggle it at people. Slap them in the face with it.
Except I don't think it's very big.
Slam it down on the table whenever someone talks down to you.
I can't express how I feel right now.
Happy that he liked your new work, and surprised at how little he valued your old work?
angry, even?
Something like that.
I put a coat of paint on it and suddenly I did something useful? WTF?
It reminds me of a story I read on thedailywtf.com
What a doucheknuckle.
some team was working on a flight combat simulator game. And it was a deathmarch and the project was doomed. But they brought in some new programmer and instead of working on assigned features he starts implementing new bling, like a camera mode where it follows the POV of the bombs, or something. And that dazzled the management so much that instead of cancelling the project they actually finished it.
@KitFox I will submit that customer testimonial to jQuery.com. And/or bash.org.
Q: Does he look like a bitch?

SouljackerSo, I was watching Pulp Fiction's classical Marcelus Wallace scene when I was struck by this question. Samuel L. Jackson asks the poor guy about Marcelus Wallace: Does he look like a bitch? Wouldn't the right sentence be Does he looks like a bitch? I know this is probably a lame ques...

Oh for ***** sake.
Do we get two of these per day now?
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Quick, before it hits the multi-collider.
> Another fun bug caused the enemy AI to do your work for you. A rogue enemy plane would suddenly reject his mother country and start shooting down his own teammates. That is, until his wings fell off the plane since he was firing his guns. Then he'd kamikaze his plane into the ground, which would launch the plane into outer space that the MicroProse executives probably didn't find nearly as funny as I do.
That's a nice story.
"Just keep looking at the birdie!"
That's what I should tell them.
@Robusto I do wonder, why the hell did he pick that exact sentence? Is that the first sentence with do-support he has come across? It's not even the first sentence with do-support in that particular movie.
Sounds fishy to me, to pick a sentence with bitch like that.
Maybe he is confused because he knows how to do a bitch but not how to look like a bitch.
Q: What meaning of "get" is in the "get paid" phrase?

PietroI know "get" has a lot of meanings in English but which one is used here? I know get is often used for describing change of a state, similalry to become. But is "get paid" this case? From what I know, when used with the verb in ING/ED state it means "begin with". Considering the change of state, ...

Haha, the question is filtered out for me.
This question grinds with me as well. He's doing it all wrong. He's trying to translate that phrase into his native tongue. This is not how you should go about learning a language.
The meaning of "get paid" is, "get paid". The meaning of "get" in that phrase is "get".
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 It's obvious what this question is designed to do.
At least he didn't pick "get laid."
@KitFox Anderson Silva holds all patents on those.
@KitFox but is on topic!
It's only on topic if the tags don't touch.
Actually we have a generic question about get vs. be somewhere.
draws diagram
Oh! I get it!
Q: Why is "to get" sometimes used where "to be" could be used?

Bruno RothgiesserWhy is "to get" sometimes used where "to be" could be used? Examples: "The video got uploaded to the web site." vs. "The video was uploaded to the web site." "He got thrown in the pool." vs. "He was thrown in the pool." "We got caught!" vs. "We were caught!" Is that usage correct?

Bah, I shouldn't have searched for that. Look what nonsense is linked from there:
Q: Use "get" or not?

gixdevWhat is the difference between these sentences? Your app may simply get lost Your app may simply lost

but "I'm going to be paid" doesn't mean the same as "I'm going to get paid"
or does it?
doesn't "get paid" imply the work hasn't been done yet?
Doesn't it?
@MattЭллен as per Kit's advice, replace the "p" with an "l" and I bet you won't care about the difference.
I want to get laid paid laid!
me too
You need a plaid?
I have one.
That's yours?
Not loyal to the queen, eh?
Anyhoo. Does get have a separate meaning in there? "Get paid" is one single token of meaning. No native speaker would split it up. What for?
I have a pair of boxers in that plaid.
Oh, well, depends on where I'm standing
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 "I'm gonna get paid"
Yes, so?
it's not the same as be
be is passive
I am not talking about be, honey.
"get paid" is active
I am talking about the question at hand.
Which hand?
"I am going to go and get money from those who owe it me"
"I am going to go and earn some money"
Well. Look at that. I suppose I should put that as an answer.
although it probably depends on the context
I have no idea whachcha talkin aboot, so knock yourself out.
I gotta commute in a couple minutes.
But seriously, four upvotes for "What is the difference between 'your app may get lost' and 'your app may lost'"? Bah. Bah. Bah.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Huh?
12 mins ago, by RegDwight ΒВBẞ8
Q: Use "get" or not?

gixdevWhat is the difference between these sentences? Your app may simply get lost Your app may simply lost

He even got an answer from nohat.
Which coincidentally is the only reason why it's still not deleted.
But I absolutely had to close it.
blah, I can't make the debt collection definition work. I give up
And I'm out. Laters.
Why the hell won't these stupid *&$#*^ divs float themselves?

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