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@Mitch Huh, maybe I have the taste of tarragon wrong, then.
@Færd It is difficult to value killings by numbers.
But we are should be cautiously optimistic about Africa in the mid-long term.
@Cerberus I don't think the tastes are that close, just that the species are in the same genus or family, whereas basil and mint are in another genus together.
or something like that
don't hold me to any of this
Income fluctuates a bit: I believe there was a recession after 2010 in Africa as well, but they have recovered, too.
@Mitch Hmm but I believe tarragon has more 'flaccid' leaves?
Tarragon is the one that makes your mouth pleasantly sizzle for a while.
@Cerberus did you see the maps of toilet coverage in india, from 2014 vs 2018?
maybe that was a poor choice of words.
@Mitch Do you like it? We've almost finished Star Trek Enterprise.
@Cerberus wiki is not helping me with the species part.
@Mitch Wide coverage?
They must have a lot of cleaning up to do, then.
I think we should all go to our spice racks and have a taste test
I don't have tarragon.
uh oh...I only have this thing called 'Italian herb mix' with: thyme and rosemary and oregano etc.
It's going to take me awhile to separate
@Cerberus I like it a lot. it's hard scifi where accuracy/realism is important, but also the plots are all about interna-...sorry, interplanetary relations.
@Mitch Oh, dear.
I don't think any of those tastes the same when dried.
Spread a sheet.
Throw the mix onto the sheet.
Good luck!
@Mitch OK and I hope it isn't too close to present society/culture?
The AIDS epidemic seems to be past its worst.
@Cerberus I only got to about the start of season 3 of Enterprise. It was OK. not terrible. I liked how the did the 'explanation' of the development of some technologies: the transporter, the universal translator, no replicator at all.
It's not excellent, no.
But at least they don't have holodecks.
Any time travel junk?
I guess they understood how everybody hated holodeck episodes.
@Færd A few, alas. But not that many.
I'm so glad we agree on this.
@Cerberus hm... hard to tell. It is fiction, so what they make up is only thinly veiled allegory about 'now' sorts of things.
Nor do they have many other 'alternate reality' episodes.
I've done a terrible thing.
@Cerberus I never got into TNG.
@Cerberus Good for the watchers.
Yeah the holodeck is like magic inside of magic inside of magic
@Cerberus What?
When we finished Voyager, I actually made a spreadsheet counting the percentages of 'alternate reality' episodes.
I feel like a stupid Star Trek nerd.
And I don't even think it's a good series.
@Cerberus That is your terrible thing?
@Mitch That was the only thing that that on television when we were young.
The only thing? Or the only thing your parents would allow you to watch?
@Færd Yes. At least they got that right. And there are no infuriatingly annoying characters such as Neelix.
@Cerberus You have no choice but to analyse and respond to your input, no matter how awful it is.
@Mitch The only thing except various German channels.
@Færd Alas, yes.
You have some choice in what your input is.
@Cerberus You have to have one character for watchers to identify with
I don't exercise that choice wisely, so no advice from me.
It's not that terrible anyway.
Not as terrible as me watching FRIENDS.
@Mitch Ouch!
@Cerberus German TV seems to cater to a bunch of retirees, with shows about retirees. Or at least the characters are so 'mature' to be retirees
So it was 40%, the episodes where some form of alternate reality was an important plot device.
@Cerberus haha
@Mitch It was just that we only had satellite television, and my father aimed the dish at a German satellite because he loves documentaries about WW2.
like no one ever identifies with the doctor, or the hot alien chick, or the cowboy fighter pilot from Tennessee
@Cerberus What is it with dads?
The doctor was nice?
@Cerberus he was a hologram
and was self conscious about that
and a little annoying
but neelix was the nerd
In Community S03E04 alternate reality is used to the best effect ever. Hilarious comic touch, which arrives at a beautiful conclusion.
@Mitch I have made a spreadsheet detailing 172 episodes of Voyager. Do you think I didn't know that?
who still had the manic pixie dreamgirl girlfirend whose life spane was only a few months.
@Færd Not Voyager, I presume?
Haha no. It's a different series.
@Cerberus I am not trying to tell you how to suck eggs (metaphorically. in real llife I'd just send you a link to a youtube video)
That God we're not real.
Just blips in a pipe.
@Færd which one was that?
The trivial pursuits one?
@Cerberus a smoking pipe?
@Mitch The one where the pizza guy buzzes and Jeff throws a dice to see who should get the door.
or a water waste pipe
@Mitch An Internet pipe.
It produces six different timelines.
@Cerberus oh. electrons
@Cerberus How does that make you unreal?
Wow. They must have made a concerted effort to get their shit together.
1) toilet coverage - I find this entirely unbelievable. 100% is hardly the case in Europe/US. and going from less than 50% to above 90% is insane. I'm going to be ungracious and say that someone is doctoring the numbers.
@Færd They had to push real hard
@Færd No flesh and blood.
@Cerberus Your flesh and blood is really only made of elementary particles
@Mitch I think they're doing something wrong if everything is covered in it.
mass is energy
@Cerberus How is being flesh and blood any more real than being a condensed set of info bits and such?
all is one
@Mitch NOU
the great chain of being
@Færd Because I say so?
@Mitch Haha.
@Færd That was too easy. Don't let him get away with all that without a fight
@Færd I'm really straining for more puns
@Mitch OK just for you then.
I find it funny when people say I'm (not) real because this and that.
@Mitch Don't try to hard. If they come, they'll come.
@Færd Which is why I said it.
What you're trying to say isn't real is your direct experience of self, and the unreal nature you want to ascribe to it is no more than a bunch of thougts.
No thoughts match real direct experience. We are what we are.
I didn't say the blip didn't have an experience of self.
You didn't.
If it's chatting like this, it very well may have.
But you tried to value reality by presenting an image of it: a blip.
Reality has no image.
Images are unreal.
I'm really sick of myself.
@Færd Whoa there. Back up. What?
They're just imaginary.
made images are somewhat unreal
but an image that is a reflection, not made by hand, is pretty real
I was talking about imagination.
those are real too
you mean your communication of those thoughts?
@Færd Why?
Why aren't thoughts real?
Nor images?
@Mitch On their own, they have their reality. But they are not the reality of what they are images of.
The reality of a thing is not in its image. It's in itself.
Having a metaphysical moment, are we?
If you want to define metaphysics that way.
@FaheemMitha Nope, we're stil discussing the Indian toilet problem
It's just moved on to details
Somebody unstarred my pun.
Indian toilet problem?
yeah. not problems with Indian toilets, but toilet problems in India
15 mins ago, by Mitch
user image
@Færd True.
it's a fine distinction but there it is
Faheem will love this...
@Færd What flight of fancy is this?
It's a flight of fancy by government officials in India is what I say.
@FaheemMitha I dunno. You tell me.
@Mitch Source?
@Færd That figure would not be out of place in "Nineteen Eighty-Four"
in three years going from 45% to 100% in Gujarat?
Reminds me of that Slumdog Millionaire scene.
But they did have a toilet there.
@Færd The dance scene at the railway station?
@FaheemMitha The workout scene in the meat locker?
@FaheemMitha No the one where the boy was locked in a toilet and had to jump in the shit hole to be able to reach this actor and ask him for an autograph.
@Mitch Oh. I've not actually seen the film.
@Færd I see. Sounds like fun.
"Slumdog Millionaire" is set in Bombay, correct?
@FaheemMitha haha... I was giving the scene in Rocky where he uses the side of beef as a punching bag.
You see, the toilet was mounted on top of a hole, so you took your dump and it would alight in the whole.
I don't remember which city it was.
I watched it only to have something to talk about with this friend of mine who was crazy about it.
@Mitch That's funny. There are people on that thread who actually believe that figure.
They must have had really sheltered lives. And clearly have never been to India.
That would make for a fantastic improvement speed tho.
You carried on like that, you'd reach the stars in no time.
Apparently Maharashtra went from 56.43% to 95.99%. In three years. Excuse me while I roll on the floor laughing.
I think someone with a sense of humor just made the whole thing up. Anyway.
@FaheemMitha yeah, there are some there who are septical at least
haha..freudian slip
@FaheemMitha I think a lot of low level gov officials made up stuff.
there's a quote...
There might be some truth to it? And it doesn't say that anyone who didn't have toilets in their homes didn't use toilets. Maybe they used shared ones.
You should always look for the source of a graph, diagram, or figure.
@Færd No.
If none is mentioned, be sceptical.
If something this scale was going on, it would be very noticeable.
Yeah the figures are clearly fictitious.
In India it's mostly about the rich getting richer, and the poor getting poorer.
can't find the quote. Thought it was by Quetelet something like "you can set up your experiment, your data features, and methodology with the precision of an eye surgeon, but something something relies on the whim of a petty lowlevel government official"
sounded better in my half memory
The poor are getting richer, too.
Or at least the median income is rising.
Impressive results on the part of China.
@Cerberus Do you instantly Google these as the subjects come up and fish them out? Or do you look them up in specific places (Wikipedia etc)?
@Færd I just use Google Images.
Nice trick. I didn't use Google Images to get data like that.
Oh, I've always done that.
@Færd China has changed a lot in the past 20 years
It's quick because you don't have to visit web pages.
Good to know it works for that purpose too.
Lots of movement from poor rural areas to the big cities
@Færd And I have various userscripts and bookmarklets so that I can view all images in full size on the same page if I want. Otherwise, you have to click on each image and wait for it to load.
@Mitch But such migration is often forbidden.
It's not very easy.
@Mitch I get "You have already voted, but the voting has been cleared by a moderator"
@Mitch That's well said, whoever said it.
@Færd google images is nice. if you pick the right keywords, all you have to do is scan the pictures to see one that is nice
@Cerberus It's easy when the government incentivizes it. which is what they've been doing more recently
Now that urbanites are having too few babies...
Maoism and the sanctity of the common farmer is old news.
@Cerberus Don't believe everything you see in the net. Or anywhere else, for that matter.
@Cerberus So you don't have to go to the site to get the URL of an image?
@FaheemMitha I believe it's common knowledge.
@Færd Indeed not.
@Cerberus What is?
Whatever your line referred to.
China is communist only in name (and in keeping the same old old people in the government)
Not entirely.
Again, that Indian graph looks like nonsense to me.
I think we've established that.
I think they still have affordable healthcare, education, etc. And government-owned or directed big business.
India hasn't changed much since 1990. If anything, it's more unequal. Population is way, way up.
It didn't amount to much more than a couple jokes from the start.
Social mobility is virtually zero.
@FaheemMitha That isn't relevant to median income.
@Cerberus It isn't?
@Cerberus mmm...not so sure. it's not a welfare state. I don't think the healthcare that you get for free is that good.
China is a bit more believable, but even there, I suspect that graph is wildly inaccurate.
@Mitch It's supposed to make you tough and harden your skin.
@FaheemMitha No.
> Compared to other countries, income inequality in India is relatively small as measured by Gini coefficient. India had a Gini coefficient of 32.5 in the year 1999- 2000;[9] India's nominal Gini index rose to 36.8 in 2005, while real Gini after tax remained nearly flat at 32.6.[10]
The problem with all stuff is that it's very hard to get accurate data. Particularly in places like India.
@FaheemMitha I've been reading things about how social mobility in the US is much less than the other OECD countries (can't remember how it compared to India or China)
@Cerberus What is your source? Is this Wikipedia?
@Færd That's not very good for the acupuncture-industrial complex
@FaheemMitha There are people who have studies such problems for decades. They know how to make best-effort estimates.
@Cerberus but wikipedia data is questionable.
I don't think India's Gini coefficient is that high, because most people are really poor. But the Gini coefficient isn't some sort of Oracle, anyway.
very questionable
@Cerberus Ok, now that's funny.
I think you're seriously missing the point. Getting good data in India is extremely hard.
@FaheemMitha it's a respected measure (but of course the input data may be problematic)
oh. that's what you're saying
@Mitch It's just one number, at the end of the day. I'm not saying it's a bad measure.
But one number can't possibly hope to capture much of anything.
It's like IQ, another number people think means a lot. Which is doesn't.
There are ways to estimate the margins of error in studies like that.
And getting income information in India is particularly hard, because so much of the economy is underground. No idea about China.
@Færd Sure, and it helps to have magical powers, too.
I don't think you could say there has never been a stastical study about the people of India.
I can believe China is much more orderly. It's a pretty totalitarian place.
@Færd Of course there have been.
But one is entitled to look at numbers and exercise a little common sense.
If the numbers look unbelievable, they probably are.
> Wealth per adult:

India Year End 2000 Average $2,036 Median $498.00

Pakistan Year End 2000 Average $2,399 Median $1,025

India Mid-2016 Average $3,835 Median $608

Pakistan Mid-2016 Average $4,595 Median $1,788
@FaheemMitha Those numbers look quite believable to me.
@Cerberus Hmm. That information is basically important to get.
Any developing country that isn't, like, torn by civil war will experience an increase in median income if average income rises rapidly, even if the former rise is much slower than the latter.
For example, do you know what proportion of India pays taxes? Now, that's a statistic that's easy to get.
@FaheemMitha If those studies reported their results accompanied with valid estimation of error margins then I tend to trust them more than the feeling an individual gets from their limited experience.
@Færd Shrug. Everyone should make their own decisions about what to believe.
But I don't know the first thing about India, so I proceed no further.
I'll also just point out that I do have a degree in statistics. So I do know what estimation means.
In other words, even though the rich profit more from economic growth than the poor, and income inaequality rises, the poor generally still profit to some degree.
@Cerberus That sounds like an article of faith. Also, Reaganomics.
It's just what you see in most studies.
Exceptions are always possible.
In a place rather different from India, namely the United States, it's well established that wages for much of the population have been stagnant for decades.
It's a major bone of contention.
Only real wages, and that is a completely different situation.
In the US, they actually do have good records, comparatively speaking.
@Cerberus Of course. We're talking real wages.
It's not a developing country with a stable government where average income rises rapidly over a long period of time.
And the rich have been doing rather well over the last few decades, in the US.
@Cerberus India isn't a developing country. That's fantasy. It's a barely keeping up with things country.
I disagree.
The "developing" is just some nonsense that some people came up with to make the general populace feel good about things.
@Cerberus The average rose faster than the median in India.
@Cerberus You really should read some serious Indian press. Try Frontline.
Frontline is a fortnightly English language magazine published by The Hindu Group of publications from Chennai, India. R Vijaya Sankar is the editor-in-chief of the magazine. As a current affairs magazine, it covers domestic and International news. Frontline gives a prominent place to various issues of development and hindrances in the Indian states. Apart from topics of politics and political economy, it also covers a wide range of topics including Arts, books, cinema, Science and English language. == History == Frontline was first published in December 1984. It was originally intended to be a...
One of the few serious Indian periodicals. I was thinking of subscribing, but haven't yet.
Care to share some data that would counter those of Cerb and disprove his claim?
Oh you just said it's impossible to gather sensible data on Indians.
@Færd Not really, no. Just what I see and hear around me.
@Færd It's very, very, hard.
India is an extremely chaotic place.
@Færd Yes: inaequality is rising.
@FaheemMitha But I can't build a wide picture based on that.
But conditions in Indian villages are very very bad. And most of India is the villages.
@Færd I wasn't suggesting you could.
I do talk to poor Indians quite a lot. The stories I hear are very consistent.
It's also worth noting that the current govt is very pro-big business, and very corporate friendly.
Look, you're wrong.
The BJP, I mean.
It's all cities.
@Cerberus LOL
Those aren't the kinds of people who are going to be address inequality.
And you can also look at the track record of Modi and the people round him. They are a really nasty bunch.
A 30% increase in 15 years.
@Cerberus I can discern some things there in a background of people.
Have any of you been following the Aadhaar card business?
@FaheemMitha I know.
@Færd Oh?
@FaheemMitha Yes.
It's very indicative of the kind of people who run India's govt.
It's pretty bad, not only for privacy, but also for the general functioning of government, food stamps and other stuff in villages not getting distributed.
@Cerberus Among other things. But my point was about attitude.This isn't the behavior of people who care about the poor. This is the behavior of people who care about coercion and control.
I know.
The Finance Minister seems like a particularly horrible specimen.
Even so, most countries have had semi-bad governments all throughout history.
Anyway, things in a place like India don't just happen by themselves. They happen via determined effort. And if the govt isn't going to do anything, it's down to social movements.
And yet the situation is improving now in most countries.
Including India.
And social movements are difficult in a place with as fractured a society as India.
@Cerberus Again, an article of faith.
No, of observation, study, and analysis.
As good an estimation as it gets.
@Cerberus I don't see how that is possible, unless you have god-like powers.
You have observational and academic powers.
If you're going to bring in philosophical doubt, then we know nothing and any discussion is pointless.
@FaheemMitha I don't believe that
ba dum tiss!
I think Faheem is abandoning objective evaluation here by pronouncing it impossible.
He doesn't even say how impossible it is.
If I wanted to evaluate the current situation in my country and the direction it's headed based on the way I felt about it, then I would describe it no more than an earthly hell where everyone's doomed to eternal damnation.
But.. that's not true. Notwithstanding the way I feel about it.
OK..let's calm down everybody. Let's get back to discussing something we can all agree about.
Indian toilets
They really got their bowdlerized together
@Færd Indeed not.
someone made that joke already?
@Mitch That's tish I believe.
But why do you feel so desperate about it? Don't you see some slow progress, despite looming threats?
@Færd my cymbals are getting old
That's not a metaphor for anything
@Cerberus I don't possess those Godlike powers that enables me to detach from all this chaos and sit back and take averages that smooths any troubles out.
I don't think God has those powers
The current instability is taking its toll on me. I should be able to recover, but it's hard.
He seems pretty angry all the time
But you do see no Ahmadinejad.
@Mitch Oh. Sorry.
And you see dropping headscarves.
And rising Internet access.
@Cerberus Just being able to pronounce his name is half the job
Let's not talk about Iran.
@Cerberus Racy!
We all see threats and worrying developments in our own countries.
@Færd Nice. Back to Indian toilets
@Cerberus Oh? Go on..
@Mitch Man you have constipation.
@Mitch You don't?
@Færd or an unnatural interest in other peoples regularity (or lack thereof)
@Cerberus I was asking you
no fair turning it around
Look man I can talk about American poop all day, but I was asking you.
So what kinds of toilets do they use in India?
squat toilets?
@Mitch What are you asking, exactly?
4 mins ago, by Cerberus
We all see threats and worrying developments in our own countries.
You are asking what threats I see in my country?
That would be a good question.
Well, many different threats.
Some shared with other countries, such as the rise of social media and its effects, like bubbles, polarisation, superficiality, aggression.
@Cerberus (I thought you stopped there)
But there are also three groups that I feel are getting a bit more extreme of late.
Ah, haha.
And I think all three are doing so partly under foreign influence.
How much of the political spectrum do they occupy?
The far right is growing somewhat stronger, partly from an indigenous tradition, partly in a European current, and partly influences by Americanisation.
@Færd So far, relatively small parts.

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