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@Izanawistaria Sure, why not, if it's just frustration and not anger.
@Cerberus The French and English have their hierarchies of higher education.
I can't tell about the German system
Right, it could be argued that ENA is somewhat similar.
Science Po
And I think the English system has always had this focus on who's the best in class and such.
what is the French university that all the government people go through?
And expensive boarding schools.
Is that ENS?
'Public' schools.
right for the English it is the public schools and then Oxbridge
But at least I think tuition isn't as excessive in France?
In Germany, universities are free.
@Cerberus but the whole David Brooks whining about these things is so empty.
In Holland, tuition is always rising, but it's still accessible.
And you get very generous government loans.
The places you go book is to combat all the lack of self esteem.
Was he the author of that article? I forgot...
@Cerberus I think Europe is going in the direction of the American system. No 'tuition' but rising 'fees'.
@Mitch What?
@Cerberus Yes.
@Mitch 1. It is under American influence, yes, but I think fees or tuitions are still affordable everywhere but in England. 2. What's the difference between fees and tuition to you?
@Mitch Why empty?
In Holland, the system is different (you really don't need much money for anything), but the education system does still favour people with educated parents a lot, and society favours people with higher education. There is a kind of chasm between the lesser and higher educated, and it's becoming more pronounced.
Just one example: I tutor kids, and poor parents couldn't afford me ever.
@Cerberus 2) not much of a difference, that's the trouble
But I do also tutor kids for free through a government/school programme. So I feel less guilty. And I'm poor so I need it.
@Mitch I don't understand. To me, tuition is just a kind of fee?
Should I ask on Main?
tuition is the cost of being taught. fee;s are for 'ancillary' things. scholarships are for tuition. I guess loans could pay for tuition or fees in the US. I don't know.
I don't really understand that distinction you're making.
A fee is money you pay to get something. Tuition is a fee you pay to get education.
@Cerberus hmm I've heard the same for Germany, where they have three tracks: vocational, uh.. medium, and academic, but you have to choose early (10 yrs old?) and its hard to change later. and only if you know the system (like smart parents) can you get in early to the academic track
@Cerberus there's an 'academic.SE'
@Mitch That sounds somewhat similar, though I think that's exaggerated for Germany as well.
@Cerberus He's just making up stuff, or just rehashing tired cliches.
You choose between various tracks at 12, when you go to what we call intermediate school (you might call it middle-and-highschool). Although many intermediate schools have several (or all) tracks available, and in that case you try a track for 1 year, then choose which one you're going to follow for the rest of your stay there, which is until graduation.
What you need to do to get into a track is get a favourable assessment from your primary-school teacher, or score well in a test all kids take at 12.
If you're smart, your primary-school teacher will normally notice, and you will get the appropriate advice: the idea is that the tracks are solely based on intelligence or intellectual performance.
@Mitch Hmm so the dude is left with no girl. How sad.
@Izanawistaria OK I hadn't noticed, but it was the Github stuff that I responded to.
@Izanawistaria He doesn't know about the time travel thing. If he did he could have avoided all the trouble.
@Mitch Ha, that USA sucks? That's old news :-)
What news though? I know that ping wasn't for me, but still curious
@Cerberus Ah okay, and I just noticed the picture without the caption (at first)
@Cerberus So in the US it's a whole different thing. You don't choose at 12, or at start of high school, or at end of high school, and not always at the beginning of college (even in the sciences you can switch within college.)
@KannE Agreed
@Mitch Right, you're bunched up with children of various degrees of intelligence, and you need to score well in tests all the time, non?
@Izanawistaria all of it. if I were from outer space and scaning all the news services, I'd think: China..kinda weird, Europe is rich but they got their (first world) problems, holy shit stay away from Venezuela, man India is poor but they're looking up.
The US? Toxic. Stay away.
Those guys are screwing up everything now.
@Cerberus Doch
True that. Ha!
@Mitch Capito.
Australia and Canada are nice. New Zealand is cool too.
@Cerberus Sure at top schools, everybody has jumped the hurdles.
I do wonder why all of the Anglo-Saxon countries are so very right-wing a large part of the time. Compared to Europe.
When they have left-wing governments they're about average-to-right compared to Europe; but most of the time...
At large state schools, it is a big spread (public universities are much cheaper)
Harper, Key, the previous Australian PM...
Or perhaps it's difficult to compare them; there are so many factors.
@Mitch Well, I'm sure there are good things in USA too, of course.
Like its pizza
@Izanawistaria The orange juice
@Cerberus Well, sure, but it wasn't meant for them... It was written for the kid who has to move mountains to get ahead. The real problem here--the advantaged thinking everything is about them or for them all the time...but some really wonderful things--not theirs at all, just a kid's...with BIG obstacles, and hopes and dreams like everybody else.
@Mitch Yeah, that
Californian pizza etc.
@Izanawistaria Inexpensive/ethnic restaurants are really great
@KannE I'm not entirely sure what you mean, and I don't know this children's story; but I think the point about narcissism might be appropriate.
@Izanawistaria that's a thing? pizza from california?
@Izanawistaria No offence, but you're much better off with an Italian pizza!
@Mitch Oh, sorry, I guess I meant Chicago pizza. Or both?
Thin and non-spongey.
@Cerberus Ah yeah, there are many different types
@Cerberus That's cool. I'm not offended easily :-)
Also, I'm not an American so
@Izanawistaria The thing they call Chicago style pizza is very good. very rich. But as someone who likes New York style pizza (thin), I consider the Chicago style to only be like pizza, but not actually pizza.
I have opinions
I contain multitudes
many multitudes
So I hear, yeah
Also, ice cream
I think every body does their own ice cream very well.
@Izanawistaria A good character trait.
each has their super good specialties
@Cerberus Thanks!
except for England
what's wrong with them?
Why can't they just try to have good food?
They have nice accent
I like Canadian accent too, can't remember from which part though.
I'll give them that
Well, American accents are usually nice too, except the southern ones (to me at least)
@Mitch Don't say that in the Cooking room!
I've said it often enough.
I dislike southern American accents. Not dislike, I mean it is not that pleasant to hear.
@Izanawistaria Really? I've heard that most non-Americans think that the general American accent is awful in their language.
I don't want to generalize much though, I mean don't want to cross anyone by mistake.
some southern accents are nice, but others can be... hard to bear
@Izanawistaria Opinions aren't facts (but now that I say that out loud, it sounds like that could be abused by jerks)
@Mitch Ha, well... just too shy to say shitty things about a place at once, so just trying to be nice ;-)
no big thing.
Except for English cooking.
That stuff... ew
They make good tea
But then who doesn't
...that comes from other places
@Izanawistaria some make good chocolate. some don't
Oh, I meant "have", not "make". Still make some mistakes.
I should have written "have" right?
OMG that's one thing wrong with the US. Chocolate. That Hershey's stuff is nasty. Like they intentionally put something ... off ... into the mix
"make" sounds like "grow" in that context
Name one good food that the English make/have/whatever
We forgot to mention Cornish pasties
Hm... not sure (not sure I've had them) they sound good. Is cheese involved?
hm yeah...toast is good
is that England particular though?
shepard's pie... OK
Nah, meat, potatoes etc.
without green peas.
That's just me
deep fried mars bars
never had them
sounds like diabetes on a stick
probably worth it though
I'm still straining to think of anything reasonable.
I know about food, but I'm pretty thin myself. I just don't like to eat much.
I mean unlike many I don't eat when I'm bored etc. for example, that's a recipe for being thin and keeping the body that way, at least my recipe
@Mitch Gin is nice
I didn't meant thin, I mean healthy. Ugh, the English words confuse me.
Thin sounds like I'm vomitting everything I'm eating
@Cerberus Toilet paper becomes narcissistic if you give it to a narcissist...or whatever they can wipe their mess on...but, generally, everybody else just considers it sh*tty or not.
@KannE What's in your avatar? Is it a candy?
@Mitch We forgot to mention movies. American movies are awesome. And its universities (some) albeit expensive.
I have got to go now.
@Izanawistaria Avatar meaning profile pic, I assume. A hand exerciser ball that I received from my husband on Valentine's Day, ha-ha...because I injured myself while trying not to drop a heavy suitcase on a jumpy, screaming toddler on an airplane...so not as sexy as it seems.
Oh, speaking of movies, I said I liked Let Me In, but I meant Let the Right One In--love that one, Swedish not American.
@Izanawistaria Then go to England
@Izanawistaria Yeah, American movies are on the whole pretty well made
The research universities are pretty good at the graduate level. undergrad just as good as elsewhere (modulo the large spread of quality of the students)
2 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL in title, bad NS for domain in body, bad NS for domain in title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, +5 more: lumalifteye.com/biodermrx/ by lalluadams on english.SE
1 hour later…
@Mitch Thanks, Mitch!
@Mitch My second new sounding curiosity was actually new-ish: books.google.com/ngrams/…
2 hours later…
@Cerberus Couldn't agree more.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, link at end of answer, potentially bad keyword in answer: Letter writing: Refering to enclosed items by james carter on english.SE
1 hour later…
Guys, have you ever heard of the verb "to clobber" or "it's clobbering time" phrase? I assume the last one came from a comics book about Hulk. I wonder how well-known are this verb and phrase.
2 hours later…
Q: China Premium Low Casserole Detachable Handle manufacturers

dwp123pOur History Zhejiang Besco Cookware Co.,Ltd, engaged in non-stick aluminum cookware in 2008. With many years development, Besco Cookware has become one of the most professional aluminum cookware manufacturer in China. The company insists that the development lies in the progress of technology, in...

please any suggestion how to write this kind of email ?
1 hour later…
@MacPherson I don't think either of clobber or It's X(ing) time is obscure.
Clobber ranks 30720th in the iWeb corpus. I leave it to you to decide whether that counts as common or not.
1 hour later…
@Færd That's higher than I expected.
What's the average number of words an Englishman knows?
Isn't it around 20,000 or something?
Apparently, it's around 20,000–35,000.
And this:
> In a separate post, though, comes a surprising fact: the reading of fiction specifically is as important as reading generally [for the size of one's vocabulary]. People who read "lots" and fiction "lots" outscore those who read "lots" but fiction only "somewhat" or "not much". This is because a wider range of vocabulary is typically used in fiction than in non-fiction writing.
@Cerberus Does that include 'made-up' English words?
@bertieb Hah!
I suppose you would learn nonce words from bad fiction, why not!
Increase your vocabulary at all cost!
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive answer detected, potentially bad keyword in answer, toxic answer detected: 'That's a good one, isn't it/that?' -- Question Tag after Demonstratives by Mike on english.SE
@Cerberus Yeah, but look at its neighbors: non-cancerous, government-funded, notched.
By this mechanical definition of word I guess an average native English speaker know a lot more than twenty or thirty thousand words.
Plus, if I know a word, then your average native speaker will most probably know it as well.
So yes, clobber wouldn't sit so high in a sensible ranking.
@Cerberus For some reason, that's how exactly I'd've expected the result to turn out.
(correction: "If I know an informal word, then ...')
@Færd Ah, yes, that is somewhat misleading.
@Færd I don't believe that at all!
@Færd Yes, not at all surprising, of course.
@Færd Hmm, informal, okay.
But would you call clobber informal?
Q: Word for "induce someone to disavow an idea"

Alexander MillerWhat word would you use in the following context: We need to [word] him from the idea that he can buy it at that price I believe there's a word that exactly describes the idea of getting someone to abandon an idea, and I believe it starts with "dis-". Would "divorce" work in this context?

> An Americanism dating back to 1940–45; origin uncertain
I've never thought about it; I think I subconsciously assumed some conexion to club.
You can club or clobber someone.
1 hour later…
@Cerberus Some dictionaries say it is. It's certainly non-academic.
@Cerberus Speaking of subconscious assumptions, I'm somewhat surprised that you could severely penalize someone without sticking any penises in them.
@Færd Ah, but it should be poenalise.
Non-academic, yes.
I'll believe that.
@Færd the inhabitants of penal institutions are all dicks
Hi guys. What's the topic of discussion today? Or are we free-associating?
@KannE Yes, avatar is the fancier word.
@Mitch my brain automatically appended the implied asterisk: *aside from the not-insignificant fraction there due to a miscarriage of justice, etc
@bertieb Not to mention all the perpetrators of victimless crlmes. Any oxymoron, if there ever was one.
In the US, you can get time by having plant material in your possession.
@FaheemMitha Indeed! I very nearly double-asterisk'd **and those there are a result of policy decisons, not because they negatively affected someone else
@bertieb double-asterisk'd?
A really great way to frame someone. Put a plant in his/her pocket. Or in their home. I wonder how often that happens.
But I think this is a tangent, courtesy of @Mitch.
@FaheemMitha The message you first replied to was but a single asterisk :)
Though a tangent does imply there was a direction in the first place.
@bertieb I see.
@FaheemMitha Today it's strictly arthropod aerodynamics. Why?
Okay, okay, we'll make an exception for arthropod hydrodynamics. Just this once.
@bertieb I don't get it. This is not a penis pun.
Nor a dick joke. Or a cock crack. or a weiner witticism.
looks in thesaurus
or a prick prank
or a pecker caper
or a phallus farce
or a johnson jest
or a willy whimsy
or a putz parody
@Cerberus arthropod aerodynamics?
or a male sex organ humorous retort
I'm not following any of this. But sensible discussions seem thin on the ground right now.
@FaheemMitha Today is 'Talk about things' Tuesday. All day.
@KannE If you like foreign then you will most definitely like In a Better World, it is a Academy Award winning Danish film and totally worth the time.
@Mitch Things, including flying spiders, apparently.
@FaheemMitha Go on...
@Mitch Go where?
Continue with that topic
@Mitch Ha. You gay?
Just being facetious
@Izanawistaria nice.
@Mitch Flying spiders? I don't have anything to say on that topic, except that the idea does not enthuse me.
I mean, it's better than flying cockroaches, marginally.
@FaheemMitha Wow...really?
@Mitch I mean I know you are the Lord and the room owner and the all mighty being here.
not that flying cockroaches are any great thing
@Izanawistaria only one of many
And the real landlord and the real lord of the rings.
Look deeper into the palantir
So "landlord" is one word. I didn't realise that
@Mitch Meaning?
@Izanawistaria unless you are more literally a lord of some land
@Izanawistaria Mitch is the room owner? How terrifying.
@Mitch Now I have a word for it on the tip of my brain
Dork, IIRC
@FaheemMitha sigh
read the whole transcript
4 mins ago, by Mitch
@Izanawistaria only one of many
@Mitch Must I?
@Mitch By "only" you mean you want to be a room owner of other rooms too?
How about a topic that someone with a functioning brain could appreciate?
BTW, @bertieb, how's the hand?
@FaheemMitha Not too bad thanks :) Going to fracture clinic tomorrow morning to have the wires taken out (hopefully!) and will see what they have to say about it
@bertieb I hope it goes well.
@bertieb I hope it recovers soon. How are you typing then?
The dork = penis reference I was searching for in my head I think came from my copy of an annotated Calvin and Hobbes; Bill Waterson got some mail about it
@Izanawistaria @FaheemMitha Thanks. Carefully :P In all seriousness, I'm using the other 8 fingers
5 on L hand and mostly ring finger in place of index on R
@bertieb Don't the fractured ones hurt when you are using the hand?
@bertieb Hmm you type fast. Awesome.
@FaheemMitha Sometimes aye, if I bump or press them against something by mistake
Or if I catch the protruding bits of wire (they have dressings over them but still)
@bertieb I thought just with the surrounding motion.
@Izanawistaria Many many years of practice :P
There are also voice recognition thingies I hear, you could use them too I think?
@FaheemMitha Ah right, from that point of view they're pretty much fine
@Izanawistaria Yes but those would be slower and less accurate
But the software mistype things too
@bertieb Ok.
I figured, yeah
I think my brain has rewired quite well, so I'll probably have a speed drop when I can use them again
With all this fine motor control, I always wonder why I find learning to play the piano so tricky
@Izanawistaria Mostly Dragon, I think. But probably not worth it for temporary situation.
@FaheemMitha Yes true
You'd think some of the skill would be transferable
But OTOH you can't hit backspace on a piano :P
I think Dragon works pretty well once you are used to it. But it probably requires quite a lot of practice.
I have no first-hand experience, but I've heard.
To be honest, Google's autogenerated captions are scarily accurate on my YT videos
I hear it is OK
Given that those aren't done with voice recognition in mind
(mostly chatter over VOIP)
Or you could just use a phone, it just requires thumbs
@bertieb I've not found them so. The autp-generated captions, I mean.
I suck at typing with my thumbs
Dear Mr. Robot..."disinvite"...but that probably won't work..."disenfranchise"...or "disseminate"--as cancer through a colon..."discombobulate"--yep, that's it. [sbnation.com/2012/1/18/2713941/rip-sporting-bobs ]
Q: What is the differnce between "another two" "two more" and "two other"

YoungLike I say "there are two more or two other people were arrested", dose them have any different meaning or implication?

@FaheemMitha What is your question, exactly?
Unless it is about arthropod aerodynamics, I'm afraid I can't answer.
Don't cockroaches fly already?
Spiders can be deadly. Do you really want them flying around and in your face?
I say, no!
No, to flying spiders!
We must make a stand.
What do they say here from 00:29 to 00:34? I can't understand youtu.be/9z36WDj2PcU?t=29
@Curio "Chief ... Can anyone help me?" is what I hear
And other voices but incomprehensible
@bertieb Do you mean at 00:30?
Around then
@bertieb Instead I've understood "Chief, leave me"
@Curio There could be a "leave me" in my ellipsis, sure
Not sure the fidelity is high enough to definitely say for sure
(brain speech audio processing is pretty cool, but can be quite janky at times)
There are some interesting audio 'illusions' out there
Don't have any at my (functional) fingers tips at present
@bertieb What about at 00:32? I hear "Free, call right now" but it doesn't make sense
@Curio "Hurry, call back now"
More likely to be "Hurry, call right now", but I hears whats I hears
I think you're right
I agree it sounds like "free" or "hreeee" but my brain probably reconstructs what it thinks is supposed to be there
What about the voice immediately before?
Which is lower
@Curio "Marines! Fall back now!"
@Curio "Chief"
@Izanawistaria That makes even more sense
@bertieb After that "Chief, leave me/ Can anyone help me" there is another voice
@Curio From 00:29 to 0035:
> Cortana: "Chief, leave me!"
Marine #1 (radio): "Is anyone out there?"
Marine #2 (radio): "Chief!"
Cortana (faintly): "Chief!"
Sergeant Johnson (faintly): "Chief!"
Marine #3 (radio): "Marines! Fall back now!"
Sergeant Johnson (radio): "Any sign of the Chief?"
Marine #4 (radio): "Negative, Sir. I think we lost him."
Master Chief: (looking up at incoming mortars, pulls out bubble shield ) "Not yet."
It's on Google @Curio
Search it :-)
What have you searched?!
@Curio This
The whole transcript of the Halo 3 Trailer is there
"Can anyone help me?" → "Is anyone out there?" welp, I was... not very close :P
Doh! Thanks!
@Cerberus Just an expression of incredulity.
@Cerberus Some spiders are. Regardless, it doesn't sound appealing.
@FaheemMitha wha?
@Mitch Exactly.
Q: How can I describe someone that acts like they don't care about others opinions, but does.

Aiyana DaiberI am writing a book and this character cares about his friends but doesn't like to show it, he acts like he doesn't care about them, but in privet he is like a dad to them. He wants to protect them but he doesn't want to ruin his reputation as a bad boy.

@Cerberus Right, the way it's spelled in subpoena.
But then I would've had to spell the other word poenis in order for my unfunny pun to work.
BTW, guess what real subpoenas are!
Correct. Balls. Unless you walk on your hands.
@Færd Exactly.
@Færd See, this is why the Romans spelled those words differently.
how is it going with you ?

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